Ignorance and Arrogance

… are often common bedfellows.

This morning I sit in a coffee shop.  I wanted to listen to the State of the Union (SOTU) address and started to.

The person sitting next to me made some comment, which I didn’t hear with my ear buds in and video playing, so I stopped the video and asked what he’d said.  He said something about ignorance concerning the SOTU, something to do with “investigation”.  I wasn’t very far into the SOTU so didn’t know what he was referring to so asked if he was talking about the Mueller investigation.  Yep.

Frankly, the first thing out of my mouth should have been along these lines: “Really?  You’re looking at what’s on my computer screen… then have the audacity to comment on it?!  So now, can I see what’s on your computer screen?”  *shaking head*

I said, “You do know don’t you that Mueller, Obama and Clinton were the REAL Russian conspiracy?”  I watched the energetic brick wall go up on him.  I’ll just bet he’s got a problem with a wall at the U.S. southern border, but boy oh boy did that wall fly up between him and his fellow human… because of a difference of perspective.

I said, “Do you even know about the Uranium One deal?”  (said brick wall now getting mortared) I then went on to say, “Do you even know about the global cabal?”

“Ok, we’re done”, he says.

I said, “Look up ‘Uranium One’. ”

He starts to protest me even talking to him now…

I said, “Your ignorance is showing.  Tuck that in, nobody needs to see that.  I’ll turn away while you tuck that in.”  *covering my eyes*

I put my ear buds back on.  But nope, I tweren’t done yet.  I pull the buds back off.

I said, “Can I give you some advice?”

He starts protesting more (me thinks he doth protest too much) saying he’s done, he gets it, blah, blah, woof, woof.  Ya know how they want to just talk over you.  They think they “win” somehow if they don’t let you talk… ‘cuz you know, the Truth is determined by who can talk the most or the loudest.

I said, “No, just one line… (and insisted) … how’s about you accept the fact that the next person just might know something you don’t.”  (Thank you Jordan Peterson for that line.)

“How’s about YOU accept that?”, he says.

I said, “I do.  That’s why I know as much as I do, I keep my mind and heart open to information.”

I could have gone on to say what you should be able to infer and that is… he was NOT open to a different perspective.  As soon as he saw I was not in utter agreement with him he shut me out.  Done.  I, on the other hand, would have been quite happy to have a civilized conversation with him about this, but he closed me out.  I often do have civilized conversations with people who do not agree with me or know what I know, but they do demonstrate that they can manage a peaceful discussion.  Some of them even vow to go look some things up, ya know, actually do their own research when someone turns them onto something they are not aware of.

Not this guy.  Frickin’ Walking Zombie anyway.

Reminds me of what cellular biologist Bruce Lipton said about both humans and the cells that make up human bodies – one cannot be both open and closed at the same time (and can’t both move towards and move away from something at the same time).

He keeps trying to make me not talk to him.  Ah dude, I didn’t start talking to you!  You started this, but I’m about to finish it.

I said, “No, you had the audacity to just ASSUME that the person sitting next to you was just another programmed robot who hated Trump…”

“I get it, you’ve said enough…”

“And your ASSUMPTION spoke volumes so I’m just responding to it.”

“You didn’t have to say ‘ignorant’…”, he says.  Note, he was the first one to use that word, in the very first thing he said.

I said, “What’s wrong with ‘ignorant‘?  It just means you don’t know something.  It’s NOT even an insult.”

(Since he took insult to it when it was applied to him, he himself obviously DOES mean insult when he uses that term towards others.  Fine and well, but OMG don’t use it towards him.  *yawn*)

He couldn’t gather his things up fast enough and get the hell outta Dodge.

Good riddance… and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

Nope, can’t be both open and closed at the same time.  Like the old disempowering program that Michael Tsarion refers to – “teacher = threat”.  If every time a “teacher”, be it a person or an experience, shows up and you perceive it as a “threat” then you’re closing yourself off from learning.  Why would you do that TO YOURSELF.  It’s not hurting the next person any that you shut them out.  “Tootles!  Come back sometime when we can talk longer.”

6 thoughts on “Ignorance and Arrogance

  1. https://www.infowars.com/video-trump-supporters-afraid-to-wear-maga-hats/

    I can understand that. A week or so ago, I was in a coffee shop again and some, yep, gotta say it, libtard started talking to me. Well, if I’m going to bother talking to someone, I’m going to be myself. We started by talking about what rough shape the environment was in. Well, we were in agreement on that. This person was very pleasant, I could see the sparkle in their eyes, they had manners concerning having a conversation… until I said that humanity at large has certainly been involved in the rape of the world but only due to brainwashing / ignorance, having their creative powers hijacked and used against them, others and the planet and that the global cabal are very intentionally attempting to terraform this planet.

    One thing led to another and “fake news” came up as did “Trump.” Then the libtard’s Trump Derangement Syndrome kicked in. The libtard went from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. They kicked into the mode where they’d ask me a question but wouldn’t let me answer, talking over me, looking like a 2 year old throwing a temper tantrum with his lips sticking out like Donald Duck’s beak. All I can say is I’m actually glad we were INSIDE a business. If outside, I wouldn’t have put it past ’em to actually get into physical assault mode. Not kidding. This person completely lost it. Although, it may have been for THEIR benefit that it happened inside, otherwise, if they shoved me or something they may have been taught a lesson. 😉 Funny though, they can’t get away from me fast enough as I remain Calm, Centered and Grounded and they know deep down that they have no intelligent argument on things.

    The next day, I did a Tarot reading and one card pointed to this more recent “Maximus Ignoramus” as I like to call them. Here is that message:

    3 of Swords

    The Three of Swords shows how words can hurt and how the truth can cause pain. Truth and communication are the realm of Swords, but the destruction happens in the heart, slicing away what once was held dear. While feeling, honoring, and mourning the loss is necessary, it is all too easy to create a cycle of obsession where continued thinking keeps the pain fresh so that healing cannot occur.

    God told me they had yet to see the results of the Mueller report and when they did, they went ballistic again. No surprise there.

    I flat told the person that I was not hearing from their soul but their disempowering programming (be-lie-fs) which were holding on for dear life.


  2. https://bechart.blog/2019/05/18/energy-vampire/

    Just yesterday someone blew up at me in a coffee shop.  They could really stand to KNOW what your post says here.  I emphasize KNOW because there’s a difference between having heard something and actually KNOWING it.  People’s programs / wounds / be-lie-fs hear what they want to hear.  And those things tend to be much more re-active and LOUD compared to their wee whisper of an “inner voice”.  

    I was headed to the restroom, but saw them there so stopped to say hi, because we’ve talked before.  I know they have adolescent wounds, which they were projecting onto a public figure.  I do not agree with them.  They spoke matter of factly and so did I.  They said I spoke as if what I was saying was a fact, which is what they were doing also when neither of us was a fly on the wall to this public figure.  I said I was just speaking my truth.  They said they were also, but it was seemingly ok for them to do so, but not me.  

    They then started to project towards me and wanted to talk over me, so I said I didn’t care to talk to their brick wall and got up and headed towards the restroom, my original destination.  They then got up and screamed obscenities at me across a public space as they headed to the door.  *shaking head*

    I don’t take it personally because I know it’s not about me anyway and I was not triggered myself and have nothing to GET triggered about at this late date, but they sure wanted to make it about me and pretty much anyone else.  There is someone in their early life that they could stand to forgive and get down to the business of healing, but they are in lashing-out, hatred and projection mode.  They definitely didn’t want to hear from someone who understands healing and carries a lot of light, hence the talking over me, screaming and hightailing it out the door.  lol  😉  

    No matter who played a role in their early-life wounding, they are the only one who can heal them and they could stand to get to it.  And yep, the energy vampire is within as you say.  No one else is doing to them what is currently happening to them, only them.  “Hatred is a poison you give yourself, hoping someone else will die.”

    What’s really comical in a Divine way is that this person was also used to send me a message about my own imminent ascension.  I’d been told they would be sent to me again when the 1st Wave was “on the brink” of ascension.  Interesting messenger it was brought through, lol, but I’m sure we’ll see much of this as the truth of things comes out more and more and people’s programs just won’t care to accept it.  

    I’d also gotten the message semi-recently that we could expect many deaths in the near future.  I was told it’s about people not willing to “rise” and not coming from a place of love and Self Love will definitely be at the top of the Love list.  Whether they refuse to heal, clean up their diet, lash out maybe at the wrong person, or even just don’t listen to their intuition and that lands them in the wrong place at the wrong time.  


Express your Self. Don't repress your Self.