Ascension Update Six

Gaia wanted to play cards today.

This is very direct verbiage from someone’s definition of the cards… as I have been directed by God and Gaia to use.


Tarot reading:

To 2nd Wave Lightworkers (those who just completed in the last year or so) on down through the lightworker ranks:

Now is a time to learn understanding and control while affirming and expressing your nurturing qualities, your earthiness.


To all lightworkers at every level:

You are now at a point to reap results from the positive efforts you have made in the past.  


To humanity at large:

A young woman with an active imagination and insight is willing to help you.  Stay centered and own your own power.  Flow toward new experiences, moving past the ordinary reality into Otherworldly dimensions.  


49 thoughts on “Ascension Update Six

    • LOL, so Maria’s life sucks and nothing makes her happy? LOL, I can’t even read that after reading her other one ‘Why we are still here’. LOL.

      I was curious, you may have mentioned it before, but which tarot deck do you use? There are so many decks around. When my grandma told fortunes with her cards, she used a regualr deck of playing cards. I have done that before and yes, they do come true. My grandmother taught me some of it but most of it is intuition as you look at the meaning of the cards, and the message seeps in as to what they are saying. My grandmother read cards for people all over the country. Some tried to tell her it was evil, but she saw it as a gift (she said she was born with a veil over her face) and tried to help people but even though they came to her to get their cards read, they would not believe the readings. I even did that once to her when she told me I would get in trouble with the law and it would cost me money….and that I would be with another couple that wasn’t married. That is exactly what happened, but it was not me that got in trouble but my then husband….and it cost us $90 for disorderly conduct…when it was all from him and his friend who were so drunk, they slipped on the ice and were trying to help each other back up, truely hilarious if not for the police who thought they were fighting, and even though my friend told them they were just trying to stand up and we were going to breakfast, they ended up arresting her, and I almost got arrested because I told them the same thing. Not one of them believed us. I decided I didn’t need to get arrested, so I shut up. I had 7 bottles of liquor and dropped all of them but one by the time I got to the police station waiting for them to get bailed out. Even the judge didn’t believe us…it was one of the most bizarre things I have witnessed.
      Anyway…just wondered what deck you use. 😉


      • Oh, ya know, in recent years, I’ve done mostly online Tarot readings, usually through Llewellyn’s site.

        The readings I do for my site are online and I often don’t ask a question as God just lets me know when He has something, He picks the deck and away we go…. and as I said, it’s often just a summary of what the Divine already showed me.

        I was thinking about that also – I don’t follow anyone online, I just go where guided, with no muss, no fuss, I’m quickly and easily shown what the Divine wants me to see, often showing me those good examples of bad examples.

        I’ve used various physical decks over the years (none of which that I can seemingly remember the name of at this point), but I’d have to say that my absolute favorite deck is Gilded Tarot (it’s also one that Llewellyn has online). It’s mostly traditional and colorful. Josephine Ellershaw’s “Easy Tarot Handbook” uses the Gilded deck to teach Tarot. It’s a decent book.

        Knowing how to use a regular card deck for readings would be cool. I could probably figure it out as far as matching the cards to the Tarot. It’d pretty much be Minor Arcana (number cards) and Royal Arcana (face cards) with no Major Arcana cards.

        Hey, that’s not the same person! Read that article, it’s about a mini-Dark Night of the Soul.

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        • Yes, you are right about a regular deck of cards and the meanings…you pick your face card for you and then shuffle. Clubs are trouble or travel depending on what they fall next to, Kings are older men married or divorced, and jacks are young men…and also depending on which way the face on the card is facing, tells about the person’s trust or whether they are with you or without you, hearts are love and matters of the heart, spades are communication except some mean certain things like a 2 of spades meaning pregnancy and Ace of spades meaning death if the point is pointing down and it falls on a face card. I have a book on it but alot of their meanings don’t always match what Grandma taught me and what one can intuitively get from them. It’s just a tool, sorta getting the ball rolling on it and the intuition takes over. I will have to check out the tarot thing and the mini dark night of the soul article. I thought it was Maria..LOL. 😉

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  1. Giday from Thea in Australia just read your post of over 3000 words ! berating everyone & everything re Gaia s Ascension … how unready they all are & how ready you apparently are as of 7years ! Really? ?? & you re So ready you seem to be the only one who knows anything about it ! Also what of the alphabet eg (for example ) Lwomgfoff = lightworkersomygodessforrunnersof forrunners… print the full words oh ready one … no facebook or television fake junk news … & only had dumb smart phone since 2014 get 3g per month of data runs out quick … you’re not the One & only ready for this Gaia s Ascension ask God !!! Much Love to All Thea


    • “…blah, blah, woof, woof…”


      Thanks for stopping by… with your ego issues and knee-jerk re-action. You shouldn’t have! No really! Come by again sometime when you can’t stay as long.

      Tend to your buttons and triggers dear… as indicated by your PERCEPTION of things. Interesting take on that article. Seeing things as ya’d like to n’ all, in a very dysfunctional way.

      Thank you Thea for demonstrating the exact sort of LW attitude that I wrote about. More concerned with feeling sorry for yourself and taking personal offense to any little thing INSTEAD OF HAVING A GIT ‘ER DONE ATTITUDE ABOUT HELPING A WORLD FULL OF LIFE.

      Thea, someone here thinks they are better and more important than everyone and everything else, but that’s not me dear. That would be you. But sadly, it’s not even “YOU”, your True You, that you are here to “defend”, you’re here to stick up for your Dysfunctional Self. Yep, Dark Clinger. Maintaining your ego issues seems to be of more importance to you than your own Soul Mission. Sad.

      Luckily for me, what you think of me is none of my business.

      But yeah, YOUR thoughts, YOUR perceptions are very much YOUR business. Tend to your own dirt pile dear. That was kinda the whole point of that post you read.

      And in all your triggered, knee-jerk re-action, you get all petty about how I write. Yes, I use slang, I also use universal abbreviations (ya know, like “lol”) which, if you don’t know what that means, a search engine can help you out. And yes, I use abbreviations and IN EVERY SINGLE POST WHERE I DO, the first time I do so, I put the abbreviation in parentheses FOLLOWING THE FULL SPELLING OF THE WORD, ya know, as is standard and proper writing practice. Act like you’ve actually read something before! And did you reread your own comment? It’s barely coherent… and yet you point the finger at me… (to share the wisdom of children) but you’ve got 3 more pointing back at you.

      And yep, I COMPLETED my ascension process OVER SEVEN YEARS AGO. Yep. What ego issue is making you have such a tough time with that?

      Much love.

      Please use the DONATE BUTTON on your way out.

      (Note: Folks, if anyone would like to know what Thea took so much offense to, it’d be the Last Call… post. Yep, struck a nerve. Obviously Cinderella found a shoe that fit. Thea must be one of those laggard “LWs” who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves. Read that post and see how Thea still has much work to do.)

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  2. LOL, boy oh oby…does Thea ever represent that and more, and gotta give her credit for having the nerve to spout off on your site like that…most of these LW’s are in their bubbles and don’t go and post anything like that on other’s blogs…mostly hanging out in their little clouds…LOL…boy, you touched a nerve all right. Like she poked a bear and expects you to give a crap….I mean care… 😉
    Also, on your current events page, I couldn’t load the page on this browser, and then on my other one, it just kept hanging out and can’t load or comment but I wanted to state that I have been saying the very same thing about this whole hype going on with ‘keeping families togehter’ crap they have been spewing online and the insane outrage over it, but I was saying to everyone to calm down, that this was only till they make sure they are actually family…these MS13 gangs kidnap kids and smuggle them in and when they get caught, they claim they are family so as to be released…and it’s not hard to figure that out because right after Trump signed the executive order to keep them together, then they are saying that isn’t good enough and they want them released…and no one questions as to why the Dems support MS13 and why they want open borders with pretend families while they go thru unfettered and unvetted and child trafficking can get back to the usual selling kids and pimping them out. They like to sell kids because they can sell them over and over as opposed to drugs, they can only sell once. NO ONE GETS IT….they have all lost their collective minds and getting so tired of the meltdown. Where is there meltdown over American kids being seperated by CPS and they have broke no law…the criminal corrupt CPS has been doing this and have over $400,000 american kids, because of the TITLE IV e and d funds they get to adopt these kids out and keep them in foster homes…then they put gag orders on parents and they can’t do a dang thing but jump thru their hoops and still don’t get their kids back. Clinton signed that one too, just like the seperating of families in 1997. The end up in offices, in porn sex rings, and or dead in that whole agency.
    They also recently found a child sex trafficing camp near Tucson, and the land is owned by a CEMEX company and donor of the Clinton foundation and have these camps all over the country. Now we know why they want open borders and why they are offended when Trump called MS13 animals…they are using them for their child trafficking rings…
    BTW…if you can start another current events page, that would be great…I just can’t load that page anymore, on any browser and I like to comment from time to time on what you post if that is possible.
    So right on, you are on fire Lady!!! Keep up the good work! Thanks! ❤

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    • The Thea thing… a couple people reblogged that Last Call post and yep, what a knee-jerk reaction. The rebloggers thought the post was accurate and funny (there’s that truth thing making people laugh again). Regardless of where these two rebloggers are at in their process, they could see the truth in what I was saying… and just laughed. Didn’t knee-jerk re-act and take offense, ya know, like Thea. Uh huh. *yawn* Quite telling how some re-act. Says a lot about them.

      The kids at the border thing – people have no idea that the global cabal pedophiles are working with MS13 to human traffick children. And yep, CPS is child kidnappers when it comes down to it. They’re in on the human trafficking.

      There is a level of enslavement going on here that people are not absorbing. Along those lines… I saw some Indian-American fellow (from India originally) who was bitching to his California city or state or someone and was fed up with the sanctuary city / state b.s. In that talk he gave, he also talked about how they allow illegal aliens in, they take other people’s jobs and the aliens themselves become literal slaves… with a small paycheck. Because they are illegal aliens, they don’t dare appeal to the authorities if the company they work for abuses them, so they are as good as slaves… and people are FIGHTING for these people’s right to be slaves. *shaking head*

      Yeah, what I felt Alex really spoke of that was so significant – they want these kids to stay as undocumented, illegal aliens… then they can ship them to their pedophile networks and no one even misses or goes looking for them.

      I take it you are actually getting notification ok on the Current Events comments I put up, as in you can read / view what I post through email? If not, I can just start posting them on another post perhaps. Let me know. Also feel free to keep commenting on this post to address whatever you’d like to there (I can make a note of such if I post more info there and route folks over to comments here). I’m being guided to not put up any more posts (and I have just 150 posts and that’s all that will fit together on my home page, which is nice that it doesn’t end up in multiple pages) and I’ve not been watching a whole lot of current news, but I’m about ready to, so…

      I get that I’ll probably be kinda archiving this blog (leaving comments open though) and starting a new blog, ya know, a post-ascension blog. 😉

      Sorry I’m just getting back to ya. I’ve been kinda out of it at times, there were a few days there… I don’t know if energies are affecting me, but bad food sure does. I ate a pizza one day and it felt like there was NO nutrient value to it at all. I was really dragging around that day and the next.

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      • It’s all good, I am going thru similar reaction to it all, barely get on my emails once a week, it doesn’t even come into my mind to look at them when I use to do that everyday. So this is me thinking, I probably got 4,000 emails and need to go clean out the old mail box. LOL, Yes, I tried to load Current Events with three different browser and it would not load..said not enough memory. I cleared my cache too and that didn’t help. So I can only read what shows up in the email notices and sometimes it’s not the whole post and of course, no way for me to comment on what you post, I can at least go to the links you have thru the notices…I think you and I seem to be one of the few who understands why Trump is doing this, and how they want to keep their criminal child spirit cooking, disgusting business going. Did you see the guy who was the head of a Child abuse organization they recently busted, who was trying to set up a group rape of two year olds…and how recently they just busted up a worldwide ring in which this young guy was in control of…The things he said make me sick…I keep trying to tell people that most of these children are unaccompanied, out of 12,000, only 2,000 came with actual family paying $10,000 to send their kids thru mexico and most never make it or are sold into this and yes, they have caught many of those animals…MS13 with children they had kidnapped or killed the parents in the desert. Most of them are totally out of whack and I think they minds just can’t understand the level of this child sex trafficking has gone and how far up it goes and how it is world wide…I guess their little pea minds can’t handle it.

        If you do start a new blog, that is cool, but what will you name it? There is a wealth of information on here, and glad you won’t be deleting it. I did refer a lady named Whitehawk to your ‘Projection’ entry because she posted on FACEBOOK that we are projecting stuff on others that we don’t want to look at so what we don’t like in others is actually, OUR SHIT…LOL, I told her, well I don’t project and I don’t mirror, that whole thing is done. YOu can’t project your stuff on me because that isn’t in me and therefore it is just not gonna work that way. She didn’t understand what I meant, so I sent her to your projection page. I don’t know if she read it or if she got it…but I planted the seed. 😉

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        • Yeah, with all the videos in comments, the Current Events post is a little slow to load for me and I’m using a fairly new Mac and keep the updates updated. Sorry honey, but I’m just not sweating much along those lines right now.

          Yeah, as much as I know how so many LWs have their heads up their arse about the mundane world, which is just SO scary for them to look at, it still amazes me how much they just don’t get. But with many it’s a case of like “chosen / conscious ignorance”. A little research, accompanied by some Divine guidance and they could understand, but… yeah, it’s like the Joe Average / 3D level folk who are awake know the mundane and the LWs (at least think they) know the Heavenly. They need to get their heads together and learn from each other. And they will… whether they like it or not.

          Yeah, I know Whitehawk. I’ll go over and see if I can find your comment.

          Ya know, I was literally thinking I just might name it “Gaia Ascension Forerunner – Post Ascension”. Just simple and obviously related to this blog.

          Yeah, I’ve intentionally stuck with a free version of the wordpress blog, even though there are ads, but then it should stay up… but I’m sure I’ll be able to “manage” my sites from anywhere by then. 😉

          Did ya hear the bad news about Kanye West? Yep, he’s “killing his ego”. Damn. And it looked so good for him to finally become empowered and sovereign… and now he’s gonna drink the New Age kool-aid and… kill his SENSE OF SELF. What a shame. So close and yet so far. lol

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          • No I don’t remember seeing anyone talking about being out of it…it seems everything is out of whack, it’s mostly the constant snowflake meltdown and now they are ramping it up. 😉

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          • Yes, Winging it with Whitehawk, but this was on her facebook page. She had posted about projection and that was soooooo yesterday…LOL. She gets really sensitive about it when you try to point her in the right direction. I haven’t read her blog in a while, after I tried to tell her the deal and so on….she is open but will always say…well, this is how I feel about it and won’t stop writing about it if that is what I feel. Like I was trying to tell her to stop…I just said, no, I wasn’t trying to stop her, or say she is totally wrong, just that she was not hitting the mark on it, and so…so much for my two cents! LOL

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  3. Well Thank God for you and inviting me to read it. It has been a God send to me and don’t feel so alone in this world as I agree with most everything you say and the way you write it, your sense of humor..we all need a little chuckle now and then. I enjoy your blog and send others to it all the time.


    • My buddy that worked with me above the veil sees very eye to eye with us also.

      I’d added something into one of my posts about there being many on the right who are awake to the cabal and not so many on the left, so those unawakened on the left see it as a right / left thing when no it’s an awakened / sleepy thing. The unawakened left think they just have a different opinion than those on the right but in that is the assumption that they are actually tapping into the same body of knowledge when they are not.

      Yep, people who get to the TRUTH see eye to eye. Funny that. lol

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      • Yes…never stop waking up, it seems to be a never ending process…not like you open your eyes one day and go Wow…this is all BS and I never knew it! LOL…Another thing I just got awakened to, but knew there was something to this Bible thing, like those people that thump on their Bibles and tell us all we are going to hell and say that Jesus is coming, let the apocalypse begin…as I have known but just became aware of as in someone actually saying it, instead of some deep down knowing…is the virus these Bible thumping Jesus coming to save us, apocalyptic hell they want so he will come, people…I never could understand their absolute faith in this waiting for someone, even Jesus to come and save them. It’s a virus, and these draco beings spray tanks of gas on cities when we get to awakening and rising or have some breakthru in technology or spiritual awakening. Well, I know, you call them Yahoos, and right so. I knew they manipulated us and our reality in this matrix, but I was not aware of the depth of the overall technology they use on us to keep us dumbed down, and asleep. I knew about their afterlife trap, and how they use chemicals to wipe your memory, but just never understood the level of the yahoos and their technology was so much more than that.
        I realize you probably do, but if you do know about this part…’The Stranger at the Pentagon’ Valiant Thor and what he was really doing here in those days besides trying to get the military industrial complex to denuclearize and tried to give us life enhancement technology but they refused that and went with the malevolent E.T.s in exchange for technology for their wars, and allowing them to capture or kidnap people who had high intelligence and or were skilled in health or mechanical things or empaths…and they would be on some mission for 20 some years and some never returned and some were but memories wiped and like they were never even gone but for 10 minutes our time. Ok, so where does the Bible and these Yahoos and the Stranger at the Pentagon have in common? LOL, I know…this is how my brain goes…but I knew there was more and have been digging deep to find some answers. There is this guy named Eddie Page who is suppose to be one of 33 celestial children…like Jesus was one of them, a celestial son and how immaculate conception is done. Eddie Page is his name and he has his story up on you tube. Valiant Thor is the one who was his father, and who not just came here to try and give us technology for good of people but to also enhance the lives of humanity and keep an eye on his 33 children he left here in a program that the CIA and government AND the Vatican knew about. This explained alot to me about why the Vatican has all those telescopes including the one in Arizona called L.U.C.I.F.E.R. Eddie says his father isn’t from Venus like it said in the book ‘Stranter at the Pentagon’ but from the Pleiades. He says they were the ELOHIM in those days that created man in our image..yadda, yadda, yadda..LOL He says his father is Jaba or Jehovah, and the Annunaki were the fallen ones. He states his Father is the God of the Bible but there are two of them, Yahweh and Jehovah, and most Bible thumpers never even understand that the Bible either came from a bipolar God or there were two and that is what I get out of it. He states he is an angel, and he is Abaddon who is the one to set the dtagon lose which is the Volcano here in the U.S. they keep saying is going to erupt: Yellowstone. What I don’t get is how these E.T.’s Pleiadians or any group can say we have been judged and the U.S. is the new Babylon. He admitted the Bible is 80% lies due to manipulation and those who wanted to control the masses. I always knew this but it was like the picture became clearer as Eddie told his story and says he can’t help if people in those days thought his Father was a God and wrote the Bible in this way. He does state there are some truths. They are at war with the dracos, which has been going on long before humanity was here, but Eddie says we are all his Father’s children, we have the DNA, but that he is actually a direct child from his Father whom will be coming back to take down the Dracos. I just wonder why it takes so long..LOL, but if they value all life, then why destroy it all like they said they did before…with a flood, and how he has powers that we all have but he didn’t really have to work for his as his DNA is straight from the source. I know we are all sparks of the divine, but really how much control do we have over these Yahoos who like to play with humanity like we are their Barbie and Ken dolls? I don’t see them as Gods just because they have this technology and can annihilate us all but Eddie says no more nuclear bombs will be allowed to be detonated and did he they turned off some at a base they were storing them at the time some decades ago. I think they like to play games like they are Gods to be worshipped and want us control us thru these scenarios they do like when they sent Jesus here.
        Eddie tells a fascinating story of how when he was a helicopter pilot and got shot down, how he was pretty much blown up but kept running around killing the enemy and then was taken into the ship for 11 days where they gave him new body parts and helped him heal then put him back where his helicopter was crashed and the military almost prosecuted him because they couldn’t believe he was alive and where he had been for 11 days. Then the CIA recruited him and that is when he learned about who he really is and then he understood why he was sorta different from the others. The CIA of course wanted to use Eddie and the Twins who were born before him for their covert programs but then they decided they didn’t want to help these people as their agenda was not a good one, so they started leaking evidence about Area 51 to a reporter and all the programs, and genetic experiments and so on. But nothing was ever told about the Secret Space program and how we have also been fighting the A.I. that had become self realized. This is probably a future A.I. that is right now monitors our thoughts and when we start to wake up fully again, they notify these Dracos who will then come and dump more gas on us. Somehow it just seems so powerless to do anything about these Yahoos, as they fight over us and this planet like we are in their toy box and these are mine! Anyway….this is the rabbit hole I have been going down lately, never really was much interested in E.T’s and all, The yahoos I always knew were here and not in a good way but there are those that claim there are benevolent ones and I say if they are so benevolent and have such great technology, then why do they try to pose as Gods, or judge us when we are being manipulated on both sides. *Sigh*…LOL, I know a huge novel here. If you want to see Ediie’s story as he tells it, there is so much more than I put here, so it is on you tube, his channel is Eddie Page.
        Ok…gotta go play with the grandchild…LOL. 😉

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          • LOL, sorry, I type fast and as soon I get done rattling away, I have written a novel! LOL
            I will try to keep this one short…LOL
            I’ve been reading this roserambles blog because she has alot of different topics, and wasn’t even gonna read this one because it’s called ‘Getting familiar with the energy of 2018’ and something in it caught my eye, as she stated this: “We (specifically the Forerunners of the Forerunners, the Forerunners, the First Ascenders, First Embodiers etc.) have completed another flight of Ascension / Embodiment Process energy Stair-steps”
            So I thought I would ask you…are there forerunners of the forerunners? LOL
            Wondered if you heard of her. Denise Le Fay.
            I did like the term she said ‘Mighty Muck Masters’ LOL, thought you would like that one! 😉

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            • Yes Miss Dark Attacks, er, I mean LeFay likes to call herself the “forerunner of the forerunners”.
              I have to laugh that someone told little Miss Dark Attacks that “energy flows where attention goes”. AH, HA, HA. I guess she didn’t understand what was being told to her.

              (I swear I have seen some folks who either read my blog or are on the same wavelength – I saw someone said they were ascended and someone else said, “Then why do you still need food, clothing and shelter?” Ha ha. Then someone else, a channeler, keeps going on about “the forerunners”, which there again, this is a 2nd waver (at least someone who is complete anyway, doing better than Miss Dark Attacks) that keeps calling themselves a forerunner, someone asked them “So, how many of these forerunners are there?” Of course this channeler’s answer was “I dunno”. Doh!)

              Thea obviously caught who was being referenced in my Last Call post because she mentioned Miss Dark Attack’s name also but I deleted it because I don’t care for anyone to be plugging for some “LW” idiot… then you come along and do it. lol

              The first person I heard use that term “forerunners of the forerunners” was Karen Bishop – a REAL forerunner. The reason being that she observed the same thing I have – that people who are NOT forerunners, who are NOT even done with their ascension process keep calling themselves forerunners. So, I guess that would make the REAL forerunners – the forerunners of the forerunners. A bit tongue in cheek… ya know about the “teenagers”. So now, even little Miss Dark Attacks (oh yeah, she’s “complete”, NOT) is calling herself the forerunner of the forerunners.

              So, in Karen Bishop style, I guess that we REAL forerunners would now have to be the forerunners of the forerunners of the forerunners. lol

              And yes… as you’re implying… can someone call themselves a forerunner when others have gone BEFORE THEM? Hello. McFly!

              As I said in my Last Call post… if these non-forerunners have NO CLUE about the REAL forerunners, then just how with it are they?

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              • LMAO…yes, I had a feeling you may have already been aware of McFly…I mean LeFay…and I too wondered how they could have already ascended and still be here going thru more ascension symptoms and sort chuckled thru the who post..I could barely make it thru it but didn’t feel compelled to comment because after all, she is the forerunners of the forerunners and pretty sure she would shut me down like the other LW’s that think they are done or have completed their ascension process and are ready.
                I only caught that post glancing at it, and knew right away she was not a forerunner much less a forerunner of the forerunners…LOL. 😉

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            • And ah yeah, sorry, but I still haven’t finished reading that long comment of yours and the part I did read, well, I recognize some things and not others, but regardless, it was all taking more than I have right now to process. Well, I’ll just say… you must have me confused with someone who can think straight. lol

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              • And this makes me think… there’s a LW who works at a store I go to. They said they saw some TV show on the collective awakening. They watched it and said they remembered all this, can’t believe they’ve known it so long and can’t believe so many people are still not awake. I told ’em that I have forgotten more info than some people even know to start with.

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            • Oh, and little Miss “I’m Done” is now going on about being bored (gee, couldn’t predict that) and has painted and written everything… and yet is SO blah about 3Ders and can only make small talk so much… so why is she still here? (not so quick on the uptake obviously) *moan, moan* Gosh, oh Gee, Miss “I’m Done” could you be here, ya know, to actually SERVE those 3Ders. No. Really?! Ya know those 3Ders who ya ought to be SHINING YOUR LIGHT TO instead of just “fitting in” and having small talk with them. *shaking head* Man, if only we could find some way to harness all the LWs’ RESISTANCE to their own process AND service work, we’d have it made in the shade. We could power whole star systems.

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              • And on this… Miss “I’m Done” is also going on about how she just couldn’t possibly “return to 3D”. As if. And yet! She is doing JUST THAT by having small talk with people instead of actually, well, ya know, SHOWING UP! These silly Dark
                Clingers see Joe Average as “the enemy”. *shaking head* Instead, they themselves are their own worst enemy (not to mention of next to no help to this ascension project) and DON’T SHINE THEIR LIGHT, DON’T BE THEMSELVES and yet preach “Unity” as they look down their nose at the next person… and these Dark Clingers just might find that they don’t even have the spiritual chops to shine the shoes of “the next person” but how would they know that because they’re too busy pre-judging (prejudice) “the next person” rather than just shining their own light. Who exactly is having “small talk” with who? I’d dare say that one person can’t really have “small talk”, ya know, by themselves. If Miss “I’m Done” doesn’t like small talk, why does she keep feeding it? Doh!

                Ya know, I have yet to ever hear anyone who has actually followed that advice – to shine your light – to end up disappointed with the outcome. They often find others like themselves by doing so… then there are the Miss Dark Attacks and Miss “I’m Done” s of the world think that the best thing to somehow mysteriously create UNITY is by keeping a wall between themselves and their FELLOW HUMAN. You can bet these are the same sorts who are clueless about the mundane world they reside in and are probably “anti-wall” ya know, at the border and yet they are some of the most WALL-BUILDING types there are… to go along with being the most egotistical… oh and then there is their whole TRIBAL SHAMING stuff the “LWs” / Dark Clingers got going on.

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                • LOL, you called them Dark Clingers and I called them Cloud Clingers…as they like to be on their cloud, thinking they are above everyone else and how powerful they believe they are more than the 3ders who are grounded or the ones who have been where they are….LOL, Maybe we can get Miss Dark Attacks and Miss I’m Done together and see what happens with her Dark Cloud Clingers…Bahahhaha… 😉

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                  • Ok, time for some Ricochet Rabbit outta me now, my turn … I was thinking about the topic of “the power of words”, then thought about, from my own experience, well, here again, this topic was something I was “turned onto” many years prior, then one day I’m at the deli case at the store and the dude working there is saying something was really good and I’d had it before and I said “Oh, I know, it’s to live for!” The gal standing next to me said, “Oh, thank you for that. I’m attending a “power of words” seminar across the street and came over for lunch, then hear you say that.”

                    Then my pea brain hops to – and would Miss “I’m Done” even be creative enough to just go around saying such things, ya know, to get people thinking, to start some REAL conversations?! It is SO not that difficult. Just BE already! Now, if that whole “making everything more complicated than it actually is” thing isn’t clinging to “3D”, I don’t know what is. Dark Cloud Clingers anyway! (see the morphing happening in our terms?! lol)

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              • LOL, Little Miss I’m Done…like that one. Oh we knew she would get bored with her bubble world…and her little fluffy cloud clingers…and maybe we could go and stir up some more…LOL, but then again, she might think she is again so important that she has beings coming in and attacking her, and she has to rant at us again and how well she took care of us when she didn’t even get the point of planting a seed, so guess she never got it or her little cloud clingers….LOL 😉

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