Funny Notions

Nope, not funny ha ha.

Here I want to talk about some disempowering programs that are obviously still running in lightworkers (LWs) / New Agers / spiritual “leaders” (no, not so much) and they work to propagate these funny notions to their readers / clients.

Some emotions are good, some are bad.
Yep, too many LWs still hung up in that old program, still stifling their own emotions, telling others how to feel, prejudging others who are merely expressing their emotions in the moment.

Folks, repressing your emotions is SO debilitating.  It results in disease / dis-ease, lack of ease.

Also, there is a difference between an emotional “re-action” – acting again as you have before, which indicates a need for further healing – and an emotional “re-sponse” – as in Responsibility – the ability to respond… to any and all experiences IN THE MOMENT.

See post “Healing – Emotional”.

And often these same folks who are judging emotions to be good or bad are the same ones to play the judgement card, see next.

Don’t judge self or others.  
What are we talking about here?  Are you talking about riding yourself and others hard, all the time, and most especially about what you or they are doing or have done when unawakened / unenlightened / not so conscious?  Well, that’s rather useless.

In reference to the Veiled Consciousness State that includes Free Will, there’s an old line used: “You are not what you do”, meaning that when you are still in the Free Will / Veiled Consciousness State, you are doing things that are “outside yourself” that are NOT truly who you are.  If you or others are doing or have done things from a veiled consciousness state, well, cut yourself and others some slack in that regard.

But if you have awakened a bit and have the goal of healing and ascension, then put your Thoughts, Words and Deeds in line with your goal.  Make honest self-assessments.

Don’t be scared to call a spade a spade with other people either.  And when someone else does the same for you, use it as constructive criticism or, on the other hand, a test for you – are you sure about your present perspective on things?  The other person is either offering a chance to expand your awareness or just making you even more sure of where you’re at right now – which is it?  Honestly?!

See post “Healing / Inner Work – What is it?”

Don’t offer up any info / knowledge / wisdom / advice unless the other person asks for it. 
Excuse me?!  You came here to spread the light not to sit down and shut up.

Often times, the other person has no idea you have anything useful for them and often don’t even know enough to ask an intelligent question of anyone, let alone know that they can ask it of YOU.  But YOU know what you know, so why not share your wisdom.

Meanwhile, the cabal and all those duped by the cabal (including LWs who have not completed their healing) are just slathering the world in their highly brainwashed and disempowered perspective.  But a more enlightened perspective is somehow “not allowed”?  Again, excuse me?  SHINE YOUR LIGHT already!

Do you defend this funny notion because otherwise you might have to actually take Responsibility – the ability to respond?  You might have to actually be proactive in your light work?  Are you scared to talk to others, scared they’ll roll their eyes or worse?  Whah!  Get over it.  Gee, do you see any opportunity there to work on yourself more?  Tap into that Soul-Centered quality called Courage and do some actual light work!  No, not just online preaching to the choir, nodding emphatically, like a bobble-head doll no matter what anyone puts out.  Bring that Soul-Centered Courage out into the world, to spread light with anyone and everyone you come across.

SPEAK YOUR TRUTH!  Be a “Divine Opportunist” in your light work.  Yep, in a good way, seizing any and all opportunity to spread light, to introduce enlightening, empowering perspectives into EVERY conversation.  No really.  You don’t have to make up excuses to say something or change the topic or the like or drag up a soap box to stand on.  Just join the conversation.  YOU.  True You, not some mask.  Odds would have it that True You has something enlightening and empowering to say about anything and everything – sports, weather, news, work, family, friends, health, healing, media, government… tiddlywinks… you name it.  All that mundane-level you has to do is just allow your True Self’s wisdom to actually come out of your mouth.

Did you want to get down to the business of helping this planet and her inhabitants or are you going to stand idly by and watch it all go to hell?  Be proactive in your own healing and in your service to others.  REAL light work, out in the world, touching people’s lives… well, that sure beats the hell out of sitting online with the choir, either bitching about or worrying about 3Ders.

And hey, it’s not as if you have anything better to do and be than to be yourself.  In the 3D world there is plenty else to do, but there is nothing BETTER to do.

And sometimes it doesn’t take much.  I practice what I preach and I DO bring light to others, always, all ways. Here’s one small example – I overhear my neighbors talking – one is sick.  Our physical paths literally intersected, so I asked, “What kind of sick are you?”  He said, “Cold or flu or the like.”  I asked him if he uses grapefruit seed extract (GSE).  Nope, he’d never heard of it.  In the moment he was very receptive to the info.  Did he then use it?  I don’t know, but I did my part, gave him the info, gave him the opportunity – I then don’t attach to what he does with it – Compassionate Non-attachment.  Not only had he not heard of it, I’m sure he’d have never thought to hit me up – “Hey you, stranger neighbor person, I’m sick, do you know anything that will help?  Perhaps something I’ve not tried, perhaps not even heard of?”  Sounds silly doesn’t it?!  ‘Cuz it is.  He didn’t know what I know… but I do.  It was no accident that I overheard their conversation then found myself right next to them as we both went about our business.  Life created the opportunity to spread light and I seized it.

(and along those same lines)

Truly spiritual people don’t talk about spirituality.
Again.. Excuse me?!  So again, those who are not spiritual or are still disempowered to whatever degree can just blabber away, flapping their jaws (and you know they will), but those who truly have something substantial to offer have to stfu?  I think not!  Folks, how in the hell can such crap truly resonate with you?  No really.  LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE!

Some will say spiritual adepts should just BE and not talk about it.  Oh, when it comes down to what you can best do for yourself, yep, a whole lot more BEing and a whole lot less doing would be most useful.  And showing off your beingness, yep, that’s great in person – a little show of kindness, staying calm, oh hell, even a good ration of well-timed shit-flipping at someone can go a long way towards spreading light out in the world.

Say it straight, simple and with a smile.  Words I live by.  Can you sense me smiling?  🙂

But when we’re talking about people interacting online, well, I can sit here and BE all day, every day and I can even come and read your blog, but you can’t see me being then.  I have to say something in order to offer up any assistance.

And beingness IS about saying and doing things that are in line with your True Self.  Your true self would not dream of holding back, of repressing your own truth, of not being light in everything you do or say.

Get out of the fantasy that lightwork has to be done as a business (busyness).  Trust me folks, there are MANY people in EVERY walk of life, every kind of industry that could use your light.  Don’t wait to become a life coach or whatever the hell in order to spread light.  You do it right where you are with whoever is there.  You LIVE it.  You BE it.

You might never make a dime off of it.

Having just read that… now what do you think and feel?  Are you going to just not spread light because you don’t make money at it?  Really?

Do you find yourself in some rather “dark” environments?  Has it occurred to you that you’re there because that space COULD USE YOUR LIGHT?!

Lightworkers, step up!  You are the ones you’ve been waiting for.  If not you then who, if not now, then when?!  Shine on!