Will You Know? … when Gaia and the first wave have ascended?

Those of you who are not ascension-ready, when Gaia and those who ARE currently ascension-ready, when we ascend, will you know?  ASK to know.  Ask now.  Ask God and Gaia to let you know when it happens.

You can view it as good news, to you personally and for everyone else.  It means that, first, we got Gaia taken care of, ascended, safe and sound.  THAT is the ultimate reason for this effort.  It also provides somewhere for all other humans to ascend to.

And those of us who go with Gaia demonstrate how very possible this all is… for you… for everyone… how very REAL ascension is.

I’ve often told people, “I’m a nobody.  I have had no greater potential than the next person and yet I did it, I COMPLETED my healing and ascension work.  If I can do it, so can you.”

When you come to KNOW that this not-so-little thing has just occurred, that the planet and some humans have actually ascended… tell the world!