Farsights – Settle in for the Long Haul!

Very, very soon, Gaia and the 1st Wave will be ascending.  Some in the 1st Wave will return to assist in helping humanity know about The Ascension.

Folks, there will only be ~1,145,000 lightworkers ascending in the 1st Wave.  See posts below to know if you will be in the 1st Wave.  Do the math, not many reading this will be in the 1st Wave.

For the rest of you, best settle in for the long haul.  You’re not going anywhere for quite some time.

What I’m getting from the Divine, in this present moment, is that whoever is NOT in the 1st Wave will be in 3D on Earth UNTIL whoever is going to ascend is ready.  That’s everyone else BESIDES lightworkers.

So, the sooner you get everyone else up to speed on this ascension project, the sooner you lightworkers yourselves will be able to ascend.


For more info that you might need to understand what I’ve just said, see these posts:

Definition of Terms

Forerunners vs. LightWorkers

Last Call – You Don’t Have to Go Home, But Ya Can’t Stay Here

5 Element Theory

30 thoughts on “Farsights – Settle in for the Long Haul!

  1. https://gaiaportal.wordpress.com/2019/06/07/four-stars-penetrate-the-lower-realms-and-open-the-treasures/

    Predictors and magicians are unveiled for what they are.
    humanity ears begin to hear the REALities.
    Farsights come to the aid of those in need, and willing to drop the weights.
    Four stars penetrate the lower realms, and open the Treasures.


    Productions of Light come into full view.
    Participants are called to the Higher Way.
    Stalwarts of the normal are set aside.
    Farm hands of the Rainbow Path begin their harvest.


    Strength of Inner Spirit connections are currently under test.
    Eliminations of tenuous connects are accelerated.
    Farsights are recognized for assists to Hue-manity.
    Finalizers are called forth.
    Archangels watch over the process.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What is the “trigger pull” to allow for the 1st Wave’s ascension? What’s going on in 3D. See my last recent couple days’ worth of news in comments on the Massive Apocalypse post. See especially news about Epstein, the “impeachment” news and the Roger Stone trial.

    This past Sunday I was given a heads up through Tarot:

    The Empress
    the situation is pregnant with promise – full of opportunity

    The Wheel
    The Wheel of Fortune is also about consequence. Although we’ve recognized that sometimes “stuff happens” this card also addresses the cyclical nature of life. Simply put, this card is a message that says “what goes around, comes around.” When this card appears in a reading, it may mean that we should consider our actions and how they are affecting ourselves and others around us. This is in line with the concept of Karma which is a philosophy that proposes every action we take affects everything else – what we sow, so shall we reap – for every action there is an equal reaction.

    6 of Swords
    Stuffing ineffective solutions into a problem is a temporary fix.

    The cabal. Everything they are doing has only delayed the inevitable and there are too many holes in their stories.
    God, is the Wheel about to turn?
    Yes. They’ll “get theirs”.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. So, Gaia Portal jives with messages I’ve gotten recently. Here’s a Tarot reading from yesterday:

    3 of Pentacles
    elevates his creativity

    This is in reference to humanity at large. They have elevated (and are continuing to elevate) their creativity.
    I’ve gotten this card 3 times in recent days, with the same meaning each time.

    6 of Wands

    Humanity again. In this case, this does NOT mean “arrogant / overconfident” but SELF-CONFIDENT. Yah! No more humble (lowly) crap for humans.

    3 of Swords
    the veil of obscurity is pierced, and the heart of our desire is made manifest through our practice of living an observed, aware, and balanced life.

    Humanity again.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Today’s Tarot.

    Knight of Wands
    I’m going to shake you up. I will make you move, I want to shift you into a new paradigm.

    You, shaking up humanity.

    Ace of Swords
    The ace of swords is a call to stop fooling ourselves and look into the crux of the matters of our soul. The ace of swords is bright and brassy. There is no room for excuses with this card, and it demands full honesty of the querent in a reading.

    (See below)

    The Sun
    This is a break through card. So often we go through the motions of our lives, wondering if we’ll come out of the dark, curious if all our hard work is ever going to pay off. The Sun card is a clear message, that yes, indeed the proverbial flowers in the garden of life that we’ve painstakingly cared for are about to come in full bloom. When the vibrancy of the Sun card shines in a reading, everything is coming up roses.

    Mostly for the 1st Wave.  

    God told me: The Ace of Swords points to what you just read (below).  Many keep wanting to duck and dodge their healing process.  Lisa is one of them.  You know that… she with her inhalers.  Some so-called “lightworkers” might be surprised which portal they end up going through. As the flavor of Lisa’s message indicates, they will fool themselves as to why that is. They’ll make it sound like they are helping humanity and this Ascension Project by going through the death portal with their slow-suicide illnesses. Yep, just fooling themselves. Not helping themselves and hence not helping humanity. You can only give what you’ve got. If you can’t / won’t heal yourself, you’ve not much to help others with in that regard. As you can see by the title of her post, she’s being given / has been given the chance to wake up and heal… or not.

    I have every reason to think Lisa was delivered a rather accurate message but then read into it what she wants to hear. She might be surprised what side of that “line in the sand” she ends up on. Lisa speaks of “expansion”. If she is not addressing her wounds, issues and disempowerment, just what exactly does she expect to expand? Of course, what is going to expand are those things that she refuses to heal.

    I left the comment below (in italics) at this link:
    A Line in the Sand has been Drawn

    Evolve or Exit. Heal and go through the Ascension Portal OR don’t heal and go through the Death Portal. You choose.


    Tools of Ascension are grasped by those of earnest.
    Flakes fall to the side.
    Weak-kneed players remove themselves.
    Intentions are key.
    Fortunes are granted for those of the Light.

    I then later left her the following:

    “Those evolving (without the constant need to keep picking at old wounds)… ”
    There are no “old wounds to pick at” after you heal those wounds. The wounds only continue to be there for those who refuse to address their healing. Lisa, I know you would just love to sidestep the work of healing, but “heal” means “to make whole” and if you don’t heal you won’t be whole. If you won’t heal yourself, you’re not helping anyone else in any way, you’re just deluding yourself. You can only give what you’ve got. That goes for everything from material things to consciousness. Were you finally able to get more inhalers? You can’t speak? Is there any message in that for you? Hello, McFly.

    See this post: Purification

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I have often wondered about Lisa, …she writes in her blogs and I always think, if she is a healer or lightowrker, why isnt she healing herself and her own children or helping them…for a while she had a daughter in prison…then there were these HUGE rats that decided to live in her house and she didn’t have the heart to kill them with normal traps…or poison. You would think she understood the rat problem was not just them refusing to leave…or how she has many boughts of no voice, and so on. There was an interesting person she did interview once who had light coming thru her pores…it was very fascinating. I hope she works on healing herself, get rid of the grief and breath again, Listen to her inner awareness so she can get her voice. She has had this problem for years. About time to cure it already.

      Liked by 1 person

      • She uses so-called “helping others” as a distraction from healing herself. She’ll get no points for uniqueness in the New Age movement. *shaking head* I hope to God they all wake up… before they take themselves out the death portal. Sad to see them being aware of the ascension project and can’t even get themselves ascended, let alone help humanity much.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I left the following 2, yes, count ’em, 2 messages for Lisa. See in italics below

        “Currently, the planetary body is pulling in higher frequencies from the unified fields, from the trinity field of the Solar Logos, and this begins to potentially expand the field of perception for many people. The main issue will be, are people willing to look at what they are seeing and experiencing when the veil is lifted and the content remaining is unpleasant and difficult. The commitment to truth spirit means that you are willing to remove false reality bubbles and egoic conditions, placing trust in God that you are willing to see the truth no matter what it presents. It is the truth that sets us free. Effectively, this is perceiving and seeing things that were not previously in one’s awareness because they were hidden from conscious view. It is to wake up from being asleep and notice that although these things had always been there, when awakening we begin to see them for the first time as they really are.”

        ~Lisa Renee

        The rest to that message for whoever would like to read it:

        And… one more time… with feeling… giving you every opportunity to face the Truth Lisa.


        You have spoken of expansion. What will expand? Whatever you’ve got going on. If you refuse to address your healing, your lack of healing WILL EXPAND… all up in yer face.

        No matter where you go, there you are. You can’t run from yourself… try as you might.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Hear Here…the truth is my goal, ugly or not, and the majority will go mad…because the truth may not be the story they were looking for or be’lie’ved in.True freedom is truth and forgiveness.

          Liked by 1 person

    • And today I left the following comment on Lisa’s blog:

      Gosh oh gee Lisa! Is your lack of healing catching up to you? Who’da thunk it!


      She probably thinks I’m being “mean” or something. No, I’m being compassionate. While people she probably views as friends and allies are just ENABLING HER DYSFUNCTION. She turns out a post that basically says that “healing is silly” (while over time she keeps reporting her body’s outward symptoms of her inward problems) and her so-called “friends and allies” put likes on her post and reblog it. With friends like that… If she was unknowingly about to walk off a cliff (which, figuratively, she is) these people would probably cheer her on (and they are).


  5. I left the comment below at this link:

    We do indeed create our own reality. But these things may have some stages to them. And there may be different levels of “self” involved.

    Early on, before we “re-awaken” to the Divine and Powerful Creator soul we are, we might attract things that are repeating patterns of past wounds, whether childhood wounds or perhaps even past-life wounds.

    Then when that fact comes to our conscious awareness and we start to tend to healing those childhood / past-life wounds, we may then have our Divine Self deliver other sorts of lessons and growth opportunities.

    Which might then lead to the Divine teaching us how to better control our thoughts. We may learn we can attract some pretty good stuff and Life and the Divine conspire to show us what we are capable of creating, ya know, those things we actually want.

    But when we get far enough down our spiritual path, especially after we have healed COMPLETELY, what we attract may be just as perplexing as before we even woke up, at least initially. We then start attracting what our Divine Self wants to send us, not what our “Mini Me” lower self has going on.

    It reaches a point where what is showing up in our lives is less about us and more about our Soul Mission / Purpose and our Service to others. In these times of Planetary and Collective ascension, it might not be “wonderful” stuff. But it’s what we need for our mission.

    Recently Gaia Portal has used the words “Spartans” and “Spartifications” (see links below). Spartan definition: “showing the indifference to comfort or luxury traditionally associated with ancient Sparta.” As I’ve told others, we may be manifesting things that “are not to the level to which we’ve become accustomed”, because… we need to be ON MISSION.

    All the way around – “If you need it, it will be there. If it’s not there, you must not need it.”
    It’s just that the reason it’s there (or not there) may change over time.



    And… Sandra Walter also mentions “different levels of self” in this video, listen carefully:


  6. Lightworkers could stand to take some clues from The Proud Boys. It is HIGH TIME for lightworkers to come out of the closet, ya know, just as these fellows say “get off your computers and out in 3D” and SHOW YOURSELVES! Time to SHINE YOUR LIGHT. Humanity needs you NOW! You may not do the same sorts of things these guys do, but your PRESENCE is essential.

    Fredo Cuomo Freaked Out When The Proud Boys Confronted Him In New York

    More reason here, for your sake and others’, to get off your devices and actually have person to person interaction:

    Liked by 2 people

  7. No doubt. I was lmao last night, mostly over the cabal stooges and their antics and people making fun of them through memes and SNL skits.


    Flurries of the new countenance are received with joy and playfulness.

    The planet arises in Higher Vibrations.

    Struggles are embraced and released.

    Stern outlooks are changed to Light.


  8. Today’s Tarot:

    3 of Pentacles

    Intermixing of people – mixing lightworkers into the population

    5 of Wands
    no shortage of promising aspects

    In regards to the integration?
    Yes.  Lots of LWs to go ’round.

    3 of Wands
    watch with awareness and with expectation of your highest good


  9. GP message sent at 10:10 GMT. Endings! Thank God!

    Wow! People, other lightworkers included, just might be able to “SEE” us REAL forerunners. Amaze-balls. Will wonders never cease?! “If you’re one step ahead you’re a genius. If you’re two steps ahead you’re a crackpot.” If these folks keep catching up, it might make mere geniuses out of us crackpots. 🙂


    Fields of Higher Dimensionals are viewed and accepted.

    Flourishes from the Archangels capture the attention.

    The outer elements are dropped.

    Inner Beings rise.

    Mountains are moved with a blink.


    Fellerites of Light combine with the Oxygens to enhance the Hue-being expansion.

    Stoic Presences support the changes.

    Foremen of the Highlands lead the way.

    Gaia Feminines enwomb the awakening.


  10. “Future Starts Slow”

    You can holler, you can wail
    You can swing, you can flail
    You can thump (/ f*ck) like a broken sail
    But I’ll never give you up
    If I ever give you up, my heart will surely fail

    And after all God can keep my soul
    England have my bones
    But don’t ever give me up
    I could never get back up when the future starts so slow

    No longing for the moonlight
    No longing for the sun
    No longer will I curse the bad I’ve done
    If there’s a time when the feelings gone, I wanna feel it

    You can holler, you can wail
    You can blow what’s left of my right mind
    You can swing, you can flail
    You can blow what’s left of my right mind
    (I don’t mind)

    There’s a time for the second best
    And there’s a time when the feeling’s gone
    But it’s hard to be hard I guess
    When you’re shaking like a dog

    You can holler, you can wail
    You can blow what’s left of my right mind
    You can swing, you can flail
    You can blow what’s left of my right mind

    You can holler, you can wail
    You can blow what’s left of my right mind
    You can swing, you can flail
    You can blow what’s left of my right mind
    (I don’t mind)

    You can blow what’s left of my right mind
    You can blow what’s left of my right mind
    You can holler, you can wail
    You can blow what’s left of my right mind


Express your Self. Don't repress your Self.