
Things ain’t what they used to be it’s theme park living A to Z

(John Prine was making me get in touch with my “Inner Twang”, so these ladies got some of that to offer up.)


Things ain’t what they used to be now I believe in all extremes
Things ain’t what they used to be and that won’t change till we’re a hundred and three
Let’s never try to solve it babe – the equation of you plus me

Things ain’t what they used to be can you believe it all we’ve seen
Things ain’t what they used to be it’s theme park living A to Z
Let’s never try to solve it babe – the equation of you plus me

It’s all the same we’re here today yesterday is just a dream
Ancient history
It’s all the same we figured out what to take and what to leave
For the honey bees

Things ain’t what they used to be no money and no guarantee
Things ain’t what they used to be our future’s in a cup of China tea
Let’s never try to solve it babe – the equation of you plus me


Ascension Update

I guess this is a note from our “sponsor” (word origin = promise solemnly) about the current overall picture.

Today Jesus needed someone to talk to and God obviously needed someone to play cards with.  So, below is the resulting Tarot reading.  He let me know about this yesterday but I’m just now getting there…


Ace of Pentacles
Taking the creative inspiration of Spirit and turning it into physical works.

Knight of Wands
Shift into a new paradigm.

The Warrior
This is a card of powerful forward-moving energies, indicating that you can master adverse circumstances through your determination and courage. Spiritually, this card speaks about the development of the Will. We are all subject to many fears, and it is the warrior’s purpose to seek them out and defeat them.


I said “Jesus you look tired”
He said “Jesus so do you.”

Huh, this explains all the channelers.  Those above the veil obviously just need someone to talk to.


While out sailing on the ocean
While out sailing on the sea
I bumped into the Savior
And He said pardon me
I said “Jesus you look tired”
He said “Jesus so do you,
Sit down son
‘Cause I got some fat to chew”

Everybody needs somebody that they can talk to
Someone to open up their ears
And let that trouble through
Now you don’t have to sympathize
Or care what they may do
But everybody needs somebody that they can talk to

Well he spoke to me of morality
Starvation, pain and sin
Matter of fact the whole dang time
I only got a few words in
But I won’t squawk
Let ’em talk
Hell it’s been a long long time
And any friend that’s been turned down
Is bound to be a friend of mine


Now we sat there for an hour or two
Just eatin’ that Gospel pie
When around the bend come a terrible wind
And lightning lit the sky
He said so long son I gotta run
Appreciate you listening to me
And I believe I heard him sing these words
As he skipped out across the sea


Enabling Others’ Dysfunction

… which is dysfunctional on your part, if you’re doing it.

I recently read an article from someone who was basically asking lightworkers to step up.  Overall it was an ok article.  One thing I read there though jumped out at me as it was way off base and very disempowering.

They basically had made up a list, sorta like “You may still have work to do if…” and made a list of experiences one may be having.

But this one item was “If you are still being triggered and are triggering others.”

Err!  Wrong answer!  … to the last half of that.

You cannot and do not even want to try to make yourself responsible for others’ triggers.  That does not serve you or other.  You are taking on burdens that are not yours.  You’re walking on eggshells for others’ buttons and triggers.  The world is full of people with a whole lot of different buttons and triggers.  Are you going to remember all their triggers and walk on eggshells for each different issue?  That’s a lot to keep track of.  What if walking on eggshells for one person triggers the next person?  What will you do then?  That’s quite the jig you’re dancing there… to please others… over their issues.  Theirs.  Don’t stake claim to their crap.

And you’re not doing the other any good by walking on their eggshells.  You’re sending the other the message that what they are doing is ok, that their blow up because you bumped into their trigger is ok to aim at you and you will just adjust for it.  SO messed up.

In that moment of you triggering them, there are a whole lot of empowering messages you could bring to them right then, but what, instead you’re going to just enable their continued dysfunction… and yours?

They might ask, “Why are you pushing my buttons?”  They are asking the wrong question.  The question is – Why do they have the button?  You might ask them, “Whose?  Whose button?”

One more time we come back to Power and Responsibility going hand in hand.  You have absolutely no Power over the next person’s triggers.  They have some healing to do there and you can’t do it for them, so why would you want to try to take Responsibility for those triggers?

But here again, you do have influence.  So rather than doing some hippy dance on a world full of eggshells, you instead remind the other they were just triggered and it’s THEIR trigger and they could stand to own it and by doing so they will start to heal that issue associated with their trigger.  Now THAT is called shining one’s light.  You’ve communicated through your words and also through your actions, including demonstrating that you are not about to enable someone’s continued dysfunction by tip toeing around them and their triggers and issues.

That right there is a true expression of Love and Compassion.


Masculine AND Feminine

“Be what you want the world to be.”

How’s about some balance?!

For eons here, Masculine energy has been over-utilized and Feminine energy under-utilized.  But the answer to a patriarchy is NOT a matriarchy.  This is about balance and INtegration, not about another pendulum swing, which just continues Duality.  It’s time to step out of Duality and into Unity.

For many years, many people who identify as being “right of center” exhibit masculine energy and those who identify as “left of center” exhibit feminine energy.  (I can see a definite do-si-do in that regard though in recent years – the left is now forceful and all up in yer face, while the right have chosen to be passive at a time when being active is what is being called for.)

Those on the right are often all about mind / logic / reason.  They’re half right.  (Are you actually bothering to be a heretic, as in, one who thinks for themselves?  If not, may as well toss your thoughts because they aren’t serving you.)

Those on the left are often all about senses / emotions (feeling = thought + emotion).  They too are half right.   (And… on that side, have you allowed your emotions to be hijacked by the fear mongers?  May as well toss those too then, since they are not serving you either.)

Time to put it together folks.  Enough with swinging the pendulum from one extreme to another.

Part of one’s personal ascension process is to INtegrate the Masculine and Feminine WITHIN oneself.  As each and every person becomes more balanced, INtegrated and whole that in turn makes the world more balanced, INtegrated and whole.  We’re to bring balance, not REPLACE Masculine with Feminine.  Masculine energy is not going away.  We just usher in more Feminine energy to balance.

For those who are stuck in the extremes, I offer this analogy:  Let’s let “mind” be represented by the physical brain and “emotion” to be represented by the physical heart.  If you had two people, the first of which you chopped their brain out and the second you chopped their heart out, which one would live?  Neither.  One cannot live without mind (brain) OR emotions (heart).  You need both!

Masculine and Feminine energies are not opposites, they are complements, as in, “to complete”.  They complete each other, make whole / holy.  We’re talking about energies here, not people, not the “my other / better half” bullsh*t.  No one else completes you.  You must complete yourself.  Now… two healed (whole) people coming together.. now THAT is literally a match made in Heaven.  Good stuff there.

This is also about finally stepping out of the dysfunctional / unevolved characteristics of both Masculine and Feminine.

Ya know, since forever, the two-party political system has used the Republicans to utilize Masculine energies and used the Democrats to utilize Feminine energy.  Do I really need to tell ya that they’ve used the “down” side, the dysfunctional characteristics of both Masculine and Feminine with the political parties.  The Republicans are overt and tell you what they will do, whether you like it or believe it or not, then they do just that – take that!  The Democrats are covert and they deny they do something and do it anyway – a little manipulation anyone?  “Overt” and / or “covert”, neither is inherently “bad”.  There is nothing inherently “good” or “bad” in the world, it depends on the intention behind it.  

But yeah, those are a couple small examples of using these energies for nefarious reasons and purpose, but you can bet that down the road, how folks utilize both of these energies will be in a more evolved way.

So, just what ARE Masculine and Feminine energies?  Well, first and foremost, don’t think that you can make a good judgement of that by going with societal ideas (in any culture) of what women and men should be, what roles they’re “supposed” to play.  There are some rather natural roles that come with the different physical-level genders but don’t confuse that with societal b.s. that is thrust on everyone.

For example, in reality, women can exhibit masculine energies by being the ones to fill the role of the “father archetype” by “bringing home the bacon” and men can be the ones to fill the role of the “mother archetype” to “keep the home fires burning” and I’ve known couples who did just that.  One couple I know had a baby and her job was doing better than his.  This was not necessarily about earning more but her job was more in line with where she wanted her career to go and his job, well, not so much.  So they opted for him staying home to take care of their new baby and she kept her job.

You can search this blog for these terms “masculine” and “feminine” for starters, and the web also and use some “understanding tools” like astrology, etc. to understand what is really meant by these terms.  Astrology is a good hint – we ALL have Masculine and Feminine energies in our birth charts!  This is SO NOT about gender.  It’s about ENERGIES!  The understanding tools can also help you understand the unevolved vs. evolved characteristics of both.

When it comes right down to it, in this Earthly realm that is Dualistic, any and all that exists here can be considered a Masculine or Feminine energy.  Day & night, summer & winter are a couple examples of Masculine & Feminine energies.  Day / summer / solar energy is Masculine – light, visible, active, assertive.  Night / winter / lunar energy is Feminine – dark, hidden, rest / gathering energy, passive.  Many, many cycles of Life, going back and forth between the Masculine and Feminine.

So, a small example (it’s subtle but the subtle is very significant and it accumulates, you’re always creating) of an overuse of Masculine energy and an underuse / honor of Feminine energy – and yes folks, one imbalance which is demonstrated just as much by women as by men – is how silly humans just insist on being so go, go, go around “holiday time” in the dead of winter (Winter Solstice).  Party, party, party.  Shop til ya drop.  Hang out enough outdoor Christmas lights to put the Griswolds to shame.  Goodness sakes, don’t actually get into the Feminine “rest / gather energy” or darkness of winter, oh no, just flood the wonderful, peaceful winter darkness with lights every frickin’ where… maybe so ya can’t see the stars for so long you’ll forget they’re there… at a time when one really ought to be resting and gathering energy… in preparation for… summer, the next Masculine active half of the cycle… because if you don’t capitalize on the Feminine rest / energy-gathering of winter (and nighttime also), then you won’t be able to really fully utilize the next Masculine active cycle either (summer or daytime).  You must honor both halves of this or you’ll be burning your candle on both ends.

Now, for a very big example of this imbalance that is old and far reaching is how, centuries ago, humans were discouraged from using their intuition, even taught to fear it, that it was bad or “demonic” or what have ya… or could get you killed by someone who feared it.  The majority of the people killed during the Inquisition were women.  They were feared and vilified because, eee gad!, they were intuitive!  The global cabal have loved to use the “divide and conquer” tactic in every way, and in this case, they literally made men fear the women in their lives – mothers, sisters, partners, daughters – were just so “scary” because they seemingly knew things that just couldn’t be known outwardly, at a purely lower-mind level.

Huge, HUGE blow to Feminine energy right there, and here again, one that has affected women even though they tend to be more naturally intuitive and has really struck a blow to men because not only is their (in many cases) intuition not quite as natural to them, but the women who could teach them have been conditioned not to do so and the men conditioned to not listen (feminine energy) to the women about intuition.  (Also see Holy Trinity info in Interpretation … of Stairway to Heaven)

The Feminine energy side of the sleepy masses was gutted by vilifying intuition and now, in recent times, they’re going after the Masculine energies by dissing men and making men seem unimportant and downright obsolete.  “They” (the cabal) never quit.  Let’s not help them put the final nail in humanity’s coffin by dissing either Masculine or Feminine energies, eh?!

In a dualistic realm, the Masculine is considered light and the Feminine dark.  It’s not that “dark” means “bad”.  The Masculine is visible (good, bad or indifferent) and the Feminine is hidden (good, bad or indifferent).  Just male and female genitalia give some hint to this.  Male genitalia is out there for God and everyone to see.  Female genitalia is hidden.  

Yes indeed, as you might guess, the male body is masculine and the female body is feminine, but you as a SOUL (outside of physical incarnation) do NOT have gender.  Don’t let your “rental car” confuse you on this.  

The Knights Templars built many cathedrals.  What you see of the cathedrals is the Masculine (visible) part, but it’s said that there is as much underground as what sticks up above the ground and what’s underground, that which is hidden, is the Feminine part.  Often there are Black Madonna statues in the underground part of the cathedrals.  It represents the Earth in part and Feminine energy / dark / hidden / shadow.

Some also say that the Black Madonna is black because she’s been scorched by the overuse of masculine / solar energy in this long period of a patriarchy.  

So, here again, I have to chuckle at many lightworkers who are so pushing Feminine energy – fine and well in general, ya know to balance things out so we can finally step out of the patriarchy – but many of these lightworkers seem scared as hell to address their own shadow aspects.  *shaking head*  You’re not going to bring the Feminine energy balance to your own life and bring it to the world if you’re not courageous enough to face your own shadows / darkness – that which is “hidden”.

I’d recently said in comments that the cabal likes to hijack current energies…

One case in point… I feel the Millennials / Gen Y folks were to actually help usher in Unity Consciousness but the cabal influenced them at an early age, especially through the education system, to do everything in groups.  They were essentially “trained” to be codependent.  They were taught to find unity “out there” or horizontally rather than unifying vertically with all aspects of themselves “in here” first before unifying with others.  (See Unity post.)

I feel in this same way the cabal have hijacked this Masculine and Feminine INtegration thing with all this “trans-trender” / gender-fluidity propaganda push, which is exactly what it is.  It is meant, in part, to confuse people.  I’d say that anyone who truly feels they are transgender (ya know, without being brainwashed into thinking it) knows that confusion about gender is not fun and they probably wouldn’t wish that on anyone.  I’ve never felt that this, yes, BIG propaganda push was advocating anything that was actually in transgenders’ favor in any big way and perhaps was actually doing them a disservice overall and even some transgenders have noted that (and are not happy with) this push that is “politicizing” transgenderism.

This push is also a step in the direction of transhumanism, pretty much just turning humans into cyborgs, so… getting people used to taking drugs (or hormones) and having surgery (doctor-assisted self mutilation) for anything and everything.  Here again, they are making people turn an “in here” thing into an “out there” thing.  They’re getting people used to dealing with their body issues (real or imagined), this one and any other, in an outward way, literally going under the knife and filling one’s body with hormones or whatever other pharmaceuticals to force their desire to manifest outwardly.  Well, good luck at actually manifesting an outward gender reassignment in this slow, 3D realm.

As if some boy / man has to put on a dress or have body parts removed in order to get in touch with their Feminine aspects (or vise versa).  Not.  This INtegration may not exclude crossdressing or what have ya – hey, whatever turns your crank – but don’t confuse the two.  

As far as “playing dress up” goes, well, aren’t we all?!  … as soon as we incarnate into human form.  If transgenders have the feeling that “This body doesn’t feel like me”, well honey, “this body” isn’t any of us.  Our bodies are a vehicle on loan to us by the planet.  A vehicle.  A VERY IMPORTANT vehicle that we’d best take care of.

Don’t get distracted with trying to change your “out there” when the task at hand, along with your other healing and ascension work, is ENERGETIC INtegration “in here”.

Hey, addressing and honoring the physical part of you is part of all of this and yeah, loving and accepting all parts of you, including your human aspects, including  your physical body is important and, for the most part, one is either male or female in this dualistic Earthly realm.  Gender is a physical-level thing.  At the soul level we have no “gender” and we certainly are not dualistic at a purely soul (Divine) level.  But when we are incarnate as humans, it serves to honor your human side and along with loving all other aspects of yourself, honor your body.

Embrace your body, it’s you… for now.  Transgenders also.  It’s not necessary to alter your body, just accept it.  It’s temporary.  Whether you depart from this world through the death portal or through the ascension portal, your current 3D carbon-based body is temporary.  It’s also part of the experience you are having, so have it.  You can do or be something else in some other life, perhaps in some other place… and if you want a new outward gender after you ascend, it’s QED (quite easily done)… but for now, how’s about being right here, right now.

I cast no judgement, but if it were me and all else was the same, only thing different was that I felt I was transgender, I absolutely would not take hormones or have surgery.  I respect my body too much for that.  And that thing I just said about one’s current body being temporary… I KNOW it.  … and I love me, all aspects of me.  My body has been a total champ in this ascension effort, which I completely appreciate and don’t hesitate to express that to my body.  I’m not so comfortable in my ascension-hell-years fat-suit either, complete with next to no energy, but… it’s temporary.

And our 3D carbon-based body is what we have… until we don’t.  It’s not only our vehicle to motor around in on the 3D physical plane it is also kind of our vehicle outta here since we are in it while we go through our healing and ascension process, so it serves you to take care of it as best ya can… not to mention that your body is the outward manifestation of your energy.  If you are not physically healthy you could stand to examine your choices and the energies you have taken on with your choices.  All part of your own Self Mastery / Ascension Process / your own Christhood.   You’ll be in that body until you die or cross over the consciousness veil and fully transition / ascend to 5D.

Metaphysics folks will talk about the Merkaba, which they might say is one’s “ascension vehicle.”  True.  But that leaves one asking, “How do I get this Merkaba, this ascension vehicle?” 

The Merkaba is simply the re-pairing (putting the pair back together) of your masculine and feminine energies… to be Balanced, Whole and Integrated.  

Below is a Sacred Geometry depiction of this integration.  The Merkaba is represented by a Star Tetrahedron, which is two tetrahedrons together – one masculine, one feminine.  “Tetra” means “four”, so each tetrahedron is a four-sided polyhedron, each side is an equilateral triangle.

The one pointing up is masculine.  The one pointing down is feminine.  

A two dimensional representation of the Star Tetrahedron (the Merkaba) is the Star of David.  

Sacred Symbology / Sacred Geometry.

Feminine and Masculine energies before becoming a Merkaba (above).  

Feminine pyramid (top) has its foundation in “Heaven” and yet has a point reaching to Earth.  The Masculine pyramid (bottom) has its foundation in “Earth” and yet has a point reaching to Heaven.  

The two united in the Merkaba.  In a 2D depiction, the Star of David represents the Merkaba with its two equilateral triangles.  In a 3D depiction, a Merkaba is a Star Tetrahedron – two tetrahedrons, which are 4-sided objects with each side being an equilateral triangle.

Don’t worry when you find that Feminine energy gets the “Heavenly” position at times and the “Earthly” position at others.  Same with Masculine.  Don’t allow this to confuse you.  It’s a natural physics / metaphysics / Divine plan sort of weaving and dancing of these two energies in such a way that naturally wants to bring balance.  Let’s just say that Duality contains all the components that one needs for Unity, it’s just about INtegration.  Re-pair, put the pair back together.

For example, with the depictions of the Merkaba as shown above, the Feminine is more Heavenly and the Masculine more Earthly.

But, when you look at the 4 elements of astrology, you see that Fire element (Spirit) is Masculine yet is Heavenly energy,
while the Earth element (Physical) is Feminine and yet is more Earthly energy.

Although, Air (Mind), which is Masculine is Earthly and
Water (Emotions), which is Feminine is Heavenly.

And also notice in the picture above of the pre-united Masculine and Feminine that the Watery Feminine downward-pointing pyramid is on an “Air” background, which is Masculine.
The Fiery Masculine upward-pointing pyramid has an “Earth” background, which is Feminine.

Yet again, in an overall way, the human / Earthly part of us is considered Masculine (the beast),
while the Divine Connection / Heavenly part of us is considered Feminine (the soul).
See the interweaving?!

There is a close connection between:
Mind and Body.

And also a close connection between:
Spirit and Emotions.

Here I will give you some ex-amples of Masculine and Feminine Energies.

Keep in mind, these are not “opposites”, but “complements”, as in, they complete each other, as is the goal for you to complete these within yourself – to be Balanced, Whole and INtegrated.

Also keep in mind, I’m talking ENERGIES here, not gender (male / female).  

I’ll now give you some examples of Masculine and Feminine ENERGIES as two lists, but they correspond to each other in the same order as given.  

sun / solar
left brain
logic / reason
“in yer face”

moon / lunar (and also the “hidden sun“)
restful / gathering energy
right brain
intuition / knowingness

Sadly, far too many lightworkers and others are SO stuck in the Duality “either / or” that they pick a side and don’t bother with the other side OF THEMSELVES or they realize that the one side is not the answer so pendulum swing to the other side in “all or nothing” fashion.

There’s the “Do” camp and the “Be” camp.

There’s the “Self” camp and the “Collective Connection” camp.

*shaking head*

Nope, “either / or”, “one OR the other” does not lead to Wholeness.

These things are not “opposites”, they are complements, as in, they “complete” each other.

To hell with “either / or”.  Give “And / Both” a whirl!

See Dissenting to the Dissing of Self Disinfo – Lessons in Walking and Chewing Gum at the Same Time for more on such silly Dualistic nonsense.  Continue on, if you’d like, to other posts referenced there.

Folks, please look up information about Masculine and Feminine energies, perhaps some esoteric info – word origin of esoteric = “within” or “into”.  And inwardly is where your Masculine and Feminine INtegration will happen.

Here’s a couple good places to start:

Margaret Starbird explains why 666 Mark of the Beast is not Caesar Nero

Hidden Messages: Sacred Numbers and Christianity

“The Work” of Ascension

I won’t mention names, but I just came across a video where someone talked about ascension.  They mention two names of people who talk ascension.  One of these people I know to be out and out fraudulent and the other well, I’ve had absolutely no draw to them myself (need I say more?), nevermind you’re hard pressed to look at anything ascension-related without running across them.

But in mentioning them, this video maker kinda poo-pooed ascension.  No wonder considering who they’ve been listening to on this matter.  They said it sounded like the rapture or something.  To me the rapture always sounded like something done to or for you, but that’s not how it works.  Ascension is something you do for yourself… that no one else, God / All That Is / Prime Creator included, CAN do for you.  Others have blazed and paved the trail for you, but we can’t make ya walk it.

This video maker also said these two who talk of ascension keep talking about doing “the work” with no explanation of what “the work” is.

They said these two ascension talkers act like you have to be “special” in some way to ascend.  Oh, you do have to do your inner work, but past that, this whole ascension gig is not an elitist thing.  It’s for anyone who chooses it and does “the work”.  No one can do “the work” for you and no one can keep you from it… only you.

If anyone asks you what “the work” of ascension is, please refer them to this blog and tell ’em to start reading from the beginning.  There are currently only just over 100 posts, which are basic healing, empowerment and ascension fundamentals… not my own personal daily diary entries.  I don’t have all the answers for you.  What I give you is the overall gist of this healing and ascension process so you have some idea of where to start and what it’s about.  The details FOR YOU are for you and the Divine to work out.

But yeah, I’m happy to let my blog serve to answer the question of  – What is “the work” of ascension?  No one ought to be left wondering what that is.

Take it from me and The Love Guru – The only way out is in!  (I’ve said that for years and lmao to hear the Guru say it.  So wise he is!  😉 )

Darren, the only way out is in.

Also see post Healing / Inner Work – What Is It?

Check out the One of These Things… page for what to expect of this blog.

Let go, let God

I knew someone who went to Buddhist temple.  They told me that a young zen monk had come to speak with them.  People would ask this monk questions and one thing my friend made a point to tell me about was that after someone asked the monk a question, it was interesting to watch him “access” the Divine, to see the subtle signs as he was “checking in” upstairs and the person who was telling me this was very intuitive themselves.  It was a fairly serious and straight forward discussion.  Then the topic of surrendering to the Divine came up.  The monk said, “Start small – consider giving the Universe 60 / 40.”


To the Divine.  Your own Divine Self.

Allow yourself to Live ON PURPOSE, to live your soul mission.

Get out of your own way.  To hell with your mundane level plans.  If you want to make God laugh, tell Him your plans.

Bypass all the middlemen, go straight to Source / God / All That Is / Prime Creator.  This ascension is a big project, don’t allow the middlemen, humans or ETs, to get between you and God.

Don’t let a book, including “the good book”, get between you and God either.  But then again, in the 4th century, when the Romans and the Catholics put the Bible together, you can bet they wanted it to get between you and God, that was EXACTLY their intention / motivation… and you’re helping them do just that.  They got ya.  Why would you go through a bunch of ancient authors that have been interpreted and translated and cherry-picked by many, MANY others, over and over (*yawn*), when you can utilize your direct Divine connection and go directly to God… in real time?!

Granted, God and your Higher Self may still send you to scripture, but you might be expected to take on an unconventional perspective about it.  But the Divine might also, just as profoundly, send you a message on the ad on the side of a bus.  Are you paying attention?  (See post Divine Guidance – It’s Not Just For Everyone, It’s Also FOR YOU! )


Again, I offer this from “The Angels Within Us” by John Randolph Price:

The next coded instruction is to stand still.  In the ancient schools “stand still” meant to enter into a state of serenity and trust through complete surrender to the Presence within and to have faith in the activity of the Spirit.  For a greater understanding of what this means, imagine yourself as a musical instrument, a clarinet for example.  See the instrument as you would on a Saturday-morning children’s cartoon – alive and animated.  It has free will, which means that it thinks it can play itself, so it functions in the world by striking its own keys, blowing its own squealing notes.  And all the time the Master Musician is waiting to play the most harmonious melody the world has ever heard.

As time passes, the little clarinet discovers metaphysics and begins to tell the Master Musician within what notes to play for it: “Oh Mighty Spirit, play the note for a new car for me, for money in the bank and a new job.”  At first this new way of playing brings results, but they are not lasting.  Then the little clarinet seeks to make his demonstrations more “spiritual” and begins to listen for instructions from the Master within as to what notes to play: “Lord, give me the note for health and happiness and I will surely play it in your name.”  And again some fruit falls from the tree, but the taste is not satisfying.  Finally the clarinet’s consciousness evolves to the point where it declares, “I surrender to the great I AM THAT I AM.  Master, play your notes through me!”

Who Will NOT Ascend?

Years ago, I’d come across a TV evangelist who had made a revelation.  There are passages in Matthew 24 which describe “who would not get to the Kingdom of Heaven”.  This evangelist thought to look at this list the way you would read an ingredient list on food packages – what there is the most of is listed first, then on down the line.  On this list are the usual suspects like murderers and thieves, etc. but at the top of the list – the fearful.

Now, this evangelist thought he was the cat’s pajamas and said, “I’m the only one talking about fear.”  Well, perhaps in the evangelist arena, but New Age lightworkers have been talking about fear for quite some time so this dude was a little more “Johnny come lately” than he’d like to admit.

A few weeks back I came across someone’s comment on a blog.  They were basically saying that if it wasn’t for the “Religion of Peace” then perhaps all others would be able to embrace 5D, etc.

I had this to tell them:

What those of the “Religion of Peace” (how Orwellian is that?!) have to get from all this is one thing. What they are helping others with is another thing. Everyone else, individuals or collectives at some level or other, including the nation level, are learning how to set boundaries and stand in their own power.

Europeans are struggling with concerns about “being racist” vs being raped, both literally and figuratively. Some rape victims won’t even report the crime because they don’t want to “play into racism.” If that isn’t the epitome of some severe lack of self-respect and self-love, I don’t know what is. And what? Like NOT reporting the crime is somehow helping the criminal / thug? Really?

As drag queen Ru Paul says, “If ya can’t love yourself, how the hell ya gonna love somebody else?”

Sad the level things need to get to before people start being MORE Self-Centered, as in Centered on Self. It all starts with self.  Read the book “Awake & Aware – Top Priority: Self” for how to get one’s priorities straight.

So, this person makes it sound like if we can just somehow get rid of all the “villains” out there then everyone else will be magically ready to ascend.  Nope, don’t think so.  Sorry to have to break this to ya, but the “victims” won’t be ascending either.

There is much talk these days of doing one’s “shadow work”.  Rightly so.  Yep, you’ll have to connect with the Divine as part of your healing and ascension process, but you’ll also have to address your shadow.

In many cases, one’s shadow, one’s own darkness has mostly to do with ignorance, ya know, that whole “in the dark” thing.  The ignorance causes disempowerment.  Just being “nice” and not being an ax murderer is not enough.  If you attract ax murderers you won’t be ascending before they will.  Not really a joke – we draw to us what we fear.

So, there will be many “shadow parts” that you will eventually just release because they belong to a disempowering experience and you’ve had enough of that.

There are also “shadow parts” that really aren’t “bad” or even “dark” but people have allowed society to convince them that these characteristics are not desirable.  Folks could stand to realize this and embrace these characteristics, to reclaim them and utilize them, not to mention gift the world with them.  Using one’s intuition is an example.  Intuition is essentially your right-brain connection to the Divine / God.  That’s not “bad”, right?  But in a cabal-controlled world, intuition was vilified, people burned at the stake, institutionalized, shunned.  After all, it’s pretty difficult to control and enslave people who actually utilize their Direct Divine Connection so the cabal programmed people to actually fear intuition, to call the intuitive “witches”, etc.

No folks, what you’ve possibly “done unto others” really isn’t what will keep you from ascending – everyone is redeemable.  We just might get some reformed ax murderers ascending too.  Yep, good chance of that.  You may have been an ex murderer in a former lifetime / incarnation.  They / you turn around and do the inner work, yep, they’re / you’re in.

But what you do to yourself with your disempowering thoughts and beliefs and how you ab-use yourself and allow others to ab-use you, those kinds of things, if you insist on clinging to these thoughts and beliefs / not releasing them, can and will keep you from “the Kingdom of Heaven”.   There’s that Power and Responsibility thing again.  You want your Power?  You’ll have to take Responsibility for your own creations.

In K.I.S.S. ing Ascension, I describe how, in broad terms, ascension is about Divine connection AND healing, which in LARGE PART has to do with addressing one’s shadow, one’s own “darkness”.

It reminds me of a twist on the first step of all those 12-step programs, so instead of “admitting you have a problem” it’s more a case of starting from a point of acceptance.  Not acceptance like in “condoning” something, but more of acceptance as in “this IS how things are in this moment”.  Denial is more than just a river in Egypt and there is no “healing” happening or perhaps not finishing as long as you are not willing to face your shadow, your own darkness.

Just being nice, wearing the crystals and the flowy purple dresses, saying “Namaste”, putting out flowery messages and “playing a part” aren’t enough to get the job done.

That superficial makeover isn’t the deep clean required.

The first step is looking right at your darkness.  Ask the Divine to assist.

Grand Illusion

“Grand Illusion”

The obliteration of your isolation
The complete explosion of your fondest notion
This disintegration is your elevation
It’s a grand illusion, it’s a grand illusion

You’re crying, you’re trying so hard now
You’ll be laughing a hundred thousand years

There is only one day and tonight is the night
It’s a grand illusion

The devastation of your separation
The disillusion of your constitution
It’s exhilaration, it’s your liberation
It’s a grand illusion, it’s a grand illusion

You’re crying, you’re trying so hard now
You’ll be laughing a hundred thousand years
There is only one day and tonight is the night
It’s a grand illusion

War Pigs

Dedicated to Senator John McCain.

Judgement Day is here John.

“War Pigs”

Generals gathered in their masses
Just like witches at black masses
Evil minds that plot destruction
Sorcerers of death’s construction
In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning
Death and hatred to mankind
Poisoning their brainwashed minds
Oh lord yeah!

Politicians hide themselves away
They only started the war
Why should they go out to fight?
They leave that role to the poor

Time will tell on their power minds
Making war just for fun
Treating people just like pawns in chess
Wait ’til their judgement day comes

Now in darkness world stops turning
Ashes where the bodies burning
No more war pigs have the power
Hand of God has struck the hour
Day of judgement, God is calling
On their knees the war pig’s crawling
Begging mercy for their sins
Satan laughing spreads his wings
oh lord yeah!


Concerning lyrics below, well no, Columbus was not “lost”.  He had a map.  He didn’t “discover” diddly in this sense of the word:

find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search

Like I heard an American Indian comedian say years ago (and I paraphrase), “How can you ‘discover’ a land where people already live?  That’d be like me going out into the parking lot and ‘discovering’ that Lamborghini.”

No, “they” (the global cabal) had known of the land to the west called La Merika.  When Columbus set sail it was a Kodak Moment, a public relations stunt, a way to announce to the general masses that it was time to get their slave selves (not realizing they are slaves, not talking blacks here, but ya know, wage slaves who only think they are “free”), at their own expense and effort, to the new land, to build that up for the cabal.  So, Columbus DID “discover” La Merika, but more in this definition of the word:

divulge (a secret)

And what would prompt people to move to La Merika?  Well, what’s said on the plaque at the Statue of Liberty gives a hint:

“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

The PTWs (powers that were) just made things so unbearable in people’s home countries that folks would expend their own energies and resources to get themselves to the New World.

Well Tracy, the worm has turned.  No more conquering of Americans.

And… concerning the lyrics…

“Did God’s will”.  In an overall way, ALL serves God’s will and purpose.  But whose will did Columbus and those he worked for think they were serving?  Perhaps a little “g” god, eh?!

The meek shall inherit the Earth… while the masters will ascend to Gaia.


You were lost and got lucky
Came upon the shore
Found you were conquering America
You spoke of peace
But waged a war
While you were conquering America

There was land to take
And people to kill
While you were conquering America
You served yourself
Did God’s will
While you were conquering America

The ghost of Columbus haunts this world
‘Cause you’re still conquering America
The meek won’t survive
Or inherit the earth
‘Cause you’re still conquering America


You found bodies to serve
Submit and degrade
While you were conquering America
Made us soldiers and junkies
Prisoners and slaves
While you were conquering America


Your hands are at my throat
My back’s against the wall
Because you’re still conquering America
We’re sick and tired hungry and poor
‘Cause you’re still conquering America

You bomb the very ground
That feeds your own babies
You’re still conquering America
Your sons and your daughters
May never sing your praises
While you’re conquering America


I see your eyes seek a distant shore
While you’re conquering America
Taking rockets to the moon
Trying to find a new world
And you’re still conquering America


The ghost of Columbus haunts this world
‘Cause you’re still conquering America
You’re still conquering America
You’re still conquering America


Here’s someone who understood what was going on in this world:

Russell Means:  Americans Are The New Indian

Understanding Tools

This is the term I like to use with such things as astrology or face reading or the like.  Ya know, the kinds of methods that allow you to understand yourself and others better.

I always like to say – Two ways to understanding, either through compassion or personal experience… but these understanding tools can help also.

I always like to emphasize the proper balance in perspective concerning the individual and the collective.  Individual and indivisible come from the same root word.  But collectives are made up of individuals, each doing their part.  “Collectives” technically don’t really “do” much of anything.  The individuals within the collective do.  And like the old line – it takes all kinds to make the world go ’round.

In so many ways we have so very much in common.  From the most sleepy and dysfunctional person to the most conscious, from the wounded to the healed, when it comes right down to it, we all have so much more in common than we have differences.  And there are really only so many variables here.  Many variables and yet still only so many.  Using astrology as an example, everyone’s birth chart has the same 12 signs and 10 planets.  Yep, all sorts of subtly in characteristics according to house, degree, what aspects what, etc. but it’s all Earth-centric, all about the energies an Earthling has to deal with, is exposed to, has to work with.

And yet, the differences do exist.  Just because someone is different (maybe you yourself are the someone) doesn’t necessarily mean these differences are “issues”.  But before we come to understand some of what’s behind the differences, it can be easy in a 3D-Earth-paradigm state of mind to judge and find fault with others who are only just being themselves and bringing to the world what they came to bring.

The face reading I learned was based on the 5 element theory of Chinese medicine.  So, the 5 elements are the 4 of astrology – Fire, Earth, Air (or Metal in Chinese medicine), Water – and the 5th element is Wood.

Because I’ve come to understand the differences in personality between the 5 elements, I just see people being themselves when others may have some issue with these people’s personality traits.

For example, if, in a gathering of people, one person, no matter what topic or who brings it up, this one person always somehow makes it all about them, well, the next person might see this as problematic “They’re so full of themselves!”, whereas I would just know I was observing a Fire element.

Another person there may be very forceful and loves to use a closed fist gesture.  The next person may see them as angry or aggressive, but I just see a Wood element.

I’ve often thought that this disempowering 3D Earth paradigm has made everyone feel like there is something wrong with them.  Is there anyone who feels like they fit in anymore?  Even the straight, white male now feels oppressed and persecuted.  Yep, “the theys” used their salami tactics to carve away at one social group after another and now they’ve caught them all.

And the programming has people wanting to be something other than themselves “Oh, I wish I had a nose like hers”… while she probably wishes she had a nose like the next person.  So, just what is that ever-elusive gold standard that everyone seems to be shooting for?

How’s about looking no further than the mirror.  That seems like a fine gold standard to aspire to.

In some discussion on the Enneagram of Personality, which is a personality typing method involving nine (enne) personality types, someone had said that the conventional psychology / psychiatric world has a “disorder” or mental problem or the like for every one of these personality types.

Sure, there is an up and a down side to every type, element, sign, whatever.  There are unevolved and evolved characteristics for each.  But really?  No matter who?  Everyone has a disorder?  Now, no doubt that folks got stuff to heal but just the old paradigm’s way of assigning some bad label to every frickin’ personality type, being all judgy about it… and of course they don’t want people to know that whatever issues they may have they can heal.  Don’t frickin’ empower anyone whatever ya do… just make ’em feel like there’s something wrong with them… that can’t be fixed… or worse yet, “Here’s your prescription.”

By learning and using understanding tools, you come to understand yourself and others better.  You come to know that we don’t all have the same needs, desires, talents, skills, foibles, whatever.  By understanding your own element (or sign or type, etc) you can relax into being you and not pressure yourself to be like others.  By understanding others’ elements, you can allow them to be themselves without reading anything else into it.  Knowing such things help people work together.


My face reading instructor does Feng Shui also, but she doesn’t do it in a traditional way, like the desk has to be in this room facing that direction kinda thing, but instead focuses on the elements of the people living there.  So here are a couple of stories about people learning about theirs and others’ elements and then working towards more harmony.

She went to advise a couple of gals who were roommates.  One gal was an Earth element while the other was Metal.

Earth elements just love their “things”.  Earths like and can put up with a rather large amount of clutter.  If someone is a hoarder you can probably count on them being an Earth element.  They’re the ones you can almost count on having a mantle full of family photos.  They love their Earth tones.

Metals on the the other hand can be rather ascetic, liking a sparsely furnished and decorated place.  Less is more.  Monochromes over colors.   If any element abhors clutter it would be Metals.

So they were informed about themselves and each other.  Their solution?  They literally divided the shared living areas right down the middle.  One half of the living room was very Earth and the other half very Metal… and that worked for them.  They came to understand what both of them needed, they allowed that for themselves and the other.

In another case, she was asked to come do Feng Shui for a couple whose young son would not come out of his bedroom when he was home and he always kept the door closed.  It didn’t take long to understand why that was.  Upon first meeting, she knew the parents were both blatantly obviously Fire elements.  The son was obviously Water.

They then showed her their son’s room.  Just outside his room, across from the door was this huge painting that was VERY Fire element.  It was modern art with big splashes of red.  Yep, totally understandable why the Fire parents like this painting, but it was a bit much on their energetically sensitive and emotional Water son.  Subconsciously, that painting may have seemed like a murder scene to the Water son.  She explained this to the parents who then promptly took the painting down and their son no longer hid in his room and if in there didn’t feel a need to always have the door closed.


Are you still being all judgy about yourself and others… even and perhaps especially with the stuff that has nothing to do with anything other than just element, personality type or what have ya?  Ya know, like they (you) didn’t assault anyone, it’s not wounds or dysfunctions, they (you) just have their (your) own preferences and their (your) own way to be.  No crime in that.  Ask the Divine to bring you just the right understanding tools so you can actually see things for what they really are.

Ask for Compassion so you can cut yourself and your fellow human some slack, knowing that all differences aren’t “bad” in some way and even the wounds and dysfunctions are healable and EVERYONE IS REDEEMABLE.  Kinda the whole point of what we’re doing here.  Don’t act so surprised when some former Walking Zombie actually wakes up.  Don’t act surprised when the former Walking Wounded actually heal.  Don’t act surprised when the formerly disempowered step into their own Power.

Some of people’s differences have to do with strengths, not weaknesses.  Some with energies that piss off people’s “inner demons”.  Why do you think the Divine sent them with that energy?  It all has its place.

Let the Divine and the Understanding Tools help you see more clearly and with it create more loving and accepting relationships.

Everybody Lay Down

Hey there “meek”, aren’t you tired of laying down?

“Everybody Lay Down”

Everybody go ’round, go ’round, go ’round
Everybody lay down, lay down, lay down
Don’t nobody make a sound
Everybody lay down

Everybody give up, give up, give up
Nobody hang tough, hang tough, hang tough
Life a little too rough
Everybody lay down

Everybody say hey, don’t nobody say no
Everybody say wait, don’t nobody say go
Everybody lay down

Everybody cry loud, cry loud, cry loud
Nobody too proud, too proud, too proud
To tell you what they’re all about
Everybody lay down

Everybody don’t care, don’t care, don’t care
Nobody play fair, play fair, play fair
Maybe everybody too scared
Everybody lay down

Everybody say hey, don’t nobody say no
Everybody say wait, don’t nobody say go
Everybody lay down

Everybody’s wanting higher
Everybody wanna touch the fire
Nobody willing to lay it all down

Everybody want heaven
Everybody say amen
One thing is certain
You gotta lay it all down

Everybody say hey, don’t nobody say no
Everybody say wait, don’t nobody say go
Everybody lay down

The meek shall inherit the Earth

No truer words have been spoken.

But many folks seemingly don’t interpret this line properly.  They somehow think that it’s desirable to be “meek” and “to inherit the Earth”.

That’s exactly what many souls have been doing… lifetime after lifetime… ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Round and round on the reincarnation hamster wheel… never learning, growing or healing… and hence not advancing spiritually.  Instead silly souls in human form have been meek and keep inheriting the Earth.

You can’t do that anymore… because… Earth is headed towards its sixth extinction-level event.  That is why Gaia asked to be ascended – to save her lifeforms.  Really?  You want to inherit your own extinction?

You’re being offered a Grand Opportunity to graduate beyond this 3D Earthly realm.

But many of you don’t know what your words even mean.  That’s a problem.

(Note: this added later)  Alex Jones (love him dearly) is one example of someone who obviously didn’t /  doesn’t understand his own language.  At one point a few years ago, Alex said on air, “God, I’m trying to be humble.”  I was thinking, “Alex, why would you do that?”  Humble means “lowly”.  I don’t care who you are, where you are, what your outer circumstances are, you are only “lowly” if you Think, Speak, and Act like you’re lowly.

You are in truth a Divine and Powerful Creator god.  You are SUCH a Powerful Creator that you can create an ex-periential reality of powerlessness for yourself.  If you can create what you are not, you surely can create what you are.

At a later date, Alex Jones had his crew google the definition of “servile” and he said basically he’d be damned if he was going to be “servile.”  Use a dictionary Alex (and everyone else)… A synonym for “servile” is… wait for it… “humble”.

Another synonym for these words is “meek”.

Alex, have you made up your mind yet?  Do you or do you not want to be humble / lowly / servile / meek?


The meek shall inherit the Earth

… while the masters will ascend to 5D Gaia (“return to the Kingdom of Heaven”).

The meek submit to the old worldly (mostly global-cabal-influenced) paradigm, while the masters surrender to the Divine.


quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on; submissive


a skilled practitioner of a particular art or activity

Master of what?  Of oneself.

To get there, just be the truest version of your True Self that you can muster in any given moment.  One foot in front of the other.


Enough already humanity!  Time to release your delusions of adequacy and go far beyond mere adequacy.  Time to be remarkable!

Also see Power of Words & True Vibration of Words


Alternate title – Don’t Put YOUR Sh*t on Me.

Are you projecting onto others what is yours?  Your dysfunctional programs might just love that, but it’s not serving you, others or the world.  It’s certainly not serving this ascension project.  Ready to let go of that yet?

First, there’s the concept of “mirroring”.  Basically, if something about someone else really bothers you, you more than likely have that very same issue yourself and you don’t like it in yourself any more than you do in others and yet you deny that it is yours.  Like stepping up to a mirror, seeing you have something on your face and you try to wipe it off… in your reflection.

And this might be about a character trait that is not even “bad” per se, but one’s programming has made them think it is bad.

One tact you might consider is to actually allow yourself to consciously express this trait that you have, that you see mirrored in others and yet that bothers you so.  Perhaps then you can break away from being so judgy about it.

Projection is a little different than mirroring.  One significant difference between mirroring and projection is that with mirroring, both parties share the same traits or issues or perhaps even complementary issues, whereas with projection the one doing the projection is the one who has these traits or issues and puts that on others as if other people have these issues when they don’t.

Programmed humans are also into that whole misery loves company thing, hanging out with people with similar issues and programs.  Life in an echo chamber.  They’ll speak of resonance, but what are they supposedly “resonating” with?  Each other’s dysfunction?  Yep, similar frequency and issues.  It’s called codependency folks.

And they just hate it when someone or something comes along and stirs their pot.  They like their little codependent “friends” (with friends like that…)  and call them their teammates, but anyone who is not right in lockstep with them are seemingly not their teammate.

I love sports analogies, most especially where the word “team” comes up.  So, this person would be like a member of a high school sports team.  They’re a Sophomore (and in real life and spiritually really rather sophomoric to boot) and they will only see other Sophomores as their teammates.  The Freshman, Juniors and Seniors, in their warped reality, are somehow not their teammates.  *scratching head*

But whether they consciously realize it or not, when new and fresh input comes along, they ARE having Divine-level resonance.  It’s just also affecting their little “inner demons” / disempowered programs / conditioning, which are re-acting (acting again as they have before).  So… resonance with something that is true will be indicated by a strong emotional response, which may not always be a warm and fuzzy feeling or even an “ah ha” moment.  Instead it might be very intense denial or rejection… or projection.  Hey those little “inner demons” / self-sustaining, disempowering, software programs recognize healing wisdom when they see / hear it and that’s the last thing they want.  They’ll fight it tooth and nail.


Once, over several months, myself and others witnessed a lightworker who obviously had anger issues.  From what I could tell, by both things said and the outward symptoms – usually coming in the form of projection – they had pent up anger.  Anger was a “bad” thing according to some “program” implanted in them, probably in childhood.  I’ve seen this person say since then that as a child, they were indeed told not to express anger.  One of their readers (codependents) had some anger projection issues also and in their case they witnessed an awful lot of anger from someone else when they were a child. Perhaps it scared them and they made the subconscious association that “anger = bad / scary / wrong”.  So they too would repress and project.

These people’s “inner child” probably had a whole lot of anger and could stand to express it.  Their unexpressed / stuffed down anger had no place to go.  It was their traveling companion.  And as much as this person so wanted to put on rose-colored glasses, their anger issues made them see red… everywhere.  If someone came along and stirred their pot (so that they could then get a glimpse of that sludge at the bottom, that they so desperately tried to ignore), the other, whether intentionally or just innocently triggering this LW’s issues, doesn’t matter which, then came this person’s projection.  They kept saying others were angry when they were not.  They’d ask others why they hold so much anger within them when it was they themselves doing that.

They also said anger as if it’s a bad thing, something to be avoided at all costs.  Not a healthy perspective.

Well, I won’t kid ya, God sicced me on them.  I got after them and stayed after them… even after they wouldn’t let my comments through on their blog, I found someplace else to get after them.  They said to me, “Why do you keep trying to change me?”  I told them I could care less, but would hope they healed and yet even with that, their healing is their business… until they tried to put their sh*t on me.  Then they made their business my business.  If they were trying to project their sh*t and shift their responsibility over onto me, you can bet I’d have something to say about it.   And that was, “Enough already!”

Power and Responsibility go hand in hand.  And it goes both ways.  You try to make what YOU got going on about me in some way, well, you just invited my nose into your business.  Oopsy.

Well, they did finally get the message.  The next week they spoke of expressing pent-up anger.  Well whattaya know.  I’ll be dipped in sh*t and rolled in cracker crumbs.  I finally got them dislodged from the rut, the stuckness, they were in.

This person also loves to go on about joy.  I told them that if they were really tapping into TRUE JOY, then anger wouldn’t scare them – not their own or anyone else’s… and I told them that anger was ok.  And it is.  Anger happens.  Let it.

They kept doing the whole “put on a happy face” thing and kept talking about all the joy they have… as if they were trying to talk themselves into it.  Perhaps they’d best tap into that joy by being authentic in their emotional expression ALWAYS.

Don’t say you’re up when you’re down
It’s Elemental  

~ Tears for Fears – “Elemental”

This reminds me – I’d heard this lead guitarist interviewed.  He also wrote songs and he’d come to realize that if the band members were having to tap their foot in order to keep time while playing the song, then there was something not so right about the song.

And if someone has to keep telling themselves they are joyful, something is not so right with their “song” either.

Joy is who we are.  Not something to look for.  Just allow it.

And how will you know your True Self in your True Joy if you keep judging emotions as bad, stuff them down and then project your emotions onto others?  They’re YOUR emotions, own ’em… and for goodness sakes, express ’em.  If not, you’re not healed / healing.  You might fool yourself in that regard, but you’re not fooling anyone else.

Has someone stirred your pot and showed you what further work you have to do?  Did you kill the messenger when you could have been thanking them?  The messenger is there for your sake.  The Divine sent them, whether you or they are even consciously aware.

Also see Healing – Emotional and Understanding Tools.