3D Earth

Just a few things to understand about 3D Earth that then may in turn help one understand more about the ascension.  As always, I encourage you to take further questions to the Divine.

The Original Intent for our co-creation here on Earth was that it would be 3D and Dualistic.

But it didn’t stay at that level.  Because the whole free-will thing got hijacked by the cabal, the separation paradigm got even more intense.  It could be said that both at a “world” level (I mean the realm we co-created as opposed to the planet herself) and at an individual level, you could think of it being sub-3D levels but yeah, it definitely affected the planet.

As I’d said in the Planetary Ascension Project Overview (Review?!) post we are not here to ascend Earth, but Gaia.  Gaia has been ascension-ready since early 2013.  She’s set.  She and the first wave cool our heels as we wait for the lightworkers to get their feet under themselves so they can hold things together for 3D / 4D Earth.

So, I’m told that any gridwork being done in recent years is really about Earth, not Gaia.  And if we are not ascending Earth, what is that gridwork about?  It’s to bring the Earth grid out of sub-3D and up to a FULL 3D level.  It helps to release old paradigm stuff that, yes, was even MORE dense than just 3D normal levels.  And the grid release then in turn helps people release from those sub-3D levels.

Then, at the same time, there are many lightworkers who are bringing in and holding light in the world, to lead by example, to offer another choice, another option, to make it more apparent.  Every chance being offered.

In the What of the body during ascension? post, I describe how this same sort of thing is the case for a person’s 3D carbon-based body.  The 3D body does NOT convert into a 5D crystalline body, so ya could say that we are NOT ascending our 3D carbon-based body, just like we are NOT ascending Earth.

Our 3D carbon-based body and our 5D crystalline body (resulting from the ascension process) are two very distinct bodies.  You’ll be in your 3D body until you transition IN FULL and then don your crystalline body in 5D.

But the 3D body had been at sub-3D levels also, just like Earth, so the healing and ascension process reactivates everything in the body so one has FULL 3D capacity at the physical level.  And you can bet that one’s consciousness levels – so then also thoughts, words & deeds – play a role in getting one’s physicality working more fully.  Everything is interconnected.

As I’ve said in these other posts, 3D will remain 3D and whoever chooses to stay at that CONSCIOUSNESS level, for however long, can do so.

And while any of us are still here, regardless of what level of consciousness, while in the 3D world, pre-ascended, we’ll be in our 3D carbon-based body.

And our 5D creations are in 5D.

I saw that Gaia Portal had recently said:

“Assistance comes as dark hu-beings require.”

Again, this is another re-minder, even though there is still long, ongoing catastrophic stuff that will remain a part of the 3D experience, no HUGE and SUDDEN catastrophic events are being allowed to happen.  If CERN actually punches a hole, the angels patch it over.  If a missile, especially nuclear, gets launched when that’s just not gonna work out well, it gets dealt with in some safe way by ETs.  If some harmful energy starts to reach some critical point lightworkers may be transmuting it.  Individuals’ own creations are not being interfered with, but all this assistance buys folks time.

I had to laugh (or as my cockney friend says, “I gotter larf.”)   The inspiration for my post Fear showed up the other day.  They responded to the Savin’ Me post basically saying that I’m worth saving.  Ah, ha, ha.  They are implying that’s why one day they tried to fill my comments with fears and worries about “what they are doing with colliders” or whatever.  LOL  *shaking head*  Still clueless I see.  Very, VERY clueless.


Return to Innocence

“Return To Innocence”

Love – Devotion
Feeling – Emotion

Don’t be afraid to be weak
Don’t be too proud to be strong
Just look into your heart my friend
That will be the return to yourself
The return to innocence

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don’t hide
Just believe in destiny

Don’t care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don’t give up and use the chance
To return to innocence

That’s not the beginning of the end
That’s the return to yourself
The return to innocence

It’s a return to innocence

Self Love

If someone asked me to name just one thing and only one thing that is critical for ascension I’d have to say Self Love.

And heading off down the path to Self Love will involve learning and healing an awful lot more than just what one might initially think of as Self Love.

If Self Love is the goal sitting out on the horizon, then pull yourself back to the present moment and see what the current next step in that direction is.  The Divine would be happy to help – just ask.

Your ultimate in Self-Love goal will be at the end of many steps, many dominoes having to fall to get to that goal.  It might surprise you what all various disempowering programs will be discovered and will have to be released in order to get to your Self-Love goal.

Regardless of how one gets to Self Love, both the goal and the journey is what opens doors and opens one’s eyes to so much more.

The “self love is bad” program really hits to the core of so many problems in this world.  Think about it for a second.  Just pull yourself up out of all this human drama, your own included, and think about that – a program put in people’s psyches that makes them not love themselves.  Just about can’t get more debilitating than that.

I’d recently quoted someone who said that love of God and Self Love are one and the same.  That right there is something that gets “hidden in plain view” when someone is running the “self love is bad” program.  Folks might think they “love God” and yet haven’t truly mustered or mastered loving themselves yet.  God loves you too and would like you to be the Powerful Creator God/dess that you truly are and He would love to work through you but that’s a bit difficult to do when you don’t love yourself.

Part of that “self love is bad” program involves not trusting yourself.  If there is ANYONE you could stand to trust, it ought to be yourself.  And yep, we’re talking about debilitating programs here so yeah, quite understandable if someone who is disempowered doesn’t trust themselves but can you not see how basic, how fundamental, how foundational Self Love is?  How in the world will you navigate through much of anything if you don’t trust yourself?  Do what is necessary to regain your self-trust.  Healing and Divine Connection are key in that.  They are also key in ascension.  It’s all one and the same.  It’s all a return to Self.

And Fear is the opposite of Love.  Fear, in its many guises, is ultimately the “cause” of all the crap in the world.  Fear had gotten so big in this world that it had taken on a life of its own, become an entity unto itself… almost.  The beauty thing here is that Fear is a really slow frequency, a long wavelength.  Love on the other hand is high frequency, short wavelength.

If you were to see your composite energy field as a signal on an oscilloscope, then superimpose Fear and Love onto your energy field, you’d see how Love would win out.  Love IS winning out in this world.  Fear, being a slow, low frequency, doesn’t touch your energy field as often as the fast, high frequency of Love does, hence Love ultimately has more influence.

There’s an awful lot of “narrative” on narcissism these days.  Actual narcissism can be problematic and the down side of that is more shadow work for some folks to do.

But if YOU are bothered by people who love themselves or even by those who are narcissistic, yep either way, the “bothered by” part is YOURS.  Own it.  That’s the first step towards healing YOUR issue on this.  And ya know, all the narcissists in the world could heal – which you get no say in – and yet that doesn’t mean that YOU will quit being bothered by them – since they also get no say in YOUR healing – their healing won’t mean YOU have healed.  If you don’t address your side of things, then you’ll be stewing on past episodes with narcissists until long past when the cows come home.

And isn’t making someone else’s narcissism all about you, well, isn’t that narcissistic?

*holding up one index finger* while saying, “You” and *circling that finger with the other index finger* while saying, “Universe”.

Like the second of “The Four Agreements”:

2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.

Tell them, “What you think of me is none of my business.”  It will set them back on their heels… but more importantly, it will re-mind yourself that others’ issues, thoughts, words, actions really aren’t about you.  Why make them about you?  Narcissist!  lol  😉

And… if / when you actually heal your issue and quit being bothered by narcissists, watch them no longer even show up in your life… because you don’t need them anymore.    If you need it, it will be there.  If it’s not there, you must not need it.  

Perhaps people who are narcissistic were neglected as children, which psychologists have come to know is the absolute worst form of child abuse, even outweighing physical and sexual abuse because at least those things get them attention.  But with neglect, the child can’t figure out why their parents hate them so very much that they don’t want anything to do with them.

Narcissists and those bothered by narcissists both need to learn to love themselves, to know they ARE love.  It doesn’t come from “out there”.  It comes from “in here”.

But this “narcissism” term is being applied willy-nilly to people who are NOT narcissistic (the wisdom of children: “Point a finger at me, you’ve got 3 more pointing back at you”) but who, yep, they do adore themselves, and why shouldn’t they?!

Can you all not hear / observe the propaganda campaign that the cabal and their mainstream media (msm) stooges are putting out with this?  It’s one of their dying efforts at refreshing the “self love is bad” program.

The New Ager / lightworkers with their “kill the ego” disempowered program is more of the “self love is bad” program.  Ego is just one’s Sense of Self.  Really?  What do you plan to do after you’ve “killed” your Sense of Self?  Do you think that’ll bring you to “collective unity”?  Not hardly.  You don’t even know who YOU are and you think you’re gonna know the next person?

You think SELF SOVEREIGNTY comes from LOSING your Sense of Self?  Really?

The only way I’d care to lose my sense of self is if and when the time comes to just completely let go of my Individuated Soul experience and melt back into the Isness, losing my sentience, no longer existing.

I guess one could drop out the bottom to get to that point too, submitting to their ab-users and along the way to losing their individuated experience, they become some drop in a soulless, homogenized cesspool of human ooze.  What a way to go.

“Self Centered” also gets such a bad rap.  Self Centered – Centered on Self.   And yet where else would one BE centered but on Self?  What?  Should one be centered somewhere “over there”?  And yet many a programmed human does just that – attempts to be centered somewhere outside themselves.  Gee, can’t imagine why they are so off-kilter.  (I’m all for “kilts off” but not off-kilter, lol.)

Self Love, Self Respect, Self Nurturance, Self Healing.  Self Mastery.  Self Realized.  These are the ultimate goals and the starting point all in one.  There’s only so much you can do for others when you’ve not put yourself FIRST.

Make no mistake, YOU are your TOP priority.  You get yourself to that place and then you maintain it.  I understood this years ago.  That’s why I wrote the book on it.  😉

Awake & Aware – Top Priority: Self

… and also why I have been able to serve this ascension project to such a high capacity.  I had my priorities straight.

I’ve carried a photo of myself in my wallet for years.  The only photo I’ve carried.  For a shorter time, but for many years also, there has been a fortune cookie message attached to that photo.  It reads: “Our first and last love is… self love.”

Also see Healthy Selfishness post.

Ascension Update – the sequel

Playing cards with God again:

The Magician
Spiritual path of self-control.
This is about those who are not “on path” yet.  Time to get on path.

10 of Cups
Strong friendships or love brighten your existence.
This is pretty much about everyone.
(How’s that for good news?!)

9 of Swords
This card indicates a time of great misery, sadness, and depression.
This is about those who intentionally follow the dark.  The cabal basically.

Savin’ Me

“Say it if it’s worth savin’ me.”

I say what I do to folks, even when their disempowered programs, conditioning and fears don’t want to hear it… because you’re all worth it.

I can’t save you but I might wake you up to the fact that you can save yourself.  You have no idea what depths and breadths and heights that I have and would go to for your salvation.  Join me in that effort and we’re all set.

Lightworkers, SAY IT to your fellow human.  Let them know that the way “out” is IN.  Lots of fear running around loose out there.  Let folks know that their inner work is where they can and will make a difference, not by getting caught up in all the fear and chaos “out there”.

They’re worth savin’.  It’s what we’re here for.

“Come please I’m callin’ “

“Savin’ Me”

Prison gates won’t open up for me
On these hands and knees I’m crawlin’
Oh, I reach for you

Well I’m terrified of these four walls
These iron bars can’t hold my soul in
All I need is you
Come please I’m callin’
And all I scream for you
Hurry I’m fallin’, I’m fallin’

Show me what it’s like
To be the last one standing
And teach me wrong from right
And I’ll show you what I can be
And say it for me
Say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me
Say it if it’s worth saving me

Heaven’s gates won’t open up for me
With these broken wings I’m fallin’
And all I see is you

These city walls ain’t got no love for me
I’m on the ledge of the eighteenth story
And all I scream for you
Come please I’m callin’

And all I need from you
Hurry I’m fallin’, I’m fallin’


Hurry I’m fallin’

And all I need is you
Come please I’m callin’
And all I scream for you
Hurry I’m fallin’, I’m fallin’, I’m fallin’


Hurry I’m fallin’

Say it for me
Say it to me
And I’ll leave this life behind me
Say it if it’s worth saving me

Bring Me To Life

Wake up the somnambulists.

“Bring Me To Life”

How can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Leading you down into my core where I’ve become so numb
Without a soul my spirit’s sleeping somewhere cold
Until you find it there and lead it back home

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I’ve become

Now that I know what I’m without
You can’t just leave me
Breathe into me and make me real
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I’ve become

Bring me to life
(I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside)
Bring me to life

Frozen inside without your touch
Without your love, darling
Only you are the life among the dead

All this time I can’t believe I couldn’t see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I’ve been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
Don’t let me die here
There must be something more
Bring me to life

(Wake me up)
Wake me up inside
(I can’t wake up)
Wake me up inside
(Save me)
Call my name and save me from the dark
(Wake me up)
Bid my blood to run
(I can’t wake up)
Before I come undone
(Save me)
Save me from the nothing I’ve become

Bring me to life
(I’ve been living a lie, there’s nothing inside)
Bring me to life

Thank U

“Thank U”

How bout getting off of these antibiotics
How bout stopping eating when I’m full up
How bout them transparent dangling carrots
How bout that ever elusive kudo

Thank you India
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you silence

How bout me not blaming you for everything
How bout me enjoying the moment for once
How bout how good it feels to finally forgive you
How bout grieving it all one at a time

Thank you India
Thank you terror
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you frailty
Thank you consequence
Thank you thank you silence

The moment I let go of it
Was the moment I got more than I could handle
The moment I jumped off of it
Was the moment I touched down

How bout no longer being masochistic
How bout remembering your divinity
How bout unabashedly bawling your eyes out
How bout not equating death with stopping

Thank you India
Thank you providence
Thank you disillusionment
Thank you nothingness
Thank you clarity
Thank you thank you silence…

Mental Health Hotline

Hello, and welcome to the Mental Health Hotline.

If you are obsessive-compulsive,
press 1 repeatedly.

If you are codependent,
please ask someone to press 2 for you.

If you have multiple personalities,
press 3, 4, 5, and 6.

If you are paranoid, we know who you are and what you want.
Stay on the line so we can trace your call.

If you are delusional,
press 7 and your call will be transferred to the mother ship.

If you are schizophrenic, listen carefully
and a small voice will tell you which number to press.

If you are manic-depressive,
it doesn’t matter which number you press; no one will answer.

If you are dyslexic,
press 9696969696969696.

If you have a nervous disorder, please fidget with the pound key until a representative comes on the line.

If you have amnesia, press 8 and state your name, address, telephone number, date of birth, Social Security number, and your mother’s maiden name.

If you have post-traumatic stress disorder, s-l-o-w-l-y a-n-d-c-a-r-e-f-u-l-l-y press 000.

If you have bipolar disorder, please leave a message after the beep or before the beep or after the beep. Please wait for the beep.

If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9. If you have short-term memory loss, press 9.

If you have low self-esteem, please hang up. All operators are too busy to talk to you.

Service to Self, Service to Others

I wrote the following over 2 years ago in an email to someone who asked my perspective on this whole STS / STO schtuff, duality, channeling.

They asked if they could post it and did.  I did not have a blog myself then, but now I do, so guess I’ll post it now.

Without naming them, I thank them for their questions.

Well, service to self in what way?  At what level? At what frequency? At a 3D level – with greed, selfish inconsiderateness, not caring who ya step on or ab-use / misuse?  Purely for money or for fame or a following?  Or lust or perhaps out of fear… of being lonely or whatever other dis-empowered motive. 

Or service to self at a higher level – self-respect, self-love, getting healed… ….  to then be able to turn around and help the planet by transmuting millennia of shit energy out or help others and not because you heard someone say some fancy term or line and want to parrot it to others but because you’ve experienced it yourself FIRST, you’ve LIVED it, you KNOW it, you know what works and what doesn’t.

Because you know if you don’t take care of yourself and heal and self-nurture then you really have nothing to offer the next person.  Because if you’re dead you have no help to offer the 3D world. Because, as I said before, what we TRULY have to offer anyone else is our consciousness and how can you offer it to the next person if you don’t get there yourself, FIRST?!

“If you can’t love yourself, how the hell you gonna love somebody else?” 

And on the flip side, service to others in what way, at what level, at what frequency, from what agenda or motive? People who have egos and subconscious that are programmed in dis-empowered ways are often ass-kissers, boot-lickers, will do anything to make a buck, to keep a job, to get along, to have a friend, to be popular, to be liked, to have low frequency “power”.

To be “slothful”, to follow someone else’s agenda rather than their own agenda, to “go with the flow” to “fit in”, no matter what the cost to themselves or others, doing all the wrong things because others do and they want to “succeed” at low frequency levels and cave in to all the things they feel in their gut and heart and intuition to be wrong because “that’s just the way it is”.

People who don’t have the guts to tell someone what they need to hear to heal.  People who will enable other’s dysfunction so as not to rock the boat… that often so desperately needs to be rocked.  People who don’t want to rouse the rabble that so desperately needs to be roused.  

Then again, duality in what way?  That there are just some things that are complementary, like masculine and feminine?  Neither is bad, but that difference is most certainly part of duality.  Both could stand to be integrated within each individual and no one needs to be androgynous or have a sex change to incorporate both.  Just one example of complements, which means “to make complete”.

Other examples of duality though, in some cases, some dark sides of things could stand to be let go of like ignorance and thinking there are things that just can’t be known.  Like ego issues that on one side make one feel grandiose while on the other side make people “play small” and claim “I’m only human” as some sort of cop-out, some excuse to not be all they can be.

And societal programming that deems that some things are bad or wrong when in reality there may be nothing wrong with them or in some cases, these things judged as “wrong” or “bad” are actually strengths and are downright healthy.

In this planetary ascension, those who get themselves to a 5D level are serving themselves , serving their own soul by healing, clearing, releasing and upgrading.  Nothing wrong with that.  If 7 billion people would have been self-centered (Centered on Self) in THAT way, we and Gaia would have all been outta here long ago and the work, the burden would have been spread around evenly and not just put on a small minority of people.  

Heal themselves first, then and only then can they go on to serve the planet and others in any higher level energetic capacity.

And yet along the way, in the effort to offer consciousness they can do that for the next person on some topic that they are even 1/2 a step ahead on.

Yeah, I don’t like the ambiguity of these terms STS & STO.  Those terms are very black and white and biased in its perspective, in its assumption that everyone will just see it the right way, the most healthy way for all involved… and those terms are too easily misunderstood / misinterpreted in a very harmful and dis-empowering way… and nobody bothers to explain.

Btv (Below The Veil – BTV) or atv (Above The Veil – ATV) there are WAY too many assumptions that just because different entities / beings are using the same terms / words, there must be an understanding, there must be the SAME interpretations and definitions because it’s the same word.  Errr!  Wrong answer!

A recent channeled message said this:
“Even though the techniques necessary to fulfill your dreams have been outlined for some time, those techniques were ignored, misunderstood or denied.”

Ok, if we apply that to your run-of-the-mill LW (Lightworker – Information Worker), yep.

But look at all the channelled messages that didn’t get these people on the right track in the first place.  How many channelled messages have said some emotions are good and some bad?  Don’t feel angry or bored or whatever.  What?  From a bunch of unemotional non-humans who don’t know wtf they are talking about?!   Oh, they are proving now they can dish out the tough love message (about time) and yet where are they accepting the responsibility for their part, their role in the misunderstanding? 

How many times have the human channeller’s gotten the message wrong, stated it wrong or misinterpreted it after the fact and yet where are these channeling entities to make that correction?  “Hey there dear human, we can tell by what you told others that you did not correctly interpret our message, so we’d like to explain further…”  Do they even bother to check in and see how humans, especially their own channeling human is interpreting their message?

And why are human channellers just swallowing all these messages without question?  And even when the message is a good one, why aren’t they making sure that they themselves actually understand it and LIVE it?  ETs and LWs, a match made in hell.  The blind leading the blind.

Bottom line?

TRUE service is never bad!

This whole STS / STO business superficially makes it sound like serving oneself is bad while serving others is good.  That right there is one of the most disempowering programs running in this world and also dualistic and polarizing.  By using such terminology you are energizing / feeding / refreshing that old disempowering program.

Many a “spiritualist” and “lightworker” are steeped in that disempowering program, putting other over self, wanting to help the next person heal when they have yet to heal themselves.  Their priorities are screwed up.  As some would say, “Lightwork is an INSIDE job.”  I can’t emphasize enough – DOING YOUR OWN INNER WORK HELPS OTHERS WITH THEIRS MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE YOU COULD DO FOR THEM.

If you truly want to serve self and others, you must make and keep yourself your top priority!  You can only give as much as you’ve got.  That applies to everything from material things to Healing and Consciousness.  

And there are those “lightworkers” who have so much dysfunctional dogma to defend around this whole STS / STO line, as they proselytize their “Ra Religion”… and would love to distract you with the tomes of it that I’m sure there is, whether it takes all that to get the gist across or not – boys n’ girls, can you say “distraction”?  I knew ya could.  They have no clue how steeped in their “religion” they are.  They don’t like to be alone in their distraction and “worshipping” of entities who like to push this STS / STO line, but eventually they’ll have to face the reality that putting one self first is the proper order of things.  Anything else is just keeping them from moving forward on their own healing, empowerment and ascension path… and hence, keeping them from being of any TRUE service to others.  The more they resist their own healing and Divine connection, the longer they postpone their ability to even BE of much TRUE SERVICE to anyone else.

I told someone it’s about frequency, a difference in level of consciousness, so perhaps expressing it in “light vs. dark” instead of “self vs. other” terms would have been better.

The Ra Religion people parroting their dogma never compare apples with apples.  So, let’s assume – because that IS the case – that STS and STO both have a low frequency end and a high frequency end.  But these people mindlessly saying this crap always compare the low freq. end of STS to the high freq. end of STO.  Why not compare the low freq. end of STO to the high freq. end of STS and see which looks better then?!  Doh!

Someone else said that Service to Self really means “Service to Self against Others”.  Oh, ok.  Fine and well, but I’ve yet to hear them discuss “Service to Others against Self”.  *shaking head*  The whole world, each brainwashed individual has been in Service to Other against Self for centuries, unwittingly serving the cabal’s agenda… or anyone else’s agenda other than their own.  That’s what the Enneagram of Personality (personality typing method) would call “sloth”.  Not about being physically lazy but instead sloth is about going along with someone else’s agenda rather than setting your own.  The slothful personality types like to say they are “just going with the flow”.  Whose flow?  Best learn to make it about your own and the Divine’s flow and not anyone else’s.  Time to quit giving authority of your life away, something that can be done as easily as worrying what the neighbors will think, including the neighbors who aren’t even having one passing thought about you.

Why do these Ra religion people not compare the low frequency end of each of STS and STO to each other and same for the high ends of each?  

But these Ra religion people don’t ever even mention the low frequency end of Service to Others.

The other day, someone compared what Ra had to say about STS to the satanists.  Yep, ‘cuz that’s the low frequency end of STS that Ra spoke of.  It begs the question – why did this Ra character never speak of the EMPOWERING end of the STS spectrum?  Why did Ra not speak of the dark / disempowering end of STO?  Hmm?  Are you SURE that Ra character had / has ANYONE’S best interest in mind or at heart?

I’d just love to see them talk about how the cabal have kept humanity in STO mode, keeping others above self.  The utmost in disempowerment.  In “Atlas Shrugged“, Ayn Rand spoke of how the people who ran the world (communists, which she just never named as such, but she knew communist rule on a personal basis from her time in the Soviet Union) were always encouraging people to essentially sacrifice their own personal interests for “the public”, which was a very nebulous thing.  No matter who you were, you were somehow not part of “the public” and yet everyone was to place “the public” above themselves.  The covert term for communism these days is “progressive / progressivism”.  Were you aware of that?

There seems to be a total disconnect with these Ra parrots… about their own inconsistencies… even just in the space between the beginning and the end of one of their blog posts.   They parrot their b.s. Ra line, then spend the rest of the post “elaborating” on this b.s. line, but everything else they write negates the first line.  I told someone that I didn’t care if they agreed with me or not, but for their sake it might be worth it to make some effort to actually agree with themselves.

But there’s so much dogma they have to defend in their worship of Ra.  Who the hell is Ra?!  That’s a rhetorical question… for all you info-overload / news addicts types who’d now like to tell me who “Ra” is.  (just can’t wait to proselytize can ya?)  lol   Overuse your pea brain much?  A little unbalanced there perhaps?  (And Ra is not the only channeled ET source to talk about this whole STS / STO thing.  *yawn*  Old crap that just seems to keep catching more new people.)

Is Ra your higher self?  Is Ra God?  (“God is Source.  Everything else is just Re-Source.”)  Then who the hell is Ra?  To you?!  A frickin’ nobody, that’s who.  He’s your peer at best… if even.  I’m glad that the Ra Material spoke to you… how long ago now?  You’ve not learned and grown any since?  Perhaps it’s time to step out of grade school and get on to high school.  (*looking around*  Where are those big kid pants?!)  No doubt you’re allowing Ra to serve as a “middleman” when you could instead be utilizing your direct connection to God / Prime Creator / All-That-Is… as Sovereign Beings do.  Ooh, but that just might require you put yourself first, eh?  Dang.  Gosh oh gee, now who do you think is going to best serve others, those who are utilizing their direct connection to God or those who aren’t?

Circling back around to “self / other” vs “light / dark”…. This person said that “in Ra’s cosmology, dark has its purpose”.  Gee, ya think?!

I told them in MY cosmology, SELF has its purpose (“my” is important there because I’ll be a son of gun if I’m gonna give authority of my life over to this chump named Ra).  Duh.  Goodness sakes but this whole healing and ascension business IS about SELF, gee, ya know, since Self is the part of All-That-Is that YOU were put in charge of (Responsibility), that YOU have anything resembling control (Power) over.  Ready to actually take some Responsibility yet?  Ya know, over something YOU actually have any Power to change, ya know… YOU!  What you have for Other is just influence, no real Power.  Get the biggest bang for your buck in truly helping them by seizing the Power you ACTUALLY have and deal with YOU as YOUR TOP PRIORITY… to set the example.

You don’t make choices for others or for the collective, you make YOUR OWN CHOICES.  You have neither the Power nor the Responsibility over or for the next person.  The whole collective connection thing just is AND IS THE SINGLE BIGGEST INFLUENCE YOU HAVE ON OTHERS.  By making certain choices, you energetically are making that choice more available or perceivable to others, but you still don’t get to choose for them.

So now, what do YOU have to donate to that Collective Innernet?  Is it worth a darn?  Maybe cleaning up your own back yard would put the absolute best quality energy out there to others, eh?  Use your Inner Technology to that end instead of the headless-chicken “altruism” tango.

Our Inner Causal Realms CREATE the World of Outer Effects.  Your preoccupation with “helping” / “saving” / “rescuing” others is like… stepping up to a mirror, seeing you have something on your face and trying to wipe it off… in your reflection.  The “in here” CREATES the “out there”.  Your greatest creative work, MOST ESPECIALLY TOWARDS HELPING OTHERS, is done within!

But people like this think they can somehow magically “join with others” (“horizontal unity”) when they’ve yet to tend to joining all aspects of themselves (“Vertical Unity”).  Their priorities are screwed up.  They are caught up / distracted in “serving” others “out there” with their rabid altruism – that often does more harm than good as it is often truly based in their own ego issues not on True Divine Service as guided by the All-That-Is – when they would BEST serve others by tending to their own “self” stuff FIRST / as their top priority “in here”.  They dis the very simple but wise guidance even from the “flight attendant” who advises them to don their own oxygen mask before assisting others with theirs.

In reality, TRULY serving self is actually what best enables one TO serve others.  Priorities!

You can only give as much as you’ve got.  You can’t pour from an empty cup.  And if you don’t take care of yourself, as a bare minimum and also as your top priority, then there’s risk of not only you not doing well but you then become a burden on others.  And this all helps anyone / everyone how?  You are your Responsibility.  Take care of you.

Many lightworkers are caught up in “serving” others when their top priority ought to be to serve themselves FIRST.  So dysfunctional.  They are so preoccupied with helping others heal that they are not knocking out their own healing and hence are truly NOT serving.  Someone had said, rightly so, that serving self IS serving others.  Indeed.  Someone else put out a post titled “Deal with your sh*t.  Then serve.”  Indeed again.  Get your nose out of other people’s business until you’ve cleaned up your own backyard.   Your “advice” isn’t worth a darn until you do… as evidenced by this STS / STO nonsense you insist on parroting.  As I’ve said before, if 7 billion people would have been “self centered”, as in, Centered on Self, in a healthy, healing way, THAT would have served everyone.  I certainly would have appreciated how it would have served me and others like me, by not having us few carry such a heavy burden in this ascension project for far too long.  AGAIN, the best thing you CAN do for others is TO serve yourself as your top priority.  So, by being obsessed with helping others at the expense of doing your own inner work, you are not serving anyone.

And there is an awful lot of disservice parading around as service because people have yet to learn what truly SERVES oneself and others and what does not.  They are often coming from old disempowering programming as they attempt to determine what is service and what is not.  The result is that they often “enable someone’s dysfunction“, their own included.  Perhaps some discussion with the Divine on such things would be in order.  (just skip the middlemen)

Also see Individuation vs. Collectives. Both sides of this are important.  Sometimes, leaving Duality behind means not setting up “either / or” scenarios that don’t need to be.  Like you have to choose between Self and Other, as if you can only have one or the other.    Where’s the “unity” and “integration” in that?  You can have it all… and you will… IF you get your priorities straight!

I got this concept years ago, which is why I wrote the book on it, but now, years after my own “completion”, as I observe others completing, they get it too.  They understand that Self Love and a whole lot of other “self” stuff needs to take top priority.  They’ve learned that the whole headless-chicken “altruism” tango they’d been doing is not serving anyone.

Also see:

Self Love
“If ya can’t love yourself, how the hell ya gonna love somebody else?”

Healthy Selfishness
You can’t pour from an empty cup.

Self (vertical) unity first.  Unity with all others just is… and when you are self-unified, you’ll KNOW that.

Individuation and Collectives
Each and every one of us is an Individuated Soul having an Individuated Experience. We are also part of a Collective. It does not serve / is not serving you or any collectives you are a part of to deny either side of this – your Individuation or your Energetic Connection to the Collective.

Unconditional Love
… distinguish between the SOUL that is standing in front of you and the ENERGIES which they are currently carrying.

You Got This! / “This Is SO Hard!”

(note: these used to be two separate posts that are now combined here, just fyi)

Ha, when I first typed in that title, muscle memory made me type “You God This”.  Accurate.

As some of you may recall, years ago there was a mass UFO sighting (literally, as in unidentified flying objects) over Phoenix, which came to be known as the Phoenix lights.  Many people saw them.

So, not long after, I’d heard someone tell a tale about this.  They or someone they knew had contacted a news agency of some sort in Phoenix as this was going on.  They asked the news person what was going on there.  The news person said, “I’ll check the wire” meaning the AP (Associated Press) news wire.  This person who contacted them laughed. Here they were contacting someone local to this news event who wanted to “check the wire” when in reality, they would be the ones to put that news ON the wire because they were local to the event.

Well, I’ve seen parallels of that story in our ascension story.

First, as you can read about in the post The Higher Self, the higher self (HS) works with us to regain our Divine connection, but once we have, we’re kinda on our own, our higher self having fulfilled its duties and obligations to us.  Then it’s time for us to step into some bigger shoes.

So, yeah, during the personal healing and ascension process, the HS assists and guides and you can bet that they can and will draw on other humans’ healing experiences in order to guide their own human.  There are plenty of areas of common ground concerning healing, oh heavens, there were frickin’ blueprints set up by the ancients for this.  So, while healing and working on your ascension process, you are receiving guidance on how to go about that.

When we complete our ascension process, then we step into service work for the collective.

When my friend and I were working above the veil (atv) we came to realize early on that, even though we still had God’s guidance and assistance, we were the “frontline”.  We’d reached a point where God could not guide us based on anyone’s prior experience as we were now in uncharted territory.  It was now we forerunners who were to be “putting the news on the wire”.  God was looking for cues from us as much as we from Him.  He could not advise us on things no one else had done before.  He could and did provide us with a higher perspective, an atv perspective and He certainly assigned us to some tasks.

And what we did atv and energetically to assist in this planetary and collective ascension is done now, but everyone else can count on there being plenty of new ground to cover in this massive ascension project.  Many lightworkers who have now recently or will soon complete / become ascension-ready / fully embody their Christ Consciousness will now find themselves in uncharted territory.

Do you think Lewis and Clark refused to continue on their mission just because they couldn’t get guidance from home?  Lightworkers, time for you to put the news on the wire.

With increased awareness comes increased responsibility.

Lightworkers step up!

You Got / God This!


This whole healing and ascension thing can be quite challenging.  Yep, sure can be.

And yet each and everyone of us is a powerful creator who creates through our Thoughts, Words and Deeds.  Are you sure you want to make an already challenging experience worse yet by constantly telling yourself “It’s so hard!”

My own healing and ascension process was challenging, but I really don’t recall myself saying that whole “it’s so hard” bit.

I’ve said similar though since I’ve been used to energetically assist all the people out there who keep making things worse by constantly telling themselves how hard it is.  And yet we forerunners just forged on, gave our feedback to God, stepped up to do our part when God worked to change things up for that whole situation.

Are you all ready yet to release the “It’s so hard” paradigm?  Clean up your language then!  Enough with refreshing your own “It’s so hard” program.