Sacred Symbology

I’d thought about writing about this a while back, then find this video today (below).

He’s discussing the symbology of Baphomet (and some other things).  This is an example of Sacred Symbology that the global cabal use and so folks who know about the cabal often (wrongly) think that the symbol of Baphomet is evil.  Nope.

I’ve felt it is / was one big, fat representation of Duality – Light and Dark, Heaven and Earth, Feminine and Masculine, Divine Self and Human Self, etc.  This fellow (in video below) is obviously in agreement.  But hey, as long as “they” (the global cabal) have you thinking that Baphomet is “evil” then you won’t bother to learn about the Duality that the figure of Baphomet points to.  And if you don’t understand Duality, you’ll have a tough time stepping out of it and into Unity.  How do you unplug from something that you don’t even understand you are immersed in?!

These days people tend to refer to Duality as “Binary”.  Yep, same thing, but every time terms get changed, there’s the chance of some information being lost.

You can get caught in Duality if you don’t understand that is what is going on here in this 3D Earthly Realm.

The freemasons, in their lodges, usually have a tiled floor that is alternating white and black tiles.  I love this.  It represents Duality, but it also indicates an interweaving, how there is a natural urge or tendency for those two components to reunite.  NOT opposites, but complements (= to complete) and components (= putting together).

But many of you have been and still are caught in Duality.  If you were to represent that with tiles on a floor, you’d split the room down the middle with all the white tiles on one side of the room and all the black tiles on the other side of the room.  And that’s what many of you have gotten sucked into.  It’s called the Divine and Conquer tactic that the global cabal have used on you for so very long.


In the figure of Baphomet, there are numerous representations of Feminine and Masculine energy – Moon and Sun, woman’s breasts but implied male genitalia with the rod of the Caduceus…

… with the two snakes (of the Caduceus), which again represent the Feminine and Masculine components to Kundalini ENERGY (the way snakes look when they move looks like waves of energy, appropriate symbology, which got vilified and those buying the lie got dumbed down by it) stored at the base of the spine until midlife / 40-ish years old / Uranus Opposition when they rise up the spine / through the 7 main chakras – yep, sexual / ecstatic energy that is to be used for spiritual purposes.

So… as a side note, I find it interesting that the Caduceus and the Rod of Asclepius are both used as symbols of medicine / healing.  But the Rod of Asclepius only has one snake.  If that isn’t a reinforcement of the patriarchy!  As I said, the TWO snakes on the Caduceus represent Masculine and Feminine energies.  The Rod of Asclepius only has one snake.  Not Whole, Balanced and Integrated… and hence not Divinely connected and hence easily controllable.  Perhaps you’ve noticed that “modern medicine” is really NOT about health and healing.

This fellow (video below) gets it covered and I don’t agree on all he says and he gets off on some tangents, but he’s making you think and that’s always good, plus he’s entertaining.  lol

So… let’s get into this Sacred Symbology, shall we.

Just like with Michelangelo’s horned depiction of Moses, the horns represent Divine Connection.  See the wavy lines around the horns on Baphomet.  It indicates energy waves.

Also the goat head and horns look like the uterus and fallopian tubes so there is Feminine energy represented there.

The goat legs to me represent animalistic nature, including Earth element / mundane desires.

The wings can be angelic and yet also represent Air element.

Not sure what that round thing is behind the Caduceus but it seems to have scales on it and it’s located near the 2nd chakra / desire / sexuality / reproduction – Water element.

The Fire element seems to be represented with a flame from the crown chakra.  Appropriate since Fire is associated with Spirit.

“Solve” and “Coagula”/ Dissolve and Coagulate – “separate” and “join together” – like the breathing in and breathing out of the whole Separation experience and recovering from that and Unifying again.

(I’ve heard severely brainwashed Christians try to vilify even this, ‘cuz they currently see the cabal breaking down the old to replace it with their version of the new.  These dumb ass Christians have been focused on “evil” for so long that now, in their paradigm, EVERYTHING is evil… oh, except their ignorant selves of course.  You know, the whole Ignorance and Arrogance thing.)

This is the 3D Earthly Realm experience you’ve all been having.  You separated off from your Divine Self when you came here (or at least think you did) and donned a consciousness veil.  In these times of Planetary and Collective Ascension, you are being offered the opportunity to “join together” again – your human level with your Divine level – to heal, which literally means “to make whole”.  Sure hope you seize the opportunity and do what is necessary to ascend.  READ. THIS. BLOG.

So, on Baphomet – The two-finger mudra of both hands, one pointing up, one down kinda looks like the Prana Mudra or Mudra of Life (I see there is some difference between the two hands, one has the thumb tucked and the other open, it all means something) and to me that two-handed gesture together represents the prana tube connecting Heaven and Earth through the being… through YOU if you’d allow for it.  Wouldn’t you like to bring Heaven to Earth through you?  You have to be connected on both ends for that to happen.

If you’d like, plug “Jesus mudra” into your search engine and see how many depictions of Jesus you find using various mudras.  Then, if ya care to, look up the mudras and find out what they mean.

And… from wikipedia:

Since 1856, the name Baphomet has been associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” (my note here:  Sabbatic has to do with sabbath, which, contrary to most people’s be-lie-fs / brainwashing / programming is not about some particular building or a particular day of the week – sabbath means “to sit within yourself”) image drawn by Eliphas Levi which contains binary elements representing the “sum total of the universe” (e.g. male and female, good and evil, on and off, etc.).  On one hand, Lévi’s intention was to symbolize his concept of “the equilibrium of the opposites” that was essential to his magnetistic notion of the Astral Light; on the other hand, the Baphomet represents a tradition that should result in a perfect social order.

What I’ve bolded there… that’s what I’m telling ya, the “Sabbatic Goat” image is one big, fat representation of Duality!  And Levi seemingly understood Duality and how important INtegration of polarities was… regardless of who later hijacked that symbology and what their intention / purpose was to use it.

The cabal kinda understand “duality” and have many depictions of it, but ya know, most especially at this late date, “satanists” themselves probably don’t truly know the meaning of the Baphomet symbology.  As I think was attributed to the character of “Jesus” talking to the establishment, and I paraphrase: “You have the knowledge, you won’t let anyone else have it and yet you yourselves don’t know what to do with it.”  The knowledge spoken of was esoteric knowledge, but yes, the establishment / cabal keep attempting to use esoteric info in an exoteric way.  Just clueless.

No such entity as “Satan”.  Little “s”, satan is just a word that means “adversary”, “accuser” or “opponent”.  But people put a capital “s” on the word and act like this is some entity by this name.  It’d be like if you were a boxer and instead of just referring to the other guy in the ring as AN opponent, you instead start calling him Opponent, as if that were his name.  I will give ya though, those who associate themselves with “satan” absolutely take on adversarial and accusatory energy and consciousness, indeed they do – and words, like everything else, have energy and vibration, so by using that word over and over, yep they’re tapping into the energy of that word – but that doesn’t turn that word into an actual entity.  This has certainly served the experience of Duality though.

No one by the name of “Jesus” either, so Christians have that in common with Satanists – they both worship non-entities.  The character of “Jesus” was / is a composite character – based on actual stories from MANY different people’s lives, all lumped together under one “name”.  “Jesus” is also based on many Pagan archetypes from many cultures throughout history.

The Gnostic Christians wrote the original stories of “Jesus” and the other fictional and archetypal characters of the Jesus story.  The Gnostics were the New Agers of their day, here to help usher in the Age of Pisces.

The stories of the New Testament, even though grossly butchered / edited are rather archetypal though and hence still useful – the Spanish pronunciation of Jesus, ya know, “Hey Zeus”, may give you some clue to archetypal info imbedded in that “name”… just like all the pantheon of gods symbology / archetypes.  All these “dieties”, in various cultures across the world, aren’t entities either.  It’s EXTREMELY useful information to humans though, ya just need to understand how to interpret the info.

These dieties represent energies that one is immersed in while on Earth or are the personification of energies that one can draw to themselves and use.  So, not ENTITIES, but ENERGIES.  One example – Ganesha, in the Hindu religion, is a “god” of wisdom, success and good luck and the Hindu tradition calls Ganesha the Vighneshvara. “Vighneshvara” in Sanskrit language means one who is the lord of obstacles or difficulties so calling on “Ganesha” can help YOU overcome obstacles and difficulties.

Why have and use archetypes and allegory?  For the same reason that the character of “Jesus” used parables – to appeal to humans’ right brain, which is about Intuition.  It also then becomes a sort of “shorthand” if you will.  For example, in the Ganesha info in the prior paragraph, I have highlighted what energies Ganesha is about.  But by calling on Ganesha, you are essentially saying all of that… by just saying one word.

So… when I hear of Christians calling on Jesus, I have no issue with that, even though Jesus is not an entity and has no business being “worshipped” (in the conventional / warped sense) whether he was / is an entity or not.  What folks are actually calling on by calling “Jesus” is Christ Consciousness.  I would wish for them to understand that is THEIR OWN Christ Consciousness on which they call and to know that AT A CONSCIOUS LEVEL.  Boys ‘n girls, can you say EMPOWERMENT?!  I knew ya could.  Ya know, just what the global cabal don’t want for you, which is why they used the 3 western religions to “regulate” your Direct Connection to God.

John Dee, who was (if I remember right) Queen Elizabeth I’s mystic (or whatever), contacted some higher dimensional entities to help him.  With what?  Well, unfortunately, with controlling humanity.  These entities said they would help him but he had to warn people before he did anything to them.  In today’s world, often movies are used for this purpose.  If you understand how to interpret the movie message then you do indeed get the heads up.  But, as I’ve said elsewhere, those who want you to know the Truth and those who want to keep it from you BOTH present it to you in symbolic form.  So, no matter their intention, they are cluing you in.  Do YOU have the eyes to see and ears to hear?  Yes, either way, they are providing humanity with a shorthand to use to communicate with.  The Matrix movies come to mind.  George Orwell’s book “1984” also provides that shorthand – think of his terms like “newspeak”, “thought crime”, “big brother”, etc.  For those who are familiar with the stories (books or movies) they can communicate a whole lot in a short time by using the shorthand references from the stories.

And the Jesus archetype is essentially ABOUT YOU.  Yeppers folks, you too can liberate yourself from this world and be Christed.  It will start by NOT worshipping some past ascended master / Christ and instead acknowledging your own “Christ within”.  Why in the world would one soul “worship” (again, in the conventional / warped sense) another soul?  (But hey, by all means worship EV.ER.Y.THING in the literal meaning of “worship”.)

By worshipping (in the warped, conventional sense of “worship”) something or someone else, you are placing yourself in a “lesser than” position than something or someone else. Disempowered much?

Have you bothered to check what your “good book” scripture has to say about the Christ within yourself?!  (Go to The meek shall inherit the Earth post and search for “Christ-I-Am” – see what’s there in comments.)  The biggest lie of the Bible is the Lie of Omission – what was left out of the Bible – but it’s far from being a throw away.  Seriously Christians, see what the Bible has to say about YOUR Christ within.  Might I suggest you take God with you on your research adventure, ya know, utilize that DIRECT Divine connection OF YOURS to get to the Truth and maybe look outside the Bible so you can get a fuller picture.  God will help you with that too.  Did you think communicating with God was reserved for people who lived in ancient times, ya know, like in your “good (god) book”?

When you do look into this, you just might have to “sacrifice” your oh, so precious be-lie-f system though.  Eee gad!  lol  Just remember folks, you HAVE beliefs.  It’s not that you ARE those beliefs.  You might feel like a part of you is dying (you may go through that many times over in your healing and ascension process) but it’s NOT you but programming that has been implanted into the human psyche over millennia.  Let it go.  It no longer serves you.

None of this, yes, SACRED Symbology is “evil”.  There is nothing inherently good or evil in the world, it all depends on the intent behind it.  As I love to say… it’s like all those superhero stories ask, “Do you use your powers for good or for evil?”

The cabal have loved it though when you think that things like Sacred Symbology, the occult, paganism, magick etc. are evil because that keeps you from utilizing the powers therein.  They have you scared of the occult.  There’s nothing to be scared of in that direction.  But continuing down the path you have been on, creating out of ignorance, having your creative powers hijacked by the cabal… now THAT ought to concern you!

And no, you WON’T utilize Sacred Symbology / the occult in the same way as the cabal, well, I hope ya won’t.  Hey, you’re never not creating, you’re always creating, but until you wake up to some things you’ll be creating unconsciously.  The cabal have been happy to hijack your creative energies to use for things that you never would… well, IF you understood what your energies are actually going towards promoting and maintaining.

Since you’re always creating anyway, wouldn’t you like to do so CONSCIOUSLY?!  Then you can create what YOU want, for you and for the world… instead of being the cabal’s unwitting pawn.  See my post “How to Create” to start getting some idea of how Powerful Creator God/desses like yourself actually create.

Your Intentions behind your “magick” will be much better than the cabal’s and I sincerely doubt you’ll feel moved to be chopping heads off any chickens (unless it’s time for dinner) – although some non-cabal / non-“evil” / non-“satanist” folks, Judeo-Christians included, still do just that, the whole sacrificing animals thing … because… they are stuck in an even older paradigm, the Old Testament.  “Jesus”, a composite character – many people’s stories lumped under one “name” – came to usher in a new age – the Gnostics were the “New Agers” of their day, that age being Pisces, which is why “Jesus” is associated with the symbol of the fish – and here we are urging another big shift as the Age changes again from Pisces to Aquarius and yet there are Judeo-Christian animal sacrificers who haven’t even gotten into the Age of Pisces yet.  They’re not just one but two ages behind.

But yeah, the Baphomet symbology is communicating information about Duality and if folks are too scared to look at such for fear of it being “evil” then they missed an opportunity to learn about the dualistic realm they have been living in… which they could actually free themselves from if they’d bother to learn about it.  As I’ve said, Sacred Symbology and other occult information helps you understand the energetic environment you are living in on Earth, ya know, “Being an Earthling for Dummies”.  

The single biggest way that the global cabal have used the occult against you is by convincing you that it is evil or nonsense or superstitious.  It’s the frickin’ manual for how to live on Earth and hence it’s also the manual for how to heal and ascend (be Christed) on outta the Earthly realm.  They (global cabal) have brainwashed you into dissing and fearing the very knowledge and wisdom that will free you from their control.  As one of my favorite researchers Michael Tsarion likes to say, “You were sold a lie and worse yet, you bought it.”  Time to wake up folks!  

If such is old hat to you, this might be boring.  If you just woke up then this fellow and I just dumped a boatload of new search terms on you.  You’re welcome.  🙂

See also:

Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of Western Religion

Who Was Yahweh?


Interpretation … of Stairway to Heaven

Antique Reclaimed Spanish Grey and White marble - Antique black and white marble from Spanish manor houses and country estates provide a beautifully complementary floor surround. The unique black marble is in shades of grey making and elegan lower contrast checkerboard pattern. An all-white plain antique floor is also avaialble. Typically sourced in apx. 11" x11" or 16" x 16" and limited larger sizes can be used for stair tread and room partitioning.

Everyone else and their dog has had a shot at it, why not me?

(See the checkerboard flooring?  Duality!  Climb the stairs to get out of Duality.)

This song is very inspired / in-spirit. Many writers, oh heavens, many humans are inspired with wisdom that they themselves sometimes don’t even know the significance of, at least not when first inspired.

Are the words “satanic”?  … as so many people insist on saying?  I’d say not.  Are they occult?  I’d say so.  But many people wrongly associate the occult with satanism.  The symbology involved is actually Sacred Symbology.  It’s not “satanic” or “evil”.

Sacred Symbology IS very powerful though… which is why the cabal use it.

There is nothing inherently good or evil in the world, it all depends on the Intention behind it.

It’s high time Joe Average uses the knowledge and power of the occult to work light in the world and quits shying from doing so because the cabal have propagandized them about the “evils of the occult” or because Joe can see the “evils” of the cabal who, yes, do indeed utilize the power of the occult.

It’s like all those superhero stories, “How do you choose to use your powers – for good or for evil?”

For a good overview of what magick and the occult are, expressed in more modern terms from a more recent understanding of the mind, etc. and how you can use them for your benefit, see the following video.  Much of what is discussed are good healing techniques.  Those two parts I always talk about that will lead to ascension – healing and Divine connection – can and are achieved through the proper use of magick.  “Proper” use?  All about Intention baby.  Really no more complicated than that.

A key point in this video that I always like to point out myself is that the “out there” is created “in here”.  Our Inner Causal Realm creates the World of Outer Effects.  The “out there” is a reflection of the “in here”.  By working on ourselves, on our own healing, on our Divine connection and guidance and where we put our focus, we can influence the world around us.

Self needs to be the top priority.

I’d heard it expressed once (and I paraphrase) that trying to fix the “out there” actually, ya know, out there, would be like if you stepped up to a mirror and saw you had something on your face and you went to wipe it off… in your reflection.  Doesn’t work so well.

This video actually communicates much of the same that I have expressed on this blog and yet in some cases it’s expressed in a slightly different way, which I love as it provides a bit of added nuance in understanding on these things.

Overall I thought this was a very good presentation, but I don’t agree with him on astrology, which he added towards the end, which is not about magick per se, as he himself says, so I wish he would have just left it out.  Astrology is more of an understanding tool, a way to understand the energies we chose to take on when we incarnated and it also explains the cosmic energetic environment / influences on Earthlings and on specific individuals.

He sees astrology as a “clock” which has nothing to do with the planets themselves.  Not true.  At a 3D level, energetic influences from the planets and distant stars / constellations (represented by the signs of the Zodiac) are absolutely real.  The science behind that is Torsion Field Physics – rotating / spinning celestial bodies put out a torsion field.  That is where the energetic influence actually comes from.

[Note: See post “Core…” for info on EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for a way to quickly and easily release old subconscious programs that don’t serve you / aren’t healthy, etc.]

The meaning of the occult has been lost to most people, as has the word origin / the true vibration of many words. Human language, along with many other parts of human life, has gotten corrupted over time.

Some would say occult means “that which is hidden.”  Well, it did indeed become hidden because there were power-hungry people who wanted to use the power of the occult but didn’t / don’t want others to do so.  So, they wanted to hide it away for themselves and they would literally kill anyone else who knew of it, so that was plenty enough reason for everyone else to hide it away.

It could also be considered “hidden” just because the occult actually bothers to address your Divine Feminine aspect (the hidden / unconscious), ya know, your intuition / inner knowingness (gnosis) / connection to God.

But the origin of the word “occult” means the “cult / culture” of “oc / ak” or light. Occult means the culture of light.  You can’t benefit from the “culture of light” if you have bought into the be-lie-f that it is “bad”.  I hope for your sake that you shed that be-lie-f since it is not serving you.  This is all so in keeping with how the global cabal control agenda operates in this world – anything good is labeled bad and the bad is labeled as good.  Upside down world.

Even Life itself tends to reserve the disclosure of occult meanings only to those who truly want it… for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

People may not even think of the culture of light as going by that word “occult” but if they truly desire and Intend to get to the truth of life, of this world and beyond, then such will, over time, be revealed to them.

But if someone does not truly desire to know and understand, then not even the truth knocking at their door or provided on a silver platter will get through to them.

We are in a world of duality and this song flat says it itself – two paths to take – so either you are moving towards the light or away from it.

One way to think of light is knowingness and not necessarily in a logical sort of way (although not denying that either) but more as an intuitive knowingness.  And the complement would be darkness, which could be interpreted as ignorance (“in the dark”), which ultimately results in disempowerment.

So, with this as a backdrop, I’ll interpret these song lyrics.

There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold
And she’s buying a stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she’s buying a stairway to heaven.

In this context “gold” refers to materialism. This lady is trying to buy her way into “heaven”, basically trying to buy her happiness and joy through material things and lots of them. She also seems to have the means (money) to get what she wants.  At that level, money talks.

There’s a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
‘Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.

When it comes right down to it, these lines are as much an explanation or a heads up for the listener of the song as describing what the character herself understands. They tell you that THAT is exactly what is going on here – same words having two meanings. And the lady of the song knows this too.  Is the “sign” she is seeing telling her one thing or something completely different?  Is she interpreting the “signs”, the subtle divine guidance, correctly?

In a tree by the brook, there’s a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.

In this world of illusion, which does indeed have its good side, its brooks and songbirds, but nevertheless is still an illusion, it’s easy to have doubt and apprehension… what is real, what is not?  Do you put your energies into the illusion which is so tangible, seemingly so real OR do you put your energies into what you know in your heart of hearts to be the TRUE reality and yet which is so danged subtle.

There’s a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.

The west (in part, from some perspectives) is associated with endings or death – “my spirit” is crying to leave this world. This is not the spirit’s natural world but is an illusion for the sake of experience.

In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.

I’ll say I’m not sure of exactly how to interpret these lines but I’ll go ahead and say that the divine has many ways to send you messages and I’ve often joked that for those who refuse to “see” the signs, who deny the guidance, I’ll say, “How many more ways can the message get sent to you?  What is left?  Smoke signals?”

The voices of those who stand looking?  *shrug*  ?  Those beings who are outside the illusion of this Earthly realm, those of the higher realms, putting their voices into the person’s thoughts… ?

And it’s whispered that soon, if we all call the tune,
Then the piper will lead us to reason.

If we ask for guidance, we will get it. “Ask and ye shall receive.”

And a new day will dawn for those who stand long,
And the forests will echo with laughter.

A new day, a new creation will indeed manifest for those who commit themselves to its creation, who are diligent, then there will indeed be much joyous laughter.

If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow, don’t be alarmed now,
It’s just a spring clean for the May queen.

If there is a stirring beneath the surface, inside you, it’s a chance to cleanse and purify yourself. Flow with it.

Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There’s still time to change the road you’re on.

In this world of duality, a free-will realm, you can move to the light or away from the light, but even if you’ve chosen darkness, albeit perhaps unconsciously, you can always choose again and turn back to the light.

Your head is humming and it won’t go, in case you don’t know,
The piper’s calling you to join him,

When you catch the “spark”, when you get some clue of the divine message, you just can’t shake it, it does indeed make your head hum and the divine is calling you to follow its guidance.

Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?

The divine guidance is often subtle. Are you tuned in to catch that subtle guidance?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.

As we move through our earthly lives, we move further into darkness / ignorance / disempowerment / separation from spirit (shadows) and further away from our conscious awareness of our souls.

And also, again, here is reference to the West, which is endings / death – your shadow would be “tallest” / longest when the sun is low in the sky, like about to set in the West.  The metaphor being that as we go further into life, towards the west, the end of our life, the memories of our Earthly life can seem much bigger than our connection to our own soul, which feels like a very faint and still fading distant memory.

There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.

Is this lady we all know, is she the Holy Spirit?

Let’s diverge a bit to talk about that…. The way that Catholicism presents the Holy Trinity is with “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit / Ghost”.

Now let’s think about this for a minute, eh.  What exactly is this Holy Trinity metaphor pointing to?  In a nutshell, it’s about 2… mmm… entities (beings?  forces?) uniting and creating yet a third entity.  Ok, so a metaphor for that which contained “Father and Son” would also contain “Mother”.  It takes a Father and a Mother to make a Son.

But the PTWs (powers that were, the cabal in all its various forms over time) created an imbalance in this world by creating a patriarchy, hiding feminine energy from the world / other people in any way they could (not too difficult as the feminine is the “hidden”, the subtle side of duality naturally anyway), while maintaining the knowledge and power of it for their own use.  So, the feminine aspect became the “Holy Spirit”, hidden under another name.

In the Holy Trinity metaphor:

The Father is God – All That Is / Prime Creator / Divine / Infinite Light / the “void”/ INFINITE POSSIBILITIES  (many names, one God) – Heaven

The Son is the physical realm, human / incarnate soul, masculine energies – Earth – and…

The Mother / Holy Spirit, feminine energies, is the connection between Heaven and Earth.  And this connection can be seen from our human perspective as Intuition, Inspiration, Imagination (all the “in-” words / wards, inwards, which is where you will find all these things).  It’s how the Divine gets information (another “in-” word / ward) to us.

Throw a “w” in “holy” and you’ll get closer to the Truth of things.  Holy becomes Wholly (Whole-ly).    Combining the Divine Masculine (human-level aspect of self) with the Divine Feminine (Divine connection aspect of self) in the Sacred Union between the two…  makes you Whole, makes you return to your True Divine Self and in a very conscious way.  Masculine and Feminine are not opposites, they are Complements, as in “to complete”, they complete each other.  They “make whole”, which is just exactly what “heal” means.

“The Lovers” card from the Gilded (covered with gold!  love the synchronicity) Tarot deck represents this relationship:

The masculine energies (material, worldly, physical, human-level self) look to the feminine energies (intuition, Divine Connection, etc.) for information, who in turn look up to the Divine (Divine Self and God) for information (light).

This particular depiction / representation on the Gilded deck for The Lovers card is rather unique.  Michael Tsarion described this card and I used to use the Gilded deck and recognized the depiction from his description.

The Lovers card was originally The Choice card, but because what many older traditional decks depicted on it was a man standing between two women, basically indicating he was making a choice between the two, it morphed into “The Lovers” card.  But that original choice in “The Choice” card could be any choice someone was faced with.

I want to tell you about one additional thing I noticed in this particular Gilded deck depiction, which is that the warrior / soldier type seems to have the woman’s wrist in a rather controlling, domineering, “wrist lock” sort of hold.

Now men, before you get your man panties in a bunch… none of what I’m talking about or what is being depicted here is about GENDER.  It’s about Masculine and Feminine ENERGIES, which is or needs to be part of ALL of you, regardless of your own gender.

So… what I see by this “wrist lock” is that the Masculine side of self – the human / worldly / left-brained / logic / reason / limited (disempowered and brainwashed / veiled) side of self – kinda tries to keep the Feminine side of self (Divine Connection side) in check, under control, reined in… to the silly soul in human form’s own detriment.  And that is his right hand that does that – the Masculine side of the body (left-brain / head and right side of body are Masculine – crossing over from head to body, and science will tell you that’s how the brain works as far as what side of the brain controls what side of body – a crossover).

While his left arm (Feminine side of the body, controlled by the right brain) holds the woman up – the Feminine side of the human-level self “holds up” the Divine Feminine / Divine Connection… the right brain holds Divine Connection in high regard.

The Gilded Royale’s (newer Gilded deck) “The Lovers” depiction I think demonstrates both sides of this even more (and symbolizes even more things) and what actually made me notice the “wrist lock” in the original Gilded deck.  Search for “Gilded Royale The Lovers” and see depiction, which I’ll describe here.

The depiction of the woman is pretty much the same – same posture and hand gestures.  But now the man (still a soldier / warrior – for good or for ill) is even bigger and more muscled up and instead of holding the woman up in the air, he stands next to her and kinda towers over her.  But his left arm (Feminine side of body) embraces her, while his right hand seems to be pointing down, kinda indicating the mundane-level world, for good or for ill – could be about holding down one’s Divine Feminine / Divinely Connected side, but could also be a good thing indicating being well-grounded.

Then… he is transparent, illusory.  Appropriate.  Our human / earthly / mundane self, as real and solid as it seems, is just an ex-perience, an illusion.  Our Divine Connection is more True than our human experiences.

The “twin towers” – Boaz and Jachin are also featured in the Royale deck.  One more pointer to Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.  Walk between the two pillars, connecting the two in Sacred Union to return to your True Divine Self… and… if you master this while you are incarnate in human form, you will ascend and take on a new 5D Crystaline (Christ) human physical body.  Full-body transplant anyone?

See this rather interesting article: The Esoteric Meaning of the Twin Pillars Boaz and Joachim (Jachin).

For an interesting perspective on the Holy Trinity, kinda from a science angle and yet told in layman’s terms, see the book “Punk Science – Inside The Mind Of God” by Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton.

Also see my post The Speed of Light = The Speed of Thought

So, in the song… here are the lyrics again, since I digressed for a while there…

There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.

The Divine – through your Divine Feminine aspect / the Holy Spirit wants to shine the light for you and show you… gold! And in this case, here is a word already used in this song, which now has a different meaning, just like the lyrics told you words sometimes have!

Early in the lyrics it meant money and materialism, but now it’s more to do with alchemy, with turning lead into gold, which is a metaphor for changing a mundane level human into a god, which is their true essence. And “Hu” was a god and hence “hu-man” means “god-man”.

And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.

If you learn to recognize the divine’s subtle guidance and do whatever you have to do to hear it, you will indeed hear it.

When all are one and one is all

When you again realize your own personal wholeness and unity, then also see your unity with all else, but this order is significant – unify all parts of your own individuation first – recognize and reconnect with your soul and your creative powers – then you can truly unify with other beings.

To be a rock and not to roll.

Be committed, firm, diligent in knowing the truth, in knowing your true divine and powerful self, be a rock…and in not getting caught back up into the world of illusion and distraction that wants to keep you from being your powerful and divine self, do not roll back into ignorance and disempowerment and separation from the divine / spirit / your soul.

And she’s buying a stairway to heaven

… not with money, but by doing her inner work.

And THAT is the true way to Heaven.

See also:

The Speed of Light = The Speed of Thought

Masculine AND Feminine
