Ascension Timeline Thus Far

This is a timeline of events around this planetary ascension effort, that is, what’s already happened.

Good frickin’ luck at predicting much of anything ahead of time as this entire situation has been EXTREMELY dynamic and not only are we talking about a world full of free-will humans here, but also issues above the veil that have played into all this.

This is just a quick summary.  If some of what is said here intrigues you, then read upcoming articles for details.

This is mostly just the numbers of individuals and where they are in their progress.  It’s just some way to gauge where this ascension project is at.  It’s a rather profound yet quick and big picture way.  It’s profound, because… it’s about, like I said, individuals and where they are in their progress.  Nothing makes a more profound impact towards assisting this ascension than individuals knocking out / completing their own healing and ascension work, the more the merrier.

If you’re new to ascension you may want to just skim or skip this for now.

The bulk of this I put in writing in July of 2014.  God helped me with a more exact timing of some behind-the-scenes events, many of which I was aware of before putting this together, but not all of it and not as pinpointed time-wise.

Late 2009 / Early 2010
Those of us who were ready / the forerunners / the Original ~145,000, after years of doing our own personal “general healing“, as I like to call it, were finally allowed to move forward into our own personal ascension process.

Early 2011
The bulk of us ascension forerunners were done with our personal ascension process.

Through 2011
We forerunners assisted Gaia in transmutation work to ready her for ascension.
I’m told that there was plenty of, again I’ll use my term, “general healing” work done FOR / WITH Gaia over many years prior, but that this transmutation work, which I refer to here, was for Gaia what our (forerunners’) personal ascension work through 2010 had been and could only be performed by those of us who had done our intense personal ascension work.  There weren’t many of us.  Read on…
(For me this transmutation work for Gaia often equated to major clearing work every time there was a hurricane or major earthquake or similar as Gaia released and we transmuted.)

~ 305,000 ready for ascension which includes:
>160,000 “avatar / yogi” types (for lack of better words) who really never did don the consciousness veil, but came to be in human form and hold the light in the world
~145,000 ascension-ready who went through their / our ascension process before others.  After I recorded this number I had my own ah-ha moment realizing this is just above 144,000, which I’ve always known was not a fixed number, but a bare minimum.  This is the group that I refer to as “forerunners”.  We ARE “the 144,000.”  Nope, not in an air-headed, pipe-dream, full-of-oneself (in a negative sense) kinda way.  We’re IT!  This was not the first time that this was brought to my attention and yet this is the point where I couldn’t possibly deny it anymore.  And no, the whole 144,000 gig is not at all like what the Bible thumpers have to say about, not in description, not in timing, not in how we have served.  No surprise there.  Pretty much through the entire history of humanity… you’ve been sold a lie and worse yet, you bought it.

Feb. 2012
Announcement that 4D hologram (the Dome) was created by those on ascension path who were not pushing through to full ascension completion.

We forerunners continue to flood the world with light.

I’m told we had not gained one single soul for ascension-ready level since 11/11/11, although that was only a few months before.

~2.4 million humans were what could be considered at least 4D Dome-level at that time.

June 2012
ALL the 1.3 million (1.0 million of which who were not forerunners) who were eventually ascension-ready in Jan. 2013 (see next) were at least 4D Dome-level by now.

Of those specific 1.0 million individuals – only ~3000 had made it to 4D / Dome-level before this time.

So this is NOT the same people referenced (~2.4 million) in Feb. 2012.

You’ll see from this that some of those who were ascension-ready by Jan. 2013, flew right on by many others who’d been at 4D levels for quite a while, but seemingly got stuck there.

Jan. 2013
Gaia was ascension-ready.
She could hold her own and also help bring in more light for humans.

~1.3 million ascension-ready humans.
So, we basically gained 1 million souls since 11/11/11 (pretty much the same numbers now – see comments later)

SO, we kinda KICKED ASS through 2012. We absolutely made a difference that year, although still not huge human numbers.

March 2013
~22 million at 4D Dome-level. (Most everyone who would still then be at the Dome level in July of 2014, were already there at this point.)

July 2013
Decision made to not have forerunners do other people’s transmutation work (take away others’ consequences) and put it back on each individual.  Duh!

Higher realms entities / beings are basically brought back to reality about how free will and consequence go hand in hand.  My buddy (who I speak of on this blog, who assisted me in above-the-veil “cleanup”) and I, as Earth / Human representatives had kicked on the ETs, who were supposedly “helping”, enough to finally get through to them.  Recalcitrant, air-headed yahoos anyway!

Aug – Sept 2013
Forerunners again pick up some slack where others were doing their own work, but not quite knocking it all out.  It could be said that the others were actually “clearing” but not “transmuting” some energy, so forerunners assisted with that transmutation work.  Groan.

Oct. 2013
5Ders take the front line, bringing in light to help others.  The 5Ders referred to here were those who were ascension-ready at and after January 2013, the recently-completed ~1,000,000.
(Note – Forerunners kept moving up through dimensional levels the more energy work we did so we were all beyond a 5D level at this point.  Now the ~ 1,000,000 were involved in Energetic Service Work also.)

~800 (of the non-forerunners) who were ascension-ready by Jan. 2013 were at 7D levels now.
(This is the same as forerunners – the more service for others that was being done, the higher dimensional levels that were being attained.)

June 2014
At this time God summoned the Sovereign ETs to take over the above-the-veil assistance in this ascension project from the ET Councils and Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) who had selfish motives for what they were doing, which was NOT helping this ascension project move forward.  Some might call this “false light”.  Also see post As Below, So Above

The Sovereign ETs stop waiting for 4Ders and allow Gaia’s ascension to move forward.  Praise Frickin’ Be!

July 2014
(very recent to then – when I hammered out the bulk of this information)

We picked up a few others JUST RECENTLY.  How few?
102 jumped from 3D to 4D
144 jumped from 4D to 5D

I’m told the reason / impetus for them to do so was because Gaia was now moving forward (since end of June 2014). THAT is what caused these few hundred to move forward.  As if they and Gaia were having a stare down to see who would move first.

What number of individuals at what level (still July 2014 here)
55 at Divine level
~145,000 at 9D level (all forerunners, this and above 55)
~2100 at 7D level (from the ~1,000,000)
~1.0 million at 5D level (the rest of the ~1,000,000)
~22 million at Dome (4D “dwelling”) level

Post-ascension plans (again, how it stood in July 2014):

Divine – Only 13 out of 55 plan to stay with 5D Gaia.
9D – Of the ~145,000, only ~1,300 plan on staying with 5D Gaia.
7D – all plan to stay with 5D Gaia.

Sept. 2014
The creation of “the Dome” / 4D dwelling level was stopped.  Now it’s ascend or stay with 3D Earth, no more 4D ‘Tweenerville bullsh*t.  The lightworkers’ “escapism” was put in check!  Halle-frickin’-lujah!

The bulk of my energetic service stopped in the middle of September 2014.  God was no longer allowing me to be used for Energetic Service Work.  I was spent.  Some of my fellow forerunners were in the same situation and eventually ALL the rest of the forerunners would be in that same depleted state.

(In the early months of 2015, I had a few symptoms to do with the tail end of my own ascension process.  More recently I’ve been mostly thumb-twiddling and feeling a bit better than when I was used for years as a human antenna, with next to no outward physical movement, poor body.)

Oct. 2014
The Sovereign ETs who took over above-the-veil assistance apply the Cosmic Cattle Prod to lightworkers.  Solar activity and cosmic waves, etc. were applied regularly to the lightworkers who had demonstrated up until now that they would not be proactive in their inner work but would only move forward with a good push so the Sovereign ETs gave it to ’em.  Thank God!

Eclipses and solar activity push the ~22 million 4D level folk (not ascension-ready lightworkers) onward and upward.

For myself, while others were getting clobbered with this incoming light, to me IT. FELT. SO. GOOD!

What I’m getting from God now is that the ~22 million people who have been on path and are at 4D levels, have been urged since last fall to step up to at least a level where they can hold the light for 3D Earth after Gaia and ascending humans have split off from 3D and moved on to 5D.

Dec. 2015
I’m informed that the ~22 million lightworkers referenced above has now gone down to ~15 million as ~7 million obviously dropped off from the big push that went on since Sept. of 2014.

Feb. 2016
Forerunners are used for heavy lifting one last time to bring Nova Gaia’s grids down to hold light in / on 3D Earth since forerunners are too worn out to continue to do so and there are still no lightworkers far enough along to take over light-holding duties.  This means that Gaia has literally been holding light in the world FOR lightworkers, ya know, for those who came to help her and yet it is Gaia who now helps the lightworkers.  That’s par for the course for how this ascension project has gone.

May 2016
As many realize, there’s a major push this year to get some lightworkers COMPLETED.  God tells me that as things stand now – current energies, inertia, personal choices – about 40% of the ~ 15 mil. or ~ 6 million lightworkers will complete this year.  The remainder of the ~ 15 mil. will still be able to be light holders though.

Aug. 2016
~1 million of afore mentioned ~6 million are complete / ascension-ready / full Christ embodiment.

Apr. 2017
~5 million complete.

May 2017
The first two groups here, I’ve known these numbers for a while, but got some additional info recently.

So, just for fun, just for curiosity’s sake, ‘cuz this is how I roll, I’d asked about the percentages of genders of the complete / ascension-ready (and next) lightworkers, so here are those numbers:

Original ~145,000 – 50 / 50.  I was surprised by this and yet it seemed so perfect.

Next ~ 1,000,000 – 70 / 30 women to men.  That I was not surprised by.

Next ~ 6,000,000 – 60 / 40 women to men.

Next (upcoming, not complete yet) ~ 9,000,000 – 50 / 50.  Seeing that leveling out is a good sign.

June 2018
Here on the brink of Gaia’s and the first wave’s ascension, I now give you age data.

(note: “age” data doesn’t really say anything about “how long awakened”, if you will… just some info to share.  Astrologers and others may find it interesting / know something you’d like to share concerning such?!)

Original ~145,000 and the other ~1 million first wavers.

Of the Original ~145,000:
~80% are now in their 50s.
~10% in their 60s.
~10% in their 70s.

Of the next ~1 million first wavers:
<3% under 50.
~50% are now in their 50s.
~40% in their 60s.
~5% in their 70s.
<1% in their 80s.
<1% in their 90s.

And also… Of the ~6 million second wavers, who won’t be ascending with Gaia but who are finally stepping into their big kid pants and taking on light-holding duties for Earth:

<1% are under 30.
~40% are in their 30s.
Omg, way to frickin’ go you 30-somethings!  AND God informs me that 60% of these 30-somethings in the 2nd wave have been awake only SINCE 2012.  Amazeballs!
<1% are in their 40s.
This number is amazing me in the other direction.  Hello, 40-somethings, where are you?
~15% are in their 50s.  This is too low too, but many of those who are now 50-somethings had already stepped up to be 1st wave (see above).
~45% are in their 60s.  And this is an… “Aah, FINALLY!” some more “seasoned” lightworkers finally knock out their ascension process.

August 2018
Gaia releases the last of the light-holding duty to the lightworkers (LWs), getting ready for Gaia’s and the 1st Wave’s imminent ascension.  FINALLY!  Perhaps you LWs felt it?!  See Nova Gaia Grids Descend to see when Gaia had to take over light-holding duty from the forerunners because we couldn’t do it anymore.

4 thoughts on “Ascension Timeline Thus Far

  1. GaiaAscensionForeRunner

    I love this blog and post I love stats and timelines, numbers and spiritual awareness concerning the ascension process it is true resonance for it enrolled and evolves the planet and solar system and universe and omniverse and beyond.

    I love a different perspective enhances my own it’s diversity at its highest level.

    Observe and learn without judgment be neutral and let what Serves flow and what does not flow on by.

    Your writing style is uplifting and it feels good to see where we fit in our individual and collect roles.

    Thank you a must repost.

    Namaste 🙏🏿

    We agreed for this

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, I have a Sadge Moon, so I just love the big picture. And, like I said in the post, this ascension effort is being done by individuals who take on their own inner work, their own self-mastery. The numbers of individuals involved and how far along they are IS what this project is all about.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Love your Sage Moon 🌙 perspective so many energetic moving parts always changing, fluid, dynamic energies, love the wide timelines shifting merging splitting all of that. Inner work, it’s outer manifestation its upward downward forward backward its complex and simple every present now. Thank you fellow volunteer on a mission of tremendous importance 🦁👑🙌🏿💕

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Pingback: Ascension Timeline Thus Far by gaia ascension forerunner – We Signed Up For This

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