The Lie of Omission

… and related ways of duping, manipulating and oppressing humans that the global cabal have used… such as revisionist history.

Yep, just like Winston Smith’s job, in George Orwell’s “1984”, working as a reviser of history at the Ministry of Truth.

“Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future.”  ~  George Orwell

Yep, if you have control over information in the present, you can change the way that people see the past.  That then steers their creative energies in a certain direction and hence determines the future.

Hmmm… let’s start here… someone online said something that got me thinking.  What I got out of it had nothing to do with the angle this person was coming from and yet a significant point came from what they asked.

So, the setting is this current world situation where cabal stooges (both the knowingly so and also the unwitting) use race-baiting as some of their latest “divide & conquer” tactics.  There was discussion of race going on in some online forum and I feel that this person asking the following genuinely could not understand how we got from point A to point B on this.  Yeah, I hear that.

So, what this person online said was something to this effect:

“Any European could tell you that Spanish people, i.e. people from Spain are white.  How is it then that the “hispanic” suddenly become “people of color” when they are from the Americas / Latin America?”  

Yes, why indeed would someone of Spanish ancestry be considered “brown” or a “person of color” and yeah, just because they were in / from “Latin” America (again relating back to Spanish)?

Now, there is certainly a bit of blurring of lines and meanings since many times “hispanic” refers to people who speak Spanish and yet that somehow gets blurred into an ethnicity in some way.  Sorry, but if some blonde-haired, blue-eyed Scandahoovian were to speak to me in Spanish, I wouldn’t then call them “hispanic”… would you?

And yet, can any of us truly deny that there are plenty of Latin Americans who are not creamy white.  Nope, they indeed are brown, which the cabal stooges with all their race-baiting / divide & conquer so love to point out… and yet these Latin Americans are repeatedly labeled as “hispanic”.

Do I really need to point out that their “brown” skin, in most cases, comes from American Indians of various tribes?  Kind of a “duh” isn’t it?

And yet, even though we are constantly reminded of their “non-white” status, we also keep hearing them being called “hispanic” – the emphasis is on their European ancestry not on their American ancestry… which is what gives them the brown color.  I guess the cabal stooges are kinda getting mixed up on all their deceptions and kinda giving themselves away.  Yes, dear cabal, why ARE the “Latin” Americans “brown” and why don’t you ever reference THAT ethnicity?  If they are purely Spanish, they would not be brown and if they are brown there’s more going on there than just pure Spanish… but we’re to call them hispanic.  Obviously too many lies for the liars to keep track of.

Also, all this hubbub about sports teams having supposedly “derogatory” American Indian names… well, first, I sincerely doubt that most Joe Average American Indians even give a crap at all, let alone are offended by sports teams having American Indian referenced nicknames / mascots.  Perhaps only “liberal”-college-educated American Indians have a beef with such.

But I’d like to make you all think about some things here.  Ok, let’s just go with this idea that these team nicknames / mascots actually are derogatory in some way.  Fine and well, then change the stinking names.  But I’ve yet to hear of anyone actually proposing that those (supposedly) “derogatory” American Indian references be replaced with another American Indian reference that held them in a better light.  Nope.  No proposals of that… only of just ERASING any reference to American Indians.

Nothing new to that concept.  See video I left in comments on America for more on how the cabal have done their best to hide / erase any evidence of American Indians even existing in some cases or being anything other than “savages” in other cases (and also some evidence of the Anunnaki being in the Americas).

Sadly, the brainwashing and revisionist history does seem to work.  Here’s a story.  About a decade ago, I met this person who is Puerto Rican.  In our conversation, the Mayans came up.  I said something about how the cabal have people thinking that the Mayans were all killed off or otherwise “disappeared” from the face of the Earth somehow.  I said there are still Mayans in the world.

This Puerto Rican said, “Funny you should say that…” and proceeded to tell me… years ago, when they lived in Puerto Rico, they had a friend in Florida who wanted to move to Seattle and planned on packing up their car and taking the long drive.  The Floridian asked their Puerto Rican friend if they would come over to Florida and take that long drive with them.  Yep.

So they were driving through Montana and saw a sign for an Indian reservation.   The conversation went something like this:

The Puerto Rican asked, “What is that?”
“An Indian reservation.”
“Indians?  You mean like cowboys ‘n Indians?”
Laughing, “Well, yeah.”
“So what’s that sign for.  Is it like a museum?”
Laughing, “No, that’s where the Indians live.”
“Where they live?  But there aren’t any Indians anymore.”
“Yes there are!”

The Puerto Rican made their friend turn around so they could drive through the Indian reservation to see the Indians for themselves because they just couldn’t believe it.

They told me they had that notion – that there were no longer Indians in the world – put in their head as a kid and it stuck.

Here’s a story about King Tut, Tutankhamun, who could have been known as Tutanaton instead.

You see, the suffix to his name, the “amun” part had to do with the Egyptian pantheon of deities.  This is where the term “amen” comes from.  How many Christians would keep saying “amen” if they knew it was technically pagan?  Ha, ha, ha.  But then again, many a Jew and Christian disrespect paganism having no clue that Judeo-Christian scripture is paganism hidden in plain view.

The suffix “aton” had to do with “the one god”.  I won’t say “the one TRUE god” because that is not what the whole “aton” thing was about.

Akhenaten (-aton), was a “Hyksos”, which in ancient Egyptian meant “rulers of foreign countries”.  (See Michael Tsarion for more on the Hyksos.)  The Hyksos basically invaded northern Egypt and performed a coup and Akhenaten became the Egyptian king.  The Hyksos were the ones to introduce this concept of “the one god”, but they really didn’t care about the “one TRUE god”, no, it didn’t really matter all so much which one god it was.  Their motive was to dumb people down.  They did a bit of looting too of gold statues and such in the name of getting rid of the pantheon of deities.

Later, King Tut had pressure on him from both sides about which suffix to use on his name.  This essentially had to do with how the Egyptians as a nation would view Spirit / the Divine.

King Tut, the boy king, even though young, obviously had a few things going for him.  You see, he could understand the concept of one god (essentially the All That Is).  That was no problem for him, but he argued that even if taking on this new concept of “the one god”, perhaps there was still a place for the pantheon of deities.  Indeed there was there boy king.

The Egyptian pantheon of gods later morphed into Greek and Roman gods – our solar system planets’ names.  No accident there.  Across the board, the stories of these gods provide Archetypal and Initiatory Rites information about the Earthly realm and the human experience.  So… you might have guessed… the archetypal info about these Egyptian / Greek / Roman pantheon of deities is, in part, describing the energetic influence from the planets, etc. who bear these “deity” names.  Much information there on how to navigate this human, Earthly experience.  There was indeed very valuable information for humans in the pantheon of deities and yes, it was the Hyksos’ desire to dumb-down and control the Egyptians that made them push their one-god theory.

The Romans and the Catholics, in the 4th century, through the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great and the Catholic bishops of the Council of Nicaea did a similar number on the world when they put the Bible together.  They looked to the entirety of the world’s recorded, documented information and produced just one book from it.  You can bet the Lie of Omission is huge in regards to the Bible.  It’d be kinda like in today’s world where Chris Cuomo from CNN is telling everyone that only the press can look at Wikileaks and no one else can – “Oh no, don’t look over there.  We’ll tell ya all ya need to know.  We’ll be your one source.”  Can you say “controlling the narrative”?  Yep, the Romans and the Catholics were kinda losing their influence / control and wanted it back so they made one book, and kinda like the Hyksos with their one god, the biggest part of this “one book” thing was that it was the only one that anyone was to be focused on.  Don’t look at that whole world of information, no, only look at the one book that they want you to look at.

“Jesus” of the New Testament is a composite character, meaning that the stories are about more than one person but they are lumped together under the “name” of “Jesus” and you can bet that a lot of all of their life stories got left out.  A whole lot of lie of omission there.  In today’s world, especially in news reporting, people might call this “controlling the narrative”.   Yes, sometimes the fake news people will just flat out lie, but their biggest tact at controlling the narrative is to just leave out information – more than likely EMPOWERING info – that they don’t what you to know about and also overly emphasizing other things, all to fit their control agenda.

The Catholics also hid away information about Duality and the Divine Feminine / Divine Masculine / Sacred Union by renaming the feminine aspect of the Holy Trinity as the “Holy Ghost / Spirit”.   (See Interpretation … of Stairway to Heaven post for a bit more on that.)  Yes, they hid the powers of feminine energy and also of sexual energy away from Joe Average but they kept it to use themselves.  The Vatican is full of men, supposedly celibate men (obviously homosexual drug orgies don’t count  😉  ), but the cardinals dress in red – the “sexual bride” part of the Sacred Feminine – to bring energetic balance.

These days, the leftists keep trying to associate the whole white supremacy / KKK (Ku Klux Klan) thing with those on the right.  Nope.  lol  I’ve heard some folks correcting this “stinkin’ thinkin’ ” as of late, but I’ll come at it from the direction I learned about it, and that was a lot of years ago and no, sorry, don’t have any handy dandy references, only a story.  I’m sure God and Google can help you with the rest.  And hey, I’m not responsible for “your” truth anyway, you are.  😉

The way it was presented to me was… way back when, when the KKK first started – contrary to today’s conventional thinking – they did not threaten, intimidate and kill only blacks.  They did indeed do so with others also.  So, then what did the victims of the KKK have in common?  They were Republicans.

The blacks had just been freed and given voting rights.  Many of them were drawn to the Republican party since it was more spiritual / religious as were the blacks themselves.  Suddenly there was a hoard of new voters, created out of thin air, who were mostly joining the Republicans.

The Democrats were not happy and used some pretty nasty ways to work towards solving their new problem.  Yes folks, the KKK came from the Democrats.

These are just a few examples of the Lie of Omission and other deceptions that have happened down through time that many folks still don’t know about and new revisions of history are obviously still going on in recent times.

Current Events… for Dummies

Ok, I’m going to put out my perspective here and frankly, if I do say so m’self, I’ve got a pretty good perspective on this whole sitchiation.  Hopefully folks can learn a bit from it.

This may be so cursory it’s not even funny, but my Sadge Moon loves the Big Picture so I’ll let you and the Divine hammer out the details.

Let’s see, to really comprehend current events one would have to know some things about the past, about how we got to where we are.

First, this Earthly realm is 3D so it’s very dense and slow.

We co-created it to be a Free-Will / Veiled-Consciousness experience.

It wasn’t originally intended to be a Dualistic experience, but due to some entities’ control agenda and their hijacking of the Free-Will / Veiled-Consciousness state, it has indeed become a Duality, so that brings its own illusory component.

See my post Who Was Yahweh? to see the beginning of the control, which started before humanity did, before the homo-sapien form was here.  The controllers created the homo-sapien form to be a slave race.  So the control agenda was here to greet humans when their feet hit the ground.

And if the aforementioned doesn’t make things cloudy and confusing enough, about oh, 10,000 to 14,000 years ago (or so) there was a great calamity.  The fall of Atlantis perhaps?  And that stemmed from power trips from “aliens”, literally, as in “not originally from here” who were messing with the locals and other aliens / visitors.

There were many souls who left through the death portal (how’s that for a euphemism?) and those still incarnate were thrown into survival mode for thousands of years.  So that whole scene wasn’t doing a whole lot for helping people maintain their Divine connection.  High consciousness things don’t get shared and documented when your tech has been blown away, you’re busted down to caveman level and you’re in constant survival mode.

Some wisdom survived.  Some cultures maintained esoteric knowledge.  The Druids were a biggy in this regard.  Michael Tsarion can help you understand that history and also the wisdom maintained there.  But, try as they might, the Druids weren’t able to keep the precious esoteric knowledge from those who would abuse it.

What always comes to mind for me is what “Jesus” (ya know, that “composite character” of the New Testament, ya know, from the Bible, aka, the editing / compilation product of Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicaea) supposedly told the establishment… and I paraphrase, “You have the knowledge, you won’t let anyone else have it and yet you don’t know what to do with it.”  To this day the global cabal still don’t know what to do with the esoteric knowledge they’ve worked so hard to keep from all of us.  They get all hung up on the “out there” of it all, using the esoteric in exoteric ways, trying to do outwardly what can only be done inwardly, to utilize Outer Technology when it’s Inner Technology that’s called for.  They get all obsessed with the nuts and bolts of it all and they do some bad, nasty, “dark” sh*t, completely lacking in Love and Compassion, kinda mostly consciously although they certainly don’t see the full spiritual repercussions for themselves, silly cabal anyway.  Just because they think themselves “Illumined” does not make them so.  They’ve worked hard to keep the people from knowing the esoteric wisdom so they are like the one-eyed man in the land of the blind, but they still do not have full “sight” / consciousness.  Far from it.

The cabal has its various facets.  They work together in an overall way but they don’t agree on everything and in some cases don’t even like each other.  I often think of them as various coaches on a football team – they are all on the same team, working together but have different ideas on how to go about it.  They have their hidden hands into everything.  There are religion, government, media, education, commerce, technology, entertainment, medicine, food, etc. components.  They lie, trick, deceive and poison to gain and maintain control over people.  They energetically feed off of fear.  They love killing off humans and other lifeforms but they love the slow, fearful, agonizing sort of lingering death so they can get their extended energetic jollies.  Sick psycho f*cks that they are.  Excuse my French but it warranted the emphasis.

They’ve been up to their shenanigans for millennia, but they really turned up the heat in the last century or so.

I get the impression there are a lot of freshly-awakened folks who know about the cabal in more recent times, in the last century, but don’t realize that the cabal has been around in some form or another for millennia.  They’ve had plenty of time to program generation after generation (each generation helping the cabal to program the next generation) of human psyches.  David Icke speaks of this sort of thing and that the end result is that people who love you – parents, teachers and preachers – have played the biggest roles in your personal disempowering programming.  With those who love you refreshing the programming that they were programmed with, that frees up the global cabal to lay in even more new disempowering programs.  Layer upon layer, for millennia.

You may be surprised by the “common knowledge” that parades around as Truth.  Just because MANY people “be-lie-ve” something doesn’t make it true.  You may be surprised at all the various levels of disempowering programs that have been implanted into YOUR psyche.  One of my favorite lines that Michael Tsarion likes to use is, “You’ve been sold a lie.  Worst yet, you bought it!”

Right now there is much going on concerning the “Deep State” which is basically a bunch of bureaucrats who are not elected but appointed, unelected people within the various agencies and they can and have often been around for years in government as elected presidents and congressmen come and go.  If their allegiances are to the cabal and not the Constitution then the country is ruled by tyrants and unelected ones at that.

David Icke is a really good source on comprehending the whole cabal thing.  Tsarion and Icke can and do provide info about both distant and more recent history – and that would be a much truer version of history than you find in your history textbooks or through the mainstream media (msm) – but I’d recommend Tsarion for the more distant past and Icke for more recent stuff, like last century or so.  Lots of videos and articles put out by these two, but with David, I’d strongly encourage anyone and everyone to read at least one of his books.  Check out his book list and see which one sparks an interest.  Now, it’s gonna read like a history book because that’s exactly what it is – full of names and dates and places.

Alex (Emerick) Jones is all over this stuff too.  Alex really knows politics and history and he’s just such a wonderful example of emotional expression.  He just expresses in front of God and everyone.  Many lightworkers (LWs) could learn from that.  His emotional expression would have been awesome to utilize in transmuting crap out of Gaia a few years back as we readied her for ascension, but he’s having to be in “release maintenance” mode I’m sure just for his own sake as he looks at reams of horrific news day in and day out.  His love for humanity is unmistakable.  What a mother lode of passion that man is.  Alex and his crew have daily news shows to keep you current.

All three will tell ya that the cabal like to document everything they plan and do and they laid out some recent plans a century or two ago and wrote it all down and one can just read the stuff and see how it’s all playing out.  The cabal aren’t prophets, they’re architects.  They weren’t predicting, they were planning, then set about to manifest their plans… over decades, generations, centuries.  Meanwhile Joe Average has a tough time digesting this information in part because poor Joe has been so beaten down and dumbed down that he can’t imagine anyone actually making plans generations out and many people cooperating  especially people who don’t even like each other in some cases.  Yep, even the cabal have got something to teach others in the dept. of cooperation, longsightedness, diligence and patience.

Along those lines, it’s downright asinine for people to say that some of the global cabal political stooges are “incompetent”.  People say such, as if to say that these politicians were aiming to help their country and fellow human and just fell on their faces and made a big mess.  No.  They were never aiming to help anyone but themselves and the mess WAS their goal.  They meant to make the mess, to cause the destruction.  They’d been hitting their mark on that for many years.  Pretty tough to call that incompetence.  Perhaps those claiming they are incompetent are the incompetent ones.

And many people still don’t understand the level of environmental destruction and, brace yourself, don’t know that the cabal are very literally terraforming this planet.  Not kidding.  It’s also called geoengineering.  Such things as chemtrails (not contrails), weather modification, fracking, etc.  Strange to use a term like “terraform”, Terra being Earth, when it’s being used to make Earth less Earth-like, less Terra-like.  They’re trying to “terraform” humans too for that matter, doing things with GMO “food”, personal products, vaccines, etc. that could literally change people’s DNA… and not for the better.

And yet, the “cabal” themselves couldn’t do all this by themselves.  We’ve all played into it to some degree or another, at some time or another.  Our own creative energies hijacked and used against us, our fellow human and our planet and all its lifeforms.

So… let’s fast-forward to the immediate now and talk some specifics of what is going on right now.

Contrary to what the msm propaganda machine says about Trump, he is working for the light and no dear lightworkers (LWs), not in some roundabout, indirect way like a frickin’ burr under your saddle, but very directly so, very INTENTIONALLY so.

If he or anyone is serving as a proverbial burr under your saddle you’ve got some work to do.  Someone’s light is shining into YOUR darkness.  Tend to your own bidness… and while you’re at it, thank the Divine for sending you Trump (and whoever else) so you can wake up to your own issues.  The question you need to be asking is not why does the guy push your buttons or stir up fear in you, the question is WHY DO YOU HAVE THE BUTTONS AND FEARS.  Whose?  Whose buttons and fears?  Own ’em.  Now you can actually get about healing that instead of playing the victim.  And again, shut off the war-mongering and fear-mongering msm already.  They’re obviously scaring the crap outta you (not to mention feeding your pea brain with b.s) … then feeding on your fears.  

Are you sure you’re as awake as you think you are… when you are literally triggered by someone’s (anyone’s!) name?  That would be called re-action, acting again as you have before, and in a very programmed and brainwashed way… for someone’s agenda other than your own!

Memes, Time, and Trump: WATCH  THIS  TRUMP  WORKS  EVERY  TIME!

Trump knows he’s working for God.  He sees a good part of the true big picture here but not all of it.  He’s not perfect, he’s not your savior – you are!  He’s got plenty enough left to learn, plenty of space to grow into – same with many of you still, especially if you can’t get past your conditioning, which is being constantly “refreshed” from the msm and hence you can’t understand that Trump is working WITH us – but he’s absolutely the sort to flow with those growth and learning opportunities.

If you don’t understand that I strongly suggest you get to know him as directly as you can and not go through someone else’s filters, bias and agenda… certainly NOT through the msm’s lies.   The msm is the global cabal’s mouthpiece, yes, their propaganda machine.  They work to maintain your continued enslavement and disempowerment.  Tired of listening to them yet?

Here’s an example – don’t only look at the tweets from President Trump that the msm tell you about (who definitely cherry pick and then do their spin on ’em), but look at ALL of his tweets, including all the ones where he is reporting his progress to his bosses, the American people.  Wow, how awesome is that?!   He actually IS transparent rather than just paying transparency lip service like Obama did.  But the msm refuse to report on Trump getting his job done and fulfilling his campaign promises, then act like he’s not or that he’s not focused on his job or won’t talk about it when it is THEY, the msm who refuse to focus on, well, much of anything “real”, the president’s job included.  Just the typical msm magician’s trick of waving one hand, “Look over here!  Look over here!”, while it’s the other hand that is up to something.  The msm try to control the narrative, intentionally talking A LOT about some things and not about others.

And some of what Trump says in his tweets or how he says it, well, he’s just so playing the msm and they fall for it, over and over, seemingly just can’t wait to expose themselves more, lining up to take a number.  He talks about doing his job, often daily for weeks on end and the msm say nothing.  Then he throws some chum out there for them and they go for it.  Beyond predictable.

I had to chuckle the other day… I went out for breakfast at this busy cafe and sat at the counter.  Got to talking to a couple people.  One of them brings up, out of the blue, all the Trump tweet stuff.  I told them it sounded like they listened to the msm.  Come to find out, they really didn’t know there was any other way to get news, not so computer / internet savvy… but did have an i-phone so I know they have the means.  I slung terms at them like “mainstream media”, “alternative media”, “Alex Jones” to which this person said something about conspiracy so at least I know they’ve heard of Alex, lol, thank you msm and corrupt cabal politicians for at least shooting yourselves in the foot by telling the world about Alex Jones… and I also said to this person – “global cabal”.  “Global what?” they say.  Ha!  But just after that whole scene, I was thinking – do people really think that there is nothing else going on in the world, nothing else to report on but some of President Trump’s more colorful tweets?  I just find even THAT to be so hilarious.  Alex likes to say folks are “low information”.  Indeed.  I’m sure if this person actually went and looked up Alex they got a tsunami of information.  Whoosh!

And looping back… Obama was / is pretty much ALL deceit, ALL the time… which, yep O, Life and the Divine would just LOVE for some transparency from you too and all your cabal cronies including the msm who have been covering for ya all.  And in lieu of your volunteered transparency, Life and the Divine would happily settle for exposure.

I do declare, it is the Apocalypse!  Word origin of apocalypse = uncover, reveal.  Indeed.  Apocalypse Now!

And that exposure will apply to everyone, yourselves included dear lightworkers.  Time for the light to shine into every dark corner, yours too.

And here’s a novel idea, perhaps you could include the Divine in your quest for Truth about Trump.  I frankly don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to draw on the Divine’s higher perspective on EVERYTHING that is going on here.  Do ya all bother to “check in”?  And when the Divine delivers the Truth to you are you actually ready to face it… and release your be-lie-f system?

Trump cares about Truth, Justice and the American way.  He’s definitely for the Constitution and is a States’ Rights advocate which is about as constitutional as it gets.  He’ll openly talk about what he knows about the cabal – although he may not think of them by that term, he might think of ’em as “globalists” or maybe “establishment”.  I prefer “cabal” as it communicates more and is a word that many of the unawakened are not even aware of.  “Globalist” doesn’t show the whole picture and I could see how Joe Average might see “establishment” as like career politicians or similar.  It goes beyond such things.  It goes beyond politics, period.  Many leaders of big corporations are part of the cabal also, as are big movie moguls, Big Pharma, the Big Tech Giants (Google, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), religious components, older religions yes, but also including infiltrating and corrupting the New Age Movement, etc.  As I’ve said, they have many facets.

Trump openly talking about “the cabal”, well, that’s why he so resonated with so many people – Republican, Democrat, whoever, he just called the political cabal stooges on the carpet, called ’em on their b.s.  The awakened Americans couldn’t believe their ears.  Wow, someone actually running for president who could actually pull it off, who actually openly, honestly talks about the cabal… and on the stage of either presidential campaigning or in office, the msm have a tough time censoring that.  I don’t know that Trump sees the full picture of the global cabal yet, but he ain’t scared to talk about the parts he does understand.  And when he tweets, the msm just hate that.  They used to be the valve for information and now they aren’t.  He passes the ball over their heads, directly to the people.  Double plus whah to you, fargon msm iceholes.

I had to laugh that I saw someone do an astrological reading on Trump and one thing that came up is he “likes to win”.  No… really?  I couldn’t tell.  Was a birth-chart reading really necessary for that?  Can’t get nothing by that astrologer.  lol  But there was comment from this astrologer about there being some concern about that… and ego this and ego that… blah, blah, woof, woof.  I told my friend about this and said, “Hey, we have a president who is actually working for the Truth and the Light and he wants to win!  Frickin’ Score!”  Would you prefer Truth and Light don’t win out here?  Really?

Lightworkers, you’d best want to “win” also, because the Divine does and you might as well get aligned with that because the Divine is NOT giving up on this ascension project and all the many folks who still need to wake up and heal.  You being “in it to win it” is not only going to make your efforts more effective, it will also improve your attitude, perhaps get you out of “oh poor me” mode and step into those Powerful Creator shoes that have been waiting for you.

Lightworkers, it’s long past time to get over being scared / fearful of or timid about showing yourselves!  You certainly didn’t come here to not show yourselves.  Shine!  In front of God and EVERYBODY!  Gods are NOT fearful or timid.

For Christ’s sake (very literally), don’t help the cabal keep human divinity a secret!

Over time I’ve seen a few lightworkers who say that “winning and losing” is old paradigm. It was especially funny to see that one person who was saying this was also promoting a hashtag of #LoveisWinning and someone called ’em on it, saying that if they weren’t buying the whole win / lose thing then perhaps a different hashtag was in order. lmao

In a Dualistic realm, the illusion part of winning / losing is the “losing” part.  In “God’s realm”, The Realm of the Absolute, there is ONLY winning.  There is no “failure” because you just keep after it… until you win.  You can think of the whole journey as the path to winning.  Yeah, so there are some bumps along the way.  So what.  Just do your best to not get off on some distraction detour.

Folks, if ever there was something where one person winning then helps the next person win, it would be ascension!  Our collective energetic connection plays a big role in that.  As I’ve said, God is not allowing for failure on this.  Let me translate that for you – if something doesn’t work, then something else gets attempted.  And be thankful that we forerunners didn’t call it quits and slit our wrists during our intense Energetic Service Work or none of ya all may even still be here.  You’re welcome.  Now don’t YOU give up on everyone else.  We didn’t give up on you lightworkers!  It’s not a case of “Oh well, we tried, we give up, let’s take our ball and go home”.  Ah no.   Be in it to win it.  No one else loses because of your winning.  Quite the contrary.

And be thankful that the POTUS is also in it to win it because 3D would be one out-of-control mess right now if he hadn’t gotten in… *shuddering* I shudder to think.  It got WAY too far outta hand as it was.  Kinda sad to see… but it’ll turn around.

I’m sure we’d be full into nuclear WWIII if Killery were POTUS.  Trump is (as Kryon has said, see info at end of post) a Wild Card, yep, gotta say it… a Trump card, played at the nth minute.

And me being me… I just have to talk about that term “trump (card)” and its word origin / True Vibration.  A trump (card) was originally referred to as a “triumph”.  The dictionary says trump means:  “(in bridge, whist, and similar card games) a playing card of the suit chosen to rank above the others, which can win a trick where a card of a different suit has been led” and “a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage”.  Uh huh.  Very, VERY appropriate that Trump is the current “man of the hour”.  Names frickin’ mean something and are no accident.  This is the Divine at Its finest.  The cabal may have had a “hidden hand” in world affairs for quite some time, but the Divine does too… and… the Divine’s hand always trumps everything else!

Thank God that He / She / It played the Trump card.  3D dodged a major bullet right there.  There’s plenty of work since and continuing forward because the cabal are not giving up easily.  Many will more than likely have to be prosecuted for their crimes and imprisoned (or die) before they’ll stop their nonsense.  And that all brings more opportunity for more people to wake up to the truth of things.  And that right there is the biggest and best reason to prosecute these, ah, well “people” (use that term loosely with these psychos).  It is not for revenge or punishment, not even really so much for justice, but really more for Truth.  It provides a chance for those who have been unwittingly supporting these cabal stooges to wake up to who it is they’ve been supporting.

And on states’ rights, I’d heard Larry Nichols (who used to be a hitman for the Clintons, who trained them in their wicked political ways but watched them go off the deep end with it and so he has worked hard for many years to now expose the Clintons), who is a big states’ rights advocate, say that the founding fathers didn’t so much know what we all might want and need down the road but they did know what they didn’t want for the country.   They knew they didn’t want an authoritarian government.  So, as Larry said, the Constitution wasn’t so much about telling people what to do but telling the federal government what NOT to do.  The “what to do” part was covered by allowing for each state to maintain its sovereignty and states’ rights and decide for themselves what they wanted for their state… and that allows for “competition” in a good way, allowing for many ideas to see fruition.  Don’t like what your state is up to?  Then either work to change it or move to another state.  The states will then learn from their own and each other’s trial and error.

And Larry told a semi-recent tale … There was a bill that went through a state’s congress and all it needed was the governor’s signature, but the governor made the mistake of asking their state attorney general to ask the feds if it was ok to do this.  Errr!  Wrong answer.  By doing that they were giving the authority of their state over to the feds.  Much to be learned from this on a personal level.  No one can truly take authority over your life but you sure can give it away.

And as far as worldly governments go, the U.S. Constitution is about as close to documenting one’s God-given rights as any could be.

Because I was holding a higher space for others for years, I very intentionally did not allow my focus onto 3D events and yet if you spend any time online you can’t help but see some of it peeking out at ya (SO glad the campaign is over, I was SO sick of seeing Killery’s ugly mug popping up here, there and everywhere, I can’t EVEN imagine the amount of money spent on advertising by her…to no avail – gee there cabalsters, I guess all your money, most of which you took from all of us, doesn’t have the power it used to.  Bummer… for you).  So with no effort, oh hell even trying to avoid the news, I couldn’t help but notice that the global cabal can’t stand Trump and are fighting him on every front.  Well, there’s yer first sign.  But then, if you don’t understand the global cabal, don’t “know them by their fruits”, don’t understand their methods and don’t know their names (and many names are quite knowable – plug George Soros into your search engine for starters), then you might not pick up on their all-out assault on the elected president… and on you!

Words like treason and traitor come to mind.  Such is being and will continue to be exposed.

This isn’t about left or right, this is about Truth and it’s about who is awake and to what.

The cabal have played both sides of the 2-party system (and every other form of political parties / systems in countries across the globe) for a long time.  They have players in both parties.  They were having such a sh*t hemorrhage over Trump getting in that even George Bush Sr. came out with a video (did ya catch it?) endorsing Hillary and FINALLY admitting what those of us who have known the truth for years have known – that the Bushes and the Clintons have been good friends for years.  What?!  But that doesn’t fit the political brainwashed paradigm.  Well, Bill Clinton is a Rockefeller bastard.  Rockefeller did favors for Bush (I do believe by getting him into the CIA) so Bush returned the favor by looking out for his bastard son Bill.  And they’re all in cahoots… even when they put on such a good show of being “political enemies”.  They’ve been good actors alright.  So much so that they have all the actors duped (well those Hollywood types who aren’t actually in on it / cabal stooges themselves).  They can outact the actors.

There are battles of light and dark going on everywhere.  The various alphabet agencies have cabal stooges and patriots alike working for them.  They are currently in a civil war.  One side is attempting a coup on the presidency and government.  The other side is running a counter-coup.  All of us who care about the Truth are playing our role in the counter-coup.

Those “White Hats” (as some like to call them) inside the agencies who care about Truth, Justice, the Constitution and their fellow human, they leak, hack or whistle blow about what their agency is up to.

I’ve not liked LWs obsessing on the so-called “White Hats” in their various roles because the LWs need to play their own role and do their own inner work.  Those White Hats won’t “save” you and those of you who know to knock out your own inner work / healing need to get on it and stay on it… until your completion BECAUSE YOU ARE CREATING A NEW SPACE FOR EVERYONE ELSE and holding light in this world / bringing Heaven to Earth through you, which NEEDS to be done and you can probably bet that those “White Hats” in government, etc. don’t even know to do their inner work, so we can’t count on them to do THAT.  Can we count on you lightworkers to do it… since you actually understand to do so?  I’ve said for years that behind every doer is a lightworker.  Do YOU really have the doers’ backs?  Make sure you do.  And yet does it really surprise you to think there are, ya know, “good guys” in, oh say, the CIA for example?!  Wherever there is darkness light will be shined.

And the Divine is always in on the deal, always playing their hand, lining things up, helping folks wake up.  So, case in point – Trump’s head and heart are in the right place overall, he’s got the necessary skills required at this moment, but yeah, still some things to learn, some bigger picture perspective to take in.

For example, Trump has basically said that Snowden was a traitor and should be in prison.  (Is Trump speaking his own thoughts on that or implying what the cabal think about it?  Hmm.)  For what?  For exposing the traitors in the NSA who are illegally spying on each and every American citizen.  Oh well now… what’s coming to light now is that the Obama administration was using the various agencies to spy on Trump and his family for years.  Yep, them and me and you and everyone.  Interesting how Life and the Divine bring all this stuff to a head.  Trump didn’t see what a HERO Snowden has been to disclose what the NSA has been up to.  Now the NSA’s crap has hit Trump directly.  I’d wager that before this is all said and done, a certain President Trump will pardon Snowden.  (Note, Nov. 2019 – Snowden’s book, which came out a while back and interviews he’s had since, have exposed his own programming.  The guy exposed the so-called conspiracy “theory” – no “theory” to it there Eddy – of how the NSA and others are spying on EVERYBODY and yet he dares to say “there are no conspiracies”.  Tuck that programming in there Eddy boy.  Nobody needs to see that sh*t.)

The Trump admin seemingly also has issue with Wikileaks… now.  Gee, just loved ’em before election time.  Come on there Trump admin folks, pull your heads out!  Wikileaks is helping to disclose the Truth in the world and they do so VERY professionally, I might add.  Downright enviably so.  That Wikileaks Truth helped to get Trump elected.  Now you’ll bite the hand that fed you… and that cares for and stands for TRUTH?  You’d best get yourselves FULLY aligned with Truth for Truth IS God and vise versa so that will mean also aligning yourselves with others who align with Truth.  Get your priorities straight.  Step out of the old paradigm b.s. “rules” and for Christ’s sake (again, literally) support the disclosure of TRUTH!

And even though frickin’ spying on the Trumps, the cabal, try as they might, can’t come up with anything that will stick to Trump.  He’s so frickin’ squeaky clean it’s not even funny.  Some could consider the man a downright “saint” compared to me, well, you know, from a tainted and judgy 3D Earth perspective.  😉  And I helped get a planet ascension-ready, so I’d wager he and his folks can turn the big ship of a country around… perhaps not achieving quite the lofty, saintly accomplishments as we *cough, cough* forerunners, but hey… 😉   *breathing on knuckle / ring and shining it on shirt front*

All they have about him is just smear, lies.

I had to laugh that around the time of the election I saw someone leave a comment on a blog saying, “All the lightworkers only talk about Hillary’s bad stuff and none of Trump’s.”

First, I want to know where these LWs are who see these truths.

Second, well, you see, there’s just THAT much bad sh*t to say about her.  It’s not smear when it’s true.  Bother to do some REAL research and learn about Killery and Billery… and the Clinton Body Count.  They are murders and war mongers, Bill a serial rapist and Killery his accomplice in that.  “Women’s rights advocate”… my ass.  Wake up folks!

Presently, while the cabal Democrats, Republicans, msm, the technocracy are doing everything they can to bring Trump down, he has his teams working in the background – not necessarily intentionally “quietly” but when the msm won’t report on it then the “sheeple” don’t find out about it – busting many pedophile rings.  Only a matter of time before they start arresting the big names in the cabal.  And if you weren’t aware of all that, well the cabal are and that’s why they are in such a sh*t-panic and going so outside-the-law to try to stop Trump.  Just unsane, truly.  Nothing new for the cabal, but recently they have assisted in exposing themselves more fully than a herd of streakers.

The cabal are all a bunch of pedophiles, satanists and have crimes against humanity a mile long.  And those terms are NOT just me slinging insults.  That’s reality, literally.  Never mind that “satan” was not a name and hence not an entity.  Yep, the cabal worship a non-entity.  They may have managed to keep humanity duped for a long time but they still aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed.  Yep, satan is just a word… which means “adversary” or “accuser”.  Now, I will give ya, the cabal have absolutely taken on adversarial and accusatory energy.  Yep, they have, but that still does not make satan an entity.  Ya gotta do your research folks!  The Truth is absolutely in this world but you have to be willing to look for it, find it, then FACE IT AND ACCEPT IT or the Truth cannot serve you.

If you have your issues with Trump, that’s one thing… as long as they are truly YOUR issues with him and it’s not just you regurgitating msm propaganda.  He’s doing a really courageous thing.  He’s the Man in the Arena… and you’re bitching about him… while you’re no where’s near that arena and I doubt you Trump haters (hate – you’re hating someone, do you really think that is serving you?) would have even the slightest bit of courage to do what he’s doing… although most of you, due to your ignorance and how easily duped you are by the msm, would be working FOR the cabal if you were POTUS because YOU HAVE NO CLUE!

But, your issues with Trump are one thing.  If you are singing high praises to Killery of all people, you have just put your ignorance on display BIG TIME.  When you do that, all the rest of us know how clueless you are.  If you can sing praises to a murdering, warmongering, greedy, thieving, satanic pedophile like Killery, then you are either a cabal stooge yourself or you are completely clueless about the global cabal and in general about the mundane world you live in.  I don’t need a crystal ball, or a Tarot deck bringing me the Tower Card for you, to see yet another Dark Night of the Soul and shattering of belief system in your future as the Truth continues to come out in bigger and bigger ways.

So, ah yeah folks, Trump is our teammate.  Make no mistake about it.  Get your head out of the New York Slimes and the Washington Compost (currently owned by Bezos of Amazon who is in a contract with the CIA and helps them leak damaging info about their “enemies”, which, at least indirectly, could be you) ‘cuz they’re just feeding you a load of crap and would be happy to sell you down the road and have been.  I told someone recently that they’d literally be better off to shut off the msm and not even replace it with anything than to continue to listen to it.  Perhaps their own intuition might stand a chance then without the constant msm brainwashing and program-refreshment.

But it’s ok, you don’t have to stop there.  The Truth about the cabal is certainly in this world… and well documented!  And the Divine would be happy to guide you to the pieces of the puzzle that you need to learn.  Are YOU actually willing to know the truth?  God / Source IS Truth.  How will you find your way back to God if you’re not willing to face the Truth?

But there are many “truthers” and “lightworkers” who don’t really know the truth of things as much as they’d like to think.  David Icke, as much of a one-man army that man has been for so many years and what a HUGE role he’s played in exposing the cabal, he thinks Trump is cabal.  I even heard David say something like, “Even though Trump has money, if the cabal wanted to stop him they could, so he must be one of them.”  Goodness sakes David, how many frickin’ times has someone said that about you, not necessarily about the money but that the cabal kill their “enemies” left and right, just willy nilly, then get back to eating their breakfast, so if Mr. David Icke is not working for the cabal, why haven’t they killed him off yet?  Hmm?  Gee David, idk, is it because you are doing the Divine’s Will and hence have Divine Protection and are also tapping into that soul-centered quality called Courage, which further protects you?!  Gosh, could your pea brain possibly compute that it’s the same for Trump?  Ya think?  I’ve seriously considered starting a post titled “Who are you and what have you done with David Icke?”  and the content would have to beg the question of David – Do you not recognize your own success when you see it?  Has your intuition completely gone out the window?  Are you really that stuck in a groove, an endless loop tape, a skipping record?  “This is the way it’s always been and this is the way it will always be…. Beep.”  lol  But dear Grasshopper, you came to change things up here AND IT’S WORKING!  Now all that’s left is you could stand to recognize that.

Now… having said all that… the ultimate Truth, ya know, jumping right on out of this experiential Earth realm, well, this is all just an illusion, one big, fat video game for us to play in.  “Good” and “bad” are part of the Dualistic illusion.  Every single person here – “good”, “bad” or indifferent – is just a soul having an experience and helping each other wake the hell up.  But hey, everyone is getting the opportunity to graduate from this illusionary realm and getting to know your True Self, ya know, outside the illusion, is a big part of the graduation requirements.

The name of this game is Self Mastery.  It’s not about “fighting” someone else’s creation.  If / when you achieve Self Mastery, the next person’s creation ultimately can’t touch you.

Also see info I’ve left in comments below and on Exposure.  If ya haven’t caught on yet, I’ve buried some info in comments here and there, hopefully pertaining to the topic of that post.

Also see Massive Apocalypse and BIG NEWS! and the comments there for more updates on current events.

Read Awake & Aware – Top Priority: Self for some good “Awakening 101”.  Then pass it on to others in your life who could stand to wake up.

Here’s a good article that gives a quick summary of the global cabal:
What is the Cabal and How to Become Aware of It

Note:  Over time I’ve included many videos in the comments section of this post to assist in keeping you updated on events.  You’ll notice many videos are gone and I’m leaving that displayed.  In case you didn’t know, this is due to the MASSIVE internet censorship that is going on by the Big Tech Giants, who are absolute cabal stooges.  Your free speech rights are being violated BIG TIME!