Current Events… for Dummies

Ok, I’m going to put out my perspective here and frankly, if I do say so m’self, I’ve got a pretty good perspective on this whole sitchiation.  Hopefully folks can learn a bit from it.

This may be so cursory it’s not even funny, but my Sadge Moon loves the Big Picture so I’ll let you and the Divine hammer out the details.

Let’s see, to really comprehend current events one would have to know some things about the past, about how we got to where we are.

First, this Earthly realm is 3D so it’s very dense and slow.

We co-created it to be a Free-Will / Veiled-Consciousness experience.

It wasn’t originally intended to be a Dualistic experience, but due to some entities’ control agenda and their hijacking of the Free-Will / Veiled-Consciousness state, it has indeed become a Duality, so that brings its own illusory component.

See my post Who Was Yahweh? to see the beginning of the control, which started before humanity did, before the homo-sapien form was here.  The controllers created the homo-sapien form to be a slave race.  So the control agenda was here to greet humans when their feet hit the ground.

And if the aforementioned doesn’t make things cloudy and confusing enough, about oh, 10,000 to 14,000 years ago (or so) there was a great calamity.  The fall of Atlantis perhaps?  And that stemmed from power trips from “aliens”, literally, as in “not originally from here” who were messing with the locals and other aliens / visitors.

There were many souls who left through the death portal (how’s that for a euphemism?) and those still incarnate were thrown into survival mode for thousands of years.  So that whole scene wasn’t doing a whole lot for helping people maintain their Divine connection.  High consciousness things don’t get shared and documented when your tech has been blown away, you’re busted down to caveman level and you’re in constant survival mode.

Some wisdom survived.  Some cultures maintained esoteric knowledge.  The Druids were a biggy in this regard.  Michael Tsarion can help you understand that history and also the wisdom maintained there.  But, try as they might, the Druids weren’t able to keep the precious esoteric knowledge from those who would abuse it.

What always comes to mind for me is what “Jesus” (ya know, that “composite character” of the New Testament, ya know, from the Bible, aka, the editing / compilation product of Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicaea) supposedly told the establishment… and I paraphrase, “You have the knowledge, you won’t let anyone else have it and yet you don’t know what to do with it.”  To this day the global cabal still don’t know what to do with the esoteric knowledge they’ve worked so hard to keep from all of us.  They get all hung up on the “out there” of it all, using the esoteric in exoteric ways, trying to do outwardly what can only be done inwardly, to utilize Outer Technology when it’s Inner Technology that’s called for.  They get all obsessed with the nuts and bolts of it all and they do some bad, nasty, “dark” sh*t, completely lacking in Love and Compassion, kinda mostly consciously although they certainly don’t see the full spiritual repercussions for themselves, silly cabal anyway.  Just because they think themselves “Illumined” does not make them so.  They’ve worked hard to keep the people from knowing the esoteric wisdom so they are like the one-eyed man in the land of the blind, but they still do not have full “sight” / consciousness.  Far from it.

The cabal has its various facets.  They work together in an overall way but they don’t agree on everything and in some cases don’t even like each other.  I often think of them as various coaches on a football team – they are all on the same team, working together but have different ideas on how to go about it.  They have their hidden hands into everything.  There are religion, government, media, education, commerce, technology, entertainment, medicine, food, etc. components.  They lie, trick, deceive and poison to gain and maintain control over people.  They energetically feed off of fear.  They love killing off humans and other lifeforms but they love the slow, fearful, agonizing sort of lingering death so they can get their extended energetic jollies.  Sick psycho f*cks that they are.  Excuse my French but it warranted the emphasis.

They’ve been up to their shenanigans for millennia, but they really turned up the heat in the last century or so.

I get the impression there are a lot of freshly-awakened folks who know about the cabal in more recent times, in the last century, but don’t realize that the cabal has been around in some form or another for millennia.  They’ve had plenty of time to program generation after generation (each generation helping the cabal to program the next generation) of human psyches.  David Icke speaks of this sort of thing and that the end result is that people who love you – parents, teachers and preachers – have played the biggest roles in your personal disempowering programming.  With those who love you refreshing the programming that they were programmed with, that frees up the global cabal to lay in even more new disempowering programs.  Layer upon layer, for millennia.

You may be surprised by the “common knowledge” that parades around as Truth.  Just because MANY people “be-lie-ve” something doesn’t make it true.  You may be surprised at all the various levels of disempowering programs that have been implanted into YOUR psyche.  One of my favorite lines that Michael Tsarion likes to use is, “You’ve been sold a lie.  Worst yet, you bought it!”

Right now there is much going on concerning the “Deep State” which is basically a bunch of bureaucrats who are not elected but appointed, unelected people within the various agencies and they can and have often been around for years in government as elected presidents and congressmen come and go.  If their allegiances are to the cabal and not the Constitution then the country is ruled by tyrants and unelected ones at that.

David Icke is a really good source on comprehending the whole cabal thing.  Tsarion and Icke can and do provide info about both distant and more recent history – and that would be a much truer version of history than you find in your history textbooks or through the mainstream media (msm) – but I’d recommend Tsarion for the more distant past and Icke for more recent stuff, like last century or so.  Lots of videos and articles put out by these two, but with David, I’d strongly encourage anyone and everyone to read at least one of his books.  Check out his book list and see which one sparks an interest.  Now, it’s gonna read like a history book because that’s exactly what it is – full of names and dates and places.

Alex (Emerick) Jones is all over this stuff too.  Alex really knows politics and history and he’s just such a wonderful example of emotional expression.  He just expresses in front of God and everyone.  Many lightworkers (LWs) could learn from that.  His emotional expression would have been awesome to utilize in transmuting crap out of Gaia a few years back as we readied her for ascension, but he’s having to be in “release maintenance” mode I’m sure just for his own sake as he looks at reams of horrific news day in and day out.  His love for humanity is unmistakable.  What a mother lode of passion that man is.  Alex and his crew have daily news shows to keep you current.

All three will tell ya that the cabal like to document everything they plan and do and they laid out some recent plans a century or two ago and wrote it all down and one can just read the stuff and see how it’s all playing out.  The cabal aren’t prophets, they’re architects.  They weren’t predicting, they were planning, then set about to manifest their plans… over decades, generations, centuries.  Meanwhile Joe Average has a tough time digesting this information in part because poor Joe has been so beaten down and dumbed down that he can’t imagine anyone actually making plans generations out and many people cooperating  especially people who don’t even like each other in some cases.  Yep, even the cabal have got something to teach others in the dept. of cooperation, longsightedness, diligence and patience.

Along those lines, it’s downright asinine for people to say that some of the global cabal political stooges are “incompetent”.  People say such, as if to say that these politicians were aiming to help their country and fellow human and just fell on their faces and made a big mess.  No.  They were never aiming to help anyone but themselves and the mess WAS their goal.  They meant to make the mess, to cause the destruction.  They’d been hitting their mark on that for many years.  Pretty tough to call that incompetence.  Perhaps those claiming they are incompetent are the incompetent ones.

And many people still don’t understand the level of environmental destruction and, brace yourself, don’t know that the cabal are very literally terraforming this planet.  Not kidding.  It’s also called geoengineering.  Such things as chemtrails (not contrails), weather modification, fracking, etc.  Strange to use a term like “terraform”, Terra being Earth, when it’s being used to make Earth less Earth-like, less Terra-like.  They’re trying to “terraform” humans too for that matter, doing things with GMO “food”, personal products, vaccines, etc. that could literally change people’s DNA… and not for the better.

And yet, the “cabal” themselves couldn’t do all this by themselves.  We’ve all played into it to some degree or another, at some time or another.  Our own creative energies hijacked and used against us, our fellow human and our planet and all its lifeforms.

So… let’s fast-forward to the immediate now and talk some specifics of what is going on right now.

Contrary to what the msm propaganda machine says about Trump, he is working for the light and no dear lightworkers (LWs), not in some roundabout, indirect way like a frickin’ burr under your saddle, but very directly so, very INTENTIONALLY so.

If he or anyone is serving as a proverbial burr under your saddle you’ve got some work to do.  Someone’s light is shining into YOUR darkness.  Tend to your own bidness… and while you’re at it, thank the Divine for sending you Trump (and whoever else) so you can wake up to your own issues.  The question you need to be asking is not why does the guy push your buttons or stir up fear in you, the question is WHY DO YOU HAVE THE BUTTONS AND FEARS.  Whose?  Whose buttons and fears?  Own ’em.  Now you can actually get about healing that instead of playing the victim.  And again, shut off the war-mongering and fear-mongering msm already.  They’re obviously scaring the crap outta you (not to mention feeding your pea brain with b.s) … then feeding on your fears.  

Are you sure you’re as awake as you think you are… when you are literally triggered by someone’s (anyone’s!) name?  That would be called re-action, acting again as you have before, and in a very programmed and brainwashed way… for someone’s agenda other than your own!

Memes, Time, and Trump: WATCH  THIS  TRUMP  WORKS  EVERY  TIME!

Trump knows he’s working for God.  He sees a good part of the true big picture here but not all of it.  He’s not perfect, he’s not your savior – you are!  He’s got plenty enough left to learn, plenty of space to grow into – same with many of you still, especially if you can’t get past your conditioning, which is being constantly “refreshed” from the msm and hence you can’t understand that Trump is working WITH us – but he’s absolutely the sort to flow with those growth and learning opportunities.

If you don’t understand that I strongly suggest you get to know him as directly as you can and not go through someone else’s filters, bias and agenda… certainly NOT through the msm’s lies.   The msm is the global cabal’s mouthpiece, yes, their propaganda machine.  They work to maintain your continued enslavement and disempowerment.  Tired of listening to them yet?

Here’s an example – don’t only look at the tweets from President Trump that the msm tell you about (who definitely cherry pick and then do their spin on ’em), but look at ALL of his tweets, including all the ones where he is reporting his progress to his bosses, the American people.  Wow, how awesome is that?!   He actually IS transparent rather than just paying transparency lip service like Obama did.  But the msm refuse to report on Trump getting his job done and fulfilling his campaign promises, then act like he’s not or that he’s not focused on his job or won’t talk about it when it is THEY, the msm who refuse to focus on, well, much of anything “real”, the president’s job included.  Just the typical msm magician’s trick of waving one hand, “Look over here!  Look over here!”, while it’s the other hand that is up to something.  The msm try to control the narrative, intentionally talking A LOT about some things and not about others.

And some of what Trump says in his tweets or how he says it, well, he’s just so playing the msm and they fall for it, over and over, seemingly just can’t wait to expose themselves more, lining up to take a number.  He talks about doing his job, often daily for weeks on end and the msm say nothing.  Then he throws some chum out there for them and they go for it.  Beyond predictable.

I had to chuckle the other day… I went out for breakfast at this busy cafe and sat at the counter.  Got to talking to a couple people.  One of them brings up, out of the blue, all the Trump tweet stuff.  I told them it sounded like they listened to the msm.  Come to find out, they really didn’t know there was any other way to get news, not so computer / internet savvy… but did have an i-phone so I know they have the means.  I slung terms at them like “mainstream media”, “alternative media”, “Alex Jones” to which this person said something about conspiracy so at least I know they’ve heard of Alex, lol, thank you msm and corrupt cabal politicians for at least shooting yourselves in the foot by telling the world about Alex Jones… and I also said to this person – “global cabal”.  “Global what?” they say.  Ha!  But just after that whole scene, I was thinking – do people really think that there is nothing else going on in the world, nothing else to report on but some of President Trump’s more colorful tweets?  I just find even THAT to be so hilarious.  Alex likes to say folks are “low information”.  Indeed.  I’m sure if this person actually went and looked up Alex they got a tsunami of information.  Whoosh!

And looping back… Obama was / is pretty much ALL deceit, ALL the time… which, yep O, Life and the Divine would just LOVE for some transparency from you too and all your cabal cronies including the msm who have been covering for ya all.  And in lieu of your volunteered transparency, Life and the Divine would happily settle for exposure.

I do declare, it is the Apocalypse!  Word origin of apocalypse = uncover, reveal.  Indeed.  Apocalypse Now!

And that exposure will apply to everyone, yourselves included dear lightworkers.  Time for the light to shine into every dark corner, yours too.

And here’s a novel idea, perhaps you could include the Divine in your quest for Truth about Trump.  I frankly don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to draw on the Divine’s higher perspective on EVERYTHING that is going on here.  Do ya all bother to “check in”?  And when the Divine delivers the Truth to you are you actually ready to face it… and release your be-lie-f system?

Trump cares about Truth, Justice and the American way.  He’s definitely for the Constitution and is a States’ Rights advocate which is about as constitutional as it gets.  He’ll openly talk about what he knows about the cabal – although he may not think of them by that term, he might think of ’em as “globalists” or maybe “establishment”.  I prefer “cabal” as it communicates more and is a word that many of the unawakened are not even aware of.  “Globalist” doesn’t show the whole picture and I could see how Joe Average might see “establishment” as like career politicians or similar.  It goes beyond such things.  It goes beyond politics, period.  Many leaders of big corporations are part of the cabal also, as are big movie moguls, Big Pharma, the Big Tech Giants (Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), religious components, older religions yes, but also including infiltrating and corrupting the New Age Movement, etc.  As I’ve said, they have many facets.

Trump openly talking about “the cabal”, well, that’s why he so resonated with so many people – Republican, Democrat, whoever, he just called the political cabal stooges on the carpet, called ’em on their b.s.  The awakened Americans couldn’t believe their ears.  Wow, someone actually running for president who could actually pull it off, who actually openly, honestly talks about the cabal… and on the stage of either presidential campaigning or in office, the msm have a tough time censoring that.  I don’t know that Trump sees the full picture of the global cabal yet, but he ain’t scared to talk about the parts he does understand.  And when he tweets, the msm just hate that.  They used to be the valve for information and now they aren’t.  He passes the ball over their heads, directly to the people.  Double plus whah to you, fargon msm iceholes.

I had to laugh that I saw someone do an astrological reading on Trump and one thing that came up is he “likes to win”.  No… really?  I couldn’t tell.  Was a birth-chart reading really necessary for that?  Can’t get nothing by that astrologer.  lol  But there was comment from this astrologer about there being some concern about that… and ego this and ego that… blah, blah, woof, woof.  I told my friend about this and said, “Hey, we have a president who is actually working for the Truth and the Light and he wants to win!  Frickin’ Score!”  Would you prefer Truth and Light don’t win out here?  Really?

Lightworkers, you’d best want to “win” also, because the Divine does and you might as well get aligned with that because the Divine is NOT giving up on this ascension project and all the many folks who still need to wake up and heal.  You being “in it to win it” is not only going to make your efforts more effective, it will also improve your attitude, perhaps get you out of “oh poor me” mode and step into those Powerful Creator shoes that have been waiting for you.

Lightworkers, it’s long past time to get over being scared / fearful of or timid about showing yourselves!  You certainly didn’t come here to not show yourselves.  Shine!  In front of God and EVERYBODY!  Gods are NOT fearful or timid.

For Christ’s sake (very literally), don’t help the cabal keep human divinity a secret!

Over time I’ve seen a few lightworkers who say that “winning and losing” is old paradigm. It was especially funny to see that one person who was saying this was also promoting a hashtag of #LoveisWinning and someone called ’em on it, saying that if they weren’t buying the whole win / lose thing then perhaps a different hashtag was in order. lmao

In a Dualistic realm, the illusion part of winning / losing is the “losing” part.  In “God’s realm”, The Realm of the Absolute, there is ONLY winning.  There is no “failure” because you just keep after it… until you win.  You can think of the whole journey as the path to winning.  Yeah, so there are some bumps along the way.  So what.  Just do your best to not get off on some distraction detour.

Folks, if ever there was something where one person winning then helps the next person win, it would be ascension!  Our collective energetic connection plays a big role in that.  As I’ve said, God is not allowing for failure on this.  Let me translate that for you – if something doesn’t work, then something else gets attempted.  And be thankful that we forerunners didn’t call it quits and slit our wrists during our intense Energetic Service Work or none of ya all may even still be here.  You’re welcome.  Now don’t YOU give up on everyone else.  We didn’t give up on you lightworkers!  It’s not a case of “Oh well, we tried, we give up, let’s take our ball and go home”.  Ah no.   Be in it to win it.  No one else loses because of your winning.  Quite the contrary.

And be thankful that the POTUS is also in it to win it because 3D would be one out-of-control mess right now if he hadn’t gotten in… *shuddering* I shudder to think.  It got WAY too far outta hand as it was.  Kinda sad to see… but it’ll turn around.

I’m sure we’d be full into nuclear WWIII if Killery were POTUS.  Trump is (as Kryon has said, see info at end of post) a Wild Card, yep, gotta say it… a Trump card, played at the nth minute.

And me being me… I just have to talk about that term “trump (card)” and its word origin / True Vibration.  A trump (card) was originally referred to as a “triumph”.  The dictionary says trump means:  “(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led” and “a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage”.  Uh huh.  Very, VERY appropriate that Trump is the current “man of the hour”.  Names frickin’ mean something and are no accident.  This is the Divine at Its finest.  The cabal may have had a “hidden hand” in world affairs for quite some time, but the Divine does too… and… the Divine’s hand always trumps everything else!

Thank God that He / She / It played the Trump card.  3D dodged a major bullet right there.  There’s plenty of work since and continuing forward because the cabal are not giving up easily.  Many will more than likely have to be prosecuted for their crimes and imprisoned (or die) before they’ll stop their nonsense.  And that all brings more opportunity for more people to wake up to the truth of things.  And that right there is the biggest and best reason to prosecute these, ah, well “people” (use that term loosely with these psychos).  It is not for revenge or punishment, not even really so much for justice, but really more for Truth.  It provides a chance for those who have been unwittingly supporting these cabal stooges to wake up to who it is they’ve been supporting.

And on states’ rights, I’d heard Larry Nichols (who used to be a hitman for the Clintons, who trained them in their wicked political ways but watched them go off the deep end with it and so he has worked hard for many years to now expose the Clintons), who is a big states’ rights advocate, say that the founding fathers didn’t so much know what we all might want and need down the road but they did know what they didn’t want for the country.   They knew they didn’t want an authoritarian government.  So, as Larry said, the Constitution wasn’t so much about telling people what to do but telling the federal government what NOT to do.  The “what to do” part was covered by allowing for each state to maintain its sovereignty and states’ rights and decide for themselves what they wanted for their state… and that allows for “competition” in a good way, allowing for many ideas to see fruition.  Don’t like what your state is up to?  Then either work to change it or move to another state.  The states will then learn from their own and each other’s trial and error.

And Larry told a semi-recent tale … There was a bill that went through a state’s congress and all it needed was the governor’s signature, but the governor made the mistake of asking their state attorney general to ask the feds if it was ok to do this.  Errr!  Wrong answer.  By doing that they were giving the authority of their state over to the feds.  Much to be learned from this on a personal level.  No one can truly take authority over your life but you sure can give it away.

And as far as worldly governments go, the U.S. Constitution is about as close to documenting one’s God-given rights as any could be.

Because I was holding a higher space for others for years, I very intentionally did not allow my focus onto 3D events and yet if you spend any time online you can’t help but see some of it peeking out at ya (SO glad the campaign is over, I was SO sick of seeing Killery’s ugly mug popping up here, there and everywhere, I can’t EVEN imagine the amount of money spent on advertising by her…to no avail – gee there cabalsters, I guess all your money, most of which you took from all of us, doesn’t have the power it used to.  Bummer… for you).  So with no effort, oh hell even trying to avoid the news, I couldn’t help but notice that the global cabal can’t stand Trump and are fighting him on every front.  Well, there’s yer first sign.  But then, if you don’t understand the global cabal, don’t “know them by their fruits”, don’t understand their methods and don’t know their names (and many names are quite knowable – plug George Soros into your search engine for starters), then you might not pick up on their all-out assault on the elected president… and on you!

Words like treason and traitor come to mind.  Such is being and will continue to be exposed.

This isn’t about left or right, this is about Truth and it’s about who is awake and to what.

The cabal have played both sides of the 2-party system (and every other form of political parties / systems in countries across the globe) for a long time.  They have players in both parties.  They were having such a sh*t hemorrhage over Trump getting in that even George Bush Sr. came out with a video (did ya catch it?) endorsing Hillary and FINALLY admitting what those of us who have known the truth for years have known – that the Bushes and the Clintons have been good friends for years.  What?!  But that doesn’t fit the political brainwashed paradigm.  Well, Bill Clinton is a Rockefeller bastard.  Rockefeller did favors for Bush (I do believe by getting him into the CIA) so Bush returned the favor by looking out for his bastard son Bill.  And they’re all in cahoots… even when they put on such a good show of being “political enemies”.  They’ve been good actors alright.  So much so that they have all the actors duped (well those Hollywood types who aren’t actually in on it / cabal stooges themselves).  They can outact the actors.

There are battles of light and dark going on everywhere.  The various alphabet agencies have cabal stooges and patriots alike working for them.  They are currently in a civil war.  One side is attempting a coup on the presidency and government.  The other side is running a counter-coup.  All of us who care about the Truth are playing our role in the counter-coup.

Those “White Hats” (as some like to call them) inside the agencies who care about Truth, Justice, the Constitution and their fellow human, they leak, hack or whistle blow about what their agency is up to.

I’ve not liked LWs obsessing on the so-called “White Hats” in their various roles because the LWs need to play their own role and do their own inner work.  Those White Hats won’t “save” you and those of you who know to knock out your own inner work / healing need to get on it and stay on it… until your completion BECAUSE YOU ARE CREATING A NEW SPACE FOR EVERYONE ELSE and holding light in this world / bringing Heaven to Earth through you, which NEEDS to be done and you can probably bet that those “White Hats” in government, etc. don’t even know to do their inner work, so we can’t count on them to do THAT.  Can we count on you lightworkers to do it… since you actually understand to do so?  I’ve said for years that behind every doer is a lightworker.  Do YOU really have the doers’ backs?  Make sure you do.  And yet does it really surprise you to think there are, ya know, “good guys” in, oh say, the CIA for example?!  Wherever there is darkness light will be shined.

And the Divine is always in on the deal, always playing their hand, lining things up, helping folks wake up.  So, case in point – Trump’s head and heart are in the right place overall, he’s got the necessary skills required at this moment, but yeah, still some things to learn, some bigger picture perspective to take in.

For example, Trump has basically said that Snowden was a traitor and should be in prison.  (Is Trump speaking his own thoughts on that or implying what the cabal think about it?  Hmm.)  For what?  For exposing the traitors in the NSA who are illegally spying on each and every American citizen.  Oh well now… what’s coming to light now is that the Obama administration was using the various agencies to spy on Trump and his family for years.  Yep, them and me and you and everyone.  Interesting how Life and the Divine bring all this stuff to a head.  Trump didn’t see what a HERO Snowden has been to disclose what the NSA has been up to.  Now the NSA’s crap has hit Trump directly.  I’d wager that before this is all said and done, a certain President Trump will pardon Snowden.  (Note, Nov. 2019 – Snowden’s book, which came out a while back and interviews he’s had since, have exposed his own programming.  The guy exposed the so-called conspiracy “theory” – no “theory” to it there Eddy – of how the NSA and others are spying on EVERYBODY and yet he dares to say “there are no conspiracies”.  Tuck that programming in there Eddy boy.  Nobody needs to see that sh*t.)

The Trump admin seemingly also has issue with Wikileaks… now.  Gee, just loved ’em before election time.  Come on there Trump admin folks, pull your heads out!  Wikileaks is helping to disclose the Truth in the world and they do so VERY professionally, I might add.  Downright enviably so.  That Wikileaks Truth helped to get Trump elected.  Now you’ll bite the hand that fed you… and that cares for and stands for TRUTH?  You’d best get yourselves FULLY aligned with Truth for Truth IS God and vise versa so that will mean also aligning yourselves with others who align with Truth.  Get your priorities straight.  Step out of the old paradigm b.s. “rules” and for Christ’s sake (again, literally) support the disclosure of TRUTH!

And even though frickin’ spying on the Trumps, the cabal, try as they might, can’t come up with anything that will stick to Trump.  He’s so frickin’ squeaky clean it’s not even funny.  Some could consider the man a downright “saint” compared to me, well, you know, from a tainted and judgy 3D Earth perspective.  😉  And I helped get a planet ascension-ready, so I’d wager he and his folks can turn the big ship of a country around… perhaps not achieving quite the lofty, saintly accomplishments as we *cough, cough* forerunners, but hey… 😉   *breathing on knuckle / ring and shining it on shirt front*

All they have about him is just smear, lies.

I had to laugh that around the time of the election I saw someone leave a comment on a blog saying, “All the lightworkers only talk about Hillary’s bad stuff and none of Trump’s.”

First, I want to know where these LWs are who see these truths.

Second, well, you see, there’s just THAT much bad sh*t to say about her.  It’s not smear when it’s true.  Bother to do some REAL research and learn about Killery and Billery… and the Clinton Body Count.  They are murders and war mongers, Bill a serial rapist and Killery his accomplice in that.  “Women’s rights advocate”… my ass.  Wake up folks!

Presently, while the cabal Democrats, Republicans, msm, the technocracy are doing everything they can to bring Trump down, he has his teams working in the background – not necessarily intentionally “quietly” but when the msm won’t report on it then the “sheeple” don’t find out about it – busting many pedophile rings.  Only a matter of time before they start arresting the big names in the cabal.  And if you weren’t aware of all that, well the cabal are and that’s why they are in such a sh*t-panic and going so outside-the-law to try to stop Trump.  Just unsane, truly.  Nothing new for the cabal, but recently they have assisted in exposing themselves more fully than a herd of streakers.

The cabal are all a bunch of pedophiles, satanists and have crimes against humanity a mile long.  And those terms are NOT just me slinging insults.  That’s reality, literally.  Never mind that “satan” was not a name and hence not an entity.  Yep, the cabal worship a non-entity.  They may have managed to keep humanity duped for a long time but they still aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.  Yep, satan is just a word… which means “adversary” or “accuser”.  Now, I will give ya, the cabal have absolutely taken on adversarial and accusatory energy.  Yep, they have, but that still does not make satan an entity.  Ya gotta do your research folks!  The Truth is absolutely in this world but you have to be willing to look for it, find it, then FACE IT AND ACCEPT IT or the Truth cannot serve you.

If you have your issues with Trump, that’s one thing… as long as they are truly YOUR issues with him and it’s not just you regurgitating msm propaganda.  He’s doing a really courageous thing.  He’s the Man in the Arena… and you’re bitching about him… while you’re no where’s near that arena and I doubt you Trump haters (hate – you’re hating someone, do you really think that is serving you?) would have even the slightest bit of courage to do what he’s doing… although most of you, due to your ignorance and how easily duped you are by the msm, would be working FOR the cabal if you were POTUS because YOU HAVE NO CLUE!

But, your issues with Trump are one thing.  If you are singing high praises to Killery of all people, you have just put your ignorance on display BIG TIME.  When you do that, all the rest of us know how clueless you are.  If you can sing praises to a murdering, warmongering, greedy, thieving, satanic pedophile like Killery, then you are either a cabal stooge yourself or you are completely clueless about the global cabal and in general about the mundane world you live in.  I don’t need a crystal ball, or a Tarot deck bringing me the Tower Card for you, to see yet another Dark Night of the Soul and shattering of belief system in your future as the Truth continues to come out in bigger and bigger ways.

So, ah yeah folks, Trump is our teammate.  Make no mistake about it.  Get your head out of the New York Slimes and the Washington Compost (currently owned by Bezos of Amazon who is in a contract with the CIA and helps them leak damaging info about their “enemies”, which, at least indirectly, could be you) ‘cuz they’re just feeding you a load of crap and would be happy to sell you down the road and have been.  I told someone recently that they’d literally be better off to shut off the msm and not even replace it with anything than to continue to listen to it.  Perhaps their own intuition might stand a chance then without the constant msm brainwashing and program-refreshment.

But it’s ok, you don’t have to stop there.  The Truth about the cabal is certainly in this world… and well documented!  And the Divine would be happy to guide you to the pieces of the puzzle that you need to learn.  Are YOU actually willing to know the truth?  God / Source IS Truth.  How will you find your way back to God if you’re not willing to face the Truth?

But there are many “truthers” and “lightworkers” who don’t really know the truth of things as much as they’d like to think.  David Icke, as much of a one-man army that man has been for so many years and what a HUGE role he’s played in exposing the cabal, he thinks Trump is cabal.  I even heard David say something like, “Even though Trump has money, if the cabal wanted to stop him they could, so he must be one of them.”  Goodness sakes David, how many frickin’ times has someone said that about you, not necessarily about the money but that the cabal kill their “enemies” left and right, just willy nilly, then get back to eating their breakfast, so if Mr. David Icke is not working for the cabal, why haven’t they killed him off yet?  Hmm?  Gee David, idk, is it because you are doing the Divine’s Will and hence have Divine Protection and are also tapping into that soul-centered quality called Courage, which further protects you?!  Gosh, could your pea brain possibly compute that it’s the same for Trump?  Ya think?  I’ve seriously considered starting a post titled “Who are you and what have you done with David Icke?”  and the content would have to beg the question of David – Do you not recognize your own success when you see it?  Has your intuition completely gone out the window?  Are you really that stuck in a groove, an endless loop tape, a skipping record?  “This is the way it’s always been and this is the way it will always be…. Beep.”  lol  But dear Grasshopper, you came to change things up here AND IT’S WORKING!  Now all that’s left is you could stand to recognize that.

Now… having said all that… the ultimate Truth, ya know, jumping right on out of this experiential Earth realm, well, this is all just an illusion, one big, fat video game for us to play in.  “Good” and “bad” are part of the Dualistic illusion.  Every single person here – “good”, “bad” or indifferent – is just a soul having an experience and helping each other wake the hell up.  But hey, everyone is getting the opportunity to graduate from this illusionary realm and getting to know your True Self, ya know, outside the illusion, is a big part of the graduation requirements.

The name of this game is Self Mastery.  It’s not about “fighting” someone else’s creation.  If / when you achieve Self Mastery, the next person’s creation ultimately can’t touch you.

Also see info I’ve left in comments below and on Exposure.  If ya haven’t caught on yet, I’ve buried some info in comments here and there, hopefully pertaining to the topic of that post.

Also see Massive Apocalypse and BIG NEWS! and the comments there for more updates on current events.

Read Awake & Aware – Top Priority: Self for some good “Awakening 101”.  Then pass it on to others in your life who could stand to wake up.

Here’s a good article that gives a quick summary of the global cabal:
What is the Cabal and How to Become Aware of It

Note:  Over time I’ve included many videos in the comments section of this post to assist in keeping you updated on events.  You’ll notice many videos are gone and I’m leaving that displayed.  In case you didn’t know, this is due to the MASSIVE internet censorship that is going on by the Big Tech Giants, who are absolute cabal stooges.  Your free speech rights are being violated BIG TIME!

271 thoughts on “Current Events… for Dummies

  1. Ah yes, you have done quite a good job on the cabal. I stopped worrying about it all once he was elected..I was very afraid of Killary getting it because all these elections are so rigged and voting is a joke. But the people spoke loud enough, had enough and got someone in there whose every sentence doesn’t start with ‘Let me be clear here….’ The alphabet agencies need to go, it just needs a general overhall, and I see from time to time when I catch the news that Trump is on it and I only wonder when are the yahoos gonna get with the program, it’s the changing of the guard, it’s the inevitable swinging of the pendulum where the meek are in charge and the cabal needs to go to their islands and leave humanity alone, better yet, go to Mars. I don’t think Trump is going to let them, the DOJ or the Military industrial complex to say they have lost trillions, shrug their shoulders and no one goes to jail. Out of fast and furious, and all the many, many projects or agendas the cabal have had, there have been some wins when they are exposed…and of course it all comes out when the ones who did it are dead or almost ead. I am a big picture person too…being a sadge and always wanting to know the big picture. Never happy to just take anyone person’s word for the nature of us and this planet. David had alot of good info, but even Alex says too that he doesn’t know why he is still alive but I do believe it’s grace, the kind of grace that keeps them far far away. Oh yeah, they do mess with us and social engineering for their technocracy and the geoengineering and the whole monsanto, fda this rabbit hole runs deep. Alex is really good with reading all these things and knowing what they are up to. But then again, he has read all their books. I am hopeful that Trump that make some big changes and it is noticed right away but he has a big mess to clean up and surely with all the distractions, he has to maintain his focus, he isn’t perfect, could have used some diplomacy lessons…and coaching on things but I think he finally did that. I think Snowden is a hero, I still don’t understand anyone being upset with him, it’s mostly those who say he was suppose to keep it secret, he signed disclosure contracts…but under a free and fair society, no contract is valid if it i violating the rights of people. It’s hard to believe anyone watches any of those news stations anymore, I think that their advertisers are probably the only ones who watch it. ;I guess we shall see how it all goes and leave the light on! 😉


    • “I stopped worrying about it all once he was elected..”

      Yeah, to me the election didn’t really quite do it for me. Yep, the people got him in there, he’s courageous as Heaven 🙂 and I had no doubt he’ll do all he can and flex and grow and evolve as he goes, but… I’m not quite sure when I really felt sure about it, the dates… but it became obvious that the people were going to do their part, have his back, stand in their own power. Game, set, match. The “war” is not over but folks are done laying down for this crap. They’re empowered and activated.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Ooh, I meant to mention the rigged voting. I have EVERY reason to think that Trump also won the popular vote. Millions of fraudulent votes happened and in every way from padding decimal percentages into the electronic voting – see Bev Harris for info about that – to thousands of ballot-box-stuffing votes, some of which had been found and in some areas there were more votes than voters. Whoop, whoop! Warning.

    Send ’em to Mars… Trump was signing a bill for NASA and Ted Cruz said something in there about sending congress to space. lol Can you remember… what the heck was the movie about that? Earth was in danger, like from an incoming asteroid or something and so they built rocketships to take people to the moon, then at the last minute the govt. people said that only they could go. So everyone watches them go off to the moon and they watch the asteroid coming in, getting closer and closer and… hitting the moon. Everyone cheers!

    And yeah, on not letting them get away with murder, literally…. I’ve always talked about such not being about revenge or punishment or really even about justice but more about truth. Like indicting Hillary for instance. Those of us who know the truth don’t need that to happen. The ones who need it to happen are the ones who have yet to wake up to this whole plot. Ya know, the ones who supported her and yet have no idea what they were putting their energies into. No way they would have if they knew. They’ll be b*tchslapping themselves for it after they wake up.

    So yeah, Trump could stand to indict Hillary for the sake of those who unwittingly voted for her.

    Trump’s diplomacy or lack thereof and all variants around that, especially during the campaign, well, I frankly see that as Divine. Really. Like someone had to swing the pendulum very definitely away from political correctness in order to deal p.c. a much needed staggering blow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, on the pizzagate which was a lemming or as they say…a bait thrown out there, Alex talked about that yesterday and said they wanted to do that so it would make them think there is nothing here to look at, see how pizzagate was nothing on a burger…as they like to put it.
      There is a special counsel that was voted on to look into Hillary and Comey and Lynch and the Obama Administration this week, 16 to 13 and now with Mueller going for a grand jury inquiry, people are getting nervous and then Wikileaks comes out right after that announcement that Mueller went to Moscow in 2009 with stolen pure Uranium for Russia to sample it. He flew on September 21, 2009. He’s also Comey’s homey, and conflict of interests got most asking why he didn’t refuse to do this Russian collusion investigation, but he definitely has some explaining to do on that. Hannity is really coming out as a vocal mouthpiece for Trump and the DNC corruption while they are busy trying to explain Iwan the tech guy who tried to flee US after they found some hard drives that had been smashed in his house indicating he had been leaving in a hurry…Divine touch as it all seems to trickle one after the other, and the house of cards is falling. McMasters has got Alex concerned because he thinks they got him locked away at the white house and taken away his phone. Not feeling that even Trump wouldn’t allow that, he isn’t stupid but if they did, surely he has access to information via other phones or things that they can’t take away. They are bothered by the way he gets told about something and he DOES something about it and rumors of him letting the patriots or political prisoners out and pardoning them. Like the Bundys and hopefully any others like Shaeffer Cox. Meanwhile, Obama had filed a lawsuit against Trump and Roger Stone and theycancelled his testimony at congress. I think the cabal is having a hard time trying to keep the whole thing from fraying apart, trying to do damage control, but it’s too late….everyone knows that if they take out Trump, there will be chaos and they cannot contain it. Trump also tackled the trans thing in the military which has the little cockroaches running around with their wigs half cocked and screaming unfair although many of the generals wrote to Trump and thanked him because they did not want to deal with the whole trans thing in the military. Sessions of course, won’t touch the Hillary thing but he is going after the leakers after transcripts of Trumps personal calls to the President of Mexico and other leaders, like he isn’t suppose to talk to other leaders! If anything it shows how he is working for us and negotiating a better deal getting rid of NAFTA. It is getting quite interesting, but I think they will not be able to contain the pandora’s box…the gig is up, the cat is out of the bag. Sadly there are so many people yet to wake up, been called every name in the book this week trying to wake people up, seeding the ones who like to pop onto my timeline and spew their CNN talking points. I laugh at them and call them parrots, give them facts and then I am now a conspiracy theorist…so unfriended and thanks for that buddy, there is just no getting thru to some of them…but when they figure out I was right, think I will hear from them? Nah and that is fine. I think we should all be grateful for the snowdens and all others who expose the truth and work for the masses who don’t even know they are risking their lives to bring it out. Also the OPPT and the TDA funds, or the RV as they are calling it..wild times we are in!
      Some links for you to look at if you want to see how congress has had enough of Hillary and Comey and Obama..and how Mueller is being outed by wikileaks,
      Congressman GOES OFF on Clinton Corruption – “Investigate ALL of This!”

      Wikileaks: FBI Mueller delivered Highly enriched stolen uranium to Russia in 2009


      • I thought I’d get around to actually reading your comments – reading is just not working for me right this minute – then I see you mixing metaphors. Lemming. I do believe you mean herring, as in red. LOL

        Ok, now I can’t read any further… lmao

        Liked by 1 person

        • I understand…I get to typing away and when I put Lemming in there, I paused…knew it was not the right term but couldn’t access the right one..brain fog..or glitch! LOL.
          Have you seen the Mueller/Wikileaks article above about the 2009 flight to Russia to hand over uranium to them?


          • I don’t know if I’ve seen that particular one but am familiar with that story. Mueller is another one… who would have had that guy on their mind now if he was not the special counsel and yet, yep, as has been talked about, usually in reference to Killery, here he was the one to actually deliver the uranium?!

            Liked by 1 person

            • Yes according to Wikileaks…and doesn’t surprise me, Comey his homey and the Hillary crew….They had to get the uranium there somehow. What they accuse Trump of is exactly what they are doing…deflect much? Of course the snowflakes have fallen for it. Maybe thru the special counsel investigating the Dem Crew will find this out, but then again, they may not live thru it and commit arkancide because hanging yourself on the door or shooting yourself in the back of the head twice seems to be the trendy way to do it! 😉


              • Wow, you’ve been hitting a lot of key words here… including “arkancide”. LOL Yes, shoot themselves in the back of the head… twice, THEN chop their own limbs off, THEN throw one’s own body parts in the dumpster. That’s possible… right? Yep, ruled suicide.

                Liked by 1 person

              • Oh, I’d meant to ask if you’d heard from Diamond and Silk with your Comey’s homey comment. lol

                And… now that you’ve gotten over the overwhelm of all my ongoing comments on this post…

                Did you actually watch the Katie Hopkins interview? I thought it was good because she’s from the UK and has traveled to various places in Europe to see first hand some of this crap that is going on and Dave is a reformed lefty (was lefty), lol, so it was a good discussion.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Yes, I have watched alot of your videos on here…funny how many are jumping ship on the left. Yes, I love Diamond and Silk…the way they go on, and the other one bobs her head….they are refreshing source of commentary but youtube has deemed their videos violent and controversial plus demonitized their videos like they have done Alex Jones because if they do this coup, they will go after alternative media. Some new stuff or old in the politcal world:
                  Robert Mueller Accused of Treason by Retired Navy Commander, See criminal complaint officially filed
                  The above criminal complaint was sent to Sessions, but as usual, Sessions probably won’t do a thing about it, he recused himself again from prosecuting Hillary but sure went out of his way to make a statement about how he planned to go after medical marijuana patients and the suppliers, but then was told he can’t do that…I am sure he threw a huge fit over that. I think Trump needs to fire this guy, he won’t go after anyone but who he wants. Although, now they are saying they would do a plea deal with her if she pleads guilty, and she is in Canada right now, on vacation…I suppose part of that deal would mean she has to testify against anyone else who was in collusion with her on the Uranium One deal, and on Obama, Comey and Lynch…because they will let her off from her pay to play deals thru the Clinton foundation as well…so there is alot she would be getting away with and I wonder what the trade off is…that is the only thing I think they would love to just take down Comey, Obama and Lynch and any others that might of done some shady stuff along with her, and then I would be guessing she won’t be able to run for President or any other political office…but we shall see…she may chance a jury trial and anyone who tries to testify against her will end up like the last guy on the beach, supposedly suicide even though they couldn’t find the gun…I guess he shot himself and then took the gun off to some other location and went back and died on the beach…nothing to see here!
                  As you probably know, Trump is in New Jersey, while they renovate (debug) the whitehouse..I knew Obama did a bunch of ‘redecorating’ three weeks before he left, so sure he had lots of those little bugs in there and since his office is a few blocks from the White house, he is still acting like he is president but of the shadow government….so when they go after him, they won’t have to look far.
                  Have you heard anything about the TDA accounts? Been keeping up with that and the arrest of Heather of the OPPT and her partner Randy who bought a bunch of CD’s and then an RV which then the FBI came after them, and are going to trial in Tennessee. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s the treasury accounts that they say are our money in our names, the strawman, thru our birth certificates and our social security numbers. Anyway, interesting, some have paid their bills, some of them got reversed but now the routing numbers have been black listed as most who try to do this thru paypal, are getting denied or charges reversed. Harvey Dent on you tube seems to be continuing to get his money thru his account according to him, and he wrote a check and deposited and he sat there at the bank and listened to them credit his account….wondering how long before they come after him. Many are doing it, so it is freaking out ther federal reserve…which s kinda funny1 So that is it…Yeah…a mouthful! This page is growing for sure! 😉


                  • The link you gave – I have a video below of that same story. lol

                    So what, just recently Sessions has recused himself from the Hillary investigation? *shaking head* Maybe I need to just smoke a j with the guy so he can get his head on straight. lol

                    Don’t forget Mueller (Comey’s homey) also in the Russia uranium deal. I do believe HE actually delivered it or his FBI folks did. (?)

                    I’ve got Killery plea deal info below too. I’m sure if they got her on treason or if they impeached her after the fact for Sec. of State then she would not be able to run for political office… or ya know, if she was actually in prison. Who knows on that last one. Maybe someone in prison could run for office. Idk. lol

                    Ya know, on the White House “renovations”… I’d heard that there are (maybe) bugs there, but not from Obama, but instead since 9/11 to monitor anyone and everyone on that matter.

                    I don’t know about the TDA stuff. I have had no draw to all that. Thanks for the quick update there though. It does sound interesting.
                    I did purchase Iraqi Dinar years ago but in 2011 God told me that the reval was a no go. It wouldn’t (have) work(ed) well for either light or dark, neither thought it served their respective purposes.

                    Yeah, I put up info for #MarchOnGoogle below. Also a congressman had expressed an interest into looking into them now due to this recent employee firing. I know Alex, Mike Cernovich and Jack Posobiec were talking about all the things ramping up for people to go after Google and the rest of the technocracy for their censoring. It’s so frickin’ fun to watch people step up and take on whatever. Awesome. Yep, the cabal have succeeded in imprisoning themselves already. There is no where to hide in a world full of awakened people.

                    Yeah, I figured I’d collect some info here in comments since I’m monitoring the 3D / 4D news anyway. Perhaps it will get some folks up to speed in a hurry and also turn them on to some decent sources.


                    • Wow, Maxine is definitely quacky doodle and corrupt. One guy on Tucker carlson said she told Cuba not to send back a woman wanted by the FBI who was a member of the black panthers, and was part of some event that caused deaths, and she was one on top of most wanted list at the time…Maxine considered her like some hero, sort of like she called the L.A. Riots were protests, instead of what it really was so she is a nutbag and has plenty skeletins in her closet.


  3. This fellow has a better perspective on the recent Syria thing, at least more so than many folks.

    There are a few other things the Divine has made me aware of, but he’s getting really close on those things and right on with some other stuff.



      • Through much of this I’m looking like a bobble head doll *nodding*.

        Some things I know from my Divine connection and it’s good to hear that he has some concrete media information / links to back some of this up, but yeah, for my own sake, I’d already gotten the memo.

        Other things here, still not quite the things I’m getting and yet, well, the right topics, just different or mutually exclusive kinda details in some cases.

        The emotional re-action to all this stuff… *nodding* Many folks going through fear release from all that. The ENERGETIC reasons for all the “theatrics” is rather obvious and profound.

        But no, not fooling EVERYONE… obviously… and only meant to fool “the enemy”, but yes, some others being swept up in it.

        And “the enemy” is not some sort of conventional enemy, not about this country vs that country.

        But “the enemy” is buying it hook, line and sinker. They ran with it, duped by their own brand of tricks.

        Others meanwhile have their intuition urging them to know there is more than meets the eye here, while their fears are making them dread the worst… but that’s the opportunity to face the fears and release them.

        Very good video. Thank you for that.

        And yes, things lining up behind the scenes.
        My recent update hinted at things not going well for the cabal. I’m getting that there is some sort of key evidence or something that is about to surface. I do believe it involves Killery and the whole pedo thing. And yet I’m getting that right this second, even the Trump admin. don’t know about this but as soon as they get it they’ll know it kinda clinches the deal and they’ll run with it. I think it’s gonna take in quite a few of these psychos all in one fell swoop.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Wow, quite a list of info here! On the last show, Alex was breaking down the things Obama did right after the election and how he was planning to not let him even be nominated or the electoral votes, and then he was going to not even let him be inaugurated and was going to federalize all the states, had a executive order he was planning martial law and arrest Alex Jones and many other alternative news sources, then he was going to redo the elections and of course winning…and he choked because everyone was telling him you can’t do this outside the constitution, Then they moved on to the Russia narrative and tried to have him committed, and when that failed, they have been talking about taking him out. I gues they are basically breaking down the whole white house office because Obama had remodeled right before the transition, and they think there is some bugs in the office after the leaks on phone calls, but also how they have all come out and said they will take him out. This is how delusional they are because no one is going to fall for anything they say and it will be a revolution like they never saw or have ever seen. They seem to think that America who voted for Trump are going to just go along with them as they take over and the McMaster guy is firing all the good patriots inside and hiring Islamic people who are going to try to tell us that Islam is a peaceful religion and we are to all wear burkas and hijjabs…it’s freakin’ insane, they have literally lost their minds..Trump winning has totally messed up their plans. There was rumors Obama would try to do something like this to remain in power, but I think he counted on Hillary winning with all the voter fraud. Anyway, I thought today’s show was revealing and Alex amped up more than usual because he said he fell down the rabbit hole…for like 8 hours of reading. Don’t know if you saw it but it is a good show and most didn’t know that Obama planned to do this to our duly elected President.



    Roger Stone (hosting InfoWars) – The Stunning Truth About The Seth Rich Murder Probe

    5/25/17 SETH RICH WAR! WOW! Larry Nichols – Alex Jones Infowars

    The Still Report – Special Prosecutor For Seth Rich Murder?, 1647

    SGTReport – Seth Rich BOMBSHELLS Will Bring Hillary & Podesta To Their Knees — Bix Weir


  5. Bret Weinstein’s Story Picked Up By Mainstream (Evergreen State College, Olympia, WA)

    “… the illiberal left.” Yeah, as in, NOT liberal.

    Wow, are some of the msm waking up? Did things get too far outta hand?


  6. Col. Shaffer Issues Emergency Warning: The Left Is Adopting Islamic Terrorist Tactics

    Watch LIVE: Breaking, Senate Opens Investigation Into Former AG Loretta Lynch

    DNC Fraud Lawsuit Counsel Speaks Out On Lawsuit, Seth Rich


  7. Tommy Robinson – Britain is awake , this is the start of something HUGE, so much respect for Mohan Singh
    (skip to 8:00 for main Mohan Singh speech).

    10,000 Football Fans Unite in London. This Should Be a Wake Up Call For The Government
    Tommy Robinson


  8. Stranahan – MIND BLOWN: The group behind the Trump witch hunt, Jack Posobiec

    Stranahan – UNREAL: The real election interference scandal HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT


  9. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is outta hand.

    Infowars – Enraged Monckton Warning to BLM: Your Days Are Numbered!

    Josh Tolley – Mystery Behind Suicides and Jason Chaffetz Resignation


  10. Roger Stone speaking. He gives a good summary on some recent events. (title is a bit click-baity, just fyi)

    InfoWars – BREAKING: Pope’s Pedophile Network Imploding As His Top Aide Is Indicted For Child Rape

    Top Expert: Trump Behind Takedown Of Global Vatican Pedophile Network


  11. Clinton body count. Huge connections involving big names… including Mayo Clinic.

    BOMBSHELL: Attorney Afraid For Her Life Blows Clinton Body Count Wide Open


  12. “Pilot Who Heard Every Word of Clinton/Lynch Secret Meeting Breaks His Silence” – Now Dead!

    SGTreport – Why is the Queen Funding The Clinton Crime Syndicate? Wet Works… Eugenics… Or Both?


  13. Eyewitness To Mass Extermination Of Christians In The Middle East Tells All


    Democrats Fear This Gay Trump Supporter

    1000 Migrants Attack German Town Fair

    INVASION-21: UN Document Plans People Replacement War Against West

    UN Plan To Replace European Populations w/ 3rd World Migrant Invasion Exposed

    The Still Report – 1715 – Pastor – There Is A Trump Assassination Plot, 1715



    Trump Assassination Imminent, We Must Act Now to Stop Civil War/Martial Law


  15. White House Chef Found Dead With Note To Call Larry Nichols


    Huge DNC / Muslim Brotherhood Scandal Ignored By MSM


  16. Dave Rubin interviews Katie Hopkins.
    Good discussion and informative.

    Katie Hopkins on Trump, Identity Politics, and Islam (Pt. 1)

    Katie Hopkins on Multiculturalism, Hate Speech and the Word Police (Pt. 2)


  17. Sessions compromised? Can’t be trusted? Perhaps threatened?

    Also info on potential law suits concerning voting rolls.

    Judicial Watch – Tom Fitton discussing New Docs on the Lynch Tarmac Meeting, Deep State Lawsuits, & Abedin Emails

    (CIA’s relationship with Jeff Bezos / Amazon / Washington Post)


  18. RED ALERT: Retired Navy Commander Files Treason Charges Against Robert Mueller.


    BREAKING: Biggest News Roger Stone Has Ever Broken

    BREAKING: James Comey Exposed by DoJ Emails.


    BREAKING: MILLIE UPDATES from Race Riots In Virginia! – Alex Jones Infowars


  19. #MarchOnGoogle

    Google shoots itself in the foot

    Fired ‘sexist’ memo Google engineer attracts thousands with new Twitter account in which he wears a ‘Goolag’ shirt – as tech giant cancels staff diversity meeting after alt-right attack on employees
    (world’s longest article title, lol)
    You can read Damore’s full memo here:


  20. President Trump Gives a Statement on the Infrastructure Discussion
    (and is asked about Charlottesville)

    Jodie Foster: “Hollywood Execs Tried This When I Was A Girl” – Actress’ Shocking Confession.

    POPE FRANCIS BUSTED: Largest Ever Child Porn Collection Found In Vatican.

    Infowars’ Lee Ann McAdoo w/ Lee Stranahan – Bombshell Connection Between Charlottesville, Soros, CIA

    Folks, this is some really good info about how Soros uses his various organizations to bring down governments worldwide with his “color revolutions” and other things. Good summary of current events right here.

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  21. Infowars, Roger Stone w Lee Stranahan – The People Who Pushed Bannon Out Are Creating Their Own Nightmare



  22. This is news today but I didn’t just happen upon it, I went looking for it… because I thought that gal looked familiar too. I thought that right away, but picked today to go looking and yep, it’s news today.


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    • I always thought Sandy Hook was a false flag. This whole false flag thing that most fall for is happening with all of these protests. charlottesville was obviously a set up, police told to stand down, and these groups were bused in all getting along on the bus to get out and riot on the streets of Charlottesville. Was waiting for the real reason they plotted this after many meltdowns over Trump not calling out the white nationalists or the white supremcists, he actually did his homework, that the rally had been planned for a while. I found it advertised on League of the south website, as they were to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue. Well, as we saw, it got way out of hand and since police would not intercept, it went down hill from there. Balloons of urine, feces and baseball bats, and yet, they didn’t stop the violence once the rally was over. Then I watched the Charlottesville city town hall meeting where residents were calling for the resignation of the Mayor and how the police did nothing to protect them. As the meeting went on, a guy with Black Lives matters shirt comes up and asks the Mayor does my life matter? The mayor said yes and the they asked him why he allowed these people into their town, and why the police did not protect them. The mayor said he tried to stopthe rally, but a federal judge said he had to let the rally go on. Supposedly, he had no control over it. But who told the police to stand down? Emergency workers were working like crazy to save the life of the girl that got hit by the car but police would not help them and the guy who hit them with his car was from Ohio. Well, soon after they found ads on craigslist as usual about these protests, for actors for crowd source. While the media never did any research on it but went on a meltdown crying fits because Trump would not single out the white supremecists, I watched the town hall meeting, and as more people came up they started asking for them to remove the confederate statues. It became apparent these people have fallen for the whole statues offend us slaves idiology….erasing history but saying they would do it themselves if they don’t do it. The Paul Ryan (traitor) comes out and says Trump messed up and should have called out white supremecists and now they are trying to impeach him over this saying he is hateful and racist…same old PC crap. Also, Paul Ryan started to say that they need to pass gun legislation for confiscation in this area since there is all this chaos, like they did during Katrina. Also, as Charlottesville may or may not know, that they have plans t make it sanctuary city. Oh, I do not want to see what the will do to the Mayor if and when they find this out, those people looked like they wanted to drag that Mayor out onto the street and hang him. So, in the big picture of things, they are trying to get Trump out so they can get Pence and Paul Ryan in there, and now Oregon just signed a gun confiscation law and I can see how they are continuing on with their plans to get the guns, bring in more wahabists, like McMaster, and destabilize us and the divide and conquer is well under way. Someone came out and said the Grand Jury has been meeting over Trump and I am not sure if it’s true, but they plan to impeach him that way…all coming to a head here. I hope they do not do this as I don’t trust Pence or Paul Ryan.
      I watched many videos from a guy called Tory Smith about the child pedo rings and child murder that politicians have been doing and police in the milabs which he was in as a child and there was one in Indiana and Pence was involved. Tory had many near death experiences during his torture in the milabs, and to their surprise he lived. He said during his near death experiences he talked to God and told him he would only come back on one condition that he could help to bring awareness to these milabs and expose them to help them be rescued. So God gave activated his DNA so he could read people’s DNA and he could see what they do like a movie running in his visions Right before Trump picked Pence or is it Pence was picked for Trump as I am not too sure they actually let Trump pick Pence, Tory Smith was getting tired of seeing these videos and wanted it to stop as it seemed his daily reports were getting him no where, and his home was in a portal where these beings would come in and torture him, he said they had so many sorts of weapons to inject poison into him and he was sick alot but still did those reports.
      So Tory went down to the offices of the city and state and passed out flyers exposing Pence as a child rapist and murderer in these Milabs. Corey Good talks about these Milabs but his was in the secret space program as he talked about the Blue Avians…I mention this because Tory also mentioned them saying they are beautiful benevolent beings but the others, the insectoids, tall whites and dracos are the ones who like to eat the humans after these politicians and police rape and murder them….sick, I know.
      So after that, Pence had Tory arrested as a public nusance, and they kicked up the torture and attacks on him until his last videos last july you see an obviously very sick Tory who could not hardly talk or hold himself up and did his last video. His girlfriend did a video explaining some of the things that were happeing to him, so unbelievable that it’s no wonder no one believes him or Corey Goode but they constantly attack him and David Wilcock, not that I am big fans of them, or have watched their shows. I can’t see how they can have so much information, and even if half of it is false, there should be no reason for them to be attacked by these so called ‘dark hats’ or try to kill or discredit them…if what they say is true, and they have gotten all these threats, then it isn’t so far fetched to understand that Pence might just actually be one of those that do what Tory said. Tory was on a radio station a couple years ago and offered free DNA readings, he got so many requests and people got so angry he didn’t get them done righ away. I sent off for mine but then forgot about it, but got mine like six months later. It’s interesting to read and appreciated that he did these for free. So, down the rabbit hole I have gone, but if you would like to see the video about the Pence and the claim he might have had Tory killed to shut him up, here is the link, he has many!
      So, then on Alex Jones, he was talking with ex CIA director Robert David Steele (it’s curious why he goes by his whole name in these videos) and they were talking about Pence and Pence’s best friend had been outed as involved in the child pedo ring, and wondered about Pence and Alex asks him how would he know this or what is the proof, and Robert mentions Tory Smith…and it was like…whoa…so Tory did get the word out, I wonder if Robert was trying to plant the seed that Pence cannot be trusted either any more than Paul Ryan and why and how they murder and rape this kids in their satanic rituals for more power as he said they absorb these spirits of the children, and Tory talked about one time where the divince feminine came into the children right before the insectoids were going to eat them, and how they could not handle that energy and all ran away. This all makes me wonder if Trumps agenda of going after these pedo rings and the deep state do not want him to expose Pence, so it just keeps getting crazier…you can’t make this shit up! Here is the video where Alex is talking to Robert and he mentions Pence and Tory Smith: (he mentions it at around 32:00 mark)

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      • I know. Nuts isn’t it?

        Yeah, I haven’t actually known quite what to think about Pence. One thing for sure – he’s a trained and polished POLITICIAN. Fake as they come.

        The Apocalypse (uncovering / revealing) continues on… in full force. Woo hoo!

        Liked by 2 people

      • Did you see Gaia Portal’s latest?

        If that isn’t good news for humanity. I’ve been feeling it, but nice to see GP say it.

        Watching Trump and his courage… and Alex Jones and so many others. The “many” have realized they are the many and yet they get that they can do their part in their corner of the world and they are doing it! Talk about the multi-headed Hydra.

        And on the Chaos thing, I love that many states are now imploding also since they don’t budget right and are broke… at the same time that Trump is cutting back the federal government and that might mean giving less to states too. Ha, ha, ha! This is the best frickin’ reality show EVER! lol

        And shit’s also been WAY uncanny. I think of that John Randolph Price quote about the clarinet that thought it could play itself and “…to have faith in the activity of the Spirit”… ya know, “behind the scenes”. So fun to just watch so much falling into place.

        And I’d told my roomy the other day… the thing of “What we resist, persists.” … the cabal SURE are resisting Trump and MAGA. So nice of them to put SO much energy into it! LOL

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  23. Inside Judicial Watch: Voter Fraud–The Untold Story



    In case ya can’t tell, that’s a statue of William Jefferson Clinton below.

    From article on Lenin statue below, “Standing in the middle of it all is a statue that has always done its job of attracting second looks”. It certainly made me do a double take the first time I saw it – “Wtf?!”


    Democrats Moving To Arrest Gwyneth Paltrow And Alex Jones

    Victim of Communism Exposes The Leftist Agenda

    David Horowitz and Dave Rubin: Communism, Trump, and Leaving the Left (Full Interview)

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    Analyzing Charlottesville’s Zapruder Film: the Ford Fischer LiveStream

    Charlottesville Dir Cut – CAR SMASH FAKE 100% – FALLS FLAG!!

    (obviously this video poster is not a Trump supporter, but his supporters here talking with CNN are sharp folks)

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    • OMG…you gotta love whomever went out and picked this panel for the CNN reporter to ask these questions…I laughed so hard…man I needed that. You know the producer who picked them probably lost their job that day…but it is priceless, as she tries so hard to get the answer she wants and the look on her face…I am surprised they even aired it! FINALLY, voices of reason. 😉

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      • Oh I know. I thoroughly enjoyed those folks. Trusting the internet and one’s own (informed) intuition OVER the msm? What?! Yep people being heretics – thinking for themselves. Poor CNN, losing their influence. Whah!

        If ya haven’t caught on, I’m sometimes feeding new stuff into the same comment… until midnight, lol, then I start a new comment, so check previous day’s comment also.

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        • Yes, I am keeping up with this and also on the goings on with Trump and the far left. I am having a hard time with this page loading and have to wait for youtube to connect to all the embedded videos on here before it will bring up the reply box here to comment back. The other pages like the Lucifer one loaded right away, so I think these embedded videos hold up the loading of this page…but after a few minutes, finally able to comment here. Trump needs to get out of the Whitehouse and continue to get himself among the people because they try to keep information from him and many upset over the Afganistan which we have been waring with for 16 years and we really just need to get out of there. The CIA are still on the planning to eliminate him and while the deep state is still going after alternative news thru commerce, and youtube the same. They have not slowed their agenda down, so eventually I guess they will be either successful or they will all fall into their own created abyss. Now that Arpaio is pardoned, and we knew that would happen, many on the left are going off over that, listing many things not true about him and he has gained some courage to lash out at McCain who is trying to stop Trump. It’s quite the ride here, I hope more wake up and start getting right with themselves. 😉


          • Yes, this page is a bit slow for me too. But then I usually leave the danged thing open ‘cuz I’m always adding to it… just my one little place to go ape shit with mundane-level news.

            It seems to respond quickly once it all loads up though. And I like the purdy pictures. 😉 lol

            Besides, it will keep away those who don’t have the patience to wait it out for those excruciatingly looooonnnnggg few seconds it takes to load.

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          • I was thinking about Jeff Sessions… so, he invests in the prison system and yet is the AG. Isn’t that called a “conflict of interest”? They always find some way to dream up nonexistent conflicts of interest and you must sever business ties to serve in govt. blah, blah, woof, woof, but the Attorney General can invest in / own stock in the prison system? Hmm… ?

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            • Yeah, one would hope he would…but he just recuses himself from investigations so what is the point of having him in that position? He needs to resign or demote himself…he wanted so badly to go after the medical marijuana dispensaries and users. They need to remove the laws on vctimless crimes. I don’t understand his need to go after these people who are using it for pain relief and to kill cancer and stop seizures. He can put pot users in jail, no victim, but Hillary and anyone else? Recuse, recuse, recuse…he is worthless and yes, conflict of interest. Same as many of these judges who put people in jail because they own stock in them…no one should be able to be in hat position where they profit from their own power. It’s like doctor poisoning someone and being there to save them and then comes the bill. Oh, yeah, they already do that too! Vaccines and Big Pharma. 😉

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              • The laws need to get changed on marijuana for sure. It just flat needs to be legal, whether medicinal, “recreational”, industrial, whatever.

                Sounds like Tillerson may be out soon. Haley next? McMaster? How long will it take to replace everyone? Will they all need Senate approval? Will we have to wait to replace more congressman and senators before Trump can get a full cabinet?

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  25. Gingrich: Trump divide getting wider, Left is crazier

    Why Alex Jones Is Putting Tom Browkaw / SPLC On Notice Of Impending Defamation Lawsuit

    Harvey The Geo-Engineered Psyop & The Multi-Pronged Strategy of Attack: What Comes Next
    (this fellow has a bit of a TYM Rabbit-hole Ramble going on. LOL I took a look at the titles of his videos on his youtube page and I feel WAY informed from just that. Talk about Current Events for Dummies.)

    President Trump retweeted the following today:


  26. Mike Adams put out a good video on the power of hynotic suggestion, and was a really good example of how people can’t even see that the Antifa and Black lives matters all came to the riot armed with bats, and urine/feces filled balloons and only see the white supremecists fighting…it was a great video. It was called negative hallucination:


    • Yeah, well, we all know how that goes… how ya just can’t see something until you wake up to it. But yeah, wow, how “in-yer-face” does it need to get with some folks?

      Yeah, I’ve seen this kinda thing before, like the dancing bear thing. Yep.


  27. William Mount – Intel Report: Harvey Headed Up Mississippi River

    Julian Assange: Ron Paul censored by YouTube #Wikileaks

    Inside Intel! Trump’s Secret Strategy To Kill The Terrorists, Rebuild Afghanistan, And Pull Out


    • According to Alex Jones, DARPA made the internet, as it was used in the military…but CIA probably all the same. A perfect way for them to keep their eyes on us… 1984.


  28. The Official Hagmann Report – Tracy Beanz – 04/16/2018 – Tracys Special Insight into OIG Report


    Tracy Beanz – FEC Lawsuit, and Wikileaks to the Rescue!



    David Seaman FaceBook Live: Sealed Indictments NOW Unsealed Takedown Imminent It’s Over


  29. Qanon and Infowars (and others) duke it out!

    Comments about Q, Corsi, Alex Jones on reddit by SerialBrain2

    #QAnon Exposed – Must see.

    I’m sure that regardless of what happens to Q or Infowars, TRUTH will prevail. Put on your Discernment Caps folks!

    And in the process I hope you all have sense enough not to throw out babies with bathwater. Listen folks, you don’t get off easy on this whole Discernment thing. You don’t get to be all black & white, hard & fast about things (how Dualistic is that?!) or you’re going to continue to get duped and manipulated. You don’t get to draw a line and say all on that side is good and all on that side is bad. Again, how Dualistic can ya get?!! Oh, wouldn’t it be wonderful if determining the Truth were that easy… but it’s not.

    If you find yourself saying “always” and “never” about things, well, you’re still duped, still living in Duality. I’d heard someone say that friends will ask them if they could recommend a “trusted source” of info. They said they don’t consider any source one that they fully trust. Trusted or no, your “sources” don’t determine your truth, YOU do.

    You think like this: “I ALWAYS swallowed everything they said like a hook, line and sinker.” Why would you do that with anyone?
    Then they mess up once, toss in an ego issue or two (let ye without sin cast the first stone) and suddenly you’re saying “I’ll NEVER listen to them again.” Oh, grow up already!

    You are still SO caught up in the Illusion of Duality. Let go of “always” and “never” AND FRICKIN’ USE YOUR DISCERNMENT SKILLS!

    You want an “always”? Then vow to ALWAYS use your discernment skills.

    And if you’d like a “never”, then absorb the fact that the next person is NEVER Responsible for YOUR truth.

    Power and Responsibility go hand in hand. Pull on your big kid pants folks and OWN YOUR OWN TRUTH! No one else has the POWER to determine YOUR truth for you and hence they also do NOT have RESPONSIBILITY for YOUR truth. You don’t get to put that on them NOR DO YOU WANT TO, for your own sake. By attempting to do so you are giving Authority of Your Life away to someone else. Goodness sakes folks but haven’t you had enough of that yet?! Often times, you’re giving authority of your life to someone who doesn’t even want it. That doesn’t make it any less a disempowered move on your part. See that big ol’ mess out there in the world? That happened because Powerful Creator Gods gave authority of their lives away!

    Sometimes people are not out n’ out malicious, they are just not perfect. As sharp as they may be, they too may get duped at times. They’ve got their own personal issues, including fears, which they’ll get no points for uniqueness on, they are in good company, a whole world full of people with personal issues… and by God if these aren’t the times to be working those issues out. Some just are doing it in a very public way, for all to see, courageous souls that they are.

    You can even learn the truth from disinformation specialists… IF you actually use your discernment. The concept of disinformation is that they attempt to sell you a lie that IS MIXED IN WITH A BUNCH OF TRUTH. With a bunch of truth. That can make even disinformation specialists a good source of information… IF you actually use your discernment skills. Do you bother to get the Divine involved when you’re getting it all figured out?!

    Cut yourselves and everyone else some slack… and hone those discernment skills, including knowing that not all untruths come from those who intend to deceive. Many a “truther” and “infowarrior” and “lightworker” has uttered untruths down through time. Hell, your own blogs and videos and social networking have been filled up over the years with untruths… and I sincerely doubt that most of you feel any need to do anything about that, to correct it, to correct your record, if you will.

    And by using your discernment and owning your own truth, you don’t have to succumb to / get caught up in the cabal’s ago-old tactic of Divide and Conquer just ‘cuz you got ticked off at someone else that you were holding Responsible for YOUR truth. Take up some conversation about that with the person you see in the mirror.

    JW Pres. Tom Fitton: NEW Docs on Comey/Mueller Collusion-DOJ Info on Mueller-Victory…& More!

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  30. Full Show – The Truth About Trump’s Concentration Camps For Kids EXPOSED – 06/18/2018

    People, wake up to what is REALLY going on! Trump is SAVING those kids from HUMAN TRAFFICKERS. It’s one thing if the cabal stooges are bitching about this and putting their spin on it… they don’t want their human trafficking to be stopped or to be made public, so, as is parr for their course, they point the finger at Trump implying he’s a “child abuser” – trying to put THEIR shit on him – when in reality, HE IS STOPPING THEIR PSYCHO CHILD ABUSE THAT HAS BEEN GOING ON SINCE FOR-F*CKING-EVER.

    Listen to Alex below to find out what is REALLY going on.

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  31. DOJ Charges 76 Doctors With 2 Billion In Medical Fraud

    “Space Force” Is The Start Of Trump Declassifying The US Secret Space Program

    No, sorry Alex, but space is NOT the final frontier. Don’t look “out there” for what you will only find “in here.”

    You can look to the stars in search of the answers
    Look for God and life on distant planets
    Have your faith in the ever after
    While each of us holds inside the map to the labyrinth
    And heaven’s here on earth ~ “Heaven’s Here on Earth” by Tracy Chapman

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  32. BREAKING: The Left Has Awakened To Internet Censorship As The EU Prepares Plan To Break The Internet

    12 Clinton Whistleblowers Found ‘Hanging From Doorknobs’

    (good summary of all this mess)


    This article is rather doom and gloomy. I don’t agree with that. But I cannot argue about the hole that humanity has dug its way into. I must say it was sad to see things get this bad. But things are turning around NOW. Let this next message (below) paint a better picture of what is to come. Plenty of work ahead to recover and improve things worldwide but we won’t have the cabal fighting humanity soon and the light levels in the world are very high now. I’m so jazzed for humanity now. I know humans will shine!



    For many years, in an attempt to wake people up, I’ve talked to people about the global cabal and the horrific state of Earth’s environment. Many of these people are parents.

    I myself am not a “breeder” and have never had any great need to breed. I certainly prescribe to the concept that “any job worth doing is one worth doing right”. And raising children is a VERY important job. I’ve spent decades helping grown adults heal their childhood wounds. Again, parenting, GOOD parenting is F*CKING important. When you’re not there for your children or you don’t tend to YOUR OWN healing, you pass that on to your children, which grow up to be dysfunctional adults. Either take the time to heal AND take the time to actually be there for you children OR DON’T HAVE CHILDREN. It’s not the sort of thing to be half-assed about. HUMANS, GET YOUR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT ALREADY!

    I myself found it was very challenging for myself and my partner(s) to even just “get by” in this world, with both of us working. And having an ex who made it abundantly clear that any kids we’d have had together would have been raised solely by me, since they could never get their ass home from either work or drinking with their coworkers, well, the resultant “single parent” role I would have had to play just held no great appeal to this one (me) who has no great need to breed in the first place. It wasn’t a stretch to think that Mr. Deadbeat Husband would turn into a deadbeat dad, which for me doesn’t necessarily involve divorce and “child support” payments, but is about NOT TAKING RESPONSIBILITY AND NOT BOTHERING TO F*CKING SHOW UP!

    I’ve often wondered what makes breeding so very important to some people. Do they think that this is the only life they (the soul they are) get so they think they can “live eternally” vicariously through their descendants? Idk. And with some people, it’s not really about raising children in general as there are plenty of orphans who could use a home but some people are obsessed with the child having their genes. *shaking head*

    But regardless of where their great need to breed comes from, many of the people I’ve attempted to wake up ARE breeders. I myself do NOT see biological family as being any more important than anyone else – lucky for the everyone else because I sincerely doubt I could have raised kids AND raised a planet, you’re welcome, I just might care more about you and your kids than you do – but many Programmed Robots / Walking Zombies do and yet…

    First, they think that total destruction of this planet and extinction-level events are in a FAR DISTANT future. At this point, it might be, oh, about 20 – 25 years away. Is THAT some far distant future? Also, even though they insist on bringing children into this world, they are so clueless and selfish (in a “bad” way) that their programmed self just has to say something like, “What do I care, that’s so far off, I won’t be here.” For a non-breeder like myself (and one that does not see bio-family as “more important” than “soul family”, if you will) to say something like that, well, that just might be understandable, but this is the programmed re-action from a breeder… who doesn’t even care about their own offspring or their offspring’s offspring. Really? If you care that little about your children, why did you have them? Was it just to “keep up to the Joneses” (no offense to Alex 😉 ), or it’s “what everyone is doing” (perhaps rather mindlessly?!), “All my friends are pregnant / have children”, it’s “trendy” or something. And I am not talking about folks who ya know, just “got pregnant” as a result of sex (who obviously don’t know much about the Power of Intention) but who went out of their way to have children, perhaps even using medical procedures of some sort to do so?

    Who the hell would intentionally bring children to a world that they themselves don’t give a sh*t about and is going down the tubes? What exactly is the point? Why is it so important to breed and yet not be a good steward to the planet they are bringing their children into or not care otherwise about what is TRULY going on in this world? Could they possibly be more programmed and brain-dead than that?! They more than likely allow their kids to be shot up with vaccines also and feed them GMO food. Yep, they are ignorant as hell. But attempt to enlighten them and they don’t care… but they’ll come a’cryin’, looking for your shoulder to cry on when they and their families get some chronic dis-ease, ya know, from making all the wrong choices they’ve been making that you attempt to wake them up to… and they blow up at you when you attempt to help them get on a better path. Yeah, well, suffer in silence when your life and health and whatever blow the f*ck up because you’re just not about to change. Don’t come looking for MY shoulder to cry on when you want no part of the wise advice I have to offer.

    Gee, can ya tell from this blog that I’ve spent many years, in some way or another, helping adults with CHILDHOOD WOUNDS and disempowering programs, most of which came from parents, teachers and preachers? And did they have exceptionally horrific parents? Nope, just normal, but clueless parents… then they themselves go on to be, yep, you guessed it – another generation of clueless parents. When will folks get their priorities straight, say “the buck stops with me”… so they quit passing dysfunction, wounds and disease onto their children and quit helping rape the planet they live on… that their children will live on? Hello McFly!

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    Have ya all caught on yet that these yahoos speak from THEIR perspective, concerning THEIR agenda. Damn right it was a dark year FOR YOU and your chums Killery.

    Alex started using the term “terraforming” concerning what the cabal have been using humanity to do to Earth… rather than “geo-engineering” because that would indicate a positive change to the planet. Again, not from THEIR perspective or for THEIR agenda.

    Over and over these cabal yahoos speak of something that takes away humanity’s freedom as something that is promoting freedom and folks scratch their heads, “How is THAT freedom?” THEY are talking about THEIR freedom from humanity. THEY feel so frickin’ burdened by humanity.

    Hey, cabalsters, if you want humanity gone and to have the Earth all to yourself then encourage the ascension and you’ll get your wish. If I have anything to say about it – and I do and will – you cabal yahoos WILL get that wish.

    SHOCK REPORT: European Military Ready To Overthrow EU


  36. I Have Never Been Closer To God And Meet Donald Trump’s Mentor

    Is It Right To Focus Only On The Positive In 2019?
    InfoWars has NO idea JUST how positive and EMPOWERING their shows are going to be this year. 😉
    Do we focus only on the positive? No. But obsessing on the negative and fighting / resisting it still feeds it!
    Read Create Anew! to understand how to handle such.
    … never mind what you are doing inwardly TO YOURSELF with all your fears (in constant fight or flight mode). See “Are You Living or Dying?” The cabal have been using fear against you / humanity for millennia. Quit helping them.


    This is what Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) do. This is the same thing that brought down the Twin Towers on 9/11. See Judy Wood’s info on “Where Did the Towers Go?” in her book and online.

    Sandra Bullock’s Bird Box Is About 5G Radiation And Mass Suicide
    (Again, Alex doesn’t understand that free will is not something to be held onto. We’ll get him there. Surrender to the Divine folks! Enough with frickin’ free will already. If you want to stay asleep then it’s free will for you I guess, but aren’t you done being asleep?! See Free Will is Just a Veiled Consciousness State.)

    Liked by 1 person


    Snopes. What a joke. I have ALWAYS known Snopes was bogus, since I first heard of them many years ago. All it takes is a bit of knowledge and intuition. Where is people’s discernment anyway? A bunch of Guppies (short for “gullible people”). I told someone something a couple weeks ago and they said, “I’ll check Snopes.” I LOLed. I mean I laughed REAL loud… in a public place. Do any of the Snopes be-lie-vers ever fact check Snopes? OMG, that might require a bit of work, can’t have that. Much easier to give one’s authority to a couple lounging around in their robes and bunny slippers.


  39. Breaking! US Government Legalizes Lying To The American People

    BREAKING: Obama Funding For Anti-Trump News Just Ended, Leading To Mass MSM Layoffs




    I put the following comment at this link:

    “… is a collective, rather than individual, constitutional right”
    Wow! Ayn Rand called that one. Through her character John Galt in Atlas Shrugged, she spoke of how “the public good” is always placed above the individual. The ever so nebulas “public”, that, no matter who you are, you are seemingly not a part of. So if no one is part of “the public” who exactly are “the public”?

    Here’s a South Park clip. So… to preface this clip… in an earlier episode, Mr. Hankey was preparing for his annual Christmas Show. Well, he had an Ambien-induced Twitter-fest and said some not so flattering things about people. The South Park people kicked him out of town and said he could no longer do his show. Sound familiar? In this episode Santa shows up and finds out that Mr. Hankey “did a bad thing”. Note what Santa suspected it was. I’ve always said that silly humans give South Park endless material to work with. Nothing quite like art imitating life.


  41. Is Western Civilization About To Collapse – PJW

    AOC Winning The Battle For The Soul Of America

    “You’re laughing at her, but don’t laugh. She’s winning because YOU (humans / humanity) are not involved… so what does that say about us?”

    Way to hold humanity’s feet to the flame Alex. These times are about Self Mastery… separating the wheat from the chaff. Who will step up? Do you really think Trump (or anyone else) can take care of YOUR Self Mastery FOR you?

    Keep in mind here, no one can truly take authority over your (or anyone’s) life, but you sure can give it away. That’s the story of humanity – a world full of Powerful Creators… who gave authority of their lives away.

    AOC actually made some good points about capitalism. Now of course she’s being VERY selective about what she is saying. She’s not really revealing what her socialist agenda is really about (she’s letting Alex do that for her) but… bearing in mind, that – There is nothing inherently good or evil in the world, it all depends on the intent behind it! – capitalism has absolutely gone astray (anything and everything is corruptible)… and in the way she pointed out – for quite some time now, due to societal brainwashing, most companies care more about GROWING BIGGER than they do about making QUALITY products or performing QUALITY services. Sorry (not sorry) to call a spade a spade, but when she is speaking true about just that, well, she’ll make major points with those who understand that… but who may not understand what socialism TRULY is.


  42. Exclusive: Senator Chris Murphy Is Running An Illegal CIA Operation To Overthrow Trump

    Ben Garrison: There Is No Good Form Of Socialism
    The Left Tried To Censor A Cartoonist And Made Him #1 In The World


  43. I wonder if Sheryl Crow knew she was writing a song about a future President Trump when she wrote this song about President Clinton. She certainly had a few things to learn about Clinton then, maybe still does. Read the lyrics.

    Sheryl Crow – Subway Ride

    I was riding on the E-train
    I was whistling to the rhythm
    I was thinking ’bout my live-in
    I was feeling pretty fine
    I asked the time
    Got a poke in the eye

    When I read the latest news
    How we can’t believe he wore those shoes
    Should we have the man impeached
    Or should we shoot him in the foot

    Well you waste my time
    You waste my time
    Looking for two hundred ways to hang a guy

    Then more taxation
    National pastime is aggravation
    I think I’ll move out to a desert isle
    Just for a while

    To avoid
    All that’s distracting
    Like newspapers and magazines
    Insipid propagandizing
    To tell me what a loser I’ve elected
    But you’ve neglected to tell the truth
    That your politics is tied around his foot
    And we, too, are dangling

    Do you think that we are crazy
    Low IQ, that we are lazy,
    That we sit here watching sitcoms,
    That we have no clue to what is going on
    You’ve got that wrong
    Wait and see, the boom will fall
    The morning eggs will hit the wall
    And everyone I know will call
    To say that change is hanging in the air

    You’d best beware
    Or you’ll wake up and Average Joe is in your chair
    Just because he’d kind of like to do what’s right
    But mostly ’cause all you politicians do is fight



    ‘There are a lot of people that think that he is not being treated fairly’

    Whistleblowers deserve clemency and protection, not political persecution


  45. EXCLUSIVE: Learn Why Tucker Carlson Endorsed Alex Jones

    I haven’t been listening to Alex (or much of anything online) much since the lockdown started. Alex has grown and is encouraging others to get active in no small way now. Many conservative radio hosts have been doing the same. I have heard many conservative hosts switching from being the choir screaming “conspiracy theory” about Alex and others to joining the choir that is finally willing to SPEAK THE TRUTH, no matter how freaky nuts the truth is. Well, the conservatives themselves have recently been called conspiracy theorists… the closer and closer to the truth they get.

    Yep, now, if only those conservatives could see, not just the PRESENT DAY global cabal, but also the older versions of the cabal, most specifically the three western religions. Half way to the truth is not the truth. Half way to freedom is not freedom. Half way back to God is not back to God. Get to the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Folks are finally finding the handles on their big kid pants.

    I had this message through Tarot yesterday (card description excerpts from the Tarot Teachings website as directed by God for me to include). God tells me it’s a past / present / future reading, cards in that order.

    8 of Swords
    The eight of swords Tarot card meaning effectively drives the point of helplessness and immobility home.

    We have to ask ourselves why? How did we get ourselves into these constricting ties that bind? Quite simply, we’ve let a rabid mind control our reality. When unchecked, a mind can breed the worst kind of fears and insecurities. And, I think you would agree there is no implement more destructively misleading and strangling than fear.

    Who God?

    Just that.

    Humanity is finding their strength.

    4 of Cups
    The Four of Cups reminds us that we are the only limiting factor to our own endless gain. The Universe is a porous domain and from every orifice there dwells an opportunity for our highest advantage. It is up to us to open ourselves (uncross our arms), open our eyes (unleash our pineal-eye for a metaphysical view), and reach out to embrace all the enhancement that naturally flows to us (as depicted by the levitating/magically appearing cup in this card).

    Humanity’s next step.


  46. Awesome message put out by Owen. Not everyone will be taking outer action in the same way. Trust in God. Follow the guidance meant for you. Yep, things may look bleak “out there”, but the “in here” creates the “out there” and folks’ “in here” is FINALLY shifting. Halle-frickin’-lujah!

    Watch this one!

    Scientists Confirm 5G Accelerates Viral Infections Directly Linked to COVID-19 Outbreaks – FULL SHOW 12/14/21
    Also info on Julian Assange.



    Wow, even Trevor Noah is getting a clue.
    Why China Is in Africa – If You Don’t Know, Now You Know | The Daily Show

    Russell Brand & Ben Shapiro “Respectfully Disagreeing”

    Ben says, “I’m not a person who thinks that God speaks to me. I tend to be much more of a rationalist….” Sorry to hear that Ben, but I’ll need to call bullshit (regardless of what you “think”), God does “speak” (communicate) to you, you just aren’t paying attention. Yep, overly rational. Yep, I’m saying “rational” as if it’s a bad thing. Yep, it can be. Especially if you’re right-brain-dead. Time to get Balanced, Whole and Integrated. Read this: Divine Guidance – It’s Not Just For Everyone, It’s Also FOR YOU! and this:
    Masculine AND Feminine

    Ben also was saying that when you get arrogant and think you know something, you really don’t. Yeah, well, time to quit “knowing” from a left-brain rational perspective and start “gnowing” something (gnosis) from an intuitive, inner knowingness perspective, a Divine perspective – yes, an irrational way. That’s not me saying “irrational” to make it sound like a bad thing like brainwashed people do, it’s just NOT rational. Also high time to quit telling yourself that you can’t know / gnow things. You are the creator of your own life – if you say you “can’t” something, then so shall it be. Why would you cripple yourself like that?!!! Haven’t you had enough of that?

    Ben also said, as a Jew, he’s supposed to pray 3 times per day but says he’s kinda bad at this since he’s impatient. So, he’s too busy, busy, headless (right-brain-dead) chicken to bother to tap into some actual Divine Guidance. Your headless chicken programming is showing. Read this: Still and Quiet.

    Ben also said his idea of an ideal life would be to be left alone. That’s what many conservatives say. Well, surprise! God doesn’t want you “left alone.” Doh! What? You’re gonna be “left alone” to just continue with your ashes to ashes, dust to dust, non-growth reincarnation cycles. *yawn* Aren’t you tired of that? Maybe not huh? You’ll have to find somewhere else to do that than Earth since there won’t be any bodies to incarnate into here for a while.

    They’re talking about the right being called fascist, while the left is called communist and are seemingly taking offense to being labeled as such. Well… who on the left / right and how far? If these two would clean up their language, they wouldn’t have needed to discuss this topic. Most Joe Averages on the left are LIBERAL. The heads of the Democratic party are Marxists (they dress it up with socialist democrat or progressive), which is anti-liberal / illiberal. And Joe Average on the right is CONSERVATIVE, not neo-con, which is actually the communists infiltrating the Republican party years ago. So… call a spade a spade. Quit lumping Joe Average liberal in with the Marxist “Democrats” and quit lumping Joe Average conservative in with the neo-cons or otherwise “establishment” Republicans. The Joe Averages you are wanting to reach and you won’t reach them by lumping them in, which just results in name calling, and inaccurate name calling at that. They may be duped by those at the top of the two parties, but they just need to wake up. Don’t alienate them.

    They are also talking the control agenda in the world and seemingly still want to talk left / right when the cabal don’t discriminate – they want you ALL dead. Doh!

    So… This Is The REAL REASON Trump Was Banned (more Russell Brand)


  48. Republican Reps Greene and Gaetz Show Evidence of Federal Involvement In The Jan 6th Protest
    MTG and Gaetz Bring Up Fed False Flags During Jan 6th Press Conference

    Fake or Not? Why does the new 5G cell phone not have a 5G chip inside?

    No 5G chips in supposed 5G phones. But are 5G antennae / towers (are they even in “tower” form) putting harmful radiation out anyway?



    Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Alex Jones Interviews Leading Russian Journalist On Eve Of War
    People have had enough of the Covidiocy Plandemic so now it’s time for the global cabal to start a war, perhaps a world war. Jerks. I hear that left or right, Americans who were polled are really not interested in another war.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Why isn’t alex telling the truth…there is no war in the Ukraine…and we don’t need to protect their borders but need to protect ours…geez Alex, you know as well as I do this isn’t about anything to do with Russia or some fake war. They are planning food shortages and tried to do more false flags that were stopped cuz they would balme them on russia…the same play book they always play….wake up Alex.


        • Well….this is all the plan, the leader or President of the Ukraine was given money to pretend he is fighting Russia but they got a little secret on him that was just spilled how he was caught on video in some homosexual taking advantage of a person…it’s not looking so good for him, we all know they plan things to start fake wars, and now we hear Russia is gonna make their own internet because the plan is to take down the internet so basically communications will be cut off and no one will know what is going on. I’m so tired of the ‘movie’ and propaganda they spew daily and I though Alex would at least come out with the truth about the whole Ukraine thing…not going along with this narrative. Hillary was suppose to do this but Trump was the wild card that screwed it all up…we were within days of all being rounded up and put into FEMA camps…it was that close. The space force is running the Biden show, and still can’t believe people think he is president. They are all part of the Black Sun secret society and think we Americans are so spoiled we need to be taught a lesson, so they are destroying our culture and our dollar, but that should be a good thing only they want to get rid of cash and that just can’t happen if we want to stop their plans for total control. They are broke and can’t afford the war, and all these idiots that believe there is anything going on over there…just isn’t true. Now we get all these reports about China who wants to get rid of millions of their people in lockdown, and murdering…so many times China has done this but nothing is done about it or maybe it’s not true either. All I know is because of them, I can’t afford to get a place to live, there is no way for me to afford the prices of homes or even some stupid apartment. Yet they claim Trump is in charge, the space force is running the Biden show, and it’s gonna get worse before it gets better, and I say how long do we let this go before we become the monsters we are fighting.
          Alex should know better…the truth about Ukraine??? They are all in on it…wait till you hear the video of him they have outed him….guess he wasn’t such a good little minion. You can’t believe ANYTHING that is in mainstream media.
          Have you seen the documentary ‘Watch the Water’? Well, come to find out they are putting snake venom peptides in the water and that is what the whole covid 19 fake virus is…these 19 venoms attack certain organs or the neurological system to kill off people with co-morbidities and I knew that from the beginning but didn’t know about the snake venom. The reason the children don’t get so affected by it is because their bodies produce more melatonin and that acts like a antivenom…and noticed I have been feeling better since I started taking melatonin a month or so ago. They are putting it in the water, in certain areas and know where so called ‘break outs’ will happen and it’s usually where they want to either real estate buying cheap to depopulate which is the longterm goal and why they want to give this jibby jab to children now because their poison isn’t killing them.

          and a reporter who put out this info about how the government planned to poison us in the water
          Published in 2007.
          In August of 2004, quietly and without fanfare, an article was published on the Los Angeles Independent Media website revealing a plan by the U.S. government to depopulate the country via the water system. The article alleged that the water system had been reconfigured country-wide so as to function as a finely honed targeting system, which, when deployed, would selectively target individual homes with undrinkable, or “death” water. The article alleged that this had been accomplished by the construction of a complex system of double lines and mixing capabilities on the main lines. In this manner, certain, pre-selected homes would receive the ordinary water while the targeted homes would receive the mixture. It is the contention of this reporter that the mixture will kill those imbibing the water.
          Also, the system is controlled remotely, via satellite.

          Liked by 1 person

          • I’m still pretty much on the same sheet of music as yourself… except with the war thing. I think Russia IS in Ukraine, with military, yep, doing war things. Alex thinks Putin got duped into invading. I see higher Divine Purpose in all of it. The first places hit by Russia were the same locations where the west had biolabs in Ukraine. So much to expose about the money laundering and other corruption that has gone on through the state of Ukraine.

            Folks ARE the monsters “they are fighting.” Evil enters the world when good people fail to act, which, ya know… makes THEM “evil”. Hello?!! People have got to acknowledge that all that is going on is THEIR OWN creation. Oh yeah, there’s the big, bad cabal doing all this stuff, but it wouldn’t happen if Joe Average would quit allowing for it, participating in it AND fighting it. They all need to create what they’d like to see in the world, but, gee, that might take some work, eh? Lazy, slothful, yep “evil” idiots. They’ve all been conditioned to just sit back and bitch and complain. Yep, they ARE monsters. Already. Evil monsters.

            And yep, as I say, those who serve the dark ultimately serve the light. Like in my post Not Only Dogs Smell Fear, one person is tyrannical, abusive or controlling to the next person so that next person will frickin’ find their spines. How big of a fire does (the Divine have to use) the cabal have to build under Joe Average’s ass in order to get them TO MOVE?! It’s like the cabal (albeit unconsciously) are asking, “Just how far do we have to go for humans to step up and reclaim their power and stop allowing us to do all this?”
            So many stuck, oppressed, Walking Zombies around, including the “well informed” who still don’t do anything about anything.

            And… you bring up a good point about Russia starting their own internet… most of the info that could come out of Russia is being censored by the global (western?) cabal. So, that makes it tougher yet to know just wtf. But no, the sense I get is that the Russians were sick of the proxy war going on in eastern Ukraine (since 2014) and tired of Ukraine proper killing off Russian-decent (ethnicity) folks in eastern Ukraine.

            Here’s something interesting… I spoke to a fellow a couple weeks ago. He’s one of those who knows about the difference between an actual country (or U.S. state also) and the “corporation” that goes by the same (or similar) name as the country. He supposedly has govt. and military inside contacts. So, he said that Trump actually still has “the football”, as in, the military refuse to give it to Biden. If that’s the case, then all this talk of Biden and Co. having a preemptive nuclear strike against Russia is just so much bluster (all foam and no beer).

            I have a new post called…wait for it… Watch the Water. 🙂 Melatonin for you. I smoke for anti-venom… as they talk about in this documentary. I kept wondering why God didn’t really discourage my smoking (for 7 of the last 10 years) almost ever.

            They are also putting liquified dead human bodies through the sewer system and then reusing it for drinking water. Mad Human Disease anyone? (like mad cow…) with prions and all.

            Liked by 1 person

          • idk, maybe you’re onto something… just listening to this:

            Attorney Tom Renz, kinda in passing says that so many people are seeing this crap about covid that had been covered up that “… the president keeps talking about a FAKE war in Ukraine to distract people… ” or something to that effect. But he flat said “fake war”.

            So many ways and levels to have “false flags”…. who knows. Just a few? A lot? Everything?


            • It’s all smoke and mirtors, if you watch any Kerry Cassidy or look into Kim Goguen, we are on the positive timeline and they can no longer screw things up to put us onto a dark apocolyptic timeline. Not that they won’t try…or like Kerry complains this ‘op’ has gone on too long, truth needs to come out and now. She says ‘How long do you act like the monster claiming to be the good guy before you become the monster’. The secrecy is how these cabal have operated for eons, certainly if they just come out and expose it all, surely those who are on the fence will get off the fence and join and any sleepers left will need to be medicated and woke up slowly because anyone who doesn’t know this is a huge op and some BS narrative they got going on here well….there is no hope for them…they will never wake up. Kerry says we don’t need to go thru another even worse depression ‘to teach us a lesson’. That is ridiculous. What purpose did the last depression do except make bankers richer and land grabs and killing alot of people even if this plan is suppose to ‘kill less people’ than the plan they, the cabal, had instore for us, I just don’t understand and neither does Kerry that they keep trying to keep it all secret and continue with this stupid movie or op whatever you wanna call it. Most of us are OVER IT by now, and don’t give a rats ass about the sleepers and idiots who think we are at war with Russia or Ukraine is in trouble…it’s all BS.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Well, when it comes right down to it… whether there’s a war or not matters not, at least not to me. Yep, no matter what, they are lying, lying, lying.

                I also never cared, for my own personal sake, whether Jesus was a real person or not either… ‘cuz I knew that Jesus wasn’t MY savior… didn’t make MY choices or live MY life. Duh.

                Unfortunately, far too many are just downright crippled, disempowered by clinging to stupid beliefs. And… yep, caught up in all the news.

                Liked by 1 person

              • Ok… I just briefly looked into Kerry Cassidy… who is saying it’s really an alien (ET) invasion. And… Russia, the U.S. everyone is just amassing troups there trying to prevent an alien invasion.
                Oh please. Spare me. I just glanced at it. Not wasting my time with that crap.
                That’s another invented cabal boogeyman for down the road… The cabal would frickin’ welcome yahoo aliens here and would definitely exploit it to further fear monger.

                Liked by 1 person

              • ETs are not showing up. The “bad” ones, who would be a real threat to humanity, who the cabal would just love, aren’t allowed to show up. The “good” ones know better. If someone says there are ETs showing up, be wary of that b.s. Next global cabal boogeyman.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Well, she actually said it was an A.I. invasion or take over…but whether it’s E.T.s which I know they love to use to scare of and don’t believe they are invading anything….I just am looking, or what they call lurking into all the narratives. Cliff High says it’s the mantids…they are a hive mind and think of humanity as idiots and don’t understand the nature of our being because of their hive mentality. Who knows…LOL, I hope you are right, and you usually are but their fake alien invasion isn’t gonna work either. They of course will try! This movie does need to end though, I just wished people would stop sitting on their hands and waiting for a savior. Jesus isn’t coming back, even if he was a real person, it’s just another psyop of the cabal, Khazarian mafia that worships the other God of this world…LOL, it’s so screwed up! Are we there yet? LOL

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • The A.I. or even flat out GMOing of humanity is definitely going on in Ukraine… and sadly, most everywhere else too. And like everything else the cabal have offered humanity down through history, humans “accept it willingly”.

                    Mantids? Mantis types? They like people doing drugs so they can tap into ’em. I’ve never seen any Mantis types when I’ve done drugs. Maybe those who are easily “possessed” shouldn’t do drugs. lol

                    I’ve heard Alex go on about how the legal weed is stronger than illegal weed used to be. You couldn’t prove it by me. Now of course it’s easy to get oil-infused weed these days or whatever and now the label tells ya how much THC it contains, but even higher THC doesn’t make me all weird. But! I’ve noticed that those who indulge in meth (many of which were put on it as children, ya know, when the “adults” completely failed them) don’t only “check out” and talk to the voices in their head rather than be present with who is in front of them, they do that same thing when toking weed. We old farts just sit back and laugh at them… after toking off the same frickin’ preroll they were toking on. *shaking head* Then we just have our own fun conversation, laughing at all the idiocy in the world… including the little meth heads ranting to the voices in their heads. I usually keep my own thoughts of that nature in my head, not flowing out my mouth and my rants are reserved for God and humans. God’s a horrible boss and humanity is a horrible job.

                    Well girl, you do what you do. I’m just another source of info. And hey, it’s not like the Divine hasn’t flat out lied to me at times (many, many times). And yet, that’s all I’ve got. If they don’t want to be straight up with me, that’s their problem.

                    Here’s another thing where what I put out may not be like others. No matter who says what about it… Planet X / Niburu… I ask about it and am told it’s no where’s near here. Now, am I told that because I’m not to have my focus on that, ‘cuz I have better things to do like rant telepathically to disempowered and slothful souls in human form? Who knows.

                    I flat woke up pissed today. In my mind I took a baseball bat to some folks in my nearby environment. And guess what? They were an LW, a Walking Zombie libtard and a hypoChristian. I felt much better after though. 🙂 Then I had to get up for the day, early, ‘cuz I weren’t sleeping no more.

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • Along the lines of staying focused on the task at hand… I know I’ve only incarnated here on Earth a couple times before – before the fall of Atlantis when this was quite the happening place (still a happening place now but in a different way) and again a few centuries ago. And I only know that because I was guided to draw “wisdom from the ancients”, which ended up being connecting to that first incarnation here and to clear karma from the next incarnation here. I have no conscious recall, nor do I have any interest in experiences elsewhere. It just so doesn’t matter and would just be a distraction. With my two prior incarnations I kinda got the Life on Planet Earth 101 course, the before and after snapshots of a good time here and a not-so-good time here. Knowing what has been going on here has been valuable. Learning about past lives elsewhere (higher dimensional to boot?) I (my Mini Me) feel really aren’t so applicable. My Divine Self obviously has thought so also since I’ve not been alerted to such.

                      I’ve kinda had a warm place for Pleiadians, but that may be simply due to Barbara Marciniak’s Ps. *shrug* Really doesn’t matter. I’m not much of one to identify with past experiences. I chatted with someone about a year ago about my paradigm-shifting life story. They asked, “What’s your other name?”, obviously getting some sense that I know I’m “not from here”, but none of us are, it’s just an experience. I told them, “I don’t do that. Whatever other ‘names’ I’ve had just belong to another experience. I’m a soul of God, just having dimensional experiences.”

                      One time, my buddy, Bernice, who worked with me “above the veil” (see tag cloud for that tag) in the earlier ascension-hell years was getting some info from some higher D entity who was basically “manning the comms” on our big ass ascension project here, who B ended up connected to because she demanded to speak to someone. Well, about that time (which was just after Pope Benedict resigned) B & I got clobbered with some heavy duty Energetic Service Work and one of the things B asked this being on the comms was “WTF was that?” They told her that we were not to have our focus on that so wouldn’t tell her. Yep, I feel used. And sometimes ab-used. If not by the Divine Itself, then at least by higher D beings involved in all this.

                      And… with what I said about the Planet X / Nibiru thing… humans have a myriad of ways to die. They don’t need an incoming wandering planet too (I was told it was a planet converted into a semi-self-propelled space ship, yes sometimes using gravity to help propel the planet / ship). Furthermore, with the cabal trashing the environment (see Massive Apocalypse post), ya know, not completely but in large part by hijacking humanity’s creative energies, that helps humans know they need to OWN their own creations, ya know, instead of, “Oh I’m so ‘done unto’… by wandering planets.” lmao

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yeah, I know….everyone has a story, it’s all so convoluted. I try not to attach to any ‘one’ narrative, I just scan around to different people and see what they say, sometimes you get a urge to call them liars…as if they can hear you thru the computer screen…LOL, I do come here from time to time to see what you are posting…but this whole thing is all for show. The so called ‘Bo Brandon’ crew, and the actors playing him, and I just want to turn the channel. People all flock to alternative news but they too are infiltrated and don’t even know who is telling the truth anymore…I know MSM isn’t so never look there. Benjamin Fulford is saying the same things that Kim is about the movie we are watching…that isn’t the real Biden and no one has been in the white house since Trump left. They say that Trump is still running it all and if so, how long do they plan to ‘teach us a lesson’? It’s not like those of us who were for him need to be taught a lesson…Kim says it’s all a group called the Black sun who are the Khazarian mafia that benjamin fulford talks about. He did an interview with her the other day and wants to get things done if only they can get the cabal, mafia out of the way who control the front end financial system.. So what do you think is going on…I know Alex isn’t gonna say there is no war in Ukraine, and some are even going on about Elon Musk being a free speech person who will change twitter…but Kim says he is one of them, he thinks he will be bringing in the antichrist…people just keep saying ‘it’s the end times’….I don’t know the populationof people who think that Jesus is god and he is coming to save us…but seems to be alot of them….LOL. Well…keep up the good work, Tell God to give you a rest for a while…these people can make you crazy…LOL

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yeah, the dude who told me that Trump still has “the football”, also said Biden has been replaced. He said the replacement has his own dementia issues. Either way, does it really matter? What should be abundantly clear is that Biden, real or fake, is NOT running the show. It’s Obummer’s 3rd term. Yeah, the “White House” where Biden signs things is like a studio set. And if Trump really does have “the football”, hard to judge if he is “in on things” or not… just because the usual suspect cabalsters aren’t saying anything about Trump having “the football.” They may not want to admit that the military is essentially not trusting the Biden admin with “the football.” They use their own military stooges to make it look like they are “in control” of the military.

                      Yeah, in my “Trump Abandons Base…” post I wonder wtf about Trump and the “clot shot”. Certainly makes ya wonder, but as you and I have talked about, his own son had health damage from vaccines, but Trump seemingly won’t say shit about vaccines, even if he had a mouthful. I think David Icke has pretty much consistently said that Trump is “controlled opposition”. *shrug* Alex and I still think Trump’s heart is in the right place, but he’s just not as “with it” as many of his fans, er, supporters care to think. Yeah, tough to admit the downfalls of one of your, ya know, “saviors”. lol Actually many “Trump supporters” could stand be taught some lessons. They loved to see him as their superman and savior and he seemed to love to entertain that. Can you say co-dysfunction? I knew ya could.

                      But folks like Alex and I will just call a spade a spade. Trump doesn’t need to be “controlled opposition”, if you will, for us to call him on his b.s. (stupidity?) about the “clot shot”.

                      I just can’t deny what good Trump did though while in office, basically showing the world that no, it’s not like how the cabal paint it. For example, Obummer made it sound like, there’s no way to bring back the economy (after he trashed / tanked it). Then Trump brought back the economy, basically “calling bullshit” on Obummer. I also can’t deny that the election was stolen and not just the presidential election. After all the tyrannical covidiocy, I have every reason to think that Washington state voters voted in a Republican governor and perhaps AG – the governor candidate for sure had much “liberal” support after their businesses were destroyed, but the elections have probably been stolen here repeatedly for years. It’s been ALL mail-in / absentee voting here for years, making it easier to steal. Same with California. So, they got MUCHO petition signatures, including liberal ones for Newsome’s recall vote and yet he didn’t get recalled. I call bullshit!

                      Red and swing states have done much to clean up their election system but the so-called “blue” states DESPERATELY need to do so. But, if they don’t, then more school of hard knocks for them.

                      Infowars’ Greg Reese seems to think that the Musk / Twitter thing is a bit of a distraction (look over here!) Hard to say. One thing the cabal does serves as a distraction from other things they do.

                      I must say I trust Musk as far as I can throw him (known some other sharp folks that feel the same way), but… on this Twitter thing, I think he’s certainly making the main / obvious cabal players squirm… and reveal themselves more, as they openly speak out against free speech and are NOW suddenly concerned with reining in Big Tech. Huh. They weren’t concerned about them before… when Big Tech was BLATANTLY serving their agenda / purpose. Jack Dorsey is now speaking against CNN and supposedly texted to someone that “Alex Jones was right” essentially. I get the impression Dorsey was used, but let himself, but now is perhaps regretful. Alex said that some mutual contact told Alex years ago that Dorsey is a listener and is rather awake, which Alex just kinda brushed aside. Alex got after Dorsey in person (in D.C. somewhere perhaps, the halls of congress maybe?) and then Dorsey went along with the deplatforming of Alex. In telling this, Alex chuckled at that point, laughing at himself for perhaps shooting himself in the foot in that regard, but… water under the bridge now.

                      With both Musk and Dorsey, well, no one is beyond redemption and hey, it’s been the name of the game to wake people up, so when they start to wake up and get turned around, I guess there’s cause for celebration. Glenn Beck used to talk shit about Alex and yet now has joined the “Alex Jones was right” choir.

                      I do think there is military action or whatever in Ukraine. My overall gut feel is that Russia / Putin are NOT cabal and Putin kicked the big banksters out of Russia years ago. And like I said, thank God they were fighting ISIS while our own military was still playing “air cover” for ISIS, ya know with Obummer, McCain, Lindsey Graham and other war mongers supporting ISIS and George Soros’ “yellow revolution” coup in Ukraine in 2014. I think Russia’s move is further exposing the cabal players in the U.S. / NATO… and the Nazi holdovers / sleeper cells in Ukraine since WWII. Russia said they were invading to de-Nazi-fy Ukraine. Msm have openly reported on the Nazis in Ukraine for years… oh, until Russia or alt. news talks about it, then they deny it. Nevermind they keep showing photos with Nazi insignia on flags, etc. There has been a proxy war in eastern Ukraine since the 2014 coup and Russian ethnic folks getting killed.

                      Ukraine proper has been caught in many lies and false flags since Russia invaded. Some of which, the cabalsters have flat admitted to since, but the useful idiots are already brainwashed, seemingly beyond return. They were saying that Russia slaughtered a bunch of civilians somewhere before they vacated the area. It took days after the Russian evacuation before Ukraine / NATO started to say such and they were showing a “sprinkling”, if you will, of dead bodies laying in the streets, kinda almost evenly spaced – what are the odds? At one point, someone was driving through this area, filming. Some people have analyzed the footage and in one place one of these “dead bodies” pulls its hand back and another “dead body” is seen in the side mirror of the passing filming vehicle sitting up. Days-old dead bodies moving hands and sitting up. Boys and girls, can you say “crisis actors”?

                      I just glanced at an article about some independent journalist who is in eastern Ukraine, supposedly exposing the Ukrainian atrocities against Russian ethnics there, but, just glanced, at one “graphic” photo – looked like some skeleton, meat stripped from bones on skull, like getting blasted by something and yet in seemingly undamaged clothes. How does that work? *shrug* Maybe caustic stuff in the face, but localized? I can’t know. Unless I have a “pull”, an urge to really look into something, I don’t get too far into the weeds either.

                      Not sure what to think of the Durham investigation either. Some think he’s hoping to get someone to sell others out, spill their guts for some personal leniency. I’m thinking it was Roger Stone or Robert Barns who said that Durham, like Mueller, has long been a cover-up artist. They use one person or a small group of people to be the fall guys so that the whole herd of cabalsters don’t get caught and can continue with their bullshit. So, whoever said this said that the cabalsters are wanting the Clintons to be the fall guys this time since too many folks are onto the Clintons so they just bring the cabal a lot of baggage. They all eat their own and yep, will throw each other under the bus… to save the herd.

                      Ok, now, on the Christians… I’m hearing more and more saying “no one is coming to save us” or “especially we Christians should know better about… ” whatever, or a guy the other day said, “We can’t wait for Jesus to return, that might be years, decades, centuries”, so some are getting some clue, even while still insisting that “Jesus is our Lord and savior”.

                      I saw someone comment on an Infowar site who said, “If Jesus died for our sins, that means Hitler is now in Heaven.” LMAO.

                      *shaking head* Old programming / be-lie-fs die hard obviously. Their be-lie-fs are like an actor who is really hamming up their death throes, going on and on and on… nope, not quite dead yet. lol

                      Oh Christ, all I pretty much do is “rest”, too tired not to.

                      But, yeah, my mental fantasy bludgeoning of problem children certainly was a release for me, but then it felt like energy shifted. I got one further hypoChristian (although a teenager) pull some shit on me, harmless but still effed up. It just mostly made me laugh. Then someone helped me out in a big way with some cash. The Divine may have known a shift for the better was coming and so “made” me wake up pissed so I could clear the old garbage – out with the old and in with the new.

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                  • lol Sorry, takes me a million separate comments to flush my brain out… go to my Watch the Water post and search for Lee Merritt in comments, watch that interview with her (if you can), but in a nutshell, Lee said that the m-rna shot (or perhaps COVID-19 or both) were like race / ethnicity / gene targeting. And who was least likely to get sick? I think she said the Ashkenazi Jews, ya know, which is what the bulk of the global cabal are. They were kinda both competing and working with Hitler at the whole “Master Race” thing. Lee said that she herself is partly that lineage and said her husband got really sick from COVID but she didn’t. Supposedly blacks took a hit (I’m assuming from the shot) but certainly not as bad as it could have been since Africans have learned not to take the cabal’s deadly shots and black Americans remember Tuskegee. I’ve also heard that American Indians took a hit too (on a per capita basis). Asians and Hispanics I think faired better than non-Ashkenazi whites.

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                  • lol Yep, made me chuckle. But… Fulford. Not drawn to him and if I force it I’m repulsed by him. He says there about the pope, “… but is clearly not the stance of the original Francis”. ‘cuz Pope Francis USED TO BE a good guy, that’s how Fulford knows he’s been replaced? Yep, fucking Saint Francis. OMG. Please. Ben, get some discernment skills. About as dumb as Alex talking about “the cabal ‘taking over’ the Catholic Church”. Ah, “the church” has always been cabal. It was the hijacking of Christianity. Duh.

                    Yep, tough to know just wtf, but some people really keep themselves hamstrung at being able to discern anything. Just cling to those stupid be-lie-fs dumb asses.

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                    • Yeah, Fulford thinks the dragon families want to help humanity…that is how he has been talking about them for years. They are part of the covens and cabal. He hasn’t a clue about how the catholic church really was about, and as they say, all roads lead to Rome…they are the ones who are running the whole cabal/khazarian mafia crap. Anyway…I agree with ya. They got that snake room and the alien sculpture behind the stage…I can’t believe people see that and don’t think…ummmmm maybe they worship Lucifer and the serpents…I mean come on…they are so blind.


                    • Well, the snake / serpent thing… if you see my “Reader’s Digest… ” post. The “serpent(s)” got vilified. The serpents were Enki’s first go at genetically engineering a slave race. The Anunnaki are Reptilian and I get the impression they are humanoid-like, bipedal, standing erect. In no way should anyone be lumping together Reptilians and “the serpents”. Humans / homo sapiens are genetically JUST AS “Reptilian” as the serpents were (are? where did they go?). Well then! All these Christians are also “evil serpents”, ya know, genetically.

                      It’s also disheartening and downright disgusting that the brainwashed Christians see snakes / serpents as some evil thing / symbol. Yeah, yeah, the cabal will use them to represent their Anunnaki masters, but they are rather clueless also, in their own way and yet still know FAR more than the stupid Christians.

                      AND… serpents are used in symbology (which of course the dumbed-down Christians are completely ignorant about) and yep, just like Baphomet, are not “evil”, it’s just Sacred Symbology.

                      Like the two serpents on the caduceus, which is the ULTIMATE symbol of healing (heal = to make whole) – the two serpents represent the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine energies (and Sacred Union between the two), climbing up the spine, interweaving through the 7 main chakras during kundalini rising and yep, getting to wings at the top – (spiritual) freedom.

                      And… Lucifer is just Venus when it’s the Morning Star. The cabal love to just make these symbols their own although many of them don’t truly know what / who “Lucifer”, “Satan” and “the devil” are, or perhaps more precisely what / who these so-called “entities” ARE NOT.

                      Alex and gang still talk about Moloch as if that’s an actual entity. Ya know, just like they talk about Jesus. lol

                      God told me this through Tarot the other day:
                      “I encourage everyone (men, women and children) to participate in continued learning.”
                      Basically God is the “I” in that sentence, relentlessly keeping the heat on everyone… until they wake up and fly right.

                      But yep, the cabal have been “hiding things in plain view” since forever. Can we really blame the cabal for thinking that the bulk of humanity are just too stupid to continue to live on? lol No really. Well, the wheat is being separated from the chaff. We’ll see who “chooses” to be wheat and who doesn’t.

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      • Alex had Ali Alexander on… Ali is basically talking about people “changing their consciousness” but then goes on about, something like, “I’m not one of these New Ager types talking about Christ Consciousness.”

        LMAO. Goodness sakes but these pathetic, brainwashed, disempowered souls SO cling to their programming / brainwashing / be-lie-f system. Whatever ya do Ali, don’t fucking grow up or anything. Just keep playing small. How’s that working out for ya? Just keep on with the “poor helpless, unworthy me” programming… while you talk about raising one’s consciousness. Ali is too busy playing religion (= regulate) to actually CONNECT TO GOD.

        Here Ali, read this:
        Ali, you’re lolly gagging just as much as the New Age “lightworkers” (dark clingers).
        Just wee, tiny, baby steps for these conditioned souls. *shaking head* lol

        Ok, God, more school of hard knocks jolts for them. They can’t seem to get it any other way. Can’t tell ’em anything. Stupid fucks. Bring it on God! Wake up their sorry asses IN FULL!

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  50. Yeah, now there is suppose to be some recording of mcCarthy betraying Trump, I alwaus knew he was another politician like Lindsey Graham…I am so over it all…just want this movie to end. The whole lot of them all need to be gone…I heard Putin was in on it all too, but the leader in Ukraine was just playing a role as well. IL don’t know if these people will wake up in time for things to get past the point of no return for us. A bunch of spoiled little bible thumpers and baby adults we have grown here and now it’s all the illegals coming over and shipping them everywhere…Let’s ring the bell….GAME OVER, now get to work~ LOL-

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    • Yeah, well Trump himself ain’t doing much to actually CLEAN OUT the swamp as he endorses obvious cabal-stooge types, like Dr. Oz. WTF? Someone may be advising him with effed-up advice. Discernment? What’s that?

      FYI, I’m told that the 1st Wave will ascend soon, regardless of whether the cabal or humanity jump out in the lead. If humanity takes the lead, they don’t need us. If the cabal takes the lead, things will get VERY challenging and we 1st Wavers didn’t create this mess and yet we’ve had enough “hell” that humanity created and we had to share in since we’ve been having to hold “the eternal children’s” hands and apparently wipe their asses for them also.


      God, crank it up a few notches, they still don’t wanna grow up!

      Oh, and the “football” dude also told me that Putin and Trump talk on the phone on a weekly basis. *shrug* lol

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    • I guess Macron vs Le Pen… Le Pen was ahead by like hundreds of thousands of votes when everyone went to bed, only to wake up to a Macron win. Sound familiar?

      I guess Babylon Bee said something like “It was looking like Musk bought Twitter, until thousands of stock holder votes were found overnight.” LMAO

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  51. They are all crooks…Heard Le Pen got a big payout for losing, that is why she is smiling. Kim Goguen also says Trump joined the black sun group and was battling prostate cancer. She says that isn’t the real Trump out there. Right before the election she was given a call about Trump joining the Black Sun group, and Pence as well….in which they offered him a higher position in the NWO global gooberment and he went for it…so they stole the election, and he could have done more to challenge it, also heard it was all captured in real time which the pillow guy had the proof…but what happened to that? I know they are doing audits and so on, and the Senator from Az was calling for a recall of the electoral votes…but not heard much more about that since about a year or less. Kim says she talks to Trump’s son many times, and she has told him what she knows, and he acts like he didn’t know anything about it but he did admit Trump was very sick. Even Putin isn’t the original Putin. I guess we shall see how far this movie is gonna take us but I’m already feeling’ the pain from it cuz of rent prices and the ridiculousness of infaltion right now cuz they printed alot of money, trying to devalue our dollar and crash the market. It’s no prediction of what they are planning…they know what’s gonna happen cuz they are trying to create this whole apocoluptic mess and planning food shortages Kim says for November, so that is why she is telling everyone to start assemblies and work within your communities to help people when they do this fake shortage….breaking the supply chain. You think they are crazy now? Wait till they can’t get their numnums from the store anymore and people get stupid crazy over paper towels, just imagine how crazy they will get over no food on the shelves.

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      • She’s not gloom and doom, she’s trying to tell people we gotta unite and work for our own self governance to help ourselves and our communities, that we can trust or wait on the gooberment, or even Trump, which is the ‘new’ savior but his popularity is waning because they keep moving the goal posts and people keep hanging on because ‘it’s for the children’ they are saving in these bunkers…yadda yadda, and “hold the line’ and oh, it’s gonna get worse before it’s gonna get better….it’s hopium and keeping people socile tille they can destract everyone long enough to pull off their agenda. Kim is trying to tell people that you need to start working for ourselves, she says it all the time. But all people want to talk about is Trump is in charge, he’s gonna get us out of this, he’s coming back…and like you and I, we know how the gooberment lies and tries to control us all…if people don’t wake the f up, we will be screwed. This inscles all the Trumpsters, believe me, I was all for Trump and saw he did do alot of good for America and stopped the plan for a bit…we were so close to be rounded up and put in camps.Now I donh’t know their plan, maybe Trump was acting as a double agent to infiltrate the Black sun group which is probably just hopefulness, but the writing is on the wall. It’s stall, and switch and the movie goes on, and on…I’m all out of popcorn, and it’s time to roll the credits, whether it’s true he is in charge, how long before you become the monster you are fighting? How can they tell the truth, but keep it all secret, it’s time for it to be exposed and time for it all to fall. They can’t keep saying it has to be secret while they have to act like the monsters they are fighting. People don’t need to be taught a lesson, because it affects us all, and those who are still asleep, well they need some medication and a psychologist because I don’t want to be ‘IN’ the movie…it’s going too far. Every since the whole Jan. 6th crap and innocent people who were led into the building and did nothing, were put in jail and all the ones who had ran over to parlor and they shut it down, and then gave everyone’s info to them so they put everyone on a no fly list. I was gonna sign up for parlor but when I read that they wanted my social security number and driver’s license and everything…I decided not to do that. No social media needs anything on a person like that. If they even want my phone number…I ain’t doing it.
        At this point, who are we to believe? The ones who keep telling you to ‘hold the line’ the EBS is coming anyday now, wait for Trump to come back, they are doing audits…blah blah blah….or the person who is telling you that you can’t look up to any of these people, you have to get off your duff and help yourself and those in your community. You can’t wait on any savior. Kim isn’t trying to tell people what to do, she is trying to tell us we need to do for ourselves. And she is trying to help us by taking down their control systems.

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        • GAWD! Check this out. I don’t give a flip in any direction about this “guru”. He’s sure as hell not MY “guru”. But! Harrison Smith here from InfoWars, hears what he wants to hear. Makes an ass out of him and whoever with his assumptions.

          So, you can skip to about 3:00 min. to start listening. This guru obviously spoke at the WEF. Without knowing exactly what he’d said during the WEF meeting, these few little comments have like ZERO context.

          First, yep, many religious (regulated) people are still VERY MUCH running the “go forth and multiply” program. Just willy nilly, mindlessly BREEDING, while they are allowing the world – that they are bringing children into – to go to hell. I’m sorry, but that is just SICK AND TWISTED. No really. Get your fucking priorities straight already. So, they are in essence slaves… making more little slaves. If the parents don’t have their priorities straight they won’t be teaching their children how to get their priorities straight.

          So, face some FACTS first (what conservatives and InfoWarriors claim they are obsessed with).
          1. The death portal is not the only way to leave this world. Ascension portal folks! Doh!
          2. Those ARE the two choices for you now because this is a time of Planetary and Collective Ascension. The reason why a planet would get ascended is because it and / or its lifeforms are in trouble. Yep. Extinction-level event is coming.

          So, choose! Do you want to ascend or do you pass through the death portal one more time, with no hope of incarnation HERE again, at least for a while, because the environment will collapse and there go all the lifeforms that you would have any chance of incarnating into.

          AJ and (I’d have to then assume) Harrison, knows about the environmental collapse – it’s called geoengineering Harrison… who seems to have the memory of a goldfish.

          Whether you like it or not, there will be NO humans or much of anything else on this planet in the very near future.

          Now, choose how you would like to leave. Will you go through the death portal or the ascension portal?

          Now, this planet could house one whole hell of a LOT MORE people living here, if they were actually living harmoniously with the planet and nature. But stupid souls in human form keep letting the cabal determine how they live, what technologies to use, how those techs. get used, etc. AND stupid souls keep letting the cabal run roughshod over them… and their children, that they insist on making. If everyone would quit FUCKING and clear their already FULL plates, ya know, GET THEIR PRIORITIES STRAIGHT, before they make more babies… but all too late for all of that on this planet, at this point.

          I too want less souls here. I want as many as possible TO ASCEND! Hee, hee, ha, ha Harrison. That could include you Harrison. Here, let me put my foot on your shoulder for leverage, while I try to help you pull your head out of your ass.

          Now… if you’d like to present us all with EVERYTHING that this guru said, I’d love to have that CONTEXT. If InfoWars was taken out of context or context not provided, it would surely be the end of the world.

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          • The WEF agenda isn’t quite the same as yes, they do want to depopulate, but they want to merge with A.I., and only want slaves so they gotta get those jibby jabbies into everyone, especially the children but they will fail, they’ve already lost. They know they cannot ascend with those of us who will be ascending, so they know they cannot exist either, like they planned in their bunkers…they think if they depopulate, there won’t be so many knocking on their vault doors…that is if they survive…but the extinction level event that is and has been what happens to all previous civilizations was not a natural event, it is caused by our consciousness and also by these yahoos tech they had placed here when they turned this planet into a prison planet. If Kim is right, and she’s legit, she says they have replaced the metatron’s cube and their tech that caused these pole shifts and destruction because they did this so when we started to catch onto the real deal, they had to destroy it before we could destroy them. That is why our lifespans are so much shorter than they were in previous lifetimes. They are part of the dark matter construct, of which the metatron’s cube was the overlay of the organic reality so they had access to it but if Kim is right it no longer has portals or is no longer overlaid in this reality and has been replaced. She also says we have been on the positive timeline since April 24, so they are beginning to know that they have lost, and no longer can conjuer up their negative timeline…..not that they won’t try, of course, I guess they will keep amping it up if they can just destroy something or stupid people who are still brainwashed. I hope Kim is right, I hope she is legit, and people start self governance and taking care of themselves and those around them. Kim says they have the tech to clean up the planet from all the crap that these goons have done to it. She also says that they have stopped the tech that made our planet wobble and caused the pole shifts and floods, but they are still trying to do what ever they can with what they have left since they have been constantly trying to initiatge their GREAT RESET, and setting up some quantum financial system they can’t but Kim says she has shut those systems down…the swift system is coming down. They have set up a new one with Microsoft but she also has taken it down. They can’t create new money, just move around old money but they are broke…so….hopefully she is right, and peopple step up and start taking care of their own shit and communities and stop waiting for Trump or any gooberment or person to sasve them.

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            • Ya know, we keep hearing about how creating chimeras is one of the many things in the cabal’s plans. Methinks they are doing just that with this m-rna shot. People’s genetics are being altered, while they are alive and walking around. We’ll see how many funky beasts result from this.

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    • Well, God wanted to play cards again today. Did yesterday also. But today’s 3-card reading was all about my ascension. So, let’s cross our fingers in hopes of launching soon. (Remember the good old days when our own fate was completely in our own hands. Ahh, that was sweet. I look forward to getting that back. I’m done with being tied to the kiddos.)

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