98% Fake Covid Cases Exposed in Texas County Audit

Doubting the accuracy of State of Texas Covid-19 numbers, Collin Co., Texas, dropped its active case numbers from over 4600 to under 100 overnight after an audit.

98% Fake Covid Cases Exposed in Texas County Audit

And that’s not some exception.

You will find this link and others concerning C0VID-19 in the comments section on my post Coronavirus – Summary of Info Thus Far.

Numbers have been doctored to make this sound worse than it is.  The reality is that this is no worse than the flu, perhaps not even as bad as the flu in recent years.  See hospitalization numbers for the flu in 2018 and 2019.

Now the flu deaths (like everything else) are being proclaimed a COVID death.

Many places have been counting any and every death FROM ANYTHING – like motorcycle accidents and shootings – as COVID deaths.

Many “case” numbers (testing positive, regardless of whether you get sick or die or not and are asymptomatic) are padded, proclaiming a positive case where the person hasn’t even been tested!

The mainstream media’s fear mongers have many people thinking that millions of people have DIED from COVID because the msm have hyped up the CASE numbers.  A “case” just means you’ve had it.  Most “cases” don’t even get sick, don’t even know they’ve had it.  It’s just a frickin’ virus for Christ’s sake.  Get an immune system already.  Read my post Healing – Physical for starters.

COVID-19 is real.  How deadly they are painting it IS NOT REAL.  Every pandemic comes with a fear propaganda campaign.  The fear mongering on this is out the roof.

Sadly, there are many programmed robots who don their fear mask because “the man” tells them to.  Many governors are tyrannical and imposing draconian rules that are not only unconstitutional and a blatant violation of people’s rights, but they don’t work and are actually unhealthy.

And tyranny is alway capricious.  Just Fauci is one example – and all the local and state elected officials who follow his “science” – of that capriciousness.  His “advice” has been all over the place, often contradicting himself.

Wearing a mask (with the most fearful, they are doing it ALL THE TIME, even when outdoors, even while running *shaking head*) is keeping you from getting enough oxygen and leaves you drowning in your own carbon dioxide.  They are making the more healthy people unhealthy…. but just how “healthy” are they anyway if they allow themselves to be controlled through fear?!

By the time the real numbers come out, there will more than likely be more deaths attributable to the ECONOMIC SHUTDOWN than to COVID itself.  Suicides are up, domestic abuse is up, stress and depression up, overdoses, starvation, people are too scared to seek medical attention for other things due to fear of getting COVID.

Well, there could be a definite “separating of the wheat from the chaff” through all this.  If someone cannot awaken to how they are being manipulated, dehumanized, made sickly and controlled AND sickened through fear, then they might be headed for the death portal.  B’ bye!  Push, pull or get out of the way.  If you can’t wake up to the control agenda in this world and you keep GIVING AUTHORITY OF YOUR LIFE AWAY to the cabal stooge politicians, you are just dead weight in this ascension project anyway.  Be gone with you! I’m not being mean or wishing ill on anyone.  I DON’T MAKE YOUR CHOICES OR CREATE YOUR LIFE FOR YOU, but I’m happy to point out to you the consequences of your choices that are coming from a fearful and disempowered state.

Make no mistake folks, the cabal are doing everything they can to kill as many humans as possible… not the least of which through fear, which shuts down your immune system.  See my post Are You Living or Dying? for more on how that works.

Governor Cuomo loves to say “if we can save just one life.”  Sometimes you have to know how to hear what they are saying.  Is it “just one life” as in ONLY one life saved is his goal?  Is it his own life he speaks of?

He also has said, “we did it right in New York.”  Is that him bragging to his global cabal cohorts that he managed to kill more people than other governors did?

Meanwhile governors are releasing felons out of prison in the name of them not getting exposed to COVID (huh?), while the healthy, law abiding folks are under house arrest.

Folks, as usual, the global cabal are manipulating people through fear.  They are messing with your livelihoods, your health and your rights.  Have you had enough yet?

DOJ Cracks Down on Dem Governor’s Covid Orders That May Have Resulted in Deaths of Elderly Nursing Home Residents

19 thoughts on “98% Fake Covid Cases Exposed in Texas County Audit

  1. I know this crap needs to stop…there is no talking to the idiots who are so afraid of anyone comeing near them even if they are wearing a mask, as IF that works..but I am tired of this whole thing. Anyone who has done two minutes of research knows this virus is not as bad as they say and they are using PCR tests which are not suppose to be used for infectious diseases…therefore, I will not be getting tested…and they want to test everyone, expect you to wear a mask, and if anyone gets sick, OMG, it’s covid. Today I overheard the news saying that someone got REINFECTED to a different strain of COVID…here we go…they know they can’t vaccinate for no flu virus…and we know Trump isn’t going to force anyone to take a vaccine but that doesn’t stop these idiots from trying to force people to take thme for travel or going into work, or a store.
    In Germany they are protesting till the government quits….they are fed up and had a team of 500 doctors who said this whole thing is a scam/hoax and they can prove it. Well COME ON OVER ALREADY!!!
    I don’t think I can handle a second wave since we haven’t even gotten out of a first wave and TRUMP knows it…the hydroxycloriquine was banned for offlabel use in JANUARY…this whole thing has been planned for years and they have given up being coy and going for their agenda they have wanted to do but couldn’t since Hillary didn’t win…oh but she isn’t through yet…she plans to run with Kamala…this shit never stops, science went out the window, common sense went out the window, and the madness is starting to boil…I agree with you,,,WAKE UP PEOPLE.
    Got into an arguement with stome idiot who didn’t think a woman with the kid who had autism and went to Boston Market and they refused her service kicking her out cuz she couldn’t put a mask on her child. THE IGNORANCE is just mind boggling, and this guy thinks the kid is risking everyone’s health and guess they don’t have a right to eat out of do anything…..and wearing a mask outside in the heat, where NO VIRUS can survive…I tell ya, I can’t wait to get back to REAL PRE-COVID science. I think we are a minority here…too many people walking around with masks, and I don’t EVER. I won’t shop where they require one. Or I just walk in and do my shopping and try to stay away from people. Most are nice but there are a few who will give you dirty looks. So far I haven’t been kicked out of anywhere YET.
    I hear this will all end on Election day, and I know they aren’t going to be happy when they lose, I think they will try something stupid.

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    • I have had to break down recently and wear a mask in stores (I’m in libtarded Seattle, what can I say?!), even with the stores I had “trained” before, lol, because they are all a bunch of brown-shirt mask-Nazis that are so fearful and so severely propagandized and brainwashed it’s not even funny.

      A local radio show host was doing a play on a psycho in the movie Silence of the Lambs (ya know, the psycho who had the gal in a pit and would pass lotion down to her to put on her skin because he would skin his victims and make clothes out of their skin) and he says “It puts the mask on its skin or it never eats again.”

      I just heard a replay of a show of this host’s this week – Todd Herman, who has also been filling in for Rush Limbaugh lately, as Rush gave himself cancer and is now attending his doctor-assisted suicide with his chemo treatments. Rush often says he can deal with liberals with half his brain tied behind his back. That may be true but he can’t deal with this with half his brain. It’s a good that this is all coming out because the medical industrial complex is some of the most idiotic, backward, barbaric, controlling part of the cabal’s agenda. Either folks will wake the hell up to that and take power over their own health and choices or they are out the fucking death portal.

      Anyway, some caller to Todd’s show, someone who is in the military, stationed in Japan but is from Texas, emailed Todd and said he was about to tell Todd that conservatives need to get the hell out of Seattle. He then went on to say he told his wife that who said that no, the conservatives in places like Seattle are all that can stop the marxist officials and thugs spreading to other areas. Todd said that the marxists (and their “useful idiots”, which I learned recently is actually a term used by Lenin, I wonder if these communist idiots actually know that one of their cherished leaders was talking about THEY THEMSELVES being those “useful idiots”) are already in Texas, specifically in Austin (where Alex Jones is, which is good, he’s leading some civil disobedience activities like leading people into a huge park there that the mayor tried to close to the public, but the cops say it can’t even be enforced).

      Yes, Killery has put out the directive that Biden is not to concede under any circumstances. And Big Mike’s, er, I mean Michelle Obama’s speech at the cyber DNC said that basically if Biden didn’t get elected there would be more riots, chaos, etc. Many perceived it as a threat and they are right. Trump needs to use the Insurrection Act and put a stop to all this nonsense. But… humanity needs to step up also. Many are finally. Many Republicans are finally running for LOCAL AND STATE positions. ‘Bout time! Goodness sakes.

      Some dude was on the radio who had accurately predicted the 2016 presidential race and got the electoral votes exactly. He said he looks at things state by state. His prediction for 2020 was that Trump would get like 300+ (like 360-some or whatever) electoral votes and Biden would only get about 160, no where’s near what’s required. He also predicted that Trump would get, wait for it, 42 % of the black vote. People are tired of their Democrat-run cities and states being looted and burned.

      John B. Wells said that COVID-19 stands for “Certificate of Vaccination Identification  by Artificial Intelligence”. This article says that’s bunk (Reuters, what do you expect), but really?


      Knowing what I know about Fauci, Bill Gates, etc. – and yes, this is all preplanned (see the film “Plandemic” and its sequel) – saying that’s what COVID-19 is an abbreviation for is so not a stretch. Goodness sakes. I can’t imagine why some folks use the term “sheeple”. They are all a stupid, slothful bunch.

      One city council woman (amongst others) who is openly socialist has a recall vote coming up for her. Some gay activist got kicked out of some organization because he is part of the recall movement. Nevermind that most of his old organization’s funding sponsors are also not pleased with this council woman. This gay guy was being interviewed by a gay conservative (Jason Rantz, who appears with Tucker Carlson on FOX occasionally).

      The mayor (Jenny Durkin) also has a recall on her, but it’s coming from these idiotic, rabid, ANTIFA and BLM activists for using pepper spray and tear gas on rioters. Oh well, whatever it takes to get her sorry ass out of office… even if the left have to eat their own as they so often do.

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      • Well, I have known from the beginning that this was a big fat farce, and know how FAUCI is a crimminal after watching some interviews with Judy Mikovitz and how he has pretty much killed millions of people starting with the AIDS tainted blood thing, and then the ‘gain of function’ for the Ebola virus which ruined her life because she refused to give him the research on it…no doubt they carried on since the gooberment owns the patent for the vaccine…but think they dodged one there because I remember thinking they were gonna try to cause a pandemic so they could vaccinate people or more like sheeple who believe in those poisons. The CDC also is guilty of this as well along with the WHO, and saw a funny video of that leader of the WHO in some girly shorts and a tube top…yes….that was hilarious!!! NO>>>HE DON”T LOOK GOOD IN THEM…but he thought so. LOL The CDC crimes are listed in a good video by this lawyer guy on youtube, where he says they have broken several laws, first by patent a virus, corona virus and also the tests they patented. They did this twice, in 2003 and again in 2014. He also says FAUCI paid the WUHAN lab (since it’s illegal to do what they wanted to do with it ‘gain of function’, and they paid with grant money (another crime) to do this in WUHAN but this ALSO has to do with the ADRENOCHROME these psychopaths use to keep young or to get high, but was said the lockdown was to cut off their supply and to rescue some of these kids in the DUMBS. And many Celebrities are in house arrest and they have Tom Hanks in GITMO and he actually tweeted from there not seeing he left his location on his tweet…LOL, but I thought he had already been executed. It’was kinda sad to hear that Tom Hanks was the main guy…but I guess I should not be surprised by these things after all Hollywood is been doing this for decades at least. Ellen and many other celebrities including Oprah are on house arrest and they look like hell without their adrenochrome.
        I realize there is gonna be some things we gotta put up with until the brainwashed minions wake up but if I have to wear a mask, I will wear a halloween mask like the fox one that my granddaughter has. They don’t specify what kind of mask…LOL so why not go in as a creature or some goblin or something….at least it would be better than those stupid masks. I heard it was for their facial recognition software that they want to see if it works with a mask on…ain’t giving them that one, but Dr. Buttar said that was part of the reason and the social distancing is because their 5G can’t determine how many people are there if they are less than 5 feet apart. I think Trump will roll out a higher better frequency in quantum 6g as he said that one time in a meeting about 5G as the harm it can do but that was the tech that the globalists wanted to roll out or China that is. Trump let them spend the money putting that shit up and then he will convert it, remember he said we are getting rid of any tech from China? Well, that is what he will do and get rid of the harmful 5G. I think he will roll out the TESLA free energy, from those towers, I guess they already got some built.
        So according to pretty good sources JFKjr is still alive and a part of the Q movement to get rid of the NWO and in Germany they had 5 million people protesting their restrictions since 500 doctors came out and said this was a big hoax and they can prove it…so they are gonna stay there till the Berlin government resigns. So people are waking up, but wondering how long it’s gonna take these stupid ANTIFA and BLM and LIBTARDS to wake up…thinking it ain’t gonna happen and we just got to re-edumacate them…LOL
        My condolences on your location and can’t believe how bad it is in California. I think many of these mayors and governors are gonna get arrested or at the very least be recalled, but Especially Gavin Newsom, didd you know he is Pelosi’s nephew? And they are related to Hitler? And Merkel is the granddaughter of Hitler? Oh, and if you see JFK’s grave, It’s a huge Q and so is Princess Diana’s and supposedly her and Michael Jackson are still alive…I think his has a Q on it too. I don’t fall for rumors, and have done alot of research..pretty sure that JFKjr is alive after his uncle Robert Kennedy Jr gave a sign in one of his interviews on twitter when someone in chat asked him to touch his nose if JFKjr is alive, and he did it….and think he was on George Washington’s head at MT. Rushmore on the July 4th celebration when the jets flew over. Trump’s tweets alot of times are code in gematria, it’s very fascinating and how we will have a GREAT RESET, and our money will be backed by gold. I think this will be great and not the reset that was planned by the cabal but the reset that will be a jubilee, debt forgiveness and then a quantum block chain voting and money system. The NESARA and GESARA will go into effect for the prosperity funds that were suppose to be released on 9/11 but we know what happened there..and Obambie tried to get his hands on several times.
        They have been doing testing on the system and some people’s debts have already been forgiven. Can’t wait for that big roll out. Trump had fired the FED in charge and hired one of the richest men in the world, FINK and then he brought him into the treasury department so he will be dissolving USA INC and the feds will go away including the IRS. Did you notice the flags at the RNC? NO FRINGE…yep, we will get back to common law and a republic….if they don’t kill him…knowing they have tried way over 25 times. It’s also very entertaining when Trump screws around with them, like when he fired the main Inspector General for the post office, and put someone in there that can fix the system that has been losing money for decades. They had a huge meltdown over that…oh and over the TRUMP fireworks at the DNC. After these idiots tried to go after Barr, now they want to indict POMPEO…they just never quit. If you go onto google maps and lookup GITMO or Guantanamo Bay You’ll see where you can actually put comments there under the photos of the place…looks pretty nice for all the swamp creatures….LOL and there is some restaurant near there with funny photos and think it’s called ‘New world order new home backwards’ something like that…it’s hilarious. Also the website glitch that Trump did trolling Biden was hilarious too…did you see the interviw where she tried to talk to him but he was snoozing??? He is a clone for sure but also, in one interview, he disappeared from the camera, and it was just the background…I gotta say he has some really stupid tech people…LOL
        Anyway….writing a novel here..LOL, take care and maybe get a guy faux mask and wear it to the store…LOL

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        • I understand they don’t need facial recognition now, they can tell who you are by your walk, etc…. which is what the 6 ft distancing is about. They can pick out individuals IF you’re not all clumped together.

          Good to hear Trump is aware of the dangers of 5G. I’d sent him info myself a while back.

          Ha… on Newsom and Pelosi. No big surprise.

          And again, not surprised if Trump is tweeting with gematria.

          I understand that if they arrested all these cabal yahoos and seized their assets, it would be plenty enough to pay off the national debt (that was before recent stimulus payments, but…)

          I did not “watch” the RNC, only listened on the radio. Great catch on the lack of flag fringe. Ha.

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        • John B. Wells had Diamond and Silk on Saturday on his Ark Midnight show. They were in prime form. Those ladies said one whole hell of a lot in a short space. They have a book out. Bet it’s a good one. Courageous souls who do not back down. Love those ladies.

          Appreciate John immensely also… even though he’s a bit of a Jesus Freak. lol But he’s got what it takes to wake up to a more empowered state of mind and heart. The Jesus story is a good one John, much to teach you in the way of enlightenment and empowerment, but it’s just an allegory. Nope, the fictitious Jesus won’t be swooping in to save your ass… from yourself. That’s your job! Some real Christs will come talk to you all soon, but we can’t save you either because we aren’t the ones making your choices for you or living your lives for you… YOU ARE!


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        • Yeah, humanity’s ignorance, then complacency (after they actually wake up to a few things) is just downright irritatin’.

          So, ascension forerunners couldn’t just get Gaia ready. Oh no, we had to also be used for light anchoring until we couldn’t be used anymore ‘cuz of ignorant, complacent “light workers” (the lightworker whisperer… LMAO) who weren’t gittin’ ‘er done.

          Likewise, Infowars workers can’t just do their job and report the real news, oh no, they have to also be the ones to protest congress over the impeachment b.s. and bullhorn the whitehouse and be activists leading people into parks the officials try to close. Goodness sake people! A little help here, eh? STEP THE FUCK UP ALREADY HUMANS! Pull your big kid pants on and do for yourselves already!

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      • The other day some listeners of Rush Limbaugh’s show said that perhaps some things were happening the way they are in order to wake up some liberals to the truth of things. Rush said my line, “How can they NOT know these things at this point?” Yeah, I get it Rush, but back atcha… Rush, how can YOU NOT know how to take care of your own God blessed health… at this late date, at this point in time? Hmm? How can YOU be such a k-nuckle head about THAT?!!!

        Rush, you need magnesium and zinc to heal your lungs, not poisonous chemo therapy. I suggest natural, WHOLE, organic food, like cashews and pumpkin seeds.

        How did people get SO dumbed down about health? *shaking head*

        Rush Limbaugh! Interview Dr. Lorraine Day!

        Are you a Rush listener? Tell him what I just said here. Does he not know that he came here to help humanity and has been? In order to help here, you have to actually BE here. Dead people don’t help much. Besides, if he’s dead he’ll surely vote Democrat and I think that would have him rolling over in his grave so fast that he might replace all the power plants.


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