Core Issues / Wounds / Programs / Fears / Beliefs

Ok… so, briefly, in broad, general terms, usually how this whole Earthly human experience tends to go is…

As soon as we hit the ground we start getting programmed with the paradigm of people in our lives, everyone from family to school, media, religions, whatever.  We get conditioned to be fearful and take on disempowering, unhealthy beliefs.

Also because of dysfunctional human existence, we tend to experience wounding of some nature.

All pretty much part of the human experience.  We often don’t consciously recall how or when we got programmed or where our fears originate from or where those funky beliefs came from.

It doesn’t help any that children who are 6 years old and younger are “easily programmable.”  What I mean by this is that everything they “learn” goes DIRECTLY into their / our subconscious without conscious-level processing.  When it comes right down to it, this is a great design since we have so much to learn about this new world we are now in.  Unfortunately the adults don’t understand that what they are “teaching” the children goes directly into their subconscious.  I put “learn” and “teach” in quotes because often neither the adult or the child understands there is a teaching / learning thing going on.  Little pitchers have big ears and children are always observing things and making subconscious associations.  Later as adults, since that programming happened at a subconscious level, they don’t understand that these not-so-healthy associations are still being made.

The energy of our childhood wounds then becomes a repeating pattern in our adult lives, just with new actors in the old roles.  The energy of childhood wounds that involved parents, siblings, teachers, preachers, general 3D Earth paradigm, then are played out with partners, friends, coworkers, etc.

At some point, we get so far from our True Self that something has to give.  Hopefully that state of “fed up” results in going down the path of healing.

I want to tell my own tale of using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to heal.  I did other things also like Reiki and got attuned myself and a whole host of other things, but my EFT story is a good one for this topic of those “core” things listed in the title.

Kinda late in my “general healing” process I discovered EFT, got the manual, learned it.  The manual suggested making a list of 100 irritations throughout your life.  I set out to do this and got about 60 incidents.  But then promptly forgot about my list and would just use EFT on the fly with whatever came to mind.  I did this for months and with all those little things that came to mind, I felt the release happen and the new levels of freedom that came with.

So, to add here, I had learned how to read body type and posture that indicate what type of wounding one has.  I had an abandonment wound as was evidenced by my apparent inability to sit up straight – either bent over or slumped down, but not good sitting posture.

Well, one day I’m sitting in the bathtub.  I was so bent over that it felt like my guts were in my lungs.  And this is after years of healing and I’d not seen evidence of my abandonment wound for a while, but here it was in spades.

Then two issues from my childhood came to mind.  Right then and there, in the tub, I “tapped out” (used EFT on) those two issues.  I felt better.  I vowed to find my list of 60 irritations and tap them all out.

I get the list and see that the two things I’d just tapped out in the bath were 2 of the top 3 things on my list.  As I read the rest of the list, all the adult stuff, the repeating patterns with partners, etc., I found there was no longer any emotional charge.

By tapping out those two childhood wounds I had obviously hit the core issues.  All the other things on my list were just the repeating pattern of those core issues.  That was pretty much my EFT breakthrough there and I used it very little after that.

Note: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – method of healing / clearing / releasing of unhealthy / disempowering subconscious programming and associations.  This is done by saying a “negative affirmation”, which starts with “Even though ___” (insert what you are releasing) then finishing with “… I still deeply love and accept myself” while tapping acupressure points.  Easy to learn and do, can do it anywhere, don’t need a partner or special equipment.  The originator of this technique, Gary Craig (emofree), meant for it to be free and many folks still honor this so they have put out the manual online for free, go find it.  I very highly recommend this.  You can literally quickly knock out issues that years of conventional psychotherapy doesn’t help.

Useful Healthful Tips

(Note: missing videos below are due to your free speech being censored by the global cabal through the Big Tech Giants.  I’ve left them there to bring this to your attention.)

If you find the following info helpful, you may want to check back to this post periodically as I may very well update it as I think of things.

In some cases, I’m just giving examples of some uses for these things, but look ’em up and find out more.  Cures what ails ya.

Physical Level

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) – antimicrobial (virus, bacteria, fungi, etc.), so for colds, flu, strep throat, mononucleosis, etc., yet won’t mess with your beneficial bacteria / flora.  This will knock out a cold, flu or whatever like nothing else, in record time.  Some people take it daily for maintenance.  Read more here:

A personal story for you:  I apparently had mono years ago.  I did not go to the doctor, did not get some “expert” to diagnose me.  But… my spleen hurt and sometimes my liver did also.  This went on for a couple years, ebbing and flowing, sometimes severe, other times almost gone.  I then got strep throat.  I used echinacea and golden seal and I felt slightly better, but it was not knocking out the strep.  I looked online and found two key things –  1. Strep can often be a secondary infection to mono(nucleosis).  I remembered that when athletes would get mono, doctors would advise them not to do sports until they were well / healthy because while you have mono you could rupture your spleen.  Ahh.  My sore spleen.  I figured that yep, I probably had mono.  And… 2. One thing that was good to treat strep with was… grapefruit seed extract (GSE).  I remembered that I’d heard someone talk about GSE years before, thought it sounded good and I’d bought some… years before… but had never used it.  I then did GSE 3 times per day for my strep.  After the first day I felt MUCH better.  After 3 days, the strep was completely gone.  I thought that it would be a good idea to continue to take GSE for my spleen (mono) and did so, once per day for several months.  My spleen got better and better and was no longer hurting.

ALTHOUGH… these little “buggies”, like a cold virus, are actually doing us a favor.  They clean dead cells out of our bodies.  But, while doing so, the microbes release toxins into our system through their digestive process.  These microbes do this ALL THE TIME, not just when we “get a cold”, etc.  The reason we feel “sick” is because through poor diet and lifestyle, we end up with MANY dead cells all at once and hence many microbes are eating, reproducing and flourishing (since we gave them plenty of dead cells to eat) and dumping LOTS of digestive toxins into our system.  Dr. Lorraine Day and cellular biologist Bruce Lipton (amongst others) will tell you that these “opportunistic organisms”, these microbes, are always in you.  Any blood test would verify that.  You’re loaded with microbes all the time.  You don’t necessarily “catch” something from someone else.  These buggies are there waiting for their opportunity, when you do things that deplete your immune system and / or feed these microbes what they like, then they can multiply like crazy.  And yet, they undo some of the damage we have done to ourselves… by cleaning dead cells out of one’s body.  You may have noticed that after you get well after having a cold, you feel even better than you did just before you got sick.  You’ve gotten your system cleared of dead cells.  See this post for info on stimulating new cell production: Good, Better, Best

With all the covidiocy going on, I highly recommend you do GSE.  It’s food based / sourced and REAL food is the absolute best “medicine”.

Sea Salt – for cough / tickle in throat.  Got some phlegm choking ya up?  Pop a bit of sea salt in your mouth and let it dissolve, then wash it down with some water.  It will sooth your throat and act as a natural expectorant.

Baking Soda & Hydrogen Peroxide for Oral Care – Instead of Toothpaste (the conventional versions of which are often some nasty chemical concoctions).  I use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) regularly and mix in peroxide upon occasion.  Baking soda, along with being a mild abrasive, is a natural whitener and is usually the “secret ingredient” in expensive tooth whiteners.  Any whiteners that use something else, you probably don’t want anyway.  Baking soda also has an alkaline pH so it neutralizes the acids created by bacteria living in your mouth and hence fights plaque.  I used to get a lot of plaque before I cleaned up my diet and started brushing with baking soda, but not anymore.  A box of baking soda and a pint of peroxide are a couple dollars a piece and last a good long time.  Being healthy doesn’t have to equate to being broke.

Arnica Gel – homeopathic topical medicine for bruises, sprains, strains, calcium deposits, etc.  Speeds healing.  Some report it’s the best bone fracture medicine there is.

Calendula Gel – homeopathic topical medicine for open wounds – cuts, scraps, insect bites, sunburn, etc.

Those last two items ought to be in every athlete’s gym / bat bag.

Vitamins A (beta carotene), C and E – When you have something that needs to heal, these supplements can speed recovery.  ACE it. Some say selenium is useful to add to this, so then it’s ACES.

Astragalus – Supports your immune system / spleen.

He Shou Wu / Fo Ti – Chinese herb that supports your kidneys (amongst other things).  Kidneys manifest outwardly in hair so if your hair is dry, brittle, gray, or nonexistent you might want to give this a whirl.  It absolutely knocked out my gray hair at midlife.  High in zinc.

Zinc – For Skin Problems amongst other things.  See my post (click link).

Manuka Honey – All honey has antiseptic and healing properties but manuka is even more so.  There are varying potencies of manuka honey, but I just get a low level.  This is reported to be the best burn medicine in the world, speeding healing and leaving little to no scarring.  One thing I used it for was on cuts, scratches, etc. on animals, then if they lick it off, it won’t hurt ’em to eat it and they’ll get some benefit through that route also.

Don Colbert’s Detox – From his book “Toxic Relief”.  This truly works in a supportive way.  He makes you figure out all the supplement dosages yourself (he tells ya, just doesn’t list it in all in one place, at least not in the version of his book I read years ago), but…  and I won’t kid ya, you’ll spend some bucks on supplements to do this, but if you have it to spend, it’s well worth it – Health is Wealth.

Superfeet Arch Supports – For plantar fasciitis.  There are many arch supports around, but not like these and they are much less expensive than prescription orthotics.  I’ve used them for years.  When I get a new pair of shoes, I get a new pair of Superfeet to go in them.  They support your arch, raise your heel just a bit and have a heel cup that keeps your foot in place.  (I’d tried a different brand that did not have the heel cup, just the raised arch and it literally made my foot want to slide out the side of my shoe, which showed the evidence of my weight shifting outwardly.  With SF, your foot stays in the right place and yet you have the arch support.)  This raises your arch to a more natural position, your Achilles tendon won’t be overstretched and your entire body lines up better – legs, knees, hips, back, everything.  Some doctors and shoe salesmen will tell you to only wear them part-time initially to get used to them, but I call bullsh*t.  Get them and use them ALWAYS, in all your shoes.  Any time spent without them is just putting unnecessary stresses on your feet and body.  Do NOT go by the shoe size listed on the box.  What matters is how the arch in the Superfeet line up with your foot’s arch, so take them out of the box and stand on them.  Most shoe stores that sell them are quite cooperative in this regard.  It ought to feel very comfortable to stand on… then you’ll have to trim off the excess at the toe-end of the Superfeet to fit in your shoe.  It is best to buy them at the same time you buy a new pair of shoes so you know your new shoe is big enough to accommodate the Superfeet.  Make sure you remove the shoe’s original sole lining before inserting the Superfeet.

Essential Fatty Acids – For prevention of torn ACLs (anterior cruciate ligament).  Sources are reporting the connection between such injuries and EFA deficiencies (especially Omega 3 fatty acid deficiency).  I know that these sorts of sports injuries seem to be far more common than they were when I was growing up.  EFAs are very important and fundamental in many body functions.  (The two posts at bottom of this section will have more info on EFAs.)

Food seeds are good for you – Yes, contrary to conventional propaganda.  Apple seeds, peach and apricot pits, etc.  Yep, they do contain cyanide but in such a way that your body’s cells can deal with it safely… but “cancer cells” can’t!  (define “cancer”, that’s a whole other long topic there) You certainly don’t want a lot of it, but if you ate your “apple a day” or apricot, etc. and ate the seeds / “bitter almond” from inside it along with it, it will be very beneficial to your health.
Cyanide? Are Apple Seeds Poisonous or Good For You?

Pumpkin Seeds – For support of your nervous system.  Gee, that may come in handy for ascension symptoms, eh?  Your own “upgrades” and also doing Energetic Service Work does a number on your nervous system.  Pumpkin seeds have many health benefits.
The Perfect Seed: Why Everyone Should Add Pumpkin Seeds to Their Diet

Food matters in grounding – If you’re having problems staying grounded, eat some protein, the heavier the better – meat is better than beans, yellow peas and brown rice.  Beef is better than chicken or fish.  Eating a good natural / organic steak will get your butt back on the ground, even when you still have your head WAY up in the clouds. And if you are to serve in bringing Heaven to Earth, you’ll need to be connected on both ends.

Do NOT use antiperspirants – antiperspirants are one of the biggest causes of “breast cancer” there is.  I’ll put both of those words in quotes initially because most of what is labeled “cancer” is not what they claim cancer is.  Sweating is one of your body’s many ways to shed toxins.  Antiperspirants, as their name indicates, keep you from sweating.  Most “breast” cancer starts in the lymph nodes under ones arms.  When the lymph nodes are not able to shed toxins through sweat there, the toxins build up.  So, most so-called “breast” cancer is not even in the actual breasts, so it’s not a “breast” thing per se and yes, what is called “breast” cancer can happen to men also, though most men don’t shave their arm pits and hence antiperspirants aren’t as effective on men at keeping them from sweating, so… so-called “breast” cancer doesn’t happen as often in men.

Learn what nasty chemicals are in your food, products and water – BREAKING: Learn How The Deep State Poisoned Your Children

Don’t take vaccines – the following is an extended documentary about vaccines.  Make informed decisions about vaccines.  If this link goes away, look up the title and find it elsewhere.  See video called The Truth About Vaccines.  Be careful!  In usual cabal form, they have created videos by the same title putting out misinformation.  Sorry, but the video link I originally had obviously got yanked by Big Tech.

Why You Can’t Trust the CDC on Vaccines

Biggest Medical Scandal In History Breaking! UN Comes Clean, Admits Vaccine Death / Damage Coverup

Leaked Video! Head U.N. Scientist Admits Vaccines Are Killing People

Lots of censoring going on online by Big Tech.  Look up titles below on Info Wars site if need be.

InfoWars / Alex Jones – BOMBSHELL: Study Proves Unvaccinated Children Are Healthier

Breaking: Doctors Admit Vaccines Cause Convulsions, Brain Damage, And Death In Children

Breathing – Aerobic exercise is good, but in lieu of that, do deep breathing exercises.  Not only does that get more oxygen into you, but it also helps you more thoroughly expel your carbon dioxide.  High carbon dioxide levels make your body more acidic which is associated with “cancer” (although, define “cancer”, a topic for a different time / place).  Deep breathing exercises will be very helpful to you when those of you who feel forced to wear masks (like at your job) can finally get a break from the mask.  Yes, breathe deep.

Also see posts Healing – Physical and Alzheimer’s and Cholesterol, Water and EVERYTHING, Listening to Your Body and some other things for more diet / nutrition and exercise fundamentals.

Mind-Body Connection

How your body expresses your thoughts – Use Louise Hay’s “Heal Your Body” book as a reference to understand what afflictions with your body are telling you about how your creative thought energy is manifesting in your physicality.  Louise then provides affirmations to think / say to help shift your energy.

Energetic Level

Chakra System – there are 7 main chakras and each corresponds to a gland.  You could think of your chakras as being places where the Divine connects into your physicality.  I’d like to recommend the book “Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System” by Anodea Judith.  An understanding of the chakra system can assist you in knowing what you need to work on.  I don’t specifically recommend much for books, etc. since everyone needs to go where guided by their own Divine Self, but an understanding of the chakra system is VERY fundamental to healing and Divine connection.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – method of healing / clearing / releasing of unhealthy / disempowering subconscious programming and associations.  This is done by saying a “negative affirmation”, which starts with “Even though ___” (insert what you are releasing) then finishing with “… I still deeply love and accept myself” while tapping acupressure points.  Easy to learn and do, can do it anywhere, don’t need a partner or special equipment.  The originator of this technique, Gary Craig (emofree), meant for it to be free and many folks still honor this so they have put out the manual online for free, go find it.  I very highly recommend this.  You can literally quickly knock out issues that years of conventional psychotherapy doesn’t help.

See post Core Issues / Wounds / Programs / Fears / Beliefs for info on my own experiences with EFT.

The Power of the Mind – yes, YOUR mind.

One example – instead of using a chiropractor or massage therapist for the kinks and knots, use your mind to pinpoint the exact location and feel the healing / clearing / releasing happening with a jolt / convulsion.  Keep returning / holding your focus there until fully cleared.

Another example… to be…

Calm, Centered and Grounded:

  • Calm – breathe deep into your center of mass which is two inches below your belly button.
  • Centered – with the next breath, visualize your prana tube which runs up your back, extending up into Heaven and down into Earth, connecting Heaven and Earth through you.
  • Grounded – with the next breath, place your feet flat on the floor / ground and visualize roots coming out of the soles of your feet, sinking deep into the core of Mommy Earth.

Note: Being grounded does not mean being chained into the old paradigm world.  It means honoring the planet and your own human-ness, honoring your body and physical health, even honoring your human-level / lower mind, which has been overused in this patriarchy, but is still a part of you.  You cannot dis some part of yourself and expect to be Whole, Balance and Integrated.  In order to bring “Heaven” to Earth, one must be connected on both ends.  Most ungrounded people are in escapism mode.  You came here to help here.  You can’t help here if you aren’t really here.  Be here.  You can be you here. It’s why you came.

Forgiveness – Just remember, forgiveness is for the forgivER, not the forgivEN.  You release YOURSELF by forgiving.  And one of the beautiful things about this is that it then doesn’t even matter if someone actually wronged you in some way or if you just think / feel they did.

But you don’t need to say your forgiveness TO them.  Remember, it’s not about them, it’s about you.  The only way it becomes or continues to be about them has to do with how you treat them because you think they’ve done you wrong.  If you’re holding a grudge against someone, even if it’s just at an energetic level, that will put a strain on your relationship if you are still around this person.

Now, just come up with your own personal short, generic affirmation that you can say any time forgiveness is in order.  One  affirmation that I used was “(Name), I forgive you and release you.  There is no forgiveness that I withhold.  My forgiveness for you is total.  I am free and you are free.”

If it is you yourself who you feel needs forgiveness, then forgive yourself.  Someone else’s forgiveness of you is THEIR business, not yours.  You can’t force them to forgive you.  If you did screw up with them, then just apologize and let them tend to the forgiveness.

Boundaries, Empathy, and Compassion – Brené Brown does such a good job with this.  She’s right on from the very first line:

“One of the most shocking findings of my work was the idea that the most compassionate people I have interviewed over the last 13 years were also the absolutely most boundaried.”

I’ll let her take it from here.

Brene Brown – Boundaries, Empathy, and Compassion

And… the ultimate boundary setting may be to let someone go.  You just might have to “love them from afar”.

I don’t know a thing about this book, by this title, but I wholeheartedly agree with this title:

I Would Rather Adjust My Life To Your Absence Than Adjust My Boundaries To Accommodate Your Disrespect: A No-Nonsense Writing Journal for Empowered Women


See a bit more about boundaries here:

Power and Boundaries

All Levels

Laughter –  No really, I mean to the all levels thing.  How to categorize what level of your being laughter is about.  It has to be all.  And that may make laughter a short-term but instant moment of Self-Unity and that may be why Laughter Breaks Up the Illusion.

Just in case you weren’t sure where to get started with some good laughs, ha, here’s a suggestion.  This is one of the funniest standup comedy shows I’ve seen for quite some time.

Divine Communication

Angel Numbers – Seeing the same number or number pattern coming up?  Doreen Virtue’s angel numbers may be one way to get meaning from Divine number messages.

Ascension Symptoms

As one goes through their healing and ascension process, “ascension symptoms” can and do occur.  Your physical body will exhibit all sorts of symptoms – achy joints, indigestion, needing more rest, skin problems, flu-like symptoms when you don’t sense it’s really flu, etc.  It can manifest outwardly, on your physicality in any number of ways.

As you go through your process you are “frying out” energetic blockages.  Where you still have blockages, the energy will get hung up there and will work on those blockages.  This is what causes ascension symptoms.  

The body will faithfully display the energy you’ve got going on.  The body doesn’t lie.  

You essentially have some healing work to do, so sleuth it out.  That may include body, mind, emotional, spiritual levels and issues.  Get the Divine involved in your detective work.

Treat the symptoms at the physical level.

If you’re tired, then rest.

Those achy joints will benefit from getting enough water, sea salt and EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids – see above) and other proper nutrition.

Having nerve problems?  Look up foods that support your nervous system.  Pumpkin seeds are one of the top ones, but see others also.

It may not make the ascension symptoms completely vanish immediately, but it will help you feel better until they pass.  It’s critical that you take care of your body while going through your process.

While you are in process, yes, take care of the physical side of things as best you can but also take note as to just what body part is giving you symptoms, then look up Louise Hay’s “Heal Your Body” book (or online) and find out what the Thought Energy is behind the affected body parts.

If you’re having symptoms near a main chakra, look that chakra up and see what it’s about energy-wise.

You’ll more than likely feel some emotional symptoms too.  Best advice?  FEEL YOUR EMOTIONS!

For you more advanced lightworkers who are at or nearing completion, you may be shifting to doing Energetic Service Work for the collective, literally being used as a human antenna.

For myself, considering the heavy-duty lifting we Original ~145,000 Forerunners went through when doing Energetic Service Work for years, well, the best way I can describe it is it felt like gravity had increased, like I was carrying around 2 or 3 of me, everything felt heavy and sluggish and literally felt like there was immense downward pressure on my entire body, complete with achey joints and sometimes what felt like sore muscles when there was no reason for that.  When laying down, there were times it felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest.  Plenty of nervy things going on, including having my knees jump up to my chest while laying down, no kidding.  Intense.

If you are actually transmuting energy for the collective you may also be doing so through your Emotional Energy Field.  I saw a coffee mug the other day that gave good advice – “Maybe swearing would help!”  lol  Hey, do what ya need to do.  Through my life, I have often reserved swearing / cussing purely for those times that warrant the emphasis, but I became quite the potty mouth during the “ascension-hell years”.  Still warranted and is some of what it takes to transmute that much crap energy.

If you have more than this going on, you may not be done with your own process and need to continue your personal healing work.

Will current and future “completed” folks feel the intensity of energetic pressure that we Forerunners did?  I don’t know.  We were very few doing one immense job.  You all have millions of fellow lightworkers to share in the work with you.

Again, I repeat, in the short term, treat the symptoms at the physical level, but sleuth out what more healing / inner work you need to do.  An honest self assessment will be required.  

See sections above and posts beginning with “Healing“.

Healing – Mental

We create through our Thoughts, Words and Deeds.  Here’s some on the mind / mental / thoughts part of that – where it all starts.

An awful lot can be said about the specifics of proper thoughts.

First of all, hey, that’s what your lower mind does, it thinks.  Might not do a whole lot of good to tell it not to do its job… in a general sense.

But you can be self aware, monitoring your own thoughts and steadily redirecting them to something more healthy.

You can also take up very intentional meditation / contemplation times where one valuable tool to getting Divine guidance is to still and quiet one’s mind.  In the process it may be helpful to address one’s mind as its own entity, to thank it for its passing thoughts and yet ask it to be still and quiet… to allow the quiet whisper of Divine guidance through.

One good gauge on what your thoughts are creating – Are the thoughts Self-affirming or Self-denying?

Also, are they creating an energy field of health or dis-ease?  You keep telling yourself you’re sick (at any or all levels) or that you have the potential to be so…  so you are.

There are also subconscious programs involved that you could stand to watch for.  When we first arrive here, in our first 6 years of life, we are highly programmable – what we “learn” goes directly into our subconscious, without conscious-level processing.  Now in a general sense, that’s a great design.  We have a lot to learn about this world we find ourselves in.  Unfortunately, our “teachers” don’t often teach us the most empowering way of being.

There are many times when children are “learning” what adults are “teaching” and neither really knows consciously that there is a learning / teaching thing going on.  Subconscious associations happen and no one realizes that.

For instance, a little boy has rather neglectful parents.  Psychologists have come to understand that neglect is actually the worst form of ab-use, even outweighing physical, verbal, and sexual ab-use because at least the child is getting attention with those things.  But neglect leaves the child wondering why his parents hate him so very much that they don’t even want anything to do with him.  And children “acting out” is a call for that attention and affection that they are yearning for.  It’s the case of “even negative attention is better than no attention at all.”

Well, this neglected little boy does realize though that when he gets sick, then his parents actually take some time for him and give him some love.  He makes a subconscious association that “sickness = affection.”  But since it’s at a subconscious level, later in his life, he can’t understand why he’s getting sick all the time.  He’s tried everything – he’s cleaned up his diet and lifestyle, he gets regular exercise, other things…  He can’t figure it out.  But perhaps if he started to open his awareness to when it happens, perhaps he’ll find that just before he gets sick his partner neglects him or he can’t get a date to save his life or even though he’s kicking butt at work his boss never even acknowledges him.  Ah ha!

So, a major part of healing has to do with bringing the darkness to light, bringing the hidden into view, bringing the subconscious programming to a conscious level.  This has to do with one’s “shadow work“.  (See video interview of Bruce Lipton at bottom of post.)

And as you can well see, the society around us is rather dysfunctional collectively.  It’s everywhere we look.  We get disempowering messages from religion, science, education, media, government and politics, the medical industry, commerce in general, the work place, our relationships, which have other programmed people in them, you name it.  There’s always some brainwashed Walking Zombie to unconsciously remind us how to be unhealthy, dysfunctional and disempowered.

You’re going to have to wake up to this onslaught of programming and program-re-fresh-ment.  Then step by step, remove yourself from it.

Ask the Divine for guidance on how to recognize your own programming and what to do to reprogram in a self-empowering way.

Ask for healing methods to be delivered to you that will speed things along.

One suggestion that is VERY effective at clearing subconscious programming is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).  Read about my own experiences with EFT.


INTEND to heal.  INTENTION is HUGE!  You can flit from one methodology to another, but if you really do not intend to heal, well, you’re just wasting your time and energy and you’re just using what could otherwise be a great healing tool as yet just another distraction and avoidance tool.


Let’s have a little quiz – you’re told your Great Aunt Gertrude had diabetes so you’ll get it too.  Really?  Does that sound like a healing, healthy, self-affirming, self-empowering thing to think?  Geez, if that doesn’t make you feel powerless and helpless.  That’s what some would call stinkin’ thinkin’.  It doesn’t serve you.  Recognize it for what it is and let it go already.  Remember, YOU are creating your reality… not geneticists, not the doctor or your aunt or your genes.  YOU.  Whose genes are they?  Who thinks your thoughts?  Who emotes your emotions?  Who speaks your words?  Who does your deeds?  Who puts food down your gullet?

Who attracts your experiences to you?!   You do!

You attract the experiences you do for a myriad of reasons, at various levels, soul-level included, mind ya.  Your astrological birth chart can give you more than just a few clues about what lessons and growth opportunities your soul set up for you / itself / yourself… that you are attracting to you.  All that chaos in your life… Dual meaning of Chaos = Crisis or Opportunity, which do you choose?  Until you capitalize on the Opportunity, you will continue to draw the lesson / growth opportunities to you.

Whose life is it anyway?!

“In my world, I am my own authority; for I am the only one who thinks in my mind.”  ~ from Heal Your Body by Louise Hay


Just be mindful of your mind.  Pay attention.  Be aware.  How?  Ask for it.  Open yourself up to it.  And just be “open” and “light” about it, just “opening your awareness”… to everything, to you, to your surroundings… to your creations, those things you are attracting to you.

Ask for Divine Guidance.


Now, let’s talk about the ego, because frankly, I think many so-called spiritual folk are doing themselves and their fellow humans a MAJOR disservice with all this talk of “killing one’s ego”.  Here is a part of you and you’re expected to act like it’s evil.  No it’s not.  It too has been programmed in a not-so-healthy way.

Starting centuries ago, the same thing was done to our intuition – oh, to “hear voices” in your head or to “just know” something that at a mundane level you’d have no way of knowing, “well gosh, that just must be evil.”  Not.

People were literally killed, institutionalized, ostracized or at bare minimum severely ridiculed and brow-beaten.  Well, that’s worked out well for us.  Not.  People stopped not only showing their intuitive info to others but even stopped allowing themselves to use their intuition, because hey, it could literally get you killed.

And what is Intuition?  It’s your direct connection to the Divine.  Really?  You want to continue to play along with the disempowering program that Intuition / Divine Connection is “bad”?

And that’s where the ego comes in.  Ego cares mostly for one’s survival.  It too learned to help squelch the intuition.  But then it had to start doing more work itself because the intuition was no longer helping out with one’s survival.  And one generation learns such and programs the next for the same thing, until generations later, we’re having to relearn how to use and trust and follow our intuition and have to ask our egos to tone it down a bit.

Hey folks, don’t treat your ego like sh*t.  It’s a part of you.  And just like all other parts of your being, it WILL cooperate with you, especially if you respect it and just communicate with it.  That old dog had to learn new tricks generations ago when it had to take on more as the intuition went away and it can learn another new trick now.  And what is it you’re asking your ego to learn?  To just chill, to take a break, to let other parts of your being help out more.  Sounds like a much needed vacation.


And our physical health is not the only thing affected by our thoughts.  Our entire reality and experiences are products of our thoughts and beliefs.  The universe listens to your thoughts and beliefs, then cooperates in delivering your creation to you.  So, it takes some diligence in monitoring your thoughts.

Like anything else though, when you master your thoughts, beliefs and words – and in doing so you really master Intention – then your thoughts and words may not be as critical since your true Intention will outweigh passing thoughts and words.  But being mindful of your thoughts and words is the beginning of your mastery of Intention.


Bruce Lipton, in this interview from 2011, talks of how our thoughts create our lives and how we are easily programmable at age 6 and younger and that programming goes directly into our subconscious.  Ask the Divine to help you become consciously aware of your own subconscious programming and to help heal, clear and release those old disempowering programs.

He also speaks of bringing science (the material world) and “religion” (the spiritual world) together.  Essentially bringing together Heaven and Earth.

And he also speaks of Self-Love which is SO fundamental to one’s healing.  Self-Love is the foundation, the beginning and the center of one’s healing and ascension.


And… since, while incarnate, the mind kinda depends heavily on that physical thing called the brain, you might also want to read these 2 posts:

Healing – Physical

Alzheimer’s and Cholesterol, Water and EVERYTHING, Listening to Your Body… and some other things

Also read Awake & Aware – Top Priority: Self for more.