Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of Western Religion

(might want to grab a cup of tea before starting this one)

Let’s start with this – as George Orwell said, “Those who control the present, control the past. Those who control the past, control the future.”

Regardless of your opinion of AG William Barr, he understood this. Late in his time as Trump’s AG, he was asked in an interview, “How will these times go down in history?” to which AG Barr responded, “It depends on who wins.”

In case you don’t know what George Orwell was communicating there, it is this: whoever is in control in the present gets to write history the way they want to. If they can get you to swallow their version of the past, they can use that to steer you to create the future they want you to create – your creative energies hijacked for the cabal’s purpose / agenda.

“History is nothing but the lies that are no longer disputed.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

(from the novel “Empire of Lies” by Raymond Khoury)

More and more folks are waking up to the present-day global cabal, but still far too many don’t understand that this control agenda has been here since the beginning of humanity. What does that matter? Well, through many lifetimes, many of you have been programmed. You can’t just stop new programming from happening, you have to undo / release the age-old programs. Take out the garbage. Those programs are causing problems. You continue to run those disempowering programs and you continue to hurt yourself, your fellow human, the planet and all of its lifeforms.


Ok… about 40,000 years ago, a race of beings called the Anunnaki came to Earth. They were mining for gold here. But their own people went on strike.

So, their leader, Anu, asked his son Enki – a genetics engineer – to create a slave race. Enki used the Anunnaki’s own DNA combined with the DNA of an already existing hominid from Earth. Enki had two goes at this, because… the first race he created were too intelligent – read “Divinely Connected” – to go for that slave b.s. So, Enki was back to the drawing board. With the second race he created, he dumbed them down a bit. He split the race into two genders and split their brains into two hemispheres.

As I’ve said before and will now say again – the physical changes were one thing, but the brainwashing put on top of it kinda sealed the deal. Yep, sadly for the human race – the 2nd race that Enki created – a slave race resulted.

First, let me give you an ever-so succinct summary of the Garden of Eden story that the cabal tell you. Their version of that history, which so many of you have heard so many times before. So… their version goes like: The serpent was evil. Eve was duped. And Adam was a good little boy.

Now, I’ll tell you another succinct summary of the TRUE story of the Garden of Eden.

The first race that Enki created were the serpents (yes, plural). Yep, they resembled their Anunnaki / reptilian cousins. (So what? Are you going to get all racist and claim the serpents were “evil” because they resembled their Anunnaki / reptilian cousins? Really?) They were the ones who were too intelligent and wouldn’t go for being slaves. They kept their eyes on the Anunnaki though and saw that they had genetically engineered another race of people – the Adams and the Eves (yep, again, plural), who more closely resembled their hominid cousins. So, the serpents went to the Garden of Eden to WARN the Adams and the Eves! It went something like this: Serpents said, “They created us serpents to be a slave race but we didn’t go for it, so they created you Adams and Eves to be their slave race. We’re here to warn you. You don’t have to become their slaves.

So, if we summed this up as succinctly as I did the cabal’s version of the Garden of Eden story, it would go like this: Anu was evil, the serpents warned humans about this, the Eves caught a clue and the Adams were duped… and those duped Adams swore their loyalty and obedience to Anu (and the Anunnaki, their oppressors), their “God” (when in reality, just a little ‘g’ god).


One’s left brain is conscious / logical / based in reason. One’s right brain is about unconscious / intuition / based in knowingness / gnosis, ya know, Divine Connection. As I’d said elsewhere, the Eves, being more naturally right-brained (Divinely Connected), caught a clue, while the Adams, who were practically right-brain-dead, weren’t even quick enough to catch a cold. 🙂

Unfortunately for BOTH the Adams and the Eves, the dummy Adams were bigger and stronger… and they were told they were good little boys. Well, I guess I don’t have to tell you who won out since humanity has been rather Divinely DIS-connected for thousands of years. And that’s what the imbalance of a patriarchy does for ya – it creates major dumbed down and Divinely disconnected beings. A matriarchy would also be imbalanced but would at least have Divine connection which could guide them well. A patriarchy is just flat more controllable. Perhaps that has become blatantly obvious now, hmm?!

Notice I said that the patriarchy was unfortunate for BOTH the Adams and the Eves. Uh huh. Many a woman has been beaten, stoned, burned at the stake down through time here in this patriarchy. And for what? Mostly for being intuitive. Ya know, Divinely Connected. CONNECTED TO GOD! Sounds criminal doesn’t it? Not. But that’s how the Anunnaki and the global cabal who serve them told it. Any men who were used by the cabal as “useful idiots” in the persecution of women were participating in their own undoing. Those women could have taught the right-brain-dead men how to be Divinely Connected. At least if a woman died being burned at the stake for being intuitive, she still had her connection to God. The men who lit the pyre? Not so much. Still just beasts with no Divine Connection. Yep, the patriarchy may have hurt souls more while they were in male form than while they were in female form. Many souls have been both male or female during many incarnations here, but their female incarnations, although challenging, may have served their soul better at eventually returning to their True Divine Self and God.

Since I directed the last post to Alex Jones, let’s include him in a present-day parallel to the Garden of Eden story, which is pretty much the archetypal story of Prometheus – anyone who dares bring the truth to humanity will be attacked, tortured, ruined, perhaps killed and definitely vilified. Alex knows that first hand. What Alex? You only recognize what’s going on if it’s aimed at you? Buy a clue!

So, Alex would be like the serpents, here to warn humans of their impending enslavement. The Eves would be like Alex’s audience, being intuitive enough to at least recognize truth when someone like Alex tells them. And “the woke” (ya know, here in the cabal’s upside-down world / Orwellian world – the Walking Zombies / Sheeple / Useful Idiots / Programmed Robots are called “woke”, when they’re anything but) are like the Adams – dumb as stumps, but their oppressors tell them they are the smart ones and everyone else is crazy and their stupid fat egos just want to “be the smart one”. And this is how the insane end up running the asylum.

Let’s also talk about the Garden of Eden story in terms that many of you are familiar with. Anu is who you all call “Satan”. No capitalization. Not a name. Small letter ‘s’ satan is just a word… that means “adversary, accuser or opponent.” Yep, fitting term for the role that Anu has played in this veiled, dualistic ex-periential realm.

And the Anunnaki are who many of you call “demons”. Again, many of you don’t know your own languages (dictionaries can be so helpful, use one – WHAT YOU WANT IS WORD ORIGIN – older dictionaries may be better since “they”, the global cabal, are rapidly changing word meanings, more ongoing corruption of the language, but regardless of the dictionary, just breeze right by the lists of “definitions” and go right to WORD ORIGIN), so you don’t realize that all “demon / daemon” means is (little ‘g’) “god”. Yep, accurate again, the Anunnaki were / are indeed little ‘g’ gods. But so are you! That’s the part they didn’t want you to know. ‘Cuz you know, Divinely Connected beings don’t go for being slaves. As William Henry likes to put it, “Christs don’t pay their taxes.” Ha!

Yeppers, the Truth of the Garden of Eden story is a bit different than the cabal’s version that everyone hears. Completely 180 degrees out of phase. Talk about “upside down world”. It’s been going on since the beginning of the human form.

So, you all have a certain “knowingness” / gnosis about this story. So, even if you don’t understand what “satan” and “demon” really mean, applying the real meanings of “satan” to Anu and “demon / daemon” to the Anunnaki, yep, it’s still accurate. You just don’t realize what exactly you’re saying.

But now here’s the complete and utter disconnect / blockage that Christians and others have around this story. Another name for Anu, was Yahweh. Yep, the god (nope, not God, but god) of the Old Testament. And yes indeedy schweetie, the entity that so many of you RIGHTLY call “Satan”. Anu = Yahweh = “Satan”.

Nope, Yahweh is not God / The All That Is / Prime Creator / Infinite Light / The Isness (or whatever term / title you care to use). Yahweh did indeed peddle himself as being big ‘G’ “God”. Sounds completely like a “satan” to do such, huh?!

I laugh to hear so many Bible thumper types keep saying, “The ‘devil’s’ (no such thing, that’s an icon created by ‘the church’ to fear monger) biggest deception is convincing people he doesn’t exist.” The devil doesn’t exist.

Nope, no “devil”, no capital / big letter ‘s’ “Satan” either. Plenty of satanists though. And, whether they realize it or not, the “god” they answer to is Anu / Yahweh / “Satan”. Some at the top of the cabal are well aware of who their “god” is. The “useful idiot” types may not understand who they call “Satan” really is either… just like Jews and Christians don’t understand. All are “worshiping” Yahweh, but don’t understand that Yahweh = Anu = “Satan”.

I just wanna keep saying, “Doesn’t this all sound too familiar?” Those who dare to control you claim to be something they are not and they lie to you and keep information from you so that you cannot strive towards your own Christ Consciousness, your own Christ potential. They have no new tricks. They’re doing it now and some of you who bought the Yahweh lie can see the cabal’s present-day lies. You know how they operate. Why is this such a stretch for you? Connect the dots already. There are many researchers who would be happy to help you. God would be happy to help you too.

To this day, many a Christian man STILL chooses to vilify women since that seems to be easier for them than tending to their own healing. They have no clue that they are actually vilifying the outward representation (women) of their OWN Feminine Energy.

(Little ‘g’) god forbid (little ‘g’ gods doing this to themselves) these men bother to tap into THEIR OWN Feminine energies, which IS their connection to God. What “the church” hid under the ever nebulous term “holy ghost / holy spirit”. (Throw a “w” in there and it makes some sense – whole-y – to make whole.)

Poor, wimpy men, boo hoo, getting all “blamey”, somehow thinking that by being spiritually ignorant they are better than those who actually know / “gnow” (gnosis) something… who could help them make Divine Connection. But their big, fat egos just couldn’t handle THAT TRUTH – “What? These vile women are more spiritually connected than almighty me?” Yep, these Christian men are just as bad as “the woke” people on the left. Someone told them (or programmed them that) they were the “smart ones”. Done with that fucked up paradigm yet? See the splinter in the “left’s” eye? Use that to help FIND and CLEAR the log in your own eye.

Yep, the Anunnaki and the cabal fed you bullsh*t and you Jews and Christians swallowed it whole. But you just have to point the finger at someone else ‘cuz your egos are WAY too big for you to admit that you were gullible… and were duped. The wisdom of children – “You point a finger at someone, you’ve got three more pointing back at you.” Suck it up and acknowledge you were duped and get to the Truth. God is Truth. You continuing to think that the very entity you call Satan is God is NOT Truth and you’re continuing to be sucked even deeper into the lie that Anu / Yahweh / “Satan” sold you… and getting further and further from God.

There were plenty of clues that Yahweh is not God. Here are just a few simple but fundamental ones…

Yahweh was male. God does not have gender.

Yep, I myself have / can / do use the male pronoun often for God, but for balance I also use the female pronoun for Earth / Gaia when, just like with God, neither the planet or its soul essence have gender, but as long as silly, brainwashed religious people keep saying “Father God”, I’ll keep saying “Mommy Earth”… to keep emphasizing the need for Balance, Wholeness and Integration of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine… and the Sacred Union between the two.

By saying “Father God”, yes, that indicates that you are talking about Yahweh, who you all call Satan. I’ll spell it out for you – You all proclaiming loudly that you are loyal to “Father God” is you saying that you are loyal to Satan. Really? Time to let your be-lie-fs fall by the wayside and EMBRACE THE TRUTH. You do create through your Thoughts, Words and Deeds afterall. Do you really want to keep telling the Universe, which will faithfully reflect your creations to you, that you are loyal to and worship a “Father” God, a “him”, a “he”, which all implies THAT IS NOT GOD / THE ALL THAT IS / PRIME CREATOR?

The fact that Yahweh had gender implied he had a physical body, which, again, God does not have. We individuated souls are how God ex-periences being in physical form – through us.

You also get the distinct impression from Biblical scripture that Yahweh (and his people) were interacting on the physical level with humans. Again, not something God would do… except, of course, through other individuated souls.

And… God does not have a name.

As a side note here… Constitutional lawyer and conservative radio host Mark Levin said about a year ago that he’d been meeting with his rabbi because Mark knows American history very well, but doesn’t know ancient history. He wanted to know who “this king” and “that king” were in scripture. Now, if his rabbi actually thinks that Yahweh is God, well, as I’m sure Mark’s lawyer mind could understand, if you start with a false premise and continue on from there, you won’t get closer to the truth, but further from it. So, if there was a king who was “loyal to Yahweh” and you think Yahweh is God when he’s really “Satan”, well, that tells a much different story about that king, eh? Yep, a story that is 180 degrees out of phase with the truth.

And the whole thing with Adam and Eve “eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” is not what most have been brainwashed to think. Yahweh (NOT God) said that sort of knowledge was a bad thing. Think about this folks. You’ve been told that knowing about the ex-istence of and the difference between good and evil is a bad thing. After all that has happened in recent years, do you still think that? Many of you have awakened to the evils in the world and so now you can have some inkling of what it takes for you to not participate in and not energize evil yourselves or how not to be duped by it and how not to keep being wimpy and laying down for it. Ya know, being “evil” yourself. Again… God did not tell Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. YAHWEH did! YAHWEH IS NOT GOD! Yahweh did not want humanity to understand what he was really about.

It reminds me of the three monkeys – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. If you refuse to see it, refuse to hear it or about it, refuse to speak of it… it’s not going anywhere, but it will keep working on you and yep, fill you.

Look at how many of you – yeah YOU – have bought in to what the cabal has offered up to you, down through time, using this “entity” or that organization, etc. You do it over and over again. They just change the name, the “face” of the source of that garbage b.s. They will use and have used western religion, parading around as “spiritual”. They will use and have used communism, parading around as “liberal”. Aren’t you all done being that gullible?

I’ve said elsewhere that many think the “mark of the beast” is an RFID chip and that it will be accepted willingly. What haven’t you accepted willingly that the cabal has offered you down through time? They distract you with all manner of nonsense and you just keep going for it. Breads and circuses. Meanwhile you’re too distracted to deal with what really matters.

They keep giving you toxic, nutrient-depleted faux food and you keep buying it and eating it… and growing it. You make excuses for not eating Natural, Whole, Organic food. Ya know, REAL food. You say you can’t afford it. In Truth, you can’t afford not to eat it. Health is wealth. What? By this point you haven’t figured out that if you don’t have your health, you don’t really have diddly? You’ve traded your health for all manner of nonsense.

They keep giving you dangerous, unhealthy technology and you keep using it. I heard someone say something about the free energy that Nikola Tesla was working on, where “power” could be just broadcast through the air. This person talking about it said it may not have been “healthy” but it was free. Actually Tesla understood that HIGH FREQUENCY energy is not the danger that low frequency energy is. The low frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz power lines running through the walls of buildings is really disharmonic. You may have noticed that when the power is out, you feel better. Even beyond just getting you off your devices and shutting down your noisy electric contraptions.

Evil spelled backwards is “live”. Many of you sound like you really want to “live”, but your idea of living is a far cry from the kind of “living” that God would like for you, that you would SO enjoy… when you get there.

Make sure you get to the whole truth so you COMPLETELY quit participating in “evil”. If you don’t know about the difference between good and evil, you can get caught up in evil. You all have been. Yeah, I said it. In a nut shell, by convincing humans that knowledge of or the ability to discern between good and evil is bad, humans have been put under a consciousness veil, part of what started the “free will” ex-perience.

So that was the beginning of Judaism.

Now let’s look at Christianity.

The true, original Christians were the Gnostics. They were very literally the New Agers of their day. That’s how it’s been for quite some time. Soul groups from elsewhere incarnate here to help humanity wake up and yep, to shift from the energies of one astrological age to another.

The Gnostics told the Jesus story. Jesus is not a real soul / person but a fictional, archetypal character, one who shares an awful lot of characteristics with older / earlier archetypal characters. Those characteristics are not unique to Jesus. These stories and characteristics are from very old pagan archetypes. (See video at bottom of page – which I had not seen before writing this post, but God wanted me to find it so I added it and it jives with what I’m pointing you to.)

The story the Gnostics told was very enlightening and empowering and yeppers, much archetypal / symbolic information embedded into that allegory – a story told to teach you something, if you would bother to use your feminine energy / right brain / intuition / Direct Connection to God and learn about archetypes and sacred symbology. God would love to help! Ask and ye shall receive. And you’d better be able to handle the truth. God is Truth. If you dismiss the Truth just because it runs headlong into YOUR be-lie-f system, you are dismissing God. Really? You still want to keep doing that?

So, yeah, fictional, archetypal characters, so the story is not about them, it’s about you and your own Christ potential. (any Christian who stumbled upon this post is now either shrinking into their own self-imposed “unworthiness” or their be-lie-fs have gone ape shit, feeling so very threatened by the TRUTH of their own POWER – how are they expected to keep shirking responsibility, or keep “playing small” and camping out in victimhood if that pesky Truth just keeps showing up? dang it anyway)

I see so many Christians wanting to quote “Jesus” all the time, but they seem to always breeze right over this line – “Have I not said ye are gods? You too shall do these and greater things.” And boy oh boy have the Christians been “playing small”, ya know, for a bunch of Divine and Powerful Creator gods.

Well, the Gnostics, just like the serpents and the archetypal character of Prometheus (and Alex Jones), were bringing light, truth, empowerment to humans. The cabal couldn’t have that.

So, the cabal’s version of history tells us that Saul / Paul converted to Christianity. Nope. Saul / Paul was cabal. I don’t just say that to sound like Longfellow. Saul / Paul would pursue and kill Gnostic Christians. But no matter how many he and others killed, the Gnostic Christian movement would not stop. So Saul / Paul hijacked Christianity by starting “the church”, so he could steer Christianity where he wanted it to go.

He said that Jesus was an actual soul incarnate as human. Nope. Not true. Saul / Paul also said that Jesus was special… implying you’re not. He said Jesus was the “only son of God”… implying you all are NOT sons and daughters of God. (Lowly / humble you. Not!) So, you are to worship Jesus and of course to them “worship” has a “lesser than” / disempowering slant to it, just like how the cabal want you to be. And Christians claim that pagans were “sun worshipers” when in reality it is the Christians who are the son / sun worshipers. Jesus was the archetype for the Divine Masculine / the Solar Masculine. Nothing wrong with having that Divine Masculine Energy, but without YOUR Divine Feminine Energy you are not complete. The Masculine and Feminine are not opposites, but COMPLEMENTS, as in “to complete”.

The cabal have Christians worshiping Jesus. JESUS IS A FICTIONAL, ARCHETYPAL CHARACTER IN AN ALLEGORY! Talk about idol worship.

Does what I’m telling you sound upside down compared to what you’ve been conditioned to think? Uh huh. Actually, what I am saying is right side up. It’s the cabal’s twisted versions of things, the be-lie-fs they have planted in YOUR psyche, that’s upside down. At this point, is that really any surprise to you? Really?

Silly programmed Christians will say dumb ass sh*t like, “If you just believe in Jesus, you can return to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. ” I suppose if you just believe in Cinderella, you too can go to the ball.

But even if Jesus was a real person / soul, it’d still be stupid and disempowering to “worship” him (in the corrupted, disempowered conventional sense of the word “worship”). That’s one soul worshiping another soul. *shaking head* You’re putting yourself in a “lesser than” mentality. Yep. Disempowering!

And I suppose if someone with cancer just “believes in a healthy person”, they too can be healthy. The healthy person is healthy because they aligned their Thoughts, Words and Deeds with health. That’s how you create. You cannot ride someone else’s coattails to health. And you can’t ride someone else’s coattails to Ascension / Christhood / “the Kingdom of Heaven”.

Now, the word origin of “worship” literally means “worthiness, acknowledgement of worth.” That’s great. God is worth it. But! God is THE ALL THAT IS. Everything and everyone are worth acknowledging their worth. You don’t do that, you’re dissing God. Hell, even the archetypal character of “Jesus” is worthy information.

But I don’t see any of you “worshiping” yourselves, as in ACKNOWLEDGING YOUR OWN WORTH. That’s the problem.

The biggest ego issue with Joe Average human is not feelings of grandiosity, but having a “lesser than” mentality. “I’m not worthy. I can’t do what Jesus did ‘cuz I’m just a scum-sucking, worthless, bottom-feeder nothing.” Err! Wrong answer! You’re not as grand as a FICTIONAL CHARACTER? WTF? Unlike “Jesus”, you are an actual soul! You’re here actually doing this whole human incarnation thing. YOU are NOT merely a fictional character.

Even egomaniacs (feelings of grandiosity) are the way they are because they have some major self-worth issues.

I hear even Alex Jones say, “We’re not Christ-like, we’re not perfect.” Alex, JUST EXACTLY THAT, being Christs (not merely Christ-like) is what you are all being urged to right now, in these times. CLEAN UP YOUR LANGUAGE! You create through your Thoughts, Words and Deeds. Quit telling yourself that you are not worthy… because, by Thinking and Saying that you are not worthy, THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE CREATING! Really? Haven’t had enough of that ex-perience yet? Yeah, you may not be a Christ quite yet, but that is what you need to aim for, so Think, Speak and Act like you are a Christ… and you eventually will be.

This is another one of the cabal’s old tricks – to get you to worship something / someone outside of yourself. They also like to turn non-entities into supposed real entities. It could be Jesus, it could be Moloch, neither of which are actual entities.

Moloch, just like “satan”, is just a word. It comes from the Hebrew word “mlk”, which means “sacrifice” and that sure as hell isn’t about roasting your children on a fire, it’s about letting go of what no longer serves you, ya know, like be-lie-fs. It doesn’t matter if the made-up entity is “good” or “bad”. The disempowering part of worshiping (in the conventional / disempowering sense) any entity is not about the entity but about worshiping something outside of yourself… and dissing yourself big time in the process. You are the part of God that you were put in charge of and you want to dis yourself? Really?

Yeah, yeah, I know, if you actually acknowledge your own Power and Worth, then ya might have to actually OWN ’em along with owning your own CREATIONS and a part of you knows that if you want to reach your glorious potential… you’ve. got. some. work. to. do. Ahh, poor babies. You want the Power but don’t want to take Responsibility (the ability to respond). Good luck with that.

You wanting and expecting what a (supposed) former Christ accomplished by merely riding his coattails is like a teenager who wants a fancy car like his folks have, but he doesn’t want to do the work that the folks did to get it. He just wants to hold out his hand and have a set of keys dropped into it.

Getting Christians to think Jesus is their savior keeps Christians sitting back on their heels, doing nothing to save themselves. They’re waiting for someone to swoop in and save them. Talk about “magical thinking”. (and they say New Agers are “woo woo”)

And, what exactly would anyone save you from? Yourself? Your own creations? No one else makes your choices, lives your life, is in charge of you, creates for you. So how would they “save” YOU?

YOU are your savior.

Here’s a novel idea – if you don’t like what you’ve created, create something different!

Jesus’ greatest apostle and his partner was Mary Magdalene. She was the archetype for the Divine Feminine / the Lunar Feminine (or / also the Hidden Sun / “the black hole that isn’t black” Feminine). No, she wasn’t a prostitute, she was a harlot. Mary practiced sex magic, using sexual energy / ecstatic energy for spiritual purposes. She helped Jesus reconnect to his Ka body / Light body so he could ascend. He had his own bag of healing tricks and gave Mary a chakra clearing – what the Bible thumpers call “having seven demons driven from her”. Nope. Just a chakra clearing.

But, just like the Anunnaki created imbalance and lack of Divine Connection by creating a patriarchy right at the start of the human race, “the church” reinforced that by making “Jesus” (ya know, the Divine Masculine / Solar Masculine / son / sun) “special” and by vilifying Mary Magdalen, the Divine Feminine. The cabal couldn’t let humans know about their Divine Feminine aspect or they just might connect into God and realize / re-member they are Divine and Powerful Creator gods… who won’t be good little slaves, who do as they are told.

Even symbolically, “the church” eventually made it a crime for artists to portray “Mary” in red. They were allowed to have her dressed in blue. That would point to the “wise old woman” / Mother Mary NOT to Mary Magdalene. The cabal don’t want you to know what Mary Magdalene points to symbolically. See the post titled Lucifer for more on the three aspects of feminine energy, represented by red, white and blue.

The next big bumping up of the dumbing down of Christians happened with the compilation of the Bible in the 4th century. Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicea put the Bible together. A Roman emperor and a bunch of church bishops. The cabal. The biggest lie of the Bible is the Lie of Omission. They had a whole world of information to draw on and you can bet they cherry picked what went into the Bible. They were “controlling the narrative”. Just like CNN does today. So, not only are you missing a lot of info, but you’re also missing the context it would bring to what did get included in the Bible. They also twisted and turned and muddied things up like CNN does also.

All of you who have swallowed the cabal’s b.s. around the 3 western religions could really stand to quit being so naive about it all. It’s really quite sickening to see today’s Christians being some of the most awakened to the present-day cabal and yet keep themselves hamstrung with old hijacked-Christianity programming that has frankly made many Christians very docile. Sick, sad, pathetic. Present-day Christians definitely have some “inertia” issues. They seemingly can’t get off the fence, out of the gray areas, out of their uncomfortable comfort zone. And yet… they fancy themselves to be so connected to God. No, not hardly.

Enough with worshiping an archetypal character in a story (idol worship!). What don’t you understand about the Jesus story pointing to YOUR OWN Christ Consciousness?!!! I know, you just don’t want to grow up. I do though hear you all screaming for your power. Power and Responsibility go hand in hand. You want your Power, you have got to take Responsibility… for your own creations.

It’s sickening to hear so many conservatives say that all they want is to be left alone. You WERE left alone through many, many incarnations / lifetimes. Left alone in your veiled-consciousness / free-will state. You didn’t learn, grow, heal or reconnect back into God. You have not graduated from this dense 3D realm. You’re still here! You’ve been in “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” mode. Round and round on the reincarnation hamster wheel. How’s that working out for ya? And you want MORE of that? You want to be “left alone” with all the distractions the cabal have given you? Do we need to install a window in your stomach so you can see straight with your heads that far up your ass? Yeah, I said it. Can you tell I’m done with your idiocy. Yeppers. Not done with the soul that you are, just your disempowered state. Time to grow up already.

As someone who brought 4th Ray / Harmony Through Conflict energy to the world to help humanity, I’m here to tell ya that conflict and adversity will help you get unstuck / off the fence / out of the gray areas. God is giving you any and every opportunity to get with it. Nope, God is NOT going to just “leave you alone”. God, like me and Hallmark gift cards, “cares enough to send the very best”, whatever it takes for you.

… and those who serve the dark ultimately serve the light. You can bet God is using the global cabal to light a big enough fire under your butts to GET YOU TO MOVE!

In 2018, when Alex Jones was getting deplatformed off of social networking, he was pulling his hair out and yet at one point he had to say, “All this adversity has gotten me closer to God.” Hallelujah! Just as Divinely planned. (By the way, hallelujah = praise ye the Lord. Have you considered the Lord here is yourself? Your Divine Self? Your, hopefully, soon-to-be Christed Self. Yeah you!)

Humanity is facing the choice between ascension or an extinction-level event. Both WILL happen. Which side will you fall on? So, ah yeah, God is NOT going to “leave you alone”. God wants you off the fence, out of the gray areas, which are disappearing rapidly. Choose! Then get ALL IN. Not a good time to be half-assed about anything. Address all aspects of your healing – body, mind, emotions, spirit. Take your hard-earned knowledge and put it into action / apply it by addressing your own inner work and by taking right action in your world.

Many of you have been through one or many paradigm shifts already. You can face this one about Jesus also. Hey, ya woke up to the truth about Santa Claus and it didn’t kill ya. You can wake up the the truth about Jesus and that won’t kill ya either… it will EMPOWER you… as the Gnostics meant for their ARCHETYPAL ALLEGORY to do for you.

To digress a wee bit… In recent years I met someone who, when they were a child, adults in their life would throw Bible scripture at them to shame, guilt and manipulate them. They got fed up with it and decided to take up a thorough study of the Bible themselves. Now, they get after clergy who don’t know as much and get things wrong. One day they came across an ex-clergyman that they knew, who was now homeless. This clergyman was sitting somewhere reading some prophetic scripture that was saying there’d be a group of people who would “deny Christ”. The scripture gave other descriptors that were throwing this clergyman for a loop and this clergyman agonizingly wondered aloud, “Who are these people who will deny Christ?” This person who had studied the Bible looked him right in the eye and said, “You!”, meaning the clergy. This clergyman was hit full force with the truth of that statement. He was beside himself.

“Christ” is not a person, but a Consciousness level. It’s the same with “Anti-Christ” – not a person, but also just another consciousness level. Which one will YOU choose?

And many, many clergy down through time have absolutely denied their own and others’ CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Yep, some of the biggest Christ deniers around.


One day Alex Jones said, “People don’t recognize greatness when they see it.”

(This is kinda along the line of people thinking that so-called “black holes” are actually black. No, it’s just that the light in a black hole is beyond a 3Der’s ability to perceive – too high of frequency. See post: The Speed of Light = The Speed of Thought Many dumbed down people also apparently can’t “see” other people who actually carry a lot of light.)

If Jesus were a real soul (/person) and actually showed up here, most Christians wouldn’t recognize him. Nope, they sure wouldn’t. But then why would that be any surprise. The cabal and the useful idiot clergy have been telling the Christians that a fictional, allegorical, archetypal, metaphorical, etc. story is actually about a real being / soul / person. They’ve also been led to believe utter nonsense about what it takes to prepare oneself for ascension / to attain one’s Christhood / return to the “Kingdom of Heaven”. And you can bet they’ve been brainwashed to look at superficial crap concerning what it takes to prepare oneself to ascend – do you drink, smoke, cuss? Are you gay? etc. (The New Agers would want to know if you’re a vegan… and maybe also… do you cuss, lol.) And they eat all manner of faux food and are ill from it and yet judge a healthy person who drinks, etc. All stupid nonsense. Read this blog to find out what it REALLY takes to knock out your healing and ascension process.

I am one of the 144,000 (more like ~145,000). I completed my healing process in 2006. We had to cool our heels for a while waiting for others to catch up a bit and then moved into our ascension process in late 2009 – early 2010. I finished my ascension process about a year later in early 2011. Since then, we’ve been here doing massive transmutation and light anchoring work and energetically babysitting everyone else while ya all take your sweet time finding the handles on your big kid pants. I have had very few people recognize me as the light worker / warrior I am… being already “ascension-ready“. Yep a Christ that is done in every way except actually ascending… since this is a planetary and collective effort, not a time of individual ascensions. I’ve been here since my own completion serving all these dumb asses who can’t “see” me.

Years ago, when I was in my early 40s, I met a gal in her mid-20s who was a self-proclaimed shaman. I went to tell a story about her to a metaphysics-type person. I never did get to even tell them the story I wanted to because they totally got tripped up on the “self-proclaimed shaman” bit. “Shamans don’t choose themselves. The tribe would choose who their shaman was.” I told them, “Have you been paying attention to the ‘tribe’ lately? They wouldn’t recognize sh*t if they stepped in it. They sure as hell don’t ‘see the light’.”

And no matter who, could be Christians or New Agers or whoever, they all think they’re all that, so advanced… and will be ascending (raptured?) soon… and yet once they open their mouths their disempowering be-lie-fs come flowing out… indicating nope, they’re not all that. These days, in some cases, you can’t even see their mouths because the “experts” told them to put on a mask. I know a New Ager type who keeps wearing a frickin’ mask. I’ve fantasized about giving her a mask that said “DISEMPOWERED” across it.

There will be very few of us (~1,145,000) ascending soon, before all the rest of you. For the record, all of you who might be reading this, who have known me in person, who have expressed that you will be ascending soon… *shaking head* Nope. You’ve got some massive work ahead of you – both inwardly and outwardly. Settle in for the long haul.


To digress a bit more… long story short, I was standing near a clergyman when another man stepped up and started to ask him about his church. I got the impression this man may have been new to the area and was looking for a church to attend.

One question he asked this clergyman was, “What is original sin?”

The answer given, “Thinking that you are a god.”

OMG! Again, upside down world.

No, dear duped clergyman… Think of sin as “ignorance”. One’s “Original Ignorance” would be from coming here, donning a consciousness veil and FORGETTING that you are a god.

The clergy may be some of the most brainwashed, dumb-downed, Divinely DISconnected and disempowered humans around. That has made them very dangerous indeed.


Now continuing with the history… Centuries later there were still Gnostic Christian holdouts in the world. One group were the Cathars, the Pure Ones, which is what their name means. Here again, they were bringing enlightenment and empowerment to humanity. The cabal just can’t have that. So, Pope Innocent the III sent mercenaries / hired soldiers to take out the Cathars. Where the Cathars lived they were surrounded by church people (later known as Catholics, the church stealing the name from the Cathars). There were 3 church folks for every Cathar (if I remember correctly). When the soldiers came, the church folks (Catholics), who knew the Cathars were good folks, basically said, “You’re not taking our Cathars.”

Obviously even the church followers back then had more of a spine than most present-day Christians who, at least until very recently, are / were terrified to even attend a school board meeting.

To digress a bit in that direction… a conservative radio host rightly said that many a parent, if present at a school shooting, would put themselves between the shooter and the children… but don’t ask ’em to attend a school board meeting. Ooh too scary. I guess the idea is that it’s better to be dead than be empowered. *shaking head* But, if you die before you learn how to reclaim your power, you’ll have to return here or somewhere similar.

On a grand scale, it really doesn’t matter if you or any other individuals actually pull off your ascension in this lifetime or not, but I do encourage you all to knock out as much healing as possible, which may either allow you to be free from this realm (although not “ascended”) after you pass through the death portal OR it will help you get up to speed faster in later incarnations.

And then the Marxists (ya know the top of the Democratic Party and their mainstream media propaganda machine) started calling school-board-attending parents “domestic terrorists.” Ooh, WAY too scary now. They’re calling ya all names now. Who could possibly be expected to have to face that! 🙂 Find your spines already and release your fears. Goodness sakes.

I listened to a lot of talk radio during the lockdown. Several parents who were getting after their school boards were interviewed. Sadly, most said it was the first time they’d attended a school board meeting. Yep, that’s a problem. You’ve allowed the few to control the many because “they” (the cabal) had their hands into everything in this world… and you Joe Averages haven’t “had your hands” into much of anything but the nonsense that the cabal distracted you with.

Back to history…. Well, Pope Innocent the III’s soldiers got word back to the pope, who responded with, “Kill ’em all. Let God sort ’em out.” He was willing to kill off 3 church people for every Cathar. Gee, I guess he felt threatened by the Cathars, eh?

Another group of Gnostic Christian holdouts were the Knights Templar. They were battling the cabal of their day, which was still the church and the European monarchies. Well, they had their tricks to use but the cabal finally caught onto them. The pope and the French king went after them… on Friday the 13th. That is why we talk about that day being unlucky. It was for the Templars. Some Templars were tortured and / or killed and the rest were forced underground.

Alex Jones rightly observed that the first impeachment vote of Donald Trump was on Friday the 13th. You can bet that was no accident. But Alex, in his brainwashed state put out some garbage info. He did a special report on the Templars then. If he had only listened to himself, he may have realized his error. He said early on that the info he was presenting about the Templars came from “mainline history”. That’d be like saying, “It came from the mainstream media… it must be true.” Remember, those who control the present control the past. The Anunnaki and the cabal, who answer to them, have been in control in this world most of the time. And even if there were times of enlightenment, if / when the cabal got control again, they then went about rewriting history to suit their purposes.

Alex WRONGLY said that the Templars were a “secret society”. Donald Trump, who yes has read the Art of War, said, “You don’t tell your enemies your plans.” Alex himself has said he has projects in the works but is not ready to disclose what they are. Are Donald and Alex “evil, secret societies”? Nope, just wise. The Templars were the Donald Trumps and Alex Joneses of their day, fighting the cabal of their day.

The Templars later resurfaced as the Free Masons. Many present-day researchers see the corruption in the present-day masons and see both the masons and the cabal using symbology, so the researchers wrongly think that the masons are evil and always have been. Nope, just more Gnostic Christian holdouts. The researchers also know that many of the founding fathers of the U.S. were masons, so they just assume, wrongly, that the founding fathers were bad. Nope.

There’s the old line “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”, which I think many a person wrongly thinks means if you can’t beat the opposition, just cave in to the other side. I had a revelation years ago that that line is a cabal directive to their stooges – if you can’t beat ’em… infiltrate and corrupt them from within their organizations, etc. And that is exactly what the cabal did with the masons. Some of the first indication of this was the Royal Society of Free Masons, ya know, the European monarchies’ version of masonry.

George Washington, a mason, knew of this infiltration and warned his fellow brothers about it. I said this in comments on an Info Wars site and to Alex’s credit, he looked it up. Alex found it in the Federalist Papers. Good for him, doing his own research and using his own direct connection to God and all.

A couple of present-day masons – Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight – went through their 3 initiations for their 3 masonic degrees, which included reference to Hiram Abiff. They asked their fellow masons who Hiram Abiff was. No one knew. Well, these two masons did it right. They didn’t just think, “Well, those were interesting initiations” and just went back to their lives. No, they “caught the spark” and set out on their own “Holy Grail Quest” to find out who Hiram Abiff was. I’ll let you look into that yourselves.

But in the epilogue of their book “The Hiram Key”, they said they’d heard of corruption in the masons, but when they were researching for their book, they visited many mason lodges and the masons there were very helpful, sharing whatever info they had and they were also interested and asked these two authors to please inform them when their book came out. So far, so good.

But when they released their book and went out on tour to promote their book, almost invariably someone from the Grand Lodge of London would show up to heckle them. These authors said (perhaps naively so at the time) that these hecklers obviously hadn’t read their book because they kept saying that the authors had said something they hadn’t. The cabal have no new tricks. This is exactly what the Jim Acosta types would do with Trump, ask things like “How can you say such & such?” implying Trump had said “such & such” when, no he hadn’t. So, these authors realized that there was indeed some corruption in the masons.

A little personal story… years ago, I had many an email contact, mostly lightworker types. We shared info with each other to help us all get up to speed to help this world. We mostly didn’t respond to each other and just trusted the next person to get from the info what they would. I sent out an email about the corruption in the present-day masons. A friend wrote back, something to this effect, “I’m so sick of hearing about the corruption in the masons. I’ve known many masons and they are good folks. You want to see corruption, you need to check out the Vatican.” I told them I was well aware of the corruption in the Vatican and the Catholic church, but I was raised Catholic and I knew many Catholics who were good folks. In both cases, the rank and file Catholics and masons don’t know what is going on at the top of their organizations / institutions. My friend said, “You’re absolutely right.”

Many present-day masons may have no idea that their institution is a Gnostic one. Gnosis? What’s that? William Henry had joked that what the masons do they call “the craft”. William figures that stands for Can’t Remember A Friggin’ Thing.

Gnostic = “relating to knowledge, especially esoteric, mystical knowledge”.

Knowingness. And as the word esoteric means (please use your dictionaries and see WORD ORIGIN), this is an INNER knowingness, one that comes from Divine Connection. Many people think that “esoteric” means “info that is known by only a few”. Well, sadly, that actually has been the case. But esoteric has to do with INNER KNOWINGNESS. Yeah, still, far too many DON’T know this, many people still DON’T have that inner connection. Are you one of them? Do you have that inner connection? Are you sure you can so quickly and boldly answer that in the affirmative? Check out my Divine Guidance post for some clues on the various ways that the Divine uses to communicate. Are YOU picking up on the messages that God is sending you? … or do you keep dismissing the messages?

As I said, the Gnostics were the New Agers of their day, here to usher in the Age of Pisces. The astrological age influences all Earthlings, regardless of their own personal astrological energies. God sent me many Pisces in this lifetime. Towards the end of that, before the “ascension hell” years started, I realized that God was giving me info, not about these individual Pisces, but info about the Age of Pisces.

In this veiled-consciousness, dualistic realm, everything has an up and a down side, a functional side and a dysfunctional side, a Divinely Connected side and a Divinely DISconnected side.

The Gnostics were attempting to get humanity to tap into the up side of Pisces. This is the most intuitive, naturally Divinely-Connected sign.

But one part of the down side of Pisces is… a Pisces can really play the victim / martyr / blame game.

So, in this cabal-controlled world, gee, which side of that gets dissed and vilified and which side gets pushed / promoted?

People were burned at the stake for having a Divine Connection.

And yep, the world is full of people brainwashed to be “victims”, ya know, as if to say that their own life (their creation) is somehow someone else’s fault. “Poor helpless me. I’m so ‘done unto’ by others.” Ah no. YOU create your life and reality. OWN YOUR CREATIONS!

Even depictions of Jesus… you don’t see a whole lot of depictions of Jesus learning, growing, healing, teaching. Instead you see a whole world FULL of depictions of Jesus being crucified. The cabal turned the fictional character of Jesus into your god then crucified your god. As if to say, “Your god’s not so mucking fuch. Look what we did to him. I guess we’re more powerful than your god.” Yep, they turned a fictional archetypal representation of a CHRIST (about YOUR Christ Consciousness / Christ potential / Christhood) into the ultimate martyr. That would be the conventional / corrupted meaning of “martyr”, ‘cuz, again, corruption of the language is at play here. More literally, WORD ORIGIN-wise, martyr = witness = basically a state of mental sharpness or Intelligence. Unfortunately, in this cabal-controlled world, yep, that could get ya killed. Oh well. “If you could flick the switch and open your third eye – You’d see that we should never be afraid to die

As far as Islam goes… The hijacked version of Christianity (ya know, “the church”), started the religion of Islam. Muslims could stand to be as concerned as Christians could stand to be.

Excuse that ever so brief tidbit on Islam, but I am not Muslim so have not had to clean Islamic garbage out of my psyche. I had Judeo-Christian garbage to clean out of my psyche. But I’ve pointed you to the truth and there are plenty of good researchers out there to clue you in. Do your own research and use your own Direct Divine Connection to get to the truths that you need to know.

I’ve been hearing conservative radio hosts calling what is going on “on the left” these days as “the left’s religion”. Gee, if these conservatives keep using the term “religion”, they just might eventually realize that their religion is… ya know… their own religion. Yep, just like with the left, the right’s own religion is, yep, based on be-lie-fs, put in their pea brains by someone else.

Again folks, for what I’m about to say, use your dictionary – you want WORD ORIGIN.

I’m sure if I asked most religious folks if they like the government regulating every little part of their life, they’d say they can’t stand that.

Ok, brace your religious self…. the word religion literally means “regulate”. We’re talking about having your Direct Connection to God REGULATED!!! And yet folks willingly get involved in religion. For the most part, no one is holding a gun to the Christians’ heads forcing them to go to church and forfeit their own Direct Connection to God. They willingly allow people, books and other things to get between themselves and God. And the whole “freedom of religion” thing spoken of in the U.S. Constitution… think about it… you are being told you are free to have your connection to God REGULATED. Just like with Free Will, this has been part of your ex-periences here, but really?, how much longer do you care to be Divinely DISconnected? Mmm?

You are all sovereign beings. You’re not becoming sovereign beings, just like you are not becoming gods. You are these things. Always. That means that there is nothing going on in your life that you haven’t created, either directly or by allowing others to violate your liberty and boundaries. Evil enters the world when good men fail to act.

No one can truly take authority over your life, but you sure can give it away.

And no one else can give your power back to you, but you can step up and reclaim your power.

As one of my favorite researchers (Michael Tsarion) likes to say, “You were sold a lie and worse yet, you bought it.”

No reason to take my (or anyone else’s) word for any of this. You can use YOUR OWN research skills and YOUR OWN Direct Connection to God. I’m not telling you all this to dis you. I want you to wake up and step up. Yep, time to grow up. Time to quit playing small and selling yourself short. You naturally, both as a soul of God and in your human form, have what it takes. Will you DO and BE what it takes?

Now, in no way is all the scriptural information from the three western religions a complete and utter throwaway. Hey, even CNN sometimes tells the truth. And books in the Bible originally came from different authors / sources, some who were rather Divinely Connected and others not so much. Then there was much deleted, warped and lost in translation.

And, face it, keeping you all under control has been a full-time job for the cabal – they can’t wipe out all the truth all at once and for their purposes probably didn’t really want to, ‘cuz no one would have bought in then.

But that’s what disinformation is – they mix some lies in with some truths. The truth resonates with you and helps make you swallow the lies.

They have to keep urging you to what you are not or you will eventually, organically find your True Divine Self. But yeah, your discernment (a right-brain, intuitive function based in knowingness) is absolutely required. Just ask God to help you sort through it all.

And, you’re going to have to research outside of scripture in order to get to the whole truth. You have GOT to look at ancient documents OUTSIDE OF Biblical scripture.

You on “the right” see how those who only watch CNN (or msm et al) have no clue about the Truth of things. If you only look in the Bible for these histories, insights, inspirations… you’re really no better off than the zombified CNN viewers.

Also you want to go to the ORIGINAL “scriptural” texts, in their original language (or to researchers who have looked into that for you), NOT just the highly edited, cherry picked, “cabal approved”, translated-umpteen-times stuff that ended up in “the Bible”.

Take the garbage out folks. Make sure you get it all. God would love to help you with that. Your be-lie-fs are keeping you oppressed and disempowered. Had enough of that yet?

See also:

Who Was Yahweh?

Masculine AND Feminine

The Speed of Light = The Speed of Thought

Interpretation … of Stairway to Heaven


Massive Apocalypse

Dissenting to the Dissing-of-Self Disinfo – Lessons in Walking and Chewing Gum at the Same Time

Sacred Symbology


No More Distractions

Free Will is Just a Veiled Consciousness State

Are You Letting Your Beliefs Run the Show?

Intuition, Insight, Instinct

Check out this book:

The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus and the Sex Magic of Isis


In the video below you’ll see that, like I said, the story of Jesus was an old story by the time that Jesus was supposed to have lived. IT’S ARCHETYPAL INFORMATION!

You might notice some things being done centuries ago by “Christians” (the hijacked version / the church / Catholics) that are being done now by “Marxists” (top of Democrat party, mainstream media, Big Tech platforms, Hollywood, etc.) – same tactics, same global cabal, different name or face.

The rewriting of history done by both… including the following.

You’ll see that the hijacked version of Christianity loved to tear down statues, burn books and destroy libraries (shut down communications), temples and relics of ancient pagan cultures. Then they’d build their own churches, etc. on the same location of a torn-down ancient temple. The cabal understand the “power of place” just like older pagan cultures did. But the cabal didn’t even have to understand how to find these “high energy places”, they just built in the same place where they tore down something else.

Does this sound all too familiar?

Does it matter what history is erased? Good, bad or indifferent, you can learn from history… but not when it gets “erased”. Did the pagans get everything right? Nope, but they did MUCH better than most modern-day Christians. Yeah, I said it! … ‘cuz it’s a fact Jack. Tribal people and pagans also got bullied, killed, manipulated etc. by the Anunnaki, the cabal or by the cabal’s “useful idiots” (of the day) who were sucked into Divide and Conquer.

How in the hell can modern-day western religious folks so clearly see the splinter in the “left’s” eye but can’t see the log in the “right’s” eye? If Marxists tear down statues or burn books or censor, OMG! But when the Christians did it, it was ok? And when the Jews before that also did similar, that was ok? You sure about that?

History keeps repeating itself because ya all don’t study TRUE history. You keep getting duped by the cabal’s version of history. Done with that yet?

How can so many “right-of-center” folks so clearly see the present-day cabal and yet can’t see older versions of the cabal, who really have no new tricks? Why can’t they / you see the cabal’s fingerprints and footprints down through history?

These right-of-center folks keep using words and phrases on present-day cabal organizations that were ORIGINALLY used to described WHAT THEIR OWN RELIGION did years ago. The leftists attacked, attacked, attacked Trump and did everything they could to try to dredge up some dirt on Trump, to no avail, and yet what do these righties call that? A witch hunt. Who were the original “witch hunters”? The Christians! Doh!

Christians! Why do you have a disconnect, a blindspot, why the denial about things? You’ll know them by their fruits. This is about not only seeing the cabal for who they are, in whatever guise, by whatever name, it’s also about seeing their programs working inside of others, you perhaps, making you a “useful idiot” to help promote their agenda.

And too many religious folks see the cabal tapping into pagan information and just because the cabal are bad, these dumb ass religious folks just assume that pagans and paganism are bad. Pagans understand truths about God, Earth, the Solar system, the cosmos, the interconnectedness of everything. This is information that is very valuable to any soul who would actually like to learn, grow, heal and graduate from this level of ex-periential realm. The greatest enemy the pagans (literally means “villagers / country folk”) had / have ARE the global cabal. Catch a clue folks!

In recent years, when Alex Jones and Info Wars started to get banned off of social networking platforms, I saw one of Alex’s shows where a gal called in and said she never used to listen to Alex, but when she found out that Alex was being deplatformed off the internet, she wanted to know what he was saying that “they” didn’t want her and others to know. She started listening and got “red pilled” in short order.

Alex himself could learn from that caller. Alex, why in this cabal-controlled world, ya know, where the cabal have rewritten history to suit their purposes, why has paganism been so vilified, ya know, just like YOU are vilified. Buy a clue from your caller and LOOK RIGHT AT what the cabal don’t want you to see. The information / truth / wisdom that pagans and occultists put out the cabal use for their agenda, but they don’t want you to use it for your agenda – if you even have an agenda and aren’t just being slothful, which means that you “allow others to set your life agenda rather than you setting your life agenda”. (Also see High Time to “Get Real” about the Truth of Things)

There is nothing inherently good or evil in the world. It depends on the intention behind it. I would hope to God that YOUR intention will not be of the nefarious sort that the cabal have (you’ll have to release all the cabal programming in your psyche to make sure it isn’t). Get the power of paganism and the occult ON YOUR SIDE. LEARN IT AND USE IT.

As I’ve said, the cabal revise history to suit their purposes / agenda. They are mostly the ones behind all the crap in the world (along with, of course, all the brainwashed “useful idiots” down through time… like yourself perhaps?) and they really don’t have any new tricks, but why bother when the old tricks just kept working on keeping humans ignorant and disempowered. History repeats itself… because people don’t study history. Ya know, the TRUE history.

I chuckle… anything that went against the story that Constantine and the Council of Nicea put together was considered “heretical”. They make that sound like a bad thing. Heretic just means “one who thinks for themselves.” OMG! Not that! Today, those right-of-center will go on about how “the left” (well, ya know, the cabal in Marxist form) keep telling you how to think. So, what’s new? That’s what the cabal have been doing for millennia through the western religions. How dare you be a heretic! How dare you think for yourself! Nothing new here folks.

I’m also laughing at the conventional theologian type in this video (below) that apparently doesn’t like this truer version of history… when he talks, boy does he sure blink a lot. 🙂 Deceiver… or just, ya know, his be-lie-fs just can’t stand to actually look at the Truth.

Duped Christians always say “Jesus of Nazareth”, claiming Jesus was from Nazareth. It’s my understanding that the town / village or whatever of Nazareth didn’t even exist when Jesus was supposed to have lived. Being a “Nazarene” has nothing to do with a place. I’ll let you chase that down for yourself as to what “being a Nazarene” means.

This is a VERY good video… about a Christian pastor who woke up to the truth about Jesus.

I can appreciate, pick the topic, that it’s tough to sift through all the misinformation and disinformation today, especially when anything truthful tends to get censored. But yeah, God led me to this video (and I wasn’t even looking for such – yep, that’s how it often works) and it jives with what I learned years ago when the internet was still “free” and actually useable because Big Tech hadn’t yet hosed their own platforms by making algorithms to hide information. But they can’t keep the Divine from allowing the signal to get through. No better time than now to actually utilize your Divine Feminine aspect and tap into some Divine Guidance to get to the Truth.

Is This Proof That Jesus Christ Never Existed?

Ascension Update 5

God gave me info through Tarot today about The Ascension.

(cards indicated by bolded, bullet points below)

  • Giving and receiving, balancing of polarities.

Ah.  I heard that and thought – Masculine and Feminine.  Balancing and integrating those.

And yes, there seems to be some need for this message now as I observe (am shown) “out there” that some folks want to swing the pendulum from patriarchy to matriarchy.  Nope, not what’s being called for here.  We don’t have time for that Dualistic nonsense.

Time for Balance, Wholeness and Integration.  

And “giving and receiving”…

… for those who saw my last post… everywhere I look I keep coming across this Service to Self (STS) / Service to Others (STO) crap (Ra Material / Law of One b.s).  Argh!  I’m being shown just how pounded into lightworkers’ subconscious this “belief system” is.  I had to laugh at the last time I saw it, it was in comments and yet it was to someone that could stand to hear the STO side of this and yet, I know they get the Serving Self concept so just probably dismissed it anyway.  LOL.

But!  Folks!  If you want UNITY, you’ll have to release Duality!  Most especially when it comes down to things which, in this world of Duality, can be expressed as Masculine or Feminine… ya know, everything. lol.  Learn about Duality so you can remove yourself from it… so you can put the pieces together and Unify.

Masculine and feminine energies are not “opposites” but complements, as in “to complete”, they complete each other.  Swinging back and forth between this is “good” and that is “bad” and just flip-flop the this with the that and all is well.  NOT!  You can’t keep wanting to “throw out” or “kill” parts of yourself or exchange this part for that part and expect to be WHOLE and INTEGRATED.  Time to “re-pair” – put the pair back together, the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine in Sacred Union within EACH of us, not in that dysfunctional “my other / better half” nonsense.  As if someone else could complete YOU.  No, you complete yourself.

I’d recently interacted with someone who thinks that 4D is about heart and 5D is about mind (*rolling eyes*, sorry, but it just had to be “said”) and that somehow heart is good and mind is bad.  They also recently spoke of swinging from a patriarchy to THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF a matriarchy…. and that ascension to 5D is some grand conspiracy to make us somehow leap over heart and go straight to mind.  *shaking head*  Goodness sakes.  As if we haven’t already been camping out in left-brain lower mind, ya know, since we’ve been in the patriarchy for quite some time.

In their reality (don’t make it your reality folks) 4D = Heart = good (not accurate), while 5D = Mind = bad (again, not accurate).  So, they have dissed Dimensions / Densities (Ds) and also themselves in that, clinging to a Dualistic mindset (while they scream to the high heavens about “heart”) that promotes the idea that some Ds are “good”, some “bad” and some parts of self are “good” (heart) and some “bad” (mind).  They are also part of the “Ra Religion” apparently and deem Other to be “good” while Self is “bad”.

Completely clueless.  Clearly demonstrating how steeped in Duality they are… and are NOT consciously aware of that.

This is Duality 101 here… and this person fancies themselves a gnostic.  Me thinks that they found their “esoteric knowledge” (gnosis) in a book (or a few 100) OR perhaps they got it out of a Cracker Jack’s box… and not so esoterically – INWARDLY!  Mmm.  And I am seeing that this person who has served as a good example of a bad example is in “good company”, as in, there are many, MANY more lightworkers who have been caught up in some obviously insidious disempowering belief systems.

Now, as far as the mind goes, we have been too steeped in mind for a very long time, nothing new there, overusing our pea brains at the detriment of our body, emotions and spirit (intuition).  But that still doesn’t make the mind “bad”.  Maybe we are underutilizing the communications and wisdom from our body, emotions and spirit because this world had brainwashed us into thinking those parts of us were “bad.”  Enough already!  Time to stop dissing any and every part of Self.  Time for balance.

  • Be aware of your Words and Intent.

Yep, been getting that whole “Power of Words” theme coming up also.  And it’s all tied together.

Folks, we create through our Thoughts, Words and Deeds.  Mind your words!  Now we’re in Creation 101.  This is as fundamental as it gets.  Get this!

Are you mindlessly parroting something you learned years ago, even when you yourself have, through PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, come to realize that those words you continue to parrot aren’t really so true?  “LIGHTWORKERS” this needs to stop!  If you TRULY want to serve others you’d best be more self-aware than that!  We have enough going on with those who very intentionally want to promote darkness without “lightworkers” mindlessly assisting the cabal agenda (and obviously still operating under the cabal’s programs) by broadcasting far and wide this disempowering nonsense.

  • You are now at a point to reap results from the positive efforts you have made in the past.

Folks, it’s time for some “fine tuning”.  So, SO many of you out there get what I’m telling ya here, but you MUST align your Thoughts, Words and Deeds with your goal if you want to reach your goal.

You all seem to think / feel it’s so very important to get your message out and yet you keep being part of the problem instead of part of the solution, because you are not cleaning up your language to match the housecleaning you’ve done inwardly.  Folks, I shouldn’t have to tell you that it will get downright uncomfortable for you if you don’t align your outward expression with your inner knowingness… and you’re at a point where you can make this SUBTLE BUT VERY PROFOUND shift, this refinement of your energy right now, quickly and thoroughly.


Sacred Symbology

I’d thought about writing about this a while back, then find this video today (below).

He’s discussing the symbology of Baphomet (and some other things).  This is an example of Sacred Symbology that the global cabal use and so folks who know about the cabal often (wrongly) think that the symbol of Baphomet is evil.  Nope.

I’ve felt it is / was one big, fat representation of Duality – Light and Dark, Heaven and Earth, Feminine and Masculine, Divine Self and Human Self, etc.  This fellow (in video below) is obviously in agreement.  But hey, as long as “they” (the global cabal) have you thinking that Baphomet is “evil” then you won’t bother to learn about the Duality that the figure of Baphomet points to.  And if you don’t understand Duality, you’ll have a tough time stepping out of it and into Unity.  How do you unplug from something that you don’t even understand you are immersed in?!

These days people tend to refer to Duality as “Binary”.  Yep, same thing, but every time terms get changed, there’s the chance of some information being lost.

You can get caught in Duality if you don’t understand that is what is going on here in this 3D Earthly Realm.

The freemasons, in their lodges, usually have a tiled floor that is alternating white and black tiles.  I love this.  It represents Duality, but it also indicates an interweaving, how there is a natural urge or tendency for those two components to reunite.  NOT opposites, but complements (= to complete) and components (= putting together).

But many of you have been and still are caught in Duality.  If you were to represent that with tiles on a floor, you’d split the room down the middle with all the white tiles on one side of the room and all the black tiles on the other side of the room.  And that’s what many of you have gotten sucked into.  It’s called the Divine and Conquer tactic that the global cabal have used on you for so very long.


In the figure of Baphomet, there are numerous representations of Feminine and Masculine energy – Moon and Sun, woman’s breasts but implied male genitalia with the rod of the Caduceus…

… with the two snakes (of the Caduceus), which again represent the Feminine and Masculine components to Kundalini ENERGY (the way snakes look when they move looks like waves of energy, appropriate symbology, which got vilified and those buying the lie got dumbed down by it) stored at the base of the spine until midlife / 40-ish years old / Uranus Opposition when they rise up the spine / through the 7 main chakras – yep, sexual / ecstatic energy that is to be used for spiritual purposes.

So… as a side note, I find it interesting that the Caduceus and the Rod of Asclepius are both used as symbols of medicine / healing.  But the Rod of Asclepius only has one snake.  If that isn’t a reinforcement of the patriarchy!  As I said, the TWO snakes on the Caduceus represent Masculine and Feminine energies.  The Rod of Asclepius only has one snake.  Not Whole, Balanced and Integrated… and hence not Divinely connected and hence easily controllable.  Perhaps you’ve noticed that “modern medicine” is really NOT about health and healing.

This fellow (video below) gets it covered and I don’t agree on all he says and he gets off on some tangents, but he’s making you think and that’s always good, plus he’s entertaining.  lol

So… let’s get into this Sacred Symbology, shall we.

Just like with Michelangelo’s horned depiction of Moses, the horns represent Divine Connection.  See the wavy lines around the horns on Baphomet.  It indicates energy waves.

Also the goat head and horns look like the uterus and fallopian tubes so there is Feminine energy represented there.

The goat legs to me represent animalistic nature, including Earth element / mundane desires.

The wings can be angelic and yet also represent Air element.

Not sure what that round thing is behind the Caduceus but it seems to have scales on it and it’s located near the 2nd chakra / desire / sexuality / reproduction – Water element.

The Fire element seems to be represented with a flame from the crown chakra.  Appropriate since Fire is associated with Spirit.

“Solve” and “Coagula”/ Dissolve and Coagulate – “separate” and “join together” – like the breathing in and breathing out of the whole Separation experience and recovering from that and Unifying again.

(I’ve heard severely brainwashed Christians try to vilify even this, ‘cuz they currently see the cabal breaking down the old to replace it with their version of the new.  These dumb ass Christians have been focused on “evil” for so long that now, in their paradigm, EVERYTHING is evil… oh, except their ignorant selves of course.  You know, the whole Ignorance and Arrogance thing.)

This is the 3D Earthly Realm experience you’ve all been having.  You separated off from your Divine Self when you came here (or at least think you did) and donned a consciousness veil.  In these times of Planetary and Collective Ascension, you are being offered the opportunity to “join together” again – your human level with your Divine level – to heal, which literally means “to make whole”.  Sure hope you seize the opportunity and do what is necessary to ascend.  READ. THIS. BLOG.

So, on Baphomet – The two-finger mudra of both hands, one pointing up, one down kinda looks like the Prana Mudra or Mudra of Life (I see there is some difference between the two hands, one has the thumb tucked and the other open, it all means something) and to me that two-handed gesture together represents the prana tube connecting Heaven and Earth through the being… through YOU if you’d allow for it.  Wouldn’t you like to bring Heaven to Earth through you?  You have to be connected on both ends for that to happen.

If you’d like, plug “Jesus mudra” into your search engine and see how many depictions of Jesus you find using various mudras.  Then, if ya care to, look up the mudras and find out what they mean.

And… from wikipedia:

Since 1856, the name Baphomet has been associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” (my note here:  Sabbatic has to do with sabbath, which, contrary to most people’s be-lie-fs / brainwashing / programming is not about some particular building or a particular day of the week – sabbath means “to sit within yourself”) image drawn by Eliphas Levi which contains binary elements representing the “sum total of the universe” (e.g. male and female, good and evil, on and off, etc.).  On one hand, Lévi’s intention was to symbolize his concept of “the equilibrium of the opposites” that was essential to his magnetistic notion of the Astral Light; on the other hand, the Baphomet represents a tradition that should result in a perfect social order.

What I’ve bolded there… that’s what I’m telling ya, the “Sabbatic Goat” image is one big, fat representation of Duality!  And Levi seemingly understood Duality and how important INtegration of polarities was… regardless of who later hijacked that symbology and what their intention / purpose was to use it.

The cabal kinda understand “duality” and have many depictions of it, but ya know, most especially at this late date, “satanists” themselves probably don’t truly know the meaning of the Baphomet symbology.  As I think was attributed to the character of “Jesus” talking to the establishment, and I paraphrase: “You have the knowledge, you won’t let anyone else have it and yet you yourselves don’t know what to do with it.”  The knowledge spoken of was esoteric knowledge, but yes, the establishment / cabal keep attempting to use esoteric info in an exoteric way.  Just clueless.

No such entity as “Satan”.  Little “s”, satan is just a word that means “adversary”, “accuser” or “opponent”.  But people put a capital “s” on the word and act like this is some entity by this name.  It’d be like if you were a boxer and instead of just referring to the other guy in the ring as AN opponent, you instead start calling him Opponent, as if that were his name.  I will give ya though, those who associate themselves with “satan” absolutely take on adversarial and accusatory energy and consciousness, indeed they do – and words, like everything else, have energy and vibration, so by using that word over and over, yep they’re tapping into the energy of that word – but that doesn’t turn that word into an actual entity.  This has certainly served the experience of Duality though.

No one by the name of “Jesus” either, so Christians have that in common with Satanists – they both worship non-entities.  The character of “Jesus” was / is a composite character – based on actual stories from MANY different people’s lives, all lumped together under one “name”.  “Jesus” is also based on many Pagan archetypes from many cultures throughout history.

The Gnostic Christians wrote the original stories of “Jesus” and the other fictional and archetypal characters of the Jesus story.  The Gnostics were the New Agers of their day, here to help usher in the Age of Pisces.

The stories of the New Testament, even though grossly butchered / edited are rather archetypal though and hence still useful – the Spanish pronunciation of Jesus, ya know, “Hey Zeus”, may give you some clue to archetypal info imbedded in that “name”… just like all the pantheon of gods symbology / archetypes.  All these “dieties”, in various cultures across the world, aren’t entities either.  It’s EXTREMELY useful information to humans though, ya just need to understand how to interpret the info.

These dieties represent energies that one is immersed in while on Earth or are the personification of energies that one can draw to themselves and use.  So, not ENTITIES, but ENERGIES.  One example – Ganesha, in the Hindu religion, is a “god” of wisdom, success and good luck and the Hindu tradition calls Ganesha the Vighneshvara. “Vighneshvara” in Sanskrit language means one who is the lord of obstacles or difficulties so calling on “Ganesha” can help YOU overcome obstacles and difficulties.

Why have and use archetypes and allegory?  For the same reason that the character of “Jesus” used parables – to appeal to humans’ right brain, which is about Intuition.  It also then becomes a sort of “shorthand” if you will.  For example, in the Ganesha info in the prior paragraph, I have highlighted what energies Ganesha is about.  But by calling on Ganesha, you are essentially saying all of that… by just saying one word.

So… when I hear of Christians calling on Jesus, I have no issue with that, even though Jesus is not an entity and has no business being “worshipped” (in the conventional / warped sense) whether he was / is an entity or not.  What folks are actually calling on by calling “Jesus” is Christ Consciousness.  I would wish for them to understand that is THEIR OWN Christ Consciousness on which they call and to know that AT A CONSCIOUS LEVEL.  Boys ‘n girls, can you say EMPOWERMENT?!  I knew ya could.  Ya know, just what the global cabal don’t want for you, which is why they used the 3 western religions to “regulate” your Direct Connection to God.

John Dee, who was (if I remember right) Queen Elizabeth I’s mystic (or whatever), contacted some higher dimensional entities to help him.  With what?  Well, unfortunately, with controlling humanity.  These entities said they would help him but he had to warn people before he did anything to them.  In today’s world, often movies are used for this purpose.  If you understand how to interpret the movie message then you do indeed get the heads up.  But, as I’ve said elsewhere, those who want you to know the Truth and those who want to keep it from you BOTH present it to you in symbolic form.  So, no matter their intention, they are cluing you in.  Do YOU have the eyes to see and ears to hear?  Yes, either way, they are providing humanity with a shorthand to use to communicate with.  The Matrix movies come to mind.  George Orwell’s book “1984” also provides that shorthand – think of his terms like “newspeak”, “thought crime”, “big brother”, etc.  For those who are familiar with the stories (books or movies) they can communicate a whole lot in a short time by using the shorthand references from the stories.

And the Jesus archetype is essentially ABOUT YOU.  Yeppers folks, you too can liberate yourself from this world and be Christed.  It will start by NOT worshipping some past ascended master / Christ and instead acknowledging your own “Christ within”.  Why in the world would one soul “worship” (again, in the conventional / warped sense) another soul?  (But hey, by all means worship EV.ER.Y.THING in the literal meaning of “worship”.)

By worshipping (in the warped, conventional sense of “worship”) something or someone else, you are placing yourself in a “lesser than” position than something or someone else. Disempowered much?

Have you bothered to check what your “good book” scripture has to say about the Christ within yourself?!  (Go to The meek shall inherit the Earth post and search for “Christ-I-Am” – see what’s there in comments.)  The biggest lie of the Bible is the Lie of Omission – what was left out of the Bible – but it’s far from being a throw away.  Seriously Christians, see what the Bible has to say about YOUR Christ within.  Might I suggest you take God with you on your research adventure, ya know, utilize that DIRECT Divine connection OF YOURS to get to the Truth and maybe look outside the Bible so you can get a fuller picture.  God will help you with that too.  Did you think communicating with God was reserved for people who lived in ancient times, ya know, like in your “good (god) book”?

When you do look into this, you just might have to “sacrifice” your oh, so precious be-lie-f system though.  Eee gad!  lol  Just remember folks, you HAVE beliefs.  It’s not that you ARE those beliefs.  You might feel like a part of you is dying (you may go through that many times over in your healing and ascension process) but it’s NOT you but programming that has been implanted into the human psyche over millennia.  Let it go.  It no longer serves you.

None of this, yes, SACRED Symbology is “evil”.  There is nothing inherently good or evil in the world, it all depends on the intent behind it.  As I love to say… it’s like all those superhero stories ask, “Do you use your powers for good or for evil?”

The cabal have loved it though when you think that things like Sacred Symbology, the occult, paganism, magick etc. are evil because that keeps you from utilizing the powers therein.  They have you scared of the occult.  There’s nothing to be scared of in that direction.  But continuing down the path you have been on, creating out of ignorance, having your creative powers hijacked by the cabal… now THAT ought to concern you!

And no, you WON’T utilize Sacred Symbology / the occult in the same way as the cabal, well, I hope ya won’t.  Hey, you’re never not creating, you’re always creating, but until you wake up to some things you’ll be creating unconsciously.  The cabal have been happy to hijack your creative energies to use for things that you never would… well, IF you understood what your energies are actually going towards promoting and maintaining.

Since you’re always creating anyway, wouldn’t you like to do so CONSCIOUSLY?!  Then you can create what YOU want, for you and for the world… instead of being the cabal’s unwitting pawn.  See my post “How to Create” to start getting some idea of how Powerful Creator God/desses like yourself actually create.

Your Intentions behind your “magick” will be much better than the cabal’s and I sincerely doubt you’ll feel moved to be chopping heads off any chickens (unless it’s time for dinner) – although some non-cabal / non-“evil” / non-“satanist” folks, Judeo-Christians included, still do just that, the whole sacrificing animals thing … because… they are stuck in an even older paradigm, the Old Testament.  “Jesus”, a composite character – many people’s stories lumped under one “name” – came to usher in a new age – the Gnostics were the “New Agers” of their day, that age being Pisces, which is why “Jesus” is associated with the symbol of the fish – and here we are urging another big shift as the Age changes again from Pisces to Aquarius and yet there are Judeo-Christian animal sacrificers who haven’t even gotten into the Age of Pisces yet.  They’re not just one but two ages behind.

But yeah, the Baphomet symbology is communicating information about Duality and if folks are too scared to look at such for fear of it being “evil” then they missed an opportunity to learn about the dualistic realm they have been living in… which they could actually free themselves from if they’d bother to learn about it.  As I’ve said, Sacred Symbology and other occult information helps you understand the energetic environment you are living in on Earth, ya know, “Being an Earthling for Dummies”.  

The single biggest way that the global cabal have used the occult against you is by convincing you that it is evil or nonsense or superstitious.  It’s the frickin’ manual for how to live on Earth and hence it’s also the manual for how to heal and ascend (be Christed) on outta the Earthly realm.  They (global cabal) have brainwashed you into dissing and fearing the very knowledge and wisdom that will free you from their control.  As one of my favorite researchers Michael Tsarion likes to say, “You were sold a lie and worse yet, you bought it.”  Time to wake up folks!  

If such is old hat to you, this might be boring.  If you just woke up then this fellow and I just dumped a boatload of new search terms on you.  You’re welcome.  🙂

See also:

Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of Western Religion

Who Was Yahweh?


Masculine AND Feminine

“Be what you want the world to be.”

How’s about some balance?!

For eons here, Masculine energy has been over-utilized and Feminine energy under-utilized.  But the answer to a patriarchy is NOT a matriarchy.  This is about balance and INtegration, not about another pendulum swing, which just continues Duality.  It’s time to step out of Duality and into Unity.

For many years, many people who identify as being “right of center” exhibit masculine energy and those who identify as “left of center” exhibit feminine energy.  (I can see a definite do-si-do in that regard though in recent years – the left is now forceful and all up in yer face, while the right have chosen to be passive at a time when being active is what is being called for.)

Those on the right are often all about mind / logic / reason.  They’re half right.  (Are you actually bothering to be a heretic, as in, one who thinks for themselves?  If not, may as well toss your thoughts because they aren’t serving you.)

Those on the left are often all about senses / emotions (feeling = thought + emotion).  They too are half right.   (And… on that side, have you allowed your emotions to be hijacked by the fear mongers?  May as well toss those too then, since they are not serving you either.)

Time to put it together folks.  Enough with swinging the pendulum from one extreme to another.

Part of one’s personal ascension process is to INtegrate the Masculine and Feminine WITHIN oneself.  As each and every person becomes more balanced, INtegrated and whole that in turn makes the world more balanced, INtegrated and whole.  We’re to bring balance, not REPLACE Masculine with Feminine.  Masculine energy is not going away.  We just usher in more Feminine energy to balance.

For those who are stuck in the extremes, I offer this analogy:  Let’s let “mind” be represented by the physical brain and “emotion” to be represented by the physical heart.  If you had two people, the first of which you chopped their brain out and the second you chopped their heart out, which one would live?  Neither.  One cannot live without mind (brain) OR emotions (heart).  You need both!

Masculine and Feminine energies are not opposites, they are complements, as in, “to complete”.  They complete each other, make whole / holy.  We’re talking about energies here, not people, not the “my other / better half” bullsh*t.  No one else completes you.  You must complete yourself.  Now… two healed (whole) people coming together.. now THAT is literally a match made in Heaven.  Good stuff there.

This is also about finally stepping out of the dysfunctional / unevolved characteristics of both Masculine and Feminine.

Ya know, since forever, the two-party political system has used the Republicans to utilize Masculine energies and used the Democrats to utilize Feminine energy.  Do I really need to tell ya that they’ve used the “down” side, the dysfunctional characteristics of both Masculine and Feminine with the political parties.  The Republicans are overt and tell you what they will do, whether you like it or believe it or not, then they do just that – take that!  The Democrats are covert and they deny they do something and do it anyway – a little manipulation anyone?  “Overt” and / or “covert”, neither is inherently “bad”.  There is nothing inherently “good” or “bad” in the world, it depends on the intention behind it.  

But yeah, those are a couple small examples of using these energies for nefarious reasons and purpose, but you can bet that down the road, how folks utilize both of these energies will be in a more evolved way.

So, just what ARE Masculine and Feminine energies?  Well, first and foremost, don’t think that you can make a good judgement of that by going with societal ideas (in any culture) of what women and men should be, what roles they’re “supposed” to play.  There are some rather natural roles that come with the different physical-level genders but don’t confuse that with societal b.s. that is thrust on everyone.

For example, in reality, women can exhibit masculine energies by being the ones to fill the role of the “father archetype” by “bringing home the bacon” and men can be the ones to fill the role of the “mother archetype” to “keep the home fires burning” and I’ve known couples who did just that.  One couple I know had a baby and her job was doing better than his.  This was not necessarily about earning more but her job was more in line with where she wanted her career to go and his job, well, not so much.  So they opted for him staying home to take care of their new baby and she kept her job.

You can search this blog for these terms “masculine” and “feminine” for starters, and the web also and use some “understanding tools” like astrology, etc. to understand what is really meant by these terms.  Astrology is a good hint – we ALL have Masculine and Feminine energies in our birth charts!  This is SO NOT about gender.  It’s about ENERGIES!  The understanding tools can also help you understand the unevolved vs. evolved characteristics of both.

When it comes right down to it, in this Earthly realm that is Dualistic, any and all that exists here can be considered a Masculine or Feminine energy.  Day & night, summer & winter are a couple examples of Masculine & Feminine energies.  Day / summer / solar energy is Masculine – light, visible, active, assertive.  Night / winter / lunar energy is Feminine – dark, hidden, rest / gathering energy, passive.  Many, many cycles of Life, going back and forth between the Masculine and Feminine.

So, a small example (it’s subtle but the subtle is very significant and it accumulates, you’re always creating) of an overuse of Masculine energy and an underuse / honor of Feminine energy – and yes folks, one imbalance which is demonstrated just as much by women as by men – is how silly humans just insist on being so go, go, go around “holiday time” in the dead of winter (Winter Solstice).  Party, party, party.  Shop til ya drop.  Hang out enough outdoor Christmas lights to put the Griswolds to shame.  Goodness sakes, don’t actually get into the Feminine “rest / gather energy” or darkness of winter, oh no, just flood the wonderful, peaceful winter darkness with lights every frickin’ where… maybe so ya can’t see the stars for so long you’ll forget they’re there… at a time when one really ought to be resting and gathering energy… in preparation for… summer, the next Masculine active half of the cycle… because if you don’t capitalize on the Feminine rest / energy-gathering of winter (and nighttime also), then you won’t be able to really fully utilize the next Masculine active cycle either (summer or daytime).  You must honor both halves of this or you’ll be burning your candle on both ends.

Now, for a very big example of this imbalance that is old and far reaching is how, centuries ago, humans were discouraged from using their intuition, even taught to fear it, that it was bad or “demonic” or what have ya… or could get you killed by someone who feared it.  The majority of the people killed during the Inquisition were women.  They were feared and vilified because, eee gad!, they were intuitive!  The global cabal have loved to use the “divide and conquer” tactic in every way, and in this case, they literally made men fear the women in their lives – mothers, sisters, partners, daughters – were just so “scary” because they seemingly knew things that just couldn’t be known outwardly, at a purely lower-mind level.

Huge, HUGE blow to Feminine energy right there, and here again, one that has affected women even though they tend to be more naturally intuitive and has really struck a blow to men because not only is their (in many cases) intuition not quite as natural to them, but the women who could teach them have been conditioned not to do so and the men conditioned to not listen (feminine energy) to the women about intuition.  (Also see Holy Trinity info in Interpretation … of Stairway to Heaven)

The Feminine energy side of the sleepy masses was gutted by vilifying intuition and now, in recent times, they’re going after the Masculine energies by dissing men and making men seem unimportant and downright obsolete.  “They” (the cabal) never quit.  Let’s not help them put the final nail in humanity’s coffin by dissing either Masculine or Feminine energies, eh?!

In a dualistic realm, the Masculine is considered light and the Feminine dark.  It’s not that “dark” means “bad”.  The Masculine is visible (good, bad or indifferent) and the Feminine is hidden (good, bad or indifferent).  Just male and female genitalia give some hint to this.  Male genitalia is out there for God and everyone to see.  Female genitalia is hidden.  

Yes indeed, as you might guess, the male body is masculine and the female body is feminine, but you as a SOUL (outside of physical incarnation) do NOT have gender.  Don’t let your “rental car” confuse you on this.  

The Knights Templars built many cathedrals.  What you see of the cathedrals is the Masculine (visible) part, but it’s said that there is as much underground as what sticks up above the ground and what’s underground, that which is hidden, is the Feminine part.  Often there are Black Madonna statues in the underground part of the cathedrals.  It represents the Earth in part and Feminine energy / dark / hidden / shadow.

Some also say that the Black Madonna is black because she’s been scorched by the overuse of masculine / solar energy in this long period of a patriarchy.  

So, here again, I have to chuckle at many lightworkers who are so pushing Feminine energy – fine and well in general, ya know to balance things out so we can finally step out of the patriarchy – but many of these lightworkers seem scared as hell to address their own shadow aspects.  *shaking head*  You’re not going to bring the Feminine energy balance to your own life and bring it to the world if you’re not courageous enough to face your own shadows / darkness – that which is “hidden”.

I’d recently said in comments that the cabal likes to hijack current energies…

One case in point… I feel the Millennials / Gen Y folks were to actually help usher in Unity Consciousness but the cabal influenced them at an early age, especially through the education system, to do everything in groups.  They were essentially “trained” to be codependent.  They were taught to find unity “out there” or horizontally rather than unifying vertically with all aspects of themselves “in here” first before unifying with others.  (See Unity post.)

I feel in this same way the cabal have hijacked this Masculine and Feminine INtegration thing with all this “trans-trender” / gender-fluidity propaganda push, which is exactly what it is.  It is meant, in part, to confuse people.  I’d say that anyone who truly feels they are transgender (ya know, without being brainwashed into thinking it) knows that confusion about gender is not fun and they probably wouldn’t wish that on anyone.  I’ve never felt that this, yes, BIG propaganda push was advocating anything that was actually in transgenders’ favor in any big way and perhaps was actually doing them a disservice overall and even some transgenders have noted that (and are not happy with) this push that is “politicizing” transgenderism.

This push is also a step in the direction of transhumanism, pretty much just turning humans into cyborgs, so… getting people used to taking drugs (or hormones) and having surgery (doctor-assisted self mutilation) for anything and everything.  Here again, they are making people turn an “in here” thing into an “out there” thing.  They’re getting people used to dealing with their body issues (real or imagined), this one and any other, in an outward way, literally going under the knife and filling one’s body with hormones or whatever other pharmaceuticals to force their desire to manifest outwardly.  Well, good luck at actually manifesting an outward gender reassignment in this slow, 3D realm.

As if some boy / man has to put on a dress or have body parts removed in order to get in touch with their Feminine aspects (or vise versa).  Not.  This INtegration may not exclude crossdressing or what have ya – hey, whatever turns your crank – but don’t confuse the two.  

As far as “playing dress up” goes, well, aren’t we all?!  … as soon as we incarnate into human form.  If transgenders have the feeling that “This body doesn’t feel like me”, well honey, “this body” isn’t any of us.  Our bodies are a vehicle on loan to us by the planet.  A vehicle.  A VERY IMPORTANT vehicle that we’d best take care of.

Don’t get distracted with trying to change your “out there” when the task at hand, along with your other healing and ascension work, is ENERGETIC INtegration “in here”.

Hey, addressing and honoring the physical part of you is part of all of this and yeah, loving and accepting all parts of you, including your human aspects, including  your physical body is important and, for the most part, one is either male or female in this dualistic Earthly realm.  Gender is a physical-level thing.  At the soul level we have no “gender” and we certainly are not dualistic at a purely soul (Divine) level.  But when we are incarnate as humans, it serves to honor your human side and along with loving all other aspects of yourself, honor your body.

Embrace your body, it’s you… for now.  Transgenders also.  It’s not necessary to alter your body, just accept it.  It’s temporary.  Whether you depart from this world through the death portal or through the ascension portal, your current 3D carbon-based body is temporary.  It’s also part of the experience you are having, so have it.  You can do or be something else in some other life, perhaps in some other place… and if you want a new outward gender after you ascend, it’s QED (quite easily done)… but for now, how’s about being right here, right now.

I cast no judgement, but if it were me and all else was the same, only thing different was that I felt I was transgender, I absolutely would not take hormones or have surgery.  I respect my body too much for that.  And that thing I just said about one’s current body being temporary… I KNOW it.  … and I love me, all aspects of me.  My body has been a total champ in this ascension effort, which I completely appreciate and don’t hesitate to express that to my body.  I’m not so comfortable in my ascension-hell-years fat-suit either, complete with next to no energy, but… it’s temporary.

And our 3D carbon-based body is what we have… until we don’t.  It’s not only our vehicle to motor around in on the 3D physical plane it is also kind of our vehicle outta here since we are in it while we go through our healing and ascension process, so it serves you to take care of it as best ya can… not to mention that your body is the outward manifestation of your energy.  If you are not physically healthy you could stand to examine your choices and the energies you have taken on with your choices.  All part of your own Self Mastery / Ascension Process / your own Christhood.   You’ll be in that body until you die or cross over the consciousness veil and fully transition / ascend to 5D.

Metaphysics folks will talk about the Merkaba, which they might say is one’s “ascension vehicle.”  True.  But that leaves one asking, “How do I get this Merkaba, this ascension vehicle?” 

The Merkaba is simply the re-pairing (putting the pair back together) of your masculine and feminine energies… to be Balanced, Whole and Integrated.  

Below is a Sacred Geometry depiction of this integration.  The Merkaba is represented by a Star Tetrahedron, which is two tetrahedrons together – one masculine, one feminine.  “Tetra” means “four”, so each tetrahedron is a four-sided polyhedron, each side is an equilateral triangle.

The one pointing up is masculine.  The one pointing down is feminine.  

A two dimensional representation of the Star Tetrahedron (the Merkaba) is the Star of David.  

Sacred Symbology / Sacred Geometry.

Feminine and Masculine energies before becoming a Merkaba (above).  

Feminine pyramid (top) has its foundation in “Heaven” and yet has a point reaching to Earth.  The Masculine pyramid (bottom) has its foundation in “Earth” and yet has a point reaching to Heaven.  

The two united in the Merkaba.  In a 2D depiction, the Star of David represents the Merkaba with its two equilateral triangles.  In a 3D depiction, a Merkaba is a Star Tetrahedron – two tetrahedrons, which are 4-sided objects with each side being an equilateral triangle.

Don’t worry when you find that Feminine energy gets the “Heavenly” position at times and the “Earthly” position at others.  Same with Masculine.  Don’t allow this to confuse you.  It’s a natural physics / metaphysics / Divine plan sort of weaving and dancing of these two energies in such a way that naturally wants to bring balance.  Let’s just say that Duality contains all the components that one needs for Unity, it’s just about INtegration.  Re-pair, put the pair back together.

For example, with the depictions of the Merkaba as shown above, the Feminine is more Heavenly and the Masculine more Earthly.

But, when you look at the 4 elements of astrology, you see that Fire element (Spirit) is Masculine yet is Heavenly energy,
while the Earth element (Physical) is Feminine and yet is more Earthly energy.

Although, Air (Mind), which is Masculine is Earthly and
Water (Emotions), which is Feminine is Heavenly.

And also notice in the picture above of the pre-united Masculine and Feminine that the Watery Feminine downward-pointing pyramid is on an “Air” background, which is Masculine.
The Fiery Masculine upward-pointing pyramid has an “Earth” background, which is Feminine.

Yet again, in an overall way, the human / Earthly part of us is considered Masculine (the beast),
while the Divine Connection / Heavenly part of us is considered Feminine (the soul).
See the interweaving?!

There is a close connection between:
Mind and Body.

And also a close connection between:
Spirit and Emotions.

Here I will give you some ex-amples of Masculine and Feminine Energies.

Keep in mind, these are not “opposites”, but “complements”, as in, they complete each other, as is the goal for you to complete these within yourself – to be Balanced, Whole and INtegrated.

Also keep in mind, I’m talking ENERGIES here, not gender (male / female).  

I’ll now give you some examples of Masculine and Feminine ENERGIES as two lists, but they correspond to each other in the same order as given.  

sun / solar
left brain
logic / reason
“in yer face”

moon / lunar (and also the “hidden sun“)
restful / gathering energy
right brain
intuition / knowingness

Sadly, far too many lightworkers and others are SO stuck in the Duality “either / or” that they pick a side and don’t bother with the other side OF THEMSELVES or they realize that the one side is not the answer so pendulum swing to the other side in “all or nothing” fashion.

There’s the “Do” camp and the “Be” camp.

There’s the “Self” camp and the “Collective Connection” camp.

*shaking head*

Nope, “either / or”, “one OR the other” does not lead to Wholeness.

These things are not “opposites”, they are complements, as in, they “complete” each other.

To hell with “either / or”.  Give “And / Both” a whirl!

See Dissenting to the Dissing of Self Disinfo – Lessons in Walking and Chewing Gum at the Same Time for more on such silly Dualistic nonsense.  Continue on, if you’d like, to other posts referenced there.

Folks, please look up information about Masculine and Feminine energies, perhaps some esoteric info – word origin of esoteric = “within” or “into”.  And inwardly is where your Masculine and Feminine INtegration will happen.

Here’s a couple good places to start:

Margaret Starbird explains why 666 Mark of the Beast is not Caesar Nero

Hidden Messages: Sacred Numbers and Christianity