Create Anew!

Aren’t you tired of giving authority of your life away?  Don’t give it away… not to anyone, but most especially to the cabal’s agenda.

Stop allowing your own creative powers to be used against you.

It’s easy to understand what I’m saying there when you think of all the people who have yet to awaken to the global cabal.

But many people who are aware of the cabal are still allowing themselves to be manipulated into creating the very thing they claim they don’t want.

First – They keep seeking out their daily dose of cabal agenda details.  Energy flows where attention goes. 

If you’re still getting your regular “fix” about cabal doings long past your understanding of the plot, then they still have you to some degree and you’re still helping them.  Your focus is on it.

Second – If you “fight” it or “resist” their agenda, you’re still putting energy into it.  What we resist persists. 

If you’re getting all riled up – making a major emotional investment / having a major emotional attachment – every time you hear of some new cabal plan or scheme, boy oh boy are you feeding their agenda.

If you’re worried about it – worry is a prayer for something you don’t want – then they still have you.

Why would you allow that to happen?

Sure, you learn about the cabal agenda.  Why?  So you understand what it is SO THAT YOU QUIT PARTICIPATING IN IT.  And that right there is how you stop feeding energy into it, how you quit allowing your own creative powers to be used to sustain their creation.  That is how you free yourself from it.  So yeah, you learn about them and their agenda, enough to get the plot of the story.  Now that you know, you recognize it when you see it.  You sense it.  Like the old line, “You’ll know them by their fruits“. AND YOU WITHDRAW YOUR ENERGY FROM THEIR AGENDA.

You really don’t need to know every dirty little detail about what they’re up to, you just need to know enough to understand how to step out of it.  Your obsession with every detail will keep you busy and distracted for your entire life and when will you take the time and make the effort to enter into and move through your own healing process?  Ya know, to remove the disempowering programming that the cabal have planted in your psyche, in the human psyche for millennia.  

When will YOU exude all the love and peace you claim you so desire?  When will you create what YOU want and follow YOUR OWN agenda? … instead of being slothful.  Sloth is not about being physically lazy, it is about allowing someone else to set your life agenda instead of you setting it.

Here’s a wee, tiny example… instead of obsessing on what “bad” the cabal is up to on Beltane, why don’t YOU get up to some good on that day?  Yep, that Pagan holiday – ya know, to do with connection to / with YOUR planet, yeah, those sorts of holidays.  The cabal know it’s a high-energy day for the planet and the planet’s lifeforms which truly are part of the planet (that includes you).  And what?  You’re just gonna focus and obsess on what they are up to that day?  Come on folks, quit feeding what you don’t want and start feeding what you do want!  How’s about YOU get about dumping some Love, Joy, and Peace into the planet that day, ya know, which is midway between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice, ya know, May 1st, May Day, the whole May Pole celebration thing!

If you gain and solidify your Divine connection, then if you are to know some new detail about the cabal’s shenanigans for some reason, you’ll be guided to it.  Don’t worry, you won’t miss what you are supposed to know.  See Trust and Flow for more on that.

When you quit immersing yourself in all that info ad nauseum, it’s not as if you’re putting your head back in the sand.  It’s not like you’re gonna suddenly completely forget everything you learned about the plot of the cabal’s agenda just because you didn’t get your daily fix of horrific news.  Come on folks!

You’re just removing your creative powers from their agenda, from their creations.  Do you really want to play a part in the continuation of their program?  Really?  If you claim you don’t want that, do you really mean it?  Heal thyself so you quit assisting in their agenda / creation.

You could throw the cabal in prison or ship them to the moon.  But just because the programmers are “gone” doesn’t mean the PROGRAMS are gone.  Even before the cabal are “gone from the world”, they can be gone from YOUR world.  Once you’ve caught on to the plot, you’d best serve yourself and others BY HEALING, ya know, to get rid of the cabal’s programs from your psyche… rather than obsessing on what “they” are up to.

It’s ok if you feel moved to talk about the cabal’s agenda to those who have yet to wake up to it, so that they too can see the manipulation and hopefully also quit participating.  I quit “studying” the cabal many years ago and yet still talk to folks about them to this day.  Merely talking about something versus having a major emotional investment in it are two very different things.  Go to my Useful Healthful Tips post and find out how to easily and quickly become Calm, Centered and Grounded (search for one or all of those terms once you get to that post), so you can use that technique when you catch yourself going bonkers about the cabal’s creations.

Someone more than likely played a role in your awakening to the cabal and their agenda also, so, yep, sure glad they bothered to mention it to ya.  You offer your knowledge and consciousness to the next person purely as a new option for them, perhaps one they were not aware of, but that’s all it is and all that you can ever be completely sure of it being – an offering.  You cannot force them to accept it.  Free-will realm, remember?!  Exercise some Compassionate Non-Attachment – you offer up the info to others but don’t attach to what they do with it or attach to what the cabal themselves are up to.

But do you really think you are empowering yourself or others by being overly concerned, worried, fearful of, fired up about or obsessing on the cabal and their programs, by clinging to that old paradigm yourself?  Seriously?

Spend your precious time and energy doing your own inner healing work.  That right there will have far more empowering energetic influence on others than any amount of outside information that you could possibly provide them and the more-healed and less-fearful version of you will do a much better job at relaying information to others anyway.  The cabal deal in “fear” so don’t help them by radiating fear to the next person when you speak about “them”.

And if you attempt to awaken others to the cabal’s manipulations, see if you can also offer up an alternative EMPOWERED way of being to them.  When it comes right down to it, that’s what really matters.  Just as there are some people who are quite aware of the cabal and yet obsess on it, there are also people who know little or nothing about the cabal and yet they will be ascending.  Why?  Because they worked on themselves.  They learned in their own way what parts of this Earthly life they needed to release.  They in their own way healed themselves, some not even ever calling it “healing” or any other applicable terms.  They just knew themselves and sensed what needed to happen to learn and grow and evolve.

You don’t create by fighting or resisting others’ creations.  That’s not how creation works.  You let them create what they want.  When it comes right down to it, you are not and will not completely “stop” the 3D illusion.  It will continue on as long as someone, anyone wants that and continues to choose it… even if it’s only happening in that someone’s / anyone’s own reality.  And rightfully so.  Who the hell are we to tell all the other human creators that they cannot create as they so choose?  Geez, that control-freakedness sounds amazingly “cabal-like”.

Enough already!

Stop being RE-ACTIVE (acting again as you have before) by “fighting” and “resisting” someone else’s agenda / creation.  You don’t like what the cabal are creating?  Then COMPLETELY withdraw your energy from their agenda / creation.  That right there will require some major self observation and healing.

Start being PROACTIVE, creating what your Divine Self is guiding your “Mini Me” to create.

Create Anew!

(See here for a good article on Authenticity and Conscious Co-Creation.  There’s also a bit of info in it on Masculine and Feminine energies and Self Love.)