3D Earth

Just a few things to understand about 3D Earth that then may in turn help one understand more about the ascension.  As always, I encourage you to take further questions to the Divine.

The Original Intent for our co-creation here on Earth was that it would be 3D and Dualistic.

But it didn’t stay at that level.  Because the whole free-will thing got hijacked by the cabal, the separation paradigm got even more intense.  It could be said that both at a “world” level (I mean the realm we co-created as opposed to the planet herself) and at an individual level, you could think of it being sub-3D levels but yeah, it definitely affected the planet.

As I’d said in the Planetary Ascension Project Overview (Review?!) post we are not here to ascend Earth, but Gaia.  Gaia has been ascension-ready since early 2013.  She’s set.  She and the first wave cool our heels as we wait for the lightworkers to get their feet under themselves so they can hold things together for 3D / 4D Earth.

So, I’m told that any gridwork being done in recent years is really about Earth, not Gaia.  And if we are not ascending Earth, what is that gridwork about?  It’s to bring the Earth grid out of sub-3D and up to a FULL 3D level.  It helps to release old paradigm stuff that, yes, was even MORE dense than just 3D normal levels.  And the grid release then in turn helps people release from those sub-3D levels.

Then, at the same time, there are many lightworkers who are bringing in and holding light in the world, to lead by example, to offer another choice, another option, to make it more apparent.  Every chance being offered.

In the What of the body during ascension? post, I describe how this same sort of thing is the case for a person’s 3D carbon-based body.  The 3D body does NOT convert into a 5D crystalline body, so ya could say that we are NOT ascending our 3D carbon-based body, just like we are NOT ascending Earth.

Our 3D carbon-based body and our 5D crystalline body (resulting from the ascension process) are two very distinct bodies.  You’ll be in your 3D body until you transition IN FULL and then don your crystalline body in 5D.

But the 3D body had been at sub-3D levels also, just like Earth, so the healing and ascension process reactivates everything in the body so one has FULL 3D capacity at the physical level.  And you can bet that one’s consciousness levels – so then also thoughts, words & deeds – play a role in getting one’s physicality working more fully.  Everything is interconnected.

As I’ve said in these other posts, 3D will remain 3D and whoever chooses to stay at that CONSCIOUSNESS level, for however long, can do so.

And while any of us are still here, regardless of what level of consciousness, while in the 3D world, pre-ascended, we’ll be in our 3D carbon-based body.

And our 5D creations are in 5D.

I saw that Gaia Portal had recently said:

“Assistance comes as dark hu-beings require.”

Again, this is another re-minder, even though there is still long, ongoing catastrophic stuff that will remain a part of the 3D experience, no HUGE and SUDDEN catastrophic events are being allowed to happen.  If CERN actually punches a hole, the angels patch it over.  If a missile, especially nuclear, gets launched when that’s just not gonna work out well, it gets dealt with in some safe way by ETs.  If some harmful energy starts to reach some critical point lightworkers may be transmuting it.  Individuals’ own creations are not being interfered with, but all this assistance buys folks time.

I had to laugh (or as my cockney friend says, “I gotter larf.”)   The inspiration for my post Fear showed up the other day.  They responded to the Savin’ Me post basically saying that I’m worth saving.  Ah, ha, ha.  They are implying that’s why one day they tried to fill my comments with fears and worries about “what they are doing with colliders” or whatever.  LOL  *shaking head*  Still clueless I see.  Very, VERY clueless.


What of the body during ascension?

There seems to be a bit of confusion about what is happening / will happen to one’s body during the ascension process.

Many have said that this time we are “taking our bodies with us”.  What is meant by that is that we do NOT have to die to leave this world.  Instead we can ascend.  But technically, THESE bodies we are NOT taking with us.  We are taking our human FORM, but not these actual bodies.

Many people think that the 3D body converts to the 5D body.  Nope, that’s not how it happens.

We are talking about two different bodies here – the 3D physical carbon-based body and the 5D physical crystalline body.

Well, we could also include the light body, but when it comes right down to it, we are not “creating” a light body, but our human self is just reconnecting to it in a conscious way.  The light body is the vehicle / vessel that our soul resides / travels in, no matter what dimensional level we are in / at.  It’s always with us.


The physical 3D carbon-based body does go through much change during the ascension process.  It needs to in order to facilitate the energetic, frequency and consciousness changes that we go through.  More DNA is activated,  pineal gland activated, etc.  Without these physical activations, we  cannot FULLY access our Divine essence.

And yet these physical “upgrades”, well, technically, they are not something “new”.  They are part of being in 3D!  They’re part of our 3D physical vessel.  They’ve always been available to us, whenever we are here, but we, as the human race, hadn’t been using our 3D vessel to its full capacity for quite some time.

You could look at this as the 3D body’s awakening, if you will.  Just as you, your mind, has come to “re-member” (put the members back together – body, mind, emotions, spirit) things from before you incarnated, your carbon-based body is also remembering what potential and access it has, here in 3D… it’s FULL 3D-level potential.

Just remember, WE HAVE EVERYTHING WE NEED, right here, right now, always, all ways.  Everything we need to pull this off is available to us and always has been.  That includes the proper food to eat provided by the planet, the physical vessel having all it needs BY DESIGN, access to the Divine for guidance.  All we need to do is make the right choices and we’re set.


And your awakening assists in your body’s awakening because your body’s cells respond to their environment.

Receptors on the cell membrane “read” what’s outside the cell.  It’s at the cell membrane / wall where it’s determined what will be allowed in.  (hope I get this right, from memory, what’s that?)

The proteins inside the cell, align themselves with the… whatever it is outside the cell that wants in –  a food or water molecule, whatever.  Then the proteins make a mirror image of it.

If what’s outside that wants in is a common, regular thing, that the cell has seen a lot of, then the cell will recognize it as such and knows just what to do.

If it’s something new, then the cell takes that mirror image, that the proteins created, to the DNA, which is just a map, a blueprint.  DNA doesn’t change or control anything, it’s just a reference that provides the cell with an answer to “What is this and what do we do with it?”

And that right there is some clue to “junk DNA” or what had been unused in most silly humans for far too long.  No “junk” to it.  It’s very valuable.  Once something new comes along in the environment and stimulates the “need to know” if you will, then all that so-called junk now has purpose.

Your thoughts, beliefs and state of consciousness are ALSO a part of your body’s “environment”!  Ya know, that “environment” that your body’s cells are responding to.  

When your beliefs and your attention shift, that shifts your body also.  Our bodies are the outward manifestation of our energy.

If you’d like to learn more along the lines of what I’m talking about here, then cellular biologist Bruce Lipton is your guy.


And yet, there is only so much shift your 3D carbon-based body can do.

One thing to remember here is that not only has Earth been 3D and Duality, but due to past traumatic collective catastrophes and the cabal’s influence, people have been even more dumbed down, have succumbed to the separation paradigm and disempowerment to the point where some don’t even know what spirit or the Divine is anymore.  And we hadn’t used some parts of our DNA because of it.

And through poor diet, fluoride and other things and also brainwashing, our pineal gland got calcified and deactivated.  I’ve heard some say “well how do you know this?”  Well, how one can know such is through Divine communication and doesn’t have to be through medical means.  But then again, I myself haven’t done conventional food or fluoride for many, many years so my pineal gland works, so….what the Divine tells me on this is this: calcification of glands does happen.  The reason for it is nutritional, yes fluoride for starters, but also magnesium deficiency, which is very common and not by accident.  For more on that, see the post Alzheimer’s and Cholesterol, Water and EVERYTHING, Listening to Your Body… and some other things.  And yes, you can bet that calcification does affect the pineal’s ability to function fully.  But yes, just flat not using one’s pineal / third eye can cause it to “get out of shape”, if you will.  But being out of shape is a bit different than the calcification.  I can’t stress enough the importance of a natural, whole, organic diet.  See post Healing – Physical.

And… it is my understanding that we are NOT getting more strands of DNA as many like to report.  I can’t say such things don’t ever happen.  It’s a mutation.  Mutations happen.  But additional strands of DNA is NOT ascension-related.  We don’t need more than the standard 2 strands of DNA to ascend.  We just tap into / utilize more of our DNA that we weren’t before.  It wasn’t that what we are now utilizing wasn’t there before and we had to create it.  It’s been there waiting for us to wake up enough to use it.

Here’s something to run past your own inner knowingness to check for resonance – our new 5D crystalline bodies won’t even have glands (which are the points in our 3D body that connects to our chakras) or DNA.  DNA is your body’s “antenna to the Divine”.  The 5D crystalline body is ALL antenna.  It doesn’t need some smaller part of it to serve that function, its entirety serves that function.

As I’ve said elsewhere, when it comes right down to it, our 3D carbon-based bodies are “smarter” / more conscious than our 5D crystalline bodies are / will be.  Why?  Because they need to be.  At this dense, slow, 3D level our lower minds have enough to deal with without having to monitor every little body function.  When we are in 5D, our own consciousness will be much higher and our crystalline bodies will just resonate, literally, with whatever it is we are asking of them.  And we can and will control our body functions at the same time we’re doing whatever we care to do.  And we’ll have plenty enough consciousness for all of it.

Our 3D carbon-based bodies also feel things about our energetic state – blockages and the release of them.  Your energetic blockages are ultimately what is responsible for “ascension symptoms”.  The ultimate solution is to do your inner work, but in the moment, treat the physical symptoms – if you’re tired, rest; if you crave a certain something, then eat that.  Get the food and supplements you know will help with the physical-level symptoms.  Listen to and take care of your body.  (See info on ascension symptoms at end of Useful Healthful Tips post.)

Then, past your own personal completion, then there’s the whole “human antenna” Energetic Service Work, where YOU become what connects Heaven and Earth, which takes even more toll.  So plenty going on with the 3D carbon-based body during all of this and it would serve you to honor and support, nutritionally and through your thoughts / communication, your 3D carbon-based body as it will need all the help it can get.


But during our ascension process, one of the things that happens is we create our 5D crystalline bodies.  Where are they?  In 5D!  … along with the rest of our 5D Gaia creation.  While you’re still in 3D, get used to not physically seeing “out there”, in a manifested way, most of what you are creating.  Why?  Because you are not creating it in 3D.  You are making a 5D creation.  You’ll have to use your higher consciousness if you want to “see” it in a clairvoyant way while still residing in 3D / 4D.

At the point of FULL transition, our consciousness will move from the 3D carbon-based body to the 5D crystalline body, moving from one physical body to another physical body.  The same thing is happening with Gaia.  She will leave her old 3D body, Earth, behind.  Now with us, our old carbon-based bodies will just turn into energy and go back to Infinite Light / All That Is, so no carcasses laying around in 3D.  lol  But Gaia’s old carbon-based body provides a home to billions of people and many more lifeforms so it kinda needs to be here for them… and will continue to be in 3D for anyone who does not choose ascension.

(Note:  Someone had put this post on youtube.  A commenter there said that if someone does not understand “transition” they won’t understand this post.  There may be something to that.  I’ll leave it to you, the dictionary and God to figure out what is meant by “transition” most especially to do with ascension, but one hint – it happens in the blink of an eye… even though the preparation for that blink-of-an-eye transition is a process and takes time.)


Folks, time to let go of your brainwashing / conditioning concerning what happens to the body during ascension.  One body does NOT convert to the other.  I have been ascension-ready / complete since early 2011 and no new crystalline body for me… yet.  But no need to take my word on any of this, take up discussion with the Divine on this.  You’ll have to be willing though to allow your be-lie-f system to crumble and fall away.

As you heal, clear and release what is not you, as you move further towards the completion of your own ascension process, yes, you will feel it in your body.  Hey, you’re knocking out energetic blockages and your energy manifests outwardly on your physicality.  But the 3D carbon-based body is a thing of 3D and you’ll have it as long as you are here in 3D.  When you transition IN FULL to 5D and actually RESIDE there, you’ll be in your 5D crystalline body.

If you cling to the be-lie-f that one body converts to the other, you’ll just frustrate yourself since you won’t be seeing the changes in your body that you are hoping for.


Also see posts 3D Earth and What is Ascension?

See Healing – Physical and Alzheimer’s and Cholesterol, Water and EVERYTHING, Listening to Your Body… and some other things posts to know how to take care of your 3D carbon-based body.

Planetary Ascension Project Overview (Review?!)

Why are we all here?  Because Gaia asked us to be.

For what?  To ascend Gaia and to assist as many humans as possible to also ascend.  Don’t worry about other lifeforms, they’re more “with it” than humans are.  They’ve been waiting for humanity to wake up and catch up.

What / who is Gaia?  She WAS the old soul essence of Earth.  Was.  She is no longer.

When Gaia ascends, will Earth be a soulless empty shell?  Nope.  Early last year Earth was assigned a new soul essence and that one brings a different energy and is quite prepared for what will unfold in / on 3D Earth.

Why did Gaia ask to be ascended?  Because her 3D body – Earth – was / is in pretty darned bad shape and Gaia didn’t care to go through another extinction-level event and her inhabitants with her.  She doesn’t want to lose all her lifeforms yet again.

What are we NOT here for?

  • To “save” Earth.
  • To shift, raise or eliminate 3D.  3D is 3D.  It shall remain 3D.
  • To “defeat” the cabal.

Why are we not here to “save” Earth?  We really don’t need to.  The planet itself will be fine in the long run.  After all humans have left, either through the death portal or the ascension portal, the planet will recover, being assisted in that, if need be, by higher dimensional beings (maybe you perhaps?).

Why is it important to understand that we are / will not alter 3D?  … or move “Earth” to 5D?

Because… 3D is 3D (3rd dimension / density).  3D has a frequency range, which is a big part of what makes it “3D”.  It will continue to be 3D and Earth will continue to be in 3D.

Everyone here who is still doing that whole 3D, free will / veiled consciousness, ignorant, dualistic, disempowered, dysfunctional paradigm experience has every right to do it and it is in their best interest, for their highest good to do so.

As the 3D Earth experience intensifies on its destructive path, that affords all 3Ders more and more opportunity to actually wake up to it, change directions and get on their healing path and ascend to 5D Gaia.

I’d recently commented to someone that a few years ago I went to a coffee shop on the beach on a pleasant day and sat outside at their only outside table.  Someone came along and asked if they could join me.  I said yes and we had a good conversation.  The state of the world came up and, me being me, I talked to this person about the cabal.  They were obviously not aware but they didn’t get bent out of shape or anything.  They indulged me and asked some good questions.

One thing they asked was – What if the cabal could be removed from the world?  I told them that would not necessarily serve many people’s chances of awakening and healing.

Just because you remove the programmers does not mean you have removed the programs.  People need to heal.

“If you can’t kill the Pharaoh (tyrant) inside, believe me, you can’t kill the Pharaoh outside.”  ~  Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, leader of Iran’s RESTART movement  (Added Oct. 2018)

The cabal’s presence and keeping up with their usual shenanigans provides endless opportunities for people to wake up.

Be here to SPREAD THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS WORLD, NOT DEFEAT THE GLOBAL CABAL.  What you resist, persists.  FIGHTING the cabal’s agenda still feeds it.  Come from a different Intention already!  Learn How to Create.

The Truth and the cabal themselves will defeat them.  Meanwhile, we, as the Powerful Creators we are, will CREATE WHAT WE WANT, WHAT THE DIVINE WANTS.

I’ve found that people need to get fed up, get to “Enough already!”, get their fill… before they will let go of something, even the things that frustrate and tick them off or make them sick, literally and figuratively.  The cabal will serve to help get them to their “Enough already!” point, whatever level that may be for each of them.

I saw someone else recently say “evolve or exit”.  I like to say “evolution or extinction.”  Sounds intense eh?  It IS intense.  And THAT choice is exactly what each human individual is faced with in these times.

On the flip side, all the lightworkers in the world living, being, doing, talking and walking their True Selves will demonstrate another option for people.  They, YOU will be in the world and not of it.

The new soul essence of Earth will intensify the Duality experience.  The polarities will be even more extreme than they have ever been.  That helps get the fence sitters off the fence.

Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There’s still time to change the road you’re on

~ Lyrics from Stairway to Heaven – (click for my intepretation)

For all you lightworkers – stay calm, centered and grounded.  (See Useful Healthful Tips for quicky visualization techniques for this.)  Don’t merely think, believe, hope or wish to be protected, but KNOW that you are… and you will be.  Stay in your center and just like the eye of the storm is calm, you too shall remain calm by being centered.  Tornadoes may be flying around you and bombs dropping all around.  Stay out of fear and your intuition will be clear and will steer you safely through the minefields.

A new “Garden of Eden” will occur due to the new Earth soul essence.  This time no one will be forbidden from eating the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge… of good and evil.  There won’t be 50 shades of gray anymore.  Light and dark will be even more polarized and more well defined and distinguishable.


And some people’s ego issues are still getting them riled up about this whole forerunner / lightworker thing.  Get over it folks.  No one is more important than anyone else.  No one is less important.  But ALL ARE IMPORTANT.  That’s the whole point of me kicking lightworkers in the butt!  What part of “YOU are important and YOU stepping up is important” don’t you get?  Perhaps rather than you taking offense, you could instead take some Responsibility in this ascension project, since it is YOUR soul mission after all… and YOUR butt on the line, because if you don’t knock out YOUR Inner Work, YOU won’t be ascending either.  Me thinks that TAKING RESPONSIBILITY (the ability to respond) would be WAY more productive than taking offense.  Doh!

I was a lifelong athlete.  I take the whole teamwork thing seriously and I don’t just pay it lip service.  Will I call my team mates on their / your crap when I see it?  Yeppers.  Why?  Because I’m more important?  Nope, because YOU ALL are JUST AS important and I won’t allow you to sluff off.  This team, this game, this project demands that you all play your position – no weak spots on the field / court.  Don’t let the team down.  Now, be happy that we’re not on a football team years ago where we’d take ya out behind the barn and have a little “come to Jesus” talk with ya.

And don’t forget all the “benchwarmers” who haven’t awakened yet.  They want in the game too… they just don’t know it yet.  Help them know it.

What is Ascension?

In short, ascension is a complete transformation.
(If you’re new to ascension, you may want to start reading from the beginning.)

Ascension involves all aspects of one’s being – body, mind, emotions, spirit.  It’s about enlightenment, it’s about spiritual / Divine connection, raising consciousness, it’s about empowerment and being healed and healthy at all levels.  

It’s a process that eventually means TOTALLY transitioning from the 3rd Dimension (3D) to the 5th Dimension (5D).  It’s quite achievable in THIS lifetime and it is what these times are about.  This is a time of planetary and collective ascension! 

Enlightenment about what?  Well, about both the Heavenly and the mundane.

You can’t just reach to Heaven (5D+), you must also release the Earthly realm (3D/4D) in full.  In order to do that you’ll need to learn the truth about the mundane world.

This Earthly world is one of illusion by design that we co-created to experience the 3D physical realm along with Free Will / Veiled Consciousness.  This allowed us to step outside ourselves in order to choose to experience what we are not, then to look back upon ourselves.  If we didn’t don the veil, we’d never have had the myriad of experiences we have had.

Then even more illusion was piled on by a controlling elite / global cabal, including Duality at one point.  They know you better than you might know yourself and are quite happy to deceive and manipulate you.  And the cabal are control freaks and they know it takes a lot to keep powerful gods like yourself down and they’ve been doing so for centuries / millennia.

So, if you want your power back, you’ll have to understand how you’ve been programmed in a disempowered way and your own creative powers used against you, your fellow human and your planet.

In a nutshell – you are a Powerful Divine Creator soul who incarnated into a human body on planet Earth and as soon as your feet hit the ground, you started to get programmed and brainwashed… to be less than who you really are.

Many say that ascension is about evolution and that’s true, but it’s perhaps more precisely a re-membering of who you truly are.

Ascension is a return to your True Self.  

Ascension is the Ultimate End Goal that enlightenment, healing and empowerment are parts of.  

But at the very end of that process, when COMPLETE transition happens, it will very much be like the Biblical “one will stay and one will go”.  When you transition to 5D, if there was a 3D-level person standing next to you, they would just watch you disappear.  You would move into a frequency beyond their perception.  

There are still far too many lightworkers (LWs) who still do not understand what ascension truly means.  They are some of the worse offenders as far as putting out misinformation about ascension.  Some of them continue to put out messages that big change cannot and does not happen in a short time or in a big leap.  While other LWs make it sound like ascension has already happened.

Christ, many of these LWs won’t even use the word ascension anymore, like it’s a dirty word.  This is how far from the mark they are.  They’ve turned the very thing that they came for, their own soul mission, into a taboo.  Goodness sakes.  Stuck much?  Caught up in the old 3D paradigm much?  *shaking head*

These LWs may have busted through a few of their own self-imposed limits and yet they still find some way to create new limits.  THERE ARE NO LIMITS!  When the Divine keeps repeating that message, they are not kidding around.  They mean it.

What’s the matter?  That big leap hasn’t happened yet so it won’t?  Excuse me?  lol  Anyone with that attitude could stand to release “instant gratification” on their way to “instant manifestation.”

We didn’t come here to keep “re-creating” the same ol’, same ol’.  You can’t look at / to the old paradigm, the 3D level and create anew based on the old you still see “out there”.  You don’t put a new building on top of a crumbling old foundation.  The new comes, in part, from letting go of the old – COMPLETELY.  “If you keep doing what you’ve done, you’ll keep getting what you’ve got.”  You keep putting energy into the old, you’ll keep experiencing the old.  Are you being given Divine guidance / hints that you still need to release the old even more?  Best do that then, eh?

OF COURSE big change can / does / will happen and yes that includes in an outwardly manifested way.

No doubt, there is much preparation to become “ascension-ready” on a personal level.  It takes time.  It is a process.  And things happen slowly at 3D levels.  This part the lightworkers get / understand… perhaps a little too well.  I say too well because many lightworkers think that this ascension is going to take lifetimes.  Ah, no!  Get through your ascension process now because Earth may not be supporting life in the future so there may be no bodies or not many to incarnate into, so best finish up your healing and ascension NOW, in THIS lifetime.  *shaking head*  Furthermore, the more people who complete their ascension process, the more light is streaming into this world.  Light works on your darkness.  If you don’t work to release your darkness, the light will “fry” it outta ya.  Those who resist the light hard enough will find themselves exiting this world through the death portal.  Best to flow along with this light explosion.

And yes, in a much larger sense, until we each eventually advance up through all dimensional levels again and decide to release our individuated experience and melt back into the Isness (God / All That Is / Infinite Light), we will continue to learn and grow.  No doubt about it.  I can tell you, just at this level, I’ve been personally ascension-ready for years and yet the things I’ve learned since my own personal completion, while still here… well, wow is all I’ll say here.  See other posts to get more details.

But along that very long path, our souls absolutely can, do and will continue to have great leaps from one level to another… when we reach a high enough frequency we bump up… and that includes bumping up in an outwardly manifested / formed way.  We are about to bump up from 3D / 4D to 5D.  It won’t be some massive collective ascension, all 7 billion people all at once.  Oh what a dream… pipe dream, that is.  There will be a small number ascend WITH Gaia (the 1st Wave), then it’s back to either individual ascensions or perhaps all the rest of the (lightworkers) LWs will stay with 3D Earth until “harvest time”, if you will, when we get all or the bulk of humanity to be “ascension-ready”… with the freshly-ascended 5D Gaia as the goal.

An analogy for how this ascension thing works is like tuning an old analog radio.  As you move from one frequency (one radio station) to the next, there is a transition where the old frequency (radio station you’re moving away from) starts to fade out and the new frequency starts to fade in.  You can pick up bits of both at once for a while.  But there is a point you reach where the old frequency / station is COMPLETELY gone and ALL that is in your reality is the new frequency / station.

And using the term frequency is very appropriate as essentially, THAT is the difference between “dimensions” or “densities”.  3D is a slower / lower frequency than 5D is.

Ascending from 3D to 5D requires one increase their frequency.  For YOU, what does it mean to raise one’s frequency?  It has to do with choices you make about your body, mind, emotions, spirit.  Your everyday choices!  Better quality food = better quality physical health.  Actually FEELING your emotions makes for a healthy emotional state.  Thinking self-affirming and self-empowering thoughts.  Efforts to receive and follow Divine guidance.

Do you still see 3D around you?  (even if you personally aren’t participating in / feeding energy into that frequency paradigm anymore)  Then you are not ascended.  You may be in transition (4D) and you may be letting go of more and more of 3D.  Oh heavens, you may actually be completely healed and ascension-ready, like we original forerunners and other first wavers are, and have even let go of as much of 3D as possible without letting go of your vital signs and yet you are not “in” 5D, because if you were, you would not even sense 3D around you anymore.  You wouldn’t be in need of food, clothing and shelter for starters.

But LWs mistakenly think that this intense healing process is never-ending and ALWAYS gradual.  That is not true.  And yet, powerful creators that they are (just like every other being), by saying that big leaps don’t happen, they are creating a reality where big leaps don’t happen… for them.  You don’t have to make their reality your reality.

Let’s talk about creation and process and manifestation speed and what the situation is with this specific planetary ascension shall we.

The lower your vibration, the lower / slower your rate of manifestation.  This is a blessing.  No really.  The lower your vibration, the further you are from Divine connection, the further you are from your True Self – that whole “separation” paradigm.  At a low frequency, your choices can create one whole hell of a mess for yourself and others.  So there is a built-in check and balance – low frequency means slow manifestation.  What that allows for is a chance for you to see the path you are on, where you are heading and get some glimpse of what you are creating BEFORE your creation has completely manifested.  “If you continue down the path you’re on, you’ll get to where you are going”… but you can change paths.  Seeing your creation developing before it’s completely manifested gives you a chance to reconsider your choices and creations and change course if need be.

For a simple example – You find yourself in an unhealthy state.  First of all, you didn’t get there overnight.  Losing your health was a process in and of itself.  Your health, or dis-ease, is a result of your choices.  The more you stick to your unhealthy path, the more unhealthy you become.  But, as the old line goes, as long as you’re not 6 feet under, then you still have a chance.

Get on a healing, healthy path and you’ll be in process in a different direction.  That’s the beauty of free will – Don’t like your choice(s)?  Then choose again!

And just like with losing your health in the first place, you won’t get to a healthy and healed state overnight either.  But eventually you can and will reach a point where you have no ill health at all.  You’re not in constant, endless transformation.  There is an end to it.  Your personal ascension process may be followed by service work and yet, when that time is complete, the transition happens in a moment, a flash, a blink of an eye.

Now, some of us have been ascension-ready for a while now and yet we are not ascended.  Not quite yet.  This gig has not been about individual ascensions only, but also an effort for the planet and the collective, so some of us have been held here, in service, even if we ourselves personally are complete and ready to move on.  And those of us who are TRULY ascension-ready don’t kid ourselves that we are “in 5D” as many lightworkers like to come out and say every other week or so.  For us forerunners especially, our very depleted physical state from having done FAR too much Energetic Service Work is our constant reminder that we are indeed still “in” 3D.

Some of us absolutely vibrate, have a personal frequency and consciousness that is at 5D or higher, have a multi-dimensional access to 5D or far beyond, but presently, we’re still right here sharing this mundane level Earth with many others who are at various levels of awareness / consciousness / frequency.

And it’s often those LWs who are still in 4D transition (NOT ascension-ready) who claim we’re all (this week… or was it last week?  Or last year ? … I can’t keep up) “in 5D”.

A vibration of, an awareness of, the consciousness level of 5D is different than actually residing in 5D.

We may very well be raising the overall frequency here on 3D Earth or perhaps, more precisely, making that higher frequency option more perceivable to others, but Earth and all humans in 5D?  … right this minute?  Nope.

The collective here has been at a very low frequency, very disempowered, very unconscious… and still exercising their free will.  That has made for a VERY dynamic planetary ascension scenario.  Many plans in this larger planetary / collective effort have been tried and many abandoned since they have not worked.  And new plans adopted.  And it continues to move forward.

Just because that big leap has not happened for you, us or Gaia YET, does not mean that it won’t.  Don’t get caught in the passive trap that so many LWs are in, just “waiting to see what’s next”.  You didn’t come here to watch the change, you came here to BE the change.  You came to MAKE the change happen.  If not you, then who?  If not now, then when?  There is no change to be watching if no one is making it happen.  Make it happen!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to stay present and tend to your own personal healing / ascension work and service work, following Divine guidance in every moment to guide you through your current / next step… until you find yourself in 5D.

5D Gaia won’t appear on 3D Earth – except, of course, THROUGH YOU!

But as far as seeing much of 5D manifested outwardly, if you want to experience 5D Gaia, you’ll have to get yourself there.  And when you get there, there will be no mistake you have transitioned COMPLETELY.

See also:

K.I.S.S. ing Ascension

What of the body during ascension?

Masculine AND Feminine (how to create your Merkaba / “ascension vehicle”)

Planetary Ascension Project Overview (Review?!)

The “Superpowers” of Higher Dimensions

Here I will tell you what God has told me about this.  What does God tell you?

In 5D, we can fly, or as I like to think of it, it’s more like levitation on steroids.  I’ve known this for quite a while – when I was a kid I used to have “walking on air” dreams – and yet Tom Kenyon’s Hathors brought some confirmation by saying that in 5D, while we are there, that level feels every bit as “physical” as 3D, but it is less dense, there is no mass and hence no gravity… hence the levitation / flying, which is the default there.  That may offer its own challenges but we’ll be much better equipped to deal with that and much more.  I understand we can still walk on the ground and various other things that would happen in a gravity realm, but we have to Intend for it.  Extreme downhill skiing anyone?  And instead of wiping out, you could just “pop out” and float / levitate.  Woo hoo!

We do not need to eat or sleep because we draw energy directly from God / Infinite Light.  We still can eat and sleep, but don’t have to.  And to me, that’s what much of 5D is compared to 3D – no “have to’s”.

We can shapeshift, but still within human form.  So, you’ll look like what you want to look like, without doctor-assisted self-mutilation, er, I mean elective cosmetic surgery.  Sex change anyone? … without the surgery and hormones?

We can also fully regulate our bodies, like adjust our temperature regardless of outside temperature and yet 5D Gaia’s climate will be mild.

Because we don’t need to eat and can regulate our bodies, we don’t need to work and there is no money in 5D.  There won’t be the “infrastructure” that we see in 3D – no vehicles necessary, so no roads.  No electricity necessary, so no power lines.  No need for clothing and shelter, so many folks will not opt for houses or “homes” of any nature, even unconventional ones.  Still can, but don’t have to.

In a nutshell, to sum up the situation for each 5D-level human post-ascension – we have power over our own being, at all levels of our being, which is why we can shapeshift and alter body temp, etc.

And for the record, our new 5D-level crystalline bodies will actually not be quite as conscious and self-sufficient as our carbon-based 3D bodies.  Why?  Because they don’t need to be.  Since they are crystalline, our new bodies will be very responsive, instantaneously vibrating to whatever we intend for them while we ourselves will be very much more conscious.

Our 3D carbon-based bodies have their own consciousness because at the dense 3D level, our lower minds don’t work very fast and have plenty enough to do without regulating body functions.  It’s a “division of duties” sort of thing.  Our 3D carbon-based bodies do listen to our thoughts and beliefs though – mind and body are closely connected –  and will faithfully outwardly manifest our energy and hence always provide feedback to us about our own creations, even if those creations are unconscious.  The body doesn’t lie.  This is one more reason why, as you transition from 3D through 4D to 5D, you could really stand to honor your body, take care of it, communicate with it properly (‘cuz it’s listening) and listen to its communications and respond to it appropriately.  It’s part of you and needs to be made healthy as part of your work to become healed / whole, integrated, complete… and ascended.

(You may also be interested in this post: What of the body during ascension? )

Now, I’ll mention some other even higher level dimensional “superpowers”, but what I’m saying here is, that’s what an ascended human IN 5D would experience.  Bear with me…

So, let’s say a human, who, through their service work here and raising their consciousness to levels even beyond 5D, have achieved a 7D level even before ascension.  In 5D they will have all the 5D “superpowers” and yet will also be able to shapeshift beyond human form.  Want to be a panther for a day?

Someone who has attained 9D levels while in 3D, in 5D will be able to teleport and that includes between dimensions and they can also teleport other people and things.  One thing this means is that 9D and greater humans will be able to teleport themselves and others to 3D to continue to give a helping hand to pre-ascended humans.

It’s my understanding that after Gaia’s ascension, while the pre-ascended lightworkers help keep light in 3D, ascended humans will be targeting mostly Joe Averages who show good potential for awakening, healing, service and ascension.  We’ll basically prioritize based on potential, but if and when people show promise, we’ll get them just the right info / confirmation of their own intuitions and some well-placed support.

We will not be targeting lightworkers since, in some cases, they’re well on track and in other cases, they are too recalcitrant to take good advice from beings that are both below the veil and above the veil and they’ll just have to get over that before much more energy is spent on them.  We won’t be banging our crystalline heads on their carbon-based brick walls.

Someone who has attained 11D + (on into Divine levels), in 5D can instantly manifest.  Basically, the higher dimensional level humans will have the power to create, alter or move beings and things other than just themselves.

This is just a small sampling but will hopefully help you dream big and / or provide you some confirmation on your own inklings about such.

Keep in mind, that not all higher dimensional entities are equal.  A “fresh” soul coming down from the divine into 11D, 9D, 7D, etc. will not have the experience and the knowledge gained from having existed in the dense 3D “classroom” and ascended out of it.  3D is not kindergarten, it’s the masters program.

Don’t forget that just wishing for ascension is not enough.  Many people like to think that ascension will liberate them or heal them, but that’s not the true order of things.  You must first liberate yourself from limit and disempowerment and heal yourself, then that enables your ascension.

And you can bet that your newfound superpowers will NOT come from “outer technology”, NOT from artificial intelligence, but from “Inner Technology” and Actual Intelligence, that has, does and always will come from the Divine.  

K.I.S.S. ing Ascension

What is ascension?  Simply put, it is a COMPLETE transformation.

Of course the context here is the one we presently sit in, the ascension of Gaia and humans (who prepare themselves) from the 3rd dimension (3D) to the 5th dimension (5D).

Many people attempt to describe dimensions in some sort of scientific or mathematical way or in esoteric ways with sacred geometry, etc. but those things really aren’t so practical.  Why?  The biggest part of this whole ascension effort is healing.  When it comes right down to it, one’s Divine and True Self is always there but got buried under a whole lot of crap – brainwashing / subconscious programming / disempowering conditioning.  A person must unbury themselves from under all that to allow their True Self to shine and Be.

You can pull out your calculator and protractor on such matters and learn all about your merkaba, but that’s not going to get you ascended.  Those tools are not the sort that can help you measure the kinds of progress you need to make to prepare yourself for ascension.

What’s really important for someone to focus on is a much more down to Earth, more personal sort of thing.  The opportunities for personal healing are often delivered through your everyday life.

And there are many folks who will get all “religious” about it and insist that there is scientific, metaphysics or esoteric information that MUST be known and certain things that MUST happen and yet for everyone who is telling you some particular method or knowledge is absolutely required, there’s one or many other people who don’t know a thing about those specific things, most especially on a lower-mind level, and yet those people are quite ascension-ready.

So, let’s K.I.S.S. this whole ascension thang.  K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple Stupid.

What does ascending from 3D Earth to 5D Gaia mean?  In very general terms, it’s really simply these 2 things:

  1. Releasing all that is not truly you.
  2. Embracing what is truly you.

Ok, now let’s reword that.

  1. Releasing all your fears, ego issues, disempowerment, beliefs of limitation, dis-ease, separation (from / between all parts of YOU) …
  2. Acknowledging and reconnecting to your Divine Self and following its guidance to being the unlimited True You.

One more time (with feeling!)

  1. Healing
  2. Divine Connection

That’s really it in a nutshell, as a cursory overview.

I’d communicated to someone online along these lines of K.I.S.S.ing this process.  They sarcastically said, “Easy peasy”.  No, not easy, but many of those in process RESIST the process.  Did you think that was going to make it easier?  Not hardly.  Did you think that making it more complex and complicated than it really is will make it easier?  That’s old-paradigm brainwashing there.

Keep It Simple Stupid – don’t make it worse on yourself by resisting the process or overly complicating it or getting off on distraction detours.

Further articles will address the various details.

Ascending Through Dimensions… ALL the Way, Moving Through to COMPLETION!

3D is an illusion…

… but then again, technically, so are ALL dimensional levels, it’s just a matter of degree.  But we’re talking about making a leap from 3D to 5D.

In 3D is Duality.  Duality is just a place to have experiences outside of who you truly are.

And frankly, there are some very significant lessons to learn from having experienced 3D, then waking up to it and then mastering stepping out of the 3D Earthly experience.  Some of those lessons learned in Duality not only help you leave 3D, but are also worth carrying with you beyond 3D.  (And there are some beings who have not incarnated into 3D who have yet to understand some of these things.)

For example, the concept of right and wrong really does have some significance to it.  So, if you truly want to ascend, don’t get caught in “there is no such thing as right or wrong” for that right there is a trap that will keep you in 3D.  And if you want more 3D experiences, then that’s fine – sinner / saint, murderer / victim, all are completely valid experiences.  Yep, on a PURELY EXPERIENTIAL level, there is no right and wrong.

But when you are shooting for a specific goal, such as ascending out of 3D to 5D and beyond, you’re not just having experiences for experiences’ sake anymore.  With that goal comes conditions.  You get to your goal by putting your Thoughts, Words and Deeds in line with your goal.  Thoughts, Words and Deeds that are NOT in line with your goal, will not get you to your goal.  Do you see how “right” and “wrong” truly do have meaning once you’ve set up the condition of a goal?  Do you honestly expect to get to 5D if you keep doing 3D energy things?  Of course you won’t.  Do you honestly expect that choosing experiences of “not you” and ignoring the “true you” will get you back to your True Self?  Face it, clinging to 3D stuff is just flat the “wrong” thing to do to achieve your goal of ascending to 5D.

And keep in mind here, I’m not talking about right and wrong and your judgement of that when it comes to others.  Frankly, others’ lives, experiences and choices are not your concern.  They have a free-will right to do as they God blessed well please and you judging them, in any direction, serves no one.  We’re talking about you judging and discerning right and wrong FOR YOURSELF with your intended goal of ascension.

Also in the 3D illusion, there is the Separation experience.  Now there is all sorts of talk about Unity these days and people talk of being unified with their fellow being, human and otherwise.  Well, that does / will happen, but the separation experience happened to each and everyone on a very personal, individual level.  You were conditioned to think that different parts and levels of YOUR being were separate from each other.  We’re still talking just individuated YOU here.  Sure, everyone else out there is part of the Isness and you also, but you won’t readily and truly tap into All That Is a part of / apart from your individuated self until you’ve become healed and whole UNTO YOURSELF.

So, also be very careful not to get caught in yet another trap of being overly concerned and caught up in and about OTHER PEOPLE’S choices, experiences and creations.  You really can’t make them unify with you.  You really can’t “save” them.  Hog tying ’em won’t work.  You have neither the Power nor the Responsibility to “save”, heal, or ascend anyone else.  All you really have to offer others is another option.  What you have to give is your consciousness.  But you’ll have to raise your own consciousness first in order to offer it up to anyone else.

But you!  You are the one, and the only one who can and will create your own salvation, perform your own healing, progress in your own evolution, the one who will raise your own consciousness and frequency.  And by doing so, you create an energy field that is the single best opportunity you could give to anyone else.

“Would you like to save the world from degradation and destruction it seems destined for?  Then step away from shallow mass movements and quietly go to work on your own self-awareness.  If you want to awaken all of humanity, then awaken all of yourself.  If you want to eliminate the suffering in the world, then eliminate all that is dark and negative in yourself.  Truly, the greatest gift you have to give is that of your own self-transformation.”  ~ Lao Tzu

Although, to this quote, I’ll say, there is truly no “saving”.  What we do is create anew.  That new creation is then available to anyone else who would like to choose it also.

4D is a transition zone… 

Now, in the title of this article, I have emphasized the word COMPLETION.  The reason being that some people got stuck along the way.  They wanted ascension, they woke up to some things, they started moving down the path, but didn’t push through to completion.  Why?  I’m asking them.  Was it hard work?  Wah!  Anything worth having is worth working for.

In terms of Healing, Divine Connection and Ascension, the 4th Dimension is a transition zone.  An analogy would be to think of it as a ladder between different levels, namely 3D and 5D.

Odd numbered dimensions are dwelling realms.  The even numbered dimension above each odd numbered one is a transition zone.

Some people have just flat not chosen ascension.  And so is the way of a free-will realm.

Some other people though have chosen ascension and yet instead of using one step, one rung on the ladder to get them to the next rung, they chose to really settle in and camp out on a rung on the ladder.  They wanted to turn a transition zone into a dwelling area.  Camping out on a ladder rung – hmm?  Do I really need to point out to you how very limiting that is?  It’s like having a huge mansion to live in and you want to spend all your time in the hallway.  It’s like you’re in a car, bus, train going somewhere and yet you decide to just stop along the way, stay in your small seat and live your life there instead of completing your journey to your destination.  A rung, a hallway, a seat.  Are those really places you really want to dwell for long extended periods?  How truly confining… and limiting… and henceforth, still clinging to 3D a bit.

Many people who were / are on path look around and see that they are head and shoulders above many other people and wrongly mistake this as “being done”.  This is not a race folks or a chance to “one up” someone else.

This is not like that old joke about the bear chasing two fellows and one stops to pull on his running shoes because he knows he doesn’t have to outrun the bear, but only outrun his buddy.  Just being a few steps ahead of your fellow human might keep the bear from bothering with you, too bad for your poor buddy, but with ascension it’s different.  Ascension is something you do for yourself… or not.  You are either ascension-ready or you are not, regardless of where anyone else is at.

Do you still have work to do?  Ask your Divine Self / God.

What IS that work, specifically?  Ask your Divine Self / God.

How to do that work?  Ask your Divine Self / God.

Do you really want to ascend or don’t you?  Make up your mind…. and your heart… and your soul… then git ‘er done already… or not… but enough with camping out on ladder rungs.  That is not serving you or ANY of your fellow humans, regardless of their destination of choice and it most assuredly is not serving Gaia, who chose to ascend.