Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of Western Religion

(might want to grab a cup of tea before starting this one)

Let’s start with this – as George Orwell said, “Those who control the present, control the past. Those who control the past, control the future.”

Regardless of your opinion of AG William Barr, he understood this. Late in his time as Trump’s AG, he was asked in an interview, “How will these times go down in history?” to which AG Barr responded, “It depends on who wins.”

In case you don’t know what George Orwell was communicating there, it is this: whoever is in control in the present gets to write history the way they want to. If they can get you to swallow their version of the past, they can use that to steer you to create the future they want you to create – your creative energies hijacked for the cabal’s purpose / agenda.

“History is nothing but the lies that are no longer disputed.” ~ Napoleon Bonaparte

(from the novel “Empire of Lies” by Raymond Khoury)

More and more folks are waking up to the present-day global cabal, but still far too many don’t understand that this control agenda has been here since the beginning of humanity. What does that matter? Well, through many lifetimes, many of you have been programmed. You can’t just stop new programming from happening, you have to undo / release the age-old programs. Take out the garbage. Those programs are causing problems. You continue to run those disempowering programs and you continue to hurt yourself, your fellow human, the planet and all of its lifeforms.


Ok… about 40,000 years ago, a race of beings called the Anunnaki came to Earth. They were mining for gold here. But their own people went on strike.

So, their leader, Anu, asked his son Enki – a genetics engineer – to create a slave race. Enki used the Anunnaki’s own DNA combined with the DNA of an already existing hominid from Earth. Enki had two goes at this, because… the first race he created were too intelligent – read “Divinely Connected” – to go for that slave b.s. So, Enki was back to the drawing board. With the second race he created, he dumbed them down a bit. He split the race into two genders and split their brains into two hemispheres.

As I’ve said before and will now say again – the physical changes were one thing, but the brainwashing put on top of it kinda sealed the deal. Yep, sadly for the human race – the 2nd race that Enki created – a slave race resulted.

First, let me give you an ever-so succinct summary of the Garden of Eden story that the cabal tell you. Their version of that history, which so many of you have heard so many times before. So… their version goes like: The serpent was evil. Eve was duped. And Adam was a good little boy.

Now, I’ll tell you another succinct summary of the TRUE story of the Garden of Eden.

The first race that Enki created were the serpents (yes, plural). Yep, they resembled their Anunnaki / reptilian cousins. (So what? Are you going to get all racist and claim the serpents were “evil” because they resembled their Anunnaki / reptilian cousins? Really?) They were the ones who were too intelligent and wouldn’t go for being slaves. They kept their eyes on the Anunnaki though and saw that they had genetically engineered another race of people – the Adams and the Eves (yep, again, plural), who more closely resembled their hominid cousins. So, the serpents went to the Garden of Eden to WARN the Adams and the Eves! It went something like this: Serpents said, “They created us serpents to be a slave race but we didn’t go for it, so they created you Adams and Eves to be their slave race. We’re here to warn you. You don’t have to become their slaves.

So, if we summed this up as succinctly as I did the cabal’s version of the Garden of Eden story, it would go like this: Anu was evil, the serpents warned humans about this, the Eves caught a clue and the Adams were duped… and those duped Adams swore their loyalty and obedience to Anu (and the Anunnaki, their oppressors), their “God” (when in reality, just a little ‘g’ god).


One’s left brain is conscious / logical / based in reason. One’s right brain is about unconscious / intuition / based in knowingness / gnosis, ya know, Divine Connection. As I’d said elsewhere, the Eves, being more naturally right-brained (Divinely Connected), caught a clue, while the Adams, who were practically right-brain-dead, weren’t even quick enough to catch a cold. 🙂

Unfortunately for BOTH the Adams and the Eves, the dummy Adams were bigger and stronger… and they were told they were good little boys. Well, I guess I don’t have to tell you who won out since humanity has been rather Divinely DIS-connected for thousands of years. And that’s what the imbalance of a patriarchy does for ya – it creates major dumbed down and Divinely disconnected beings. A matriarchy would also be imbalanced but would at least have Divine connection which could guide them well. A patriarchy is just flat more controllable. Perhaps that has become blatantly obvious now, hmm?!

Notice I said that the patriarchy was unfortunate for BOTH the Adams and the Eves. Uh huh. Many a woman has been beaten, stoned, burned at the stake down through time here in this patriarchy. And for what? Mostly for being intuitive. Ya know, Divinely Connected. CONNECTED TO GOD! Sounds criminal doesn’t it? Not. But that’s how the Anunnaki and the global cabal who serve them told it. Any men who were used by the cabal as “useful idiots” in the persecution of women were participating in their own undoing. Those women could have taught the right-brain-dead men how to be Divinely Connected. At least if a woman died being burned at the stake for being intuitive, she still had her connection to God. The men who lit the pyre? Not so much. Still just beasts with no Divine Connection. Yep, the patriarchy may have hurt souls more while they were in male form than while they were in female form. Many souls have been both male or female during many incarnations here, but their female incarnations, although challenging, may have served their soul better at eventually returning to their True Divine Self and God.

Since I directed the last post to Alex Jones, let’s include him in a present-day parallel to the Garden of Eden story, which is pretty much the archetypal story of Prometheus – anyone who dares bring the truth to humanity will be attacked, tortured, ruined, perhaps killed and definitely vilified. Alex knows that first hand. What Alex? You only recognize what’s going on if it’s aimed at you? Buy a clue!

So, Alex would be like the serpents, here to warn humans of their impending enslavement. The Eves would be like Alex’s audience, being intuitive enough to at least recognize truth when someone like Alex tells them. And “the woke” (ya know, here in the cabal’s upside-down world / Orwellian world – the Walking Zombies / Sheeple / Useful Idiots / Programmed Robots are called “woke”, when they’re anything but) are like the Adams – dumb as stumps, but their oppressors tell them they are the smart ones and everyone else is crazy and their stupid fat egos just want to “be the smart one”. And this is how the insane end up running the asylum.

Let’s also talk about the Garden of Eden story in terms that many of you are familiar with. Anu is who you all call “Satan”. No capitalization. Not a name. Small letter ‘s’ satan is just a word… that means “adversary, accuser or opponent.” Yep, fitting term for the role that Anu has played in this veiled, dualistic ex-periential realm.

And the Anunnaki are who many of you call “demons”. Again, many of you don’t know your own languages (dictionaries can be so helpful, use one – WHAT YOU WANT IS WORD ORIGIN – older dictionaries may be better since “they”, the global cabal, are rapidly changing word meanings, more ongoing corruption of the language, but regardless of the dictionary, just breeze right by the lists of “definitions” and go right to WORD ORIGIN), so you don’t realize that all “demon / daemon” means is (little ‘g’) “god”. Yep, accurate again, the Anunnaki were / are indeed little ‘g’ gods. But so are you! That’s the part they didn’t want you to know. ‘Cuz you know, Divinely Connected beings don’t go for being slaves. As William Henry likes to put it, “Christs don’t pay their taxes.” Ha!

Yeppers, the Truth of the Garden of Eden story is a bit different than the cabal’s version that everyone hears. Completely 180 degrees out of phase. Talk about “upside down world”. It’s been going on since the beginning of the human form.

So, you all have a certain “knowingness” / gnosis about this story. So, even if you don’t understand what “satan” and “demon” really mean, applying the real meanings of “satan” to Anu and “demon / daemon” to the Anunnaki, yep, it’s still accurate. You just don’t realize what exactly you’re saying.

But now here’s the complete and utter disconnect / blockage that Christians and others have around this story. Another name for Anu, was Yahweh. Yep, the god (nope, not God, but god) of the Old Testament. And yes indeedy schweetie, the entity that so many of you RIGHTLY call “Satan”. Anu = Yahweh = “Satan”.

Nope, Yahweh is not God / The All That Is / Prime Creator / Infinite Light / The Isness (or whatever term / title you care to use). Yahweh did indeed peddle himself as being big ‘G’ “God”. Sounds completely like a “satan” to do such, huh?!

I laugh to hear so many Bible thumper types keep saying, “The ‘devil’s’ (no such thing, that’s an icon created by ‘the church’ to fear monger) biggest deception is convincing people he doesn’t exist.” The devil doesn’t exist.

Nope, no “devil”, no capital / big letter ‘s’ “Satan” either. Plenty of satanists though. And, whether they realize it or not, the “god” they answer to is Anu / Yahweh / “Satan”. Some at the top of the cabal are well aware of who their “god” is. The “useful idiot” types may not understand who they call “Satan” really is either… just like Jews and Christians don’t understand. All are “worshiping” Yahweh, but don’t understand that Yahweh = Anu = “Satan”.

I just wanna keep saying, “Doesn’t this all sound too familiar?” Those who dare to control you claim to be something they are not and they lie to you and keep information from you so that you cannot strive towards your own Christ Consciousness, your own Christ potential. They have no new tricks. They’re doing it now and some of you who bought the Yahweh lie can see the cabal’s present-day lies. You know how they operate. Why is this such a stretch for you? Connect the dots already. There are many researchers who would be happy to help you. God would be happy to help you too.

To this day, many a Christian man STILL chooses to vilify women since that seems to be easier for them than tending to their own healing. They have no clue that they are actually vilifying the outward representation (women) of their OWN Feminine Energy.

(Little ‘g’) god forbid (little ‘g’ gods doing this to themselves) these men bother to tap into THEIR OWN Feminine energies, which IS their connection to God. What “the church” hid under the ever nebulous term “holy ghost / holy spirit”. (Throw a “w” in there and it makes some sense – whole-y – to make whole.)

Poor, wimpy men, boo hoo, getting all “blamey”, somehow thinking that by being spiritually ignorant they are better than those who actually know / “gnow” (gnosis) something… who could help them make Divine Connection. But their big, fat egos just couldn’t handle THAT TRUTH – “What? These vile women are more spiritually connected than almighty me?” Yep, these Christian men are just as bad as “the woke” people on the left. Someone told them (or programmed them that) they were the “smart ones”. Done with that fucked up paradigm yet? See the splinter in the “left’s” eye? Use that to help FIND and CLEAR the log in your own eye.

Yep, the Anunnaki and the cabal fed you bullsh*t and you Jews and Christians swallowed it whole. But you just have to point the finger at someone else ‘cuz your egos are WAY too big for you to admit that you were gullible… and were duped. The wisdom of children – “You point a finger at someone, you’ve got three more pointing back at you.” Suck it up and acknowledge you were duped and get to the Truth. God is Truth. You continuing to think that the very entity you call Satan is God is NOT Truth and you’re continuing to be sucked even deeper into the lie that Anu / Yahweh / “Satan” sold you… and getting further and further from God.

There were plenty of clues that Yahweh is not God. Here are just a few simple but fundamental ones…

Yahweh was male. God does not have gender.

Yep, I myself have / can / do use the male pronoun often for God, but for balance I also use the female pronoun for Earth / Gaia when, just like with God, neither the planet or its soul essence have gender, but as long as silly, brainwashed religious people keep saying “Father God”, I’ll keep saying “Mommy Earth”… to keep emphasizing the need for Balance, Wholeness and Integration of the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine… and the Sacred Union between the two.

By saying “Father God”, yes, that indicates that you are talking about Yahweh, who you all call Satan. I’ll spell it out for you – You all proclaiming loudly that you are loyal to “Father God” is you saying that you are loyal to Satan. Really? Time to let your be-lie-fs fall by the wayside and EMBRACE THE TRUTH. You do create through your Thoughts, Words and Deeds afterall. Do you really want to keep telling the Universe, which will faithfully reflect your creations to you, that you are loyal to and worship a “Father” God, a “him”, a “he”, which all implies THAT IS NOT GOD / THE ALL THAT IS / PRIME CREATOR?

The fact that Yahweh had gender implied he had a physical body, which, again, God does not have. We individuated souls are how God ex-periences being in physical form – through us.

You also get the distinct impression from Biblical scripture that Yahweh (and his people) were interacting on the physical level with humans. Again, not something God would do… except, of course, through other individuated souls.

And… God does not have a name.

As a side note here… Constitutional lawyer and conservative radio host Mark Levin said about a year ago that he’d been meeting with his rabbi because Mark knows American history very well, but doesn’t know ancient history. He wanted to know who “this king” and “that king” were in scripture. Now, if his rabbi actually thinks that Yahweh is God, well, as I’m sure Mark’s lawyer mind could understand, if you start with a false premise and continue on from there, you won’t get closer to the truth, but further from it. So, if there was a king who was “loyal to Yahweh” and you think Yahweh is God when he’s really “Satan”, well, that tells a much different story about that king, eh? Yep, a story that is 180 degrees out of phase with the truth.

And the whole thing with Adam and Eve “eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil” is not what most have been brainwashed to think. Yahweh (NOT God) said that sort of knowledge was a bad thing. Think about this folks. You’ve been told that knowing about the ex-istence of and the difference between good and evil is a bad thing. After all that has happened in recent years, do you still think that? Many of you have awakened to the evils in the world and so now you can have some inkling of what it takes for you to not participate in and not energize evil yourselves or how not to be duped by it and how not to keep being wimpy and laying down for it. Ya know, being “evil” yourself. Again… God did not tell Adam and Eve to not eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. YAHWEH did! YAHWEH IS NOT GOD! Yahweh did not want humanity to understand what he was really about.

It reminds me of the three monkeys – see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. If you refuse to see it, refuse to hear it or about it, refuse to speak of it… it’s not going anywhere, but it will keep working on you and yep, fill you.

Look at how many of you – yeah YOU – have bought in to what the cabal has offered up to you, down through time, using this “entity” or that organization, etc. You do it over and over again. They just change the name, the “face” of the source of that garbage b.s. They will use and have used western religion, parading around as “spiritual”. They will use and have used communism, parading around as “liberal”. Aren’t you all done being that gullible?

I’ve said elsewhere that many think the “mark of the beast” is an RFID chip and that it will be accepted willingly. What haven’t you accepted willingly that the cabal has offered you down through time? They distract you with all manner of nonsense and you just keep going for it. Breads and circuses. Meanwhile you’re too distracted to deal with what really matters.

They keep giving you toxic, nutrient-depleted faux food and you keep buying it and eating it… and growing it. You make excuses for not eating Natural, Whole, Organic food. Ya know, REAL food. You say you can’t afford it. In Truth, you can’t afford not to eat it. Health is wealth. What? By this point you haven’t figured out that if you don’t have your health, you don’t really have diddly? You’ve traded your health for all manner of nonsense.

They keep giving you dangerous, unhealthy technology and you keep using it. I heard someone say something about the free energy that Nikola Tesla was working on, where “power” could be just broadcast through the air. This person talking about it said it may not have been “healthy” but it was free. Actually Tesla understood that HIGH FREQUENCY energy is not the danger that low frequency energy is. The low frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz power lines running through the walls of buildings is really disharmonic. You may have noticed that when the power is out, you feel better. Even beyond just getting you off your devices and shutting down your noisy electric contraptions.

Evil spelled backwards is “live”. Many of you sound like you really want to “live”, but your idea of living is a far cry from the kind of “living” that God would like for you, that you would SO enjoy… when you get there.

Make sure you get to the whole truth so you COMPLETELY quit participating in “evil”. If you don’t know about the difference between good and evil, you can get caught up in evil. You all have been. Yeah, I said it. In a nut shell, by convincing humans that knowledge of or the ability to discern between good and evil is bad, humans have been put under a consciousness veil, part of what started the “free will” ex-perience.

So that was the beginning of Judaism.

Now let’s look at Christianity.

The true, original Christians were the Gnostics. They were very literally the New Agers of their day. That’s how it’s been for quite some time. Soul groups from elsewhere incarnate here to help humanity wake up and yep, to shift from the energies of one astrological age to another.

The Gnostics told the Jesus story. Jesus is not a real soul / person but a fictional, archetypal character, one who shares an awful lot of characteristics with older / earlier archetypal characters. Those characteristics are not unique to Jesus. These stories and characteristics are from very old pagan archetypes. (See video at bottom of page – which I had not seen before writing this post, but God wanted me to find it so I added it and it jives with what I’m pointing you to.)

The story the Gnostics told was very enlightening and empowering and yeppers, much archetypal / symbolic information embedded into that allegory – a story told to teach you something, if you would bother to use your feminine energy / right brain / intuition / Direct Connection to God and learn about archetypes and sacred symbology. God would love to help! Ask and ye shall receive. And you’d better be able to handle the truth. God is Truth. If you dismiss the Truth just because it runs headlong into YOUR be-lie-f system, you are dismissing God. Really? You still want to keep doing that?

So, yeah, fictional, archetypal characters, so the story is not about them, it’s about you and your own Christ potential. (any Christian who stumbled upon this post is now either shrinking into their own self-imposed “unworthiness” or their be-lie-fs have gone ape shit, feeling so very threatened by the TRUTH of their own POWER – how are they expected to keep shirking responsibility, or keep “playing small” and camping out in victimhood if that pesky Truth just keeps showing up? dang it anyway)

I see so many Christians wanting to quote “Jesus” all the time, but they seem to always breeze right over this line – “Have I not said ye are gods? You too shall do these and greater things.” And boy oh boy have the Christians been “playing small”, ya know, for a bunch of Divine and Powerful Creator gods.

Well, the Gnostics, just like the serpents and the archetypal character of Prometheus (and Alex Jones), were bringing light, truth, empowerment to humans. The cabal couldn’t have that.

So, the cabal’s version of history tells us that Saul / Paul converted to Christianity. Nope. Saul / Paul was cabal. I don’t just say that to sound like Longfellow. Saul / Paul would pursue and kill Gnostic Christians. But no matter how many he and others killed, the Gnostic Christian movement would not stop. So Saul / Paul hijacked Christianity by starting “the church”, so he could steer Christianity where he wanted it to go.

He said that Jesus was an actual soul incarnate as human. Nope. Not true. Saul / Paul also said that Jesus was special… implying you’re not. He said Jesus was the “only son of God”… implying you all are NOT sons and daughters of God. (Lowly / humble you. Not!) So, you are to worship Jesus and of course to them “worship” has a “lesser than” / disempowering slant to it, just like how the cabal want you to be. And Christians claim that pagans were “sun worshipers” when in reality it is the Christians who are the son / sun worshipers. Jesus was the archetype for the Divine Masculine / the Solar Masculine. Nothing wrong with having that Divine Masculine Energy, but without YOUR Divine Feminine Energy you are not complete. The Masculine and Feminine are not opposites, but COMPLEMENTS, as in “to complete”.

The cabal have Christians worshiping Jesus. JESUS IS A FICTIONAL, ARCHETYPAL CHARACTER IN AN ALLEGORY! Talk about idol worship.

Does what I’m telling you sound upside down compared to what you’ve been conditioned to think? Uh huh. Actually, what I am saying is right side up. It’s the cabal’s twisted versions of things, the be-lie-fs they have planted in YOUR psyche, that’s upside down. At this point, is that really any surprise to you? Really?

Silly programmed Christians will say dumb ass sh*t like, “If you just believe in Jesus, you can return to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. ” I suppose if you just believe in Cinderella, you too can go to the ball.

But even if Jesus was a real person / soul, it’d still be stupid and disempowering to “worship” him (in the corrupted, disempowered conventional sense of the word “worship”). That’s one soul worshiping another soul. *shaking head* You’re putting yourself in a “lesser than” mentality. Yep. Disempowering!

And I suppose if someone with cancer just “believes in a healthy person”, they too can be healthy. The healthy person is healthy because they aligned their Thoughts, Words and Deeds with health. That’s how you create. You cannot ride someone else’s coattails to health. And you can’t ride someone else’s coattails to Ascension / Christhood / “the Kingdom of Heaven”.

Now, the word origin of “worship” literally means “worthiness, acknowledgement of worth.” That’s great. God is worth it. But! God is THE ALL THAT IS. Everything and everyone are worth acknowledging their worth. You don’t do that, you’re dissing God. Hell, even the archetypal character of “Jesus” is worthy information.

But I don’t see any of you “worshiping” yourselves, as in ACKNOWLEDGING YOUR OWN WORTH. That’s the problem.

The biggest ego issue with Joe Average human is not feelings of grandiosity, but having a “lesser than” mentality. “I’m not worthy. I can’t do what Jesus did ‘cuz I’m just a scum-sucking, worthless, bottom-feeder nothing.” Err! Wrong answer! You’re not as grand as a FICTIONAL CHARACTER? WTF? Unlike “Jesus”, you are an actual soul! You’re here actually doing this whole human incarnation thing. YOU are NOT merely a fictional character.

Even egomaniacs (feelings of grandiosity) are the way they are because they have some major self-worth issues.

I hear even Alex Jones say, “We’re not Christ-like, we’re not perfect.” Alex, JUST EXACTLY THAT, being Christs (not merely Christ-like) is what you are all being urged to right now, in these times. CLEAN UP YOUR LANGUAGE! You create through your Thoughts, Words and Deeds. Quit telling yourself that you are not worthy… because, by Thinking and Saying that you are not worthy, THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE CREATING! Really? Haven’t had enough of that ex-perience yet? Yeah, you may not be a Christ quite yet, but that is what you need to aim for, so Think, Speak and Act like you are a Christ… and you eventually will be.

This is another one of the cabal’s old tricks – to get you to worship something / someone outside of yourself. They also like to turn non-entities into supposed real entities. It could be Jesus, it could be Moloch, neither of which are actual entities.

Moloch, just like “satan”, is just a word. It comes from the Hebrew word “mlk”, which means “sacrifice” and that sure as hell isn’t about roasting your children on a fire, it’s about letting go of what no longer serves you, ya know, like be-lie-fs. It doesn’t matter if the made-up entity is “good” or “bad”. The disempowering part of worshiping (in the conventional / disempowering sense) any entity is not about the entity but about worshiping something outside of yourself… and dissing yourself big time in the process. You are the part of God that you were put in charge of and you want to dis yourself? Really?

Yeah, yeah, I know, if you actually acknowledge your own Power and Worth, then ya might have to actually OWN ’em along with owning your own CREATIONS and a part of you knows that if you want to reach your glorious potential… you’ve. got. some. work. to. do. Ahh, poor babies. You want the Power but don’t want to take Responsibility (the ability to respond). Good luck with that.

You wanting and expecting what a (supposed) former Christ accomplished by merely riding his coattails is like a teenager who wants a fancy car like his folks have, but he doesn’t want to do the work that the folks did to get it. He just wants to hold out his hand and have a set of keys dropped into it.

Getting Christians to think Jesus is their savior keeps Christians sitting back on their heels, doing nothing to save themselves. They’re waiting for someone to swoop in and save them. Talk about “magical thinking”. (and they say New Agers are “woo woo”)

And, what exactly would anyone save you from? Yourself? Your own creations? No one else makes your choices, lives your life, is in charge of you, creates for you. So how would they “save” YOU?

YOU are your savior.

Here’s a novel idea – if you don’t like what you’ve created, create something different!

Jesus’ greatest apostle and his partner was Mary Magdalene. She was the archetype for the Divine Feminine / the Lunar Feminine (or / also the Hidden Sun / “the black hole that isn’t black” Feminine). No, she wasn’t a prostitute, she was a harlot. Mary practiced sex magic, using sexual energy / ecstatic energy for spiritual purposes. She helped Jesus reconnect to his Ka body / Light body so he could ascend. He had his own bag of healing tricks and gave Mary a chakra clearing – what the Bible thumpers call “having seven demons driven from her”. Nope. Just a chakra clearing.

But, just like the Anunnaki created imbalance and lack of Divine Connection by creating a patriarchy right at the start of the human race, “the church” reinforced that by making “Jesus” (ya know, the Divine Masculine / Solar Masculine / son / sun) “special” and by vilifying Mary Magdalen, the Divine Feminine. The cabal couldn’t let humans know about their Divine Feminine aspect or they just might connect into God and realize / re-member they are Divine and Powerful Creator gods… who won’t be good little slaves, who do as they are told.

Even symbolically, “the church” eventually made it a crime for artists to portray “Mary” in red. They were allowed to have her dressed in blue. That would point to the “wise old woman” / Mother Mary NOT to Mary Magdalene. The cabal don’t want you to know what Mary Magdalene points to symbolically. See the post titled Lucifer for more on the three aspects of feminine energy, represented by red, white and blue.

The next big bumping up of the dumbing down of Christians happened with the compilation of the Bible in the 4th century. Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicea put the Bible together. A Roman emperor and a bunch of church bishops. The cabal. The biggest lie of the Bible is the Lie of Omission. They had a whole world of information to draw on and you can bet they cherry picked what went into the Bible. They were “controlling the narrative”. Just like CNN does today. So, not only are you missing a lot of info, but you’re also missing the context it would bring to what did get included in the Bible. They also twisted and turned and muddied things up like CNN does also.

All of you who have swallowed the cabal’s b.s. around the 3 western religions could really stand to quit being so naive about it all. It’s really quite sickening to see today’s Christians being some of the most awakened to the present-day cabal and yet keep themselves hamstrung with old hijacked-Christianity programming that has frankly made many Christians very docile. Sick, sad, pathetic. Present-day Christians definitely have some “inertia” issues. They seemingly can’t get off the fence, out of the gray areas, out of their uncomfortable comfort zone. And yet… they fancy themselves to be so connected to God. No, not hardly.

Enough with worshiping an archetypal character in a story (idol worship!). What don’t you understand about the Jesus story pointing to YOUR OWN Christ Consciousness?!!! I know, you just don’t want to grow up. I do though hear you all screaming for your power. Power and Responsibility go hand in hand. You want your Power, you have got to take Responsibility… for your own creations.

It’s sickening to hear so many conservatives say that all they want is to be left alone. You WERE left alone through many, many incarnations / lifetimes. Left alone in your veiled-consciousness / free-will state. You didn’t learn, grow, heal or reconnect back into God. You have not graduated from this dense 3D realm. You’re still here! You’ve been in “ashes to ashes, dust to dust” mode. Round and round on the reincarnation hamster wheel. How’s that working out for ya? And you want MORE of that? You want to be “left alone” with all the distractions the cabal have given you? Do we need to install a window in your stomach so you can see straight with your heads that far up your ass? Yeah, I said it. Can you tell I’m done with your idiocy. Yeppers. Not done with the soul that you are, just your disempowered state. Time to grow up already.

As someone who brought 4th Ray / Harmony Through Conflict energy to the world to help humanity, I’m here to tell ya that conflict and adversity will help you get unstuck / off the fence / out of the gray areas. God is giving you any and every opportunity to get with it. Nope, God is NOT going to just “leave you alone”. God, like me and Hallmark gift cards, “cares enough to send the very best”, whatever it takes for you.

… and those who serve the dark ultimately serve the light. You can bet God is using the global cabal to light a big enough fire under your butts to GET YOU TO MOVE!

In 2018, when Alex Jones was getting deplatformed off of social networking, he was pulling his hair out and yet at one point he had to say, “All this adversity has gotten me closer to God.” Hallelujah! Just as Divinely planned. (By the way, hallelujah = praise ye the Lord. Have you considered the Lord here is yourself? Your Divine Self? Your, hopefully, soon-to-be Christed Self. Yeah you!)

Humanity is facing the choice between ascension or an extinction-level event. Both WILL happen. Which side will you fall on? So, ah yeah, God is NOT going to “leave you alone”. God wants you off the fence, out of the gray areas, which are disappearing rapidly. Choose! Then get ALL IN. Not a good time to be half-assed about anything. Address all aspects of your healing – body, mind, emotions, spirit. Take your hard-earned knowledge and put it into action / apply it by addressing your own inner work and by taking right action in your world.

Many of you have been through one or many paradigm shifts already. You can face this one about Jesus also. Hey, ya woke up to the truth about Santa Claus and it didn’t kill ya. You can wake up the the truth about Jesus and that won’t kill ya either… it will EMPOWER you… as the Gnostics meant for their ARCHETYPAL ALLEGORY to do for you.

To digress a wee bit… In recent years I met someone who, when they were a child, adults in their life would throw Bible scripture at them to shame, guilt and manipulate them. They got fed up with it and decided to take up a thorough study of the Bible themselves. Now, they get after clergy who don’t know as much and get things wrong. One day they came across an ex-clergyman that they knew, who was now homeless. This clergyman was sitting somewhere reading some prophetic scripture that was saying there’d be a group of people who would “deny Christ”. The scripture gave other descriptors that were throwing this clergyman for a loop and this clergyman agonizingly wondered aloud, “Who are these people who will deny Christ?” This person who had studied the Bible looked him right in the eye and said, “You!”, meaning the clergy. This clergyman was hit full force with the truth of that statement. He was beside himself.

“Christ” is not a person, but a Consciousness level. It’s the same with “Anti-Christ” – not a person, but also just another consciousness level. Which one will YOU choose?

And many, many clergy down through time have absolutely denied their own and others’ CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS. Yep, some of the biggest Christ deniers around.


One day Alex Jones said, “People don’t recognize greatness when they see it.”

(This is kinda along the line of people thinking that so-called “black holes” are actually black. No, it’s just that the light in a black hole is beyond a 3Der’s ability to perceive – too high of frequency. See post: The Speed of Light = The Speed of Thought Many dumbed down people also apparently can’t “see” other people who actually carry a lot of light.)

If Jesus were a real soul (/person) and actually showed up here, most Christians wouldn’t recognize him. Nope, they sure wouldn’t. But then why would that be any surprise. The cabal and the useful idiot clergy have been telling the Christians that a fictional, allegorical, archetypal, metaphorical, etc. story is actually about a real being / soul / person. They’ve also been led to believe utter nonsense about what it takes to prepare oneself for ascension / to attain one’s Christhood / return to the “Kingdom of Heaven”. And you can bet they’ve been brainwashed to look at superficial crap concerning what it takes to prepare oneself to ascend – do you drink, smoke, cuss? Are you gay? etc. (The New Agers would want to know if you’re a vegan… and maybe also… do you cuss, lol.) And they eat all manner of faux food and are ill from it and yet judge a healthy person who drinks, etc. All stupid nonsense. Read this blog to find out what it REALLY takes to knock out your healing and ascension process.

I am one of the 144,000 (more like ~145,000). I completed my healing process in 2006. We had to cool our heels for a while waiting for others to catch up a bit and then moved into our ascension process in late 2009 – early 2010. I finished my ascension process about a year later in early 2011. Since then, we’ve been here doing massive transmutation and light anchoring work and energetically babysitting everyone else while ya all take your sweet time finding the handles on your big kid pants. I have had very few people recognize me as the light worker / warrior I am… being already “ascension-ready“. Yep a Christ that is done in every way except actually ascending… since this is a planetary and collective effort, not a time of individual ascensions. I’ve been here since my own completion serving all these dumb asses who can’t “see” me.

Years ago, when I was in my early 40s, I met a gal in her mid-20s who was a self-proclaimed shaman. I went to tell a story about her to a metaphysics-type person. I never did get to even tell them the story I wanted to because they totally got tripped up on the “self-proclaimed shaman” bit. “Shamans don’t choose themselves. The tribe would choose who their shaman was.” I told them, “Have you been paying attention to the ‘tribe’ lately? They wouldn’t recognize sh*t if they stepped in it. They sure as hell don’t ‘see the light’.”

And no matter who, could be Christians or New Agers or whoever, they all think they’re all that, so advanced… and will be ascending (raptured?) soon… and yet once they open their mouths their disempowering be-lie-fs come flowing out… indicating nope, they’re not all that. These days, in some cases, you can’t even see their mouths because the “experts” told them to put on a mask. I know a New Ager type who keeps wearing a frickin’ mask. I’ve fantasized about giving her a mask that said “DISEMPOWERED” across it.

There will be very few of us (~1,145,000) ascending soon, before all the rest of you. For the record, all of you who might be reading this, who have known me in person, who have expressed that you will be ascending soon… *shaking head* Nope. You’ve got some massive work ahead of you – both inwardly and outwardly. Settle in for the long haul.


To digress a bit more… long story short, I was standing near a clergyman when another man stepped up and started to ask him about his church. I got the impression this man may have been new to the area and was looking for a church to attend.

One question he asked this clergyman was, “What is original sin?”

The answer given, “Thinking that you are a god.”

OMG! Again, upside down world.

No, dear duped clergyman… Think of sin as “ignorance”. One’s “Original Ignorance” would be from coming here, donning a consciousness veil and FORGETTING that you are a god.

The clergy may be some of the most brainwashed, dumb-downed, Divinely DISconnected and disempowered humans around. That has made them very dangerous indeed.


Now continuing with the history… Centuries later there were still Gnostic Christian holdouts in the world. One group were the Cathars, the Pure Ones, which is what their name means. Here again, they were bringing enlightenment and empowerment to humanity. The cabal just can’t have that. So, Pope Innocent the III sent mercenaries / hired soldiers to take out the Cathars. Where the Cathars lived they were surrounded by church people (later known as Catholics, the church stealing the name from the Cathars). There were 3 church folks for every Cathar (if I remember correctly). When the soldiers came, the church folks (Catholics), who knew the Cathars were good folks, basically said, “You’re not taking our Cathars.”

Obviously even the church followers back then had more of a spine than most present-day Christians who, at least until very recently, are / were terrified to even attend a school board meeting.

To digress a bit in that direction… a conservative radio host rightly said that many a parent, if present at a school shooting, would put themselves between the shooter and the children… but don’t ask ’em to attend a school board meeting. Ooh too scary. I guess the idea is that it’s better to be dead than be empowered. *shaking head* But, if you die before you learn how to reclaim your power, you’ll have to return here or somewhere similar.

On a grand scale, it really doesn’t matter if you or any other individuals actually pull off your ascension in this lifetime or not, but I do encourage you all to knock out as much healing as possible, which may either allow you to be free from this realm (although not “ascended”) after you pass through the death portal OR it will help you get up to speed faster in later incarnations.

And then the Marxists (ya know the top of the Democratic Party and their mainstream media propaganda machine) started calling school-board-attending parents “domestic terrorists.” Ooh, WAY too scary now. They’re calling ya all names now. Who could possibly be expected to have to face that! 🙂 Find your spines already and release your fears. Goodness sakes.

I listened to a lot of talk radio during the lockdown. Several parents who were getting after their school boards were interviewed. Sadly, most said it was the first time they’d attended a school board meeting. Yep, that’s a problem. You’ve allowed the few to control the many because “they” (the cabal) had their hands into everything in this world… and you Joe Averages haven’t “had your hands” into much of anything but the nonsense that the cabal distracted you with.

Back to history…. Well, Pope Innocent the III’s soldiers got word back to the pope, who responded with, “Kill ’em all. Let God sort ’em out.” He was willing to kill off 3 church people for every Cathar. Gee, I guess he felt threatened by the Cathars, eh?

Another group of Gnostic Christian holdouts were the Knights Templar. They were battling the cabal of their day, which was still the church and the European monarchies. Well, they had their tricks to use but the cabal finally caught onto them. The pope and the French king went after them… on Friday the 13th. That is why we talk about that day being unlucky. It was for the Templars. Some Templars were tortured and / or killed and the rest were forced underground.

Alex Jones rightly observed that the first impeachment vote of Donald Trump was on Friday the 13th. You can bet that was no accident. But Alex, in his brainwashed state put out some garbage info. He did a special report on the Templars then. If he had only listened to himself, he may have realized his error. He said early on that the info he was presenting about the Templars came from “mainline history”. That’d be like saying, “It came from the mainstream media… it must be true.” Remember, those who control the present control the past. The Anunnaki and the cabal, who answer to them, have been in control in this world most of the time. And even if there were times of enlightenment, if / when the cabal got control again, they then went about rewriting history to suit their purposes.

Alex WRONGLY said that the Templars were a “secret society”. Donald Trump, who yes has read the Art of War, said, “You don’t tell your enemies your plans.” Alex himself has said he has projects in the works but is not ready to disclose what they are. Are Donald and Alex “evil, secret societies”? Nope, just wise. The Templars were the Donald Trumps and Alex Joneses of their day, fighting the cabal of their day.

The Templars later resurfaced as the Free Masons. Many present-day researchers see the corruption in the present-day masons and see both the masons and the cabal using symbology, so the researchers wrongly think that the masons are evil and always have been. Nope, just more Gnostic Christian holdouts. The researchers also know that many of the founding fathers of the U.S. were masons, so they just assume, wrongly, that the founding fathers were bad. Nope.

There’s the old line “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”, which I think many a person wrongly thinks means if you can’t beat the opposition, just cave in to the other side. I had a revelation years ago that that line is a cabal directive to their stooges – if you can’t beat ’em… infiltrate and corrupt them from within their organizations, etc. And that is exactly what the cabal did with the masons. Some of the first indication of this was the Royal Society of Free Masons, ya know, the European monarchies’ version of masonry.

George Washington, a mason, knew of this infiltration and warned his fellow brothers about it. I said this in comments on an Info Wars site and to Alex’s credit, he looked it up. Alex found it in the Federalist Papers. Good for him, doing his own research and using his own direct connection to God and all.

A couple of present-day masons – Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight – went through their 3 initiations for their 3 masonic degrees, which included reference to Hiram Abiff. They asked their fellow masons who Hiram Abiff was. No one knew. Well, these two masons did it right. They didn’t just think, “Well, those were interesting initiations” and just went back to their lives. No, they “caught the spark” and set out on their own “Holy Grail Quest” to find out who Hiram Abiff was. I’ll let you look into that yourselves.

But in the epilogue of their book “The Hiram Key”, they said they’d heard of corruption in the masons, but when they were researching for their book, they visited many mason lodges and the masons there were very helpful, sharing whatever info they had and they were also interested and asked these two authors to please inform them when their book came out. So far, so good.

But when they released their book and went out on tour to promote their book, almost invariably someone from the Grand Lodge of London would show up to heckle them. These authors said (perhaps naively so at the time) that these hecklers obviously hadn’t read their book because they kept saying that the authors had said something they hadn’t. The cabal have no new tricks. This is exactly what the Jim Acosta types would do with Trump, ask things like “How can you say such & such?” implying Trump had said “such & such” when, no he hadn’t. So, these authors realized that there was indeed some corruption in the masons.

A little personal story… years ago, I had many an email contact, mostly lightworker types. We shared info with each other to help us all get up to speed to help this world. We mostly didn’t respond to each other and just trusted the next person to get from the info what they would. I sent out an email about the corruption in the present-day masons. A friend wrote back, something to this effect, “I’m so sick of hearing about the corruption in the masons. I’ve known many masons and they are good folks. You want to see corruption, you need to check out the Vatican.” I told them I was well aware of the corruption in the Vatican and the Catholic church, but I was raised Catholic and I knew many Catholics who were good folks. In both cases, the rank and file Catholics and masons don’t know what is going on at the top of their organizations / institutions. My friend said, “You’re absolutely right.”

Many present-day masons may have no idea that their institution is a Gnostic one. Gnosis? What’s that? William Henry had joked that what the masons do they call “the craft”. William figures that stands for Can’t Remember A Friggin’ Thing.

Gnostic = “relating to knowledge, especially esoteric, mystical knowledge”.

Knowingness. And as the word esoteric means (please use your dictionaries and see WORD ORIGIN), this is an INNER knowingness, one that comes from Divine Connection. Many people think that “esoteric” means “info that is known by only a few”. Well, sadly, that actually has been the case. But esoteric has to do with INNER KNOWINGNESS. Yeah, still, far too many DON’T know this, many people still DON’T have that inner connection. Are you one of them? Do you have that inner connection? Are you sure you can so quickly and boldly answer that in the affirmative? Check out my Divine Guidance post for some clues on the various ways that the Divine uses to communicate. Are YOU picking up on the messages that God is sending you? … or do you keep dismissing the messages?

As I said, the Gnostics were the New Agers of their day, here to usher in the Age of Pisces. The astrological age influences all Earthlings, regardless of their own personal astrological energies. God sent me many Pisces in this lifetime. Towards the end of that, before the “ascension hell” years started, I realized that God was giving me info, not about these individual Pisces, but info about the Age of Pisces.

In this veiled-consciousness, dualistic realm, everything has an up and a down side, a functional side and a dysfunctional side, a Divinely Connected side and a Divinely DISconnected side.

The Gnostics were attempting to get humanity to tap into the up side of Pisces. This is the most intuitive, naturally Divinely-Connected sign.

But one part of the down side of Pisces is… a Pisces can really play the victim / martyr / blame game.

So, in this cabal-controlled world, gee, which side of that gets dissed and vilified and which side gets pushed / promoted?

People were burned at the stake for having a Divine Connection.

And yep, the world is full of people brainwashed to be “victims”, ya know, as if to say that their own life (their creation) is somehow someone else’s fault. “Poor helpless me. I’m so ‘done unto’ by others.” Ah no. YOU create your life and reality. OWN YOUR CREATIONS!

Even depictions of Jesus… you don’t see a whole lot of depictions of Jesus learning, growing, healing, teaching. Instead you see a whole world FULL of depictions of Jesus being crucified. The cabal turned the fictional character of Jesus into your god then crucified your god. As if to say, “Your god’s not so mucking fuch. Look what we did to him. I guess we’re more powerful than your god.” Yep, they turned a fictional archetypal representation of a CHRIST (about YOUR Christ Consciousness / Christ potential / Christhood) into the ultimate martyr. That would be the conventional / corrupted meaning of “martyr”, ‘cuz, again, corruption of the language is at play here. More literally, WORD ORIGIN-wise, martyr = witness = basically a state of mental sharpness or Intelligence. Unfortunately, in this cabal-controlled world, yep, that could get ya killed. Oh well. “If you could flick the switch and open your third eye – You’d see that we should never be afraid to die

As far as Islam goes… The hijacked version of Christianity (ya know, “the church”), started the religion of Islam. Muslims could stand to be as concerned as Christians could stand to be.

Excuse that ever so brief tidbit on Islam, but I am not Muslim so have not had to clean Islamic garbage out of my psyche. I had Judeo-Christian garbage to clean out of my psyche. But I’ve pointed you to the truth and there are plenty of good researchers out there to clue you in. Do your own research and use your own Direct Divine Connection to get to the truths that you need to know.

I’ve been hearing conservative radio hosts calling what is going on “on the left” these days as “the left’s religion”. Gee, if these conservatives keep using the term “religion”, they just might eventually realize that their religion is… ya know… their own religion. Yep, just like with the left, the right’s own religion is, yep, based on be-lie-fs, put in their pea brains by someone else.

Again folks, for what I’m about to say, use your dictionary – you want WORD ORIGIN.

I’m sure if I asked most religious folks if they like the government regulating every little part of their life, they’d say they can’t stand that.

Ok, brace your religious self…. the word religion literally means “regulate”. We’re talking about having your Direct Connection to God REGULATED!!! And yet folks willingly get involved in religion. For the most part, no one is holding a gun to the Christians’ heads forcing them to go to church and forfeit their own Direct Connection to God. They willingly allow people, books and other things to get between themselves and God. And the whole “freedom of religion” thing spoken of in the U.S. Constitution… think about it… you are being told you are free to have your connection to God REGULATED. Just like with Free Will, this has been part of your ex-periences here, but really?, how much longer do you care to be Divinely DISconnected? Mmm?

You are all sovereign beings. You’re not becoming sovereign beings, just like you are not becoming gods. You are these things. Always. That means that there is nothing going on in your life that you haven’t created, either directly or by allowing others to violate your liberty and boundaries. Evil enters the world when good men fail to act.

No one can truly take authority over your life, but you sure can give it away.

And no one else can give your power back to you, but you can step up and reclaim your power.

As one of my favorite researchers (Michael Tsarion) likes to say, “You were sold a lie and worse yet, you bought it.”

No reason to take my (or anyone else’s) word for any of this. You can use YOUR OWN research skills and YOUR OWN Direct Connection to God. I’m not telling you all this to dis you. I want you to wake up and step up. Yep, time to grow up. Time to quit playing small and selling yourself short. You naturally, both as a soul of God and in your human form, have what it takes. Will you DO and BE what it takes?

Now, in no way is all the scriptural information from the three western religions a complete and utter throwaway. Hey, even CNN sometimes tells the truth. And books in the Bible originally came from different authors / sources, some who were rather Divinely Connected and others not so much. Then there was much deleted, warped and lost in translation.

And, face it, keeping you all under control has been a full-time job for the cabal – they can’t wipe out all the truth all at once and for their purposes probably didn’t really want to, ‘cuz no one would have bought in then.

But that’s what disinformation is – they mix some lies in with some truths. The truth resonates with you and helps make you swallow the lies.

They have to keep urging you to what you are not or you will eventually, organically find your True Divine Self. But yeah, your discernment (a right-brain, intuitive function based in knowingness) is absolutely required. Just ask God to help you sort through it all.

And, you’re going to have to research outside of scripture in order to get to the whole truth. You have GOT to look at ancient documents OUTSIDE OF Biblical scripture.

You on “the right” see how those who only watch CNN (or msm et al) have no clue about the Truth of things. If you only look in the Bible for these histories, insights, inspirations… you’re really no better off than the zombified CNN viewers.

Also you want to go to the ORIGINAL “scriptural” texts, in their original language (or to researchers who have looked into that for you), NOT just the highly edited, cherry picked, “cabal approved”, translated-umpteen-times stuff that ended up in “the Bible”.

Take the garbage out folks. Make sure you get it all. God would love to help you with that. Your be-lie-fs are keeping you oppressed and disempowered. Had enough of that yet?

See also:

Who Was Yahweh?

Masculine AND Feminine

The Speed of Light = The Speed of Thought

Interpretation … of Stairway to Heaven


Massive Apocalypse

Dissenting to the Dissing-of-Self Disinfo – Lessons in Walking and Chewing Gum at the Same Time

Sacred Symbology


No More Distractions

Free Will is Just a Veiled Consciousness State

Are You Letting Your Beliefs Run the Show?

Intuition, Insight, Instinct

Check out this book:

The Magdalen Manuscript: The Alchemies of Horus and the Sex Magic of Isis


In the video below you’ll see that, like I said, the story of Jesus was an old story by the time that Jesus was supposed to have lived. IT’S ARCHETYPAL INFORMATION!

You might notice some things being done centuries ago by “Christians” (the hijacked version / the church / Catholics) that are being done now by “Marxists” (top of Democrat party, mainstream media, Big Tech platforms, Hollywood, etc.) – same tactics, same global cabal, different name or face.

The rewriting of history done by both… including the following.

You’ll see that the hijacked version of Christianity loved to tear down statues, burn books and destroy libraries (shut down communications), temples and relics of ancient pagan cultures. Then they’d build their own churches, etc. on the same location of a torn-down ancient temple. The cabal understand the “power of place” just like older pagan cultures did. But the cabal didn’t even have to understand how to find these “high energy places”, they just built in the same place where they tore down something else.

Does this sound all too familiar?

Does it matter what history is erased? Good, bad or indifferent, you can learn from history… but not when it gets “erased”. Did the pagans get everything right? Nope, but they did MUCH better than most modern-day Christians. Yeah, I said it! … ‘cuz it’s a fact Jack. Tribal people and pagans also got bullied, killed, manipulated etc. by the Anunnaki, the cabal or by the cabal’s “useful idiots” (of the day) who were sucked into Divide and Conquer.

How in the hell can modern-day western religious folks so clearly see the splinter in the “left’s” eye but can’t see the log in the “right’s” eye? If Marxists tear down statues or burn books or censor, OMG! But when the Christians did it, it was ok? And when the Jews before that also did similar, that was ok? You sure about that?

History keeps repeating itself because ya all don’t study TRUE history. You keep getting duped by the cabal’s version of history. Done with that yet?

How can so many “right-of-center” folks so clearly see the present-day cabal and yet can’t see older versions of the cabal, who really have no new tricks? Why can’t they / you see the cabal’s fingerprints and footprints down through history?

These right-of-center folks keep using words and phrases on present-day cabal organizations that were ORIGINALLY used to described WHAT THEIR OWN RELIGION did years ago. The leftists attacked, attacked, attacked Trump and did everything they could to try to dredge up some dirt on Trump, to no avail, and yet what do these righties call that? A witch hunt. Who were the original “witch hunters”? The Christians! Doh!

Christians! Why do you have a disconnect, a blindspot, why the denial about things? You’ll know them by their fruits. This is about not only seeing the cabal for who they are, in whatever guise, by whatever name, it’s also about seeing their programs working inside of others, you perhaps, making you a “useful idiot” to help promote their agenda.

And too many religious folks see the cabal tapping into pagan information and just because the cabal are bad, these dumb ass religious folks just assume that pagans and paganism are bad. Pagans understand truths about God, Earth, the Solar system, the cosmos, the interconnectedness of everything. This is information that is very valuable to any soul who would actually like to learn, grow, heal and graduate from this level of ex-periential realm. The greatest enemy the pagans (literally means “villagers / country folk”) had / have ARE the global cabal. Catch a clue folks!

In recent years, when Alex Jones and Info Wars started to get banned off of social networking platforms, I saw one of Alex’s shows where a gal called in and said she never used to listen to Alex, but when she found out that Alex was being deplatformed off the internet, she wanted to know what he was saying that “they” didn’t want her and others to know. She started listening and got “red pilled” in short order.

Alex himself could learn from that caller. Alex, why in this cabal-controlled world, ya know, where the cabal have rewritten history to suit their purposes, why has paganism been so vilified, ya know, just like YOU are vilified. Buy a clue from your caller and LOOK RIGHT AT what the cabal don’t want you to see. The information / truth / wisdom that pagans and occultists put out the cabal use for their agenda, but they don’t want you to use it for your agenda – if you even have an agenda and aren’t just being slothful, which means that you “allow others to set your life agenda rather than you setting your life agenda”. (Also see High Time to “Get Real” about the Truth of Things)

There is nothing inherently good or evil in the world. It depends on the intention behind it. I would hope to God that YOUR intention will not be of the nefarious sort that the cabal have (you’ll have to release all the cabal programming in your psyche to make sure it isn’t). Get the power of paganism and the occult ON YOUR SIDE. LEARN IT AND USE IT.

As I’ve said, the cabal revise history to suit their purposes / agenda. They are mostly the ones behind all the crap in the world (along with, of course, all the brainwashed “useful idiots” down through time… like yourself perhaps?) and they really don’t have any new tricks, but why bother when the old tricks just kept working on keeping humans ignorant and disempowered. History repeats itself… because people don’t study history. Ya know, the TRUE history.

I chuckle… anything that went against the story that Constantine and the Council of Nicea put together was considered “heretical”. They make that sound like a bad thing. Heretic just means “one who thinks for themselves.” OMG! Not that! Today, those right-of-center will go on about how “the left” (well, ya know, the cabal in Marxist form) keep telling you how to think. So, what’s new? That’s what the cabal have been doing for millennia through the western religions. How dare you be a heretic! How dare you think for yourself! Nothing new here folks.

I’m also laughing at the conventional theologian type in this video (below) that apparently doesn’t like this truer version of history… when he talks, boy does he sure blink a lot. 🙂 Deceiver… or just, ya know, his be-lie-fs just can’t stand to actually look at the Truth.

Duped Christians always say “Jesus of Nazareth”, claiming Jesus was from Nazareth. It’s my understanding that the town / village or whatever of Nazareth didn’t even exist when Jesus was supposed to have lived. Being a “Nazarene” has nothing to do with a place. I’ll let you chase that down for yourself as to what “being a Nazarene” means.

This is a VERY good video… about a Christian pastor who woke up to the truth about Jesus.

I can appreciate, pick the topic, that it’s tough to sift through all the misinformation and disinformation today, especially when anything truthful tends to get censored. But yeah, God led me to this video (and I wasn’t even looking for such – yep, that’s how it often works) and it jives with what I learned years ago when the internet was still “free” and actually useable because Big Tech hadn’t yet hosed their own platforms by making algorithms to hide information. But they can’t keep the Divine from allowing the signal to get through. No better time than now to actually utilize your Divine Feminine aspect and tap into some Divine Guidance to get to the Truth.

Is This Proof That Jesus Christ Never Existed?

Watch InfoWars Fuel and Fan the Flames of the Global Cabal’s Divide and Conquer Tactics

They shouldn’t have!  No really!

Time to call the Useful Idiots over at InfoWars on their useful idiocy.  Yep, I adore those folks, but boy oh boy do they have RELIGIOUS be-lie-fs / programs that are supporting the global cabal’s agenda!  Who frickin’ knew?!  Time for all that silly nonsense to finally surface I guess.

And it’s obviously time to have a little “come to Jesus” talk with Info Wars about “Jesus” and other matters of religion.

Did you, ya know, “knowledgeable” folks over at Info Wars have any clue that the cabal is one whole hell of a lot older than a century or two?  That it didn’t just start with Albert Pike and the Robber Barons?  The beginnings of the cabal are older than homo sapiens!  They CREATED the homo-sapien form through genetic engineering!

You all have very, VERY old programs / be-lie-f systems running in your psyche and you obviously have no frickin’ clue.  Info Wars, time to wake the hell up and take the frickin’ garbage out!  It’s rotting and stinking.  Enough with pointing to other people’s be-lie-fs.  It’s high time to clean out YOUR OWN psyches!  Leave the others to clean out theirs.  That’s how this works.  You don’t get to clean up someone else’s psyche, your job is to clean out yours.  Get to it!  You are the part of the Universe you were put in charge of.  What the f*ck are you doing with it?  You’ll do far more by leading by example than you will by playing the finger-pointing game.

Yep, you’ll have to learn a bit more and yep the Truth will surely shatter your be-lie-f system / disempowering programming.  Boo hoo.  Grow the hell up and pull your big kid pants on and quit serving the global cabal as useful idiots.  You serve them out one side of your mouth, while you b*tch about them out the other side of your mouth.  *shaking head*

I’ll leave the link (below) and attach all the comments I made there myself to the maker of this video, Greg Reese, and to some others there and their responses to me, well, thus far anyway.  You can look at all the comments there yourselves.  I have included further thoughts below the comments.

THE 3 WESTERN RELIGIONS HAVE GOT TO GO!  Nothing and I mean nothing has promoted Divide and Conquer AND gotten between humans and God / All That Is / Prime Creator like these religions have – you know the religions of “Abraham’s god” – BY DESIGN!  The Hebrew word for religion means regulate.  (Similar to how government literally means “control mind”.)  That is exactly why the global cabal came up with Western religion – to get between you and God.  Wake the hell up already!

And “regulate” was a good word for it.  If “they”, the cabal in its various forms down through time, have any good sense at all about this (lord knows with a bunch of yahoos who forsook God) they would know that “regulating” (as opposed to eradicating) one’s connection to God / All That is / Prime Creator was about all they could hope for because everyone has a rather innate sense of their own Divinity and their Divine Connection to God, even if unconscious and clouded by be-lie-fs.

The old Pagan religions, the pantheon-of-gods religions got it!  These religions were what I call “Being Earthlings for Dummies”.  The Pagans told / tell you about the Earthly realm and the energies you are exposed to while living here and how to work with those energies to graduate from this Earthly / human realm / ex-perience.  But, as the character of “Jesus” told you, you’ll need the “eyes to see and the ears to hear” to understand.  The so-called “dieties” of these religions are not entities, they are energies, which are personified in allegory.   The Pagans tell allegories for the same reason that the character of “Jesus” told parables – allegory, parable, one and the same.  These stories, where energies are personified, appeal to the right brain, which is Intuition, which IS your connection to God and that is the Divine Feminine which gets played down, hidden and flat out dissed in a patriarchy.   The Pagans knew that everyone and everything IS PART OF GOD.  So did tribal spiritual practices.  They honored and respected ALL parts of God.  No parts of God are to really be “worshipped” but yes indeed HONORED AND RESPECTED… and worked with, cooperated with.  Anything and everything is connected TO YOU!  Nothing is better than you.  Nothing is lesser than you.  ALL is of God.  Individuated Souls having individuated experiences.

And yep, Honoring and Respecting Self is where it all needs to start.  Do your Soul a favor and get the damned garbage, in the form of be-lie-fs / programs, out of your psyche so you can get to the Truth.  Your Soul wants the Truth.  Your Soul is the Truth.

Hindu spirituality got it, which is why the Gnostic Christian gospels said that “Jesus” went to India to study spirituality.  Ah, but those gospels didn’t make it into the Bible now did they?  Yep, the global cabal, the WESTERN cabal, were controlling the narrative.  That’s right, thanks to Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicaea.

Hindu teachings are one of many that involve a “pantheon of gods / deities”.  I met someone from India who thought that this was “idol worship” and was silly.  Well, if someone is using it for that, yep, that is silly.  Just like worshiping or “believing in” the character of Jesus is downright silly.  But, as I keep saying, these so-called deities are not entities, but energies!  Deity does indeed mean “god”, but you could stand to think of them more as “from / of God” as opposed to “gods” themselves.  YOU are all gods.  You wield the power of these dieties, these ENERGIES… whether you know it or not.  Start using them CONSCIOUSLY.

The Chinese have such a rich spiritual history along with understanding how the Earth provides herbal medicine, etc. and how the body itself communicates its needs.  It breaks my heart to see China being communist and dissing any and all potential to connect to the Divine and to the planet.  The New Age lightworkers will be teaching the Chinese about their own spiritual history.

Meanwhile, through the 3 western religions, the cabal have Jews, Christians and Muslims dissing themselves, each other, plants, animals, the planet, the cosmos, and true wisdom.  You’ve all been so dumbed down, manipulated and disempowered.  Might as well be crapping right on God’s face.  Oh, that IS what you are doing, ya know, since God is the All That Is.  EVERYTHING is part of God.  What don’t you idiots get about that?!  Doesn’t mean you allow others to dis You either – the Soul that You are, not the dysfunctional veiled version of you.  See the post Unconditional Love if you’re having a tough time figuring out how you love, honor and respect even those who dis you… without getting walked on!  It’s called Setting Boundaries.  Learn how.  Ask God and your Higher Self for help with that.

Yep, religions have to go when it makes knowledgeable, intellectuals like those over at InfoWars go completely off the rail… and fuel and fan those divide and conquer flames.  *shaking head*  When will you get tired of being used for the cabal’s agenda?!

Hate is a poison you give yourself… hoping someone else will die.  How’s that working out for you there “Info Warriors” (hardly).

And… if you’re coming from a place of fear (the frequency opposite of Love), then you will continue to draw to you what you fear… until you face it, see it as the illusion it is, and release it.  Then watch what you used to fear not even come anywhere near you.  ‘Cuz that’s how this stuff works.  You don’t need it anymore.  Experience done.

Enough Already!  Goodness sakes!

So, here is the video I responded to.

Me to video creator Greg Reese:
Yep, religion was used early and often to dumb people down, to control and oppress, for divide and conquer. Remember, Judeo-Christian nonsense came first. It’s what Islam is based on. Duh. It’s older and has been lying to you longer. Yep, even they claim to “be the word of God”. Such audacity! Greg Reese of InfoWars, now turn your critical eye to Christianity! Will you actually release YOUR be-lie-fs in exchange for THE TRUTH?! Your be-lie-fs are hanging on for dear life, but they don’t serve you. God is Truth. Did you only want to get half way to God? Do you only want the Truth that doesn’t interfere with YOUR be-lie-fs? See this post:
The “deficiency of a woman’s mind”? You mean the way that Judeo-Christians dissed “Eve”, ya know because they themselves are STILL duped by Yahweh and they think “Eve” was deceived. How completely clueless… and laughable. Yep, ignorance and arrogance arm in arm.
I laugh at the “being reincarnated to fight and die over and over again” thing. Yep, that’s how it’s been for humanity, stuck on the reincarnation hamster wheel, seemingly can’t learn a thing and wake up to who you truly are. When you gonna get off that hamster wheel? WAKE UP! Wake up Greg. About all you are doing here is feeding the cabal’s divide and conquer gig. DO YOUR RESEARCH on the Judeo-Christian lies that led to Islam… if you have the guts. Islam is just magnifying / amplifying what the Judeo-Christian lies started.

An apparent silly religious person in response to me:
pffttt! earth worship is a fruitless journey at best, witch

(I have utmost respect for the planet I currently live on, yep I do, since, ya know, it’s part of the All That Is, ya know, God, but who said anything about “earth worship”?  People hear what they want. And name-calling is ALWAYS such an effective argument. Not! LMAO When you’ve got nothing intelligent to say, just name-call. *shaking head*  What are you?  5 years old?)

My response to M. Religion:
Typical “religious” re-action (acting again, as you have before) to someone who is actually connected to God… when you only think YOU are.

Someone else in response to me who is apparently a silly Muslim:
Must be an atheist

Quite to the contrary. Religion drives a wedge between you and God. How’s that working out for ya? Myself, I’ve never allowed religion to get between God and me. And religion makes one soul worship another soul… apparently, like the right hand bowing to the left hand, one cell in the body bowing to another cell. Silly and disempowering and downright ignorant. But that’s what religion is about – dumbing you down. I see it worked on you. Not to mention religion making “the Beasts” of patriarchy worship war and killing. How’s THAT working out for ya? You enjoying all the maiming and killing? Is it still as fun as it used to be?

A sane person in response to me:
Religion: Always insane, always murderous, on record. The Catholic Church killed thousands of herbalists, mostly women, whom they labeled “witches” because the women understood the innate magic of plant medicine. Thanks, religion. Thanks, Christians. P.S. Oh, yeah. The Inquisition. Oh, well. Let’s talk about how bad other religions are instead.

My reply to them:
Hallelujah. Yes, most of the people killed in the Inquisition were women. Why? They were Intuitive. Eee gad! Not that! Here, they were actually CONNECTED TO GOD, ya know, the REAL God / the All That Is / Prime Creator. We can’t have that now, ya know, not when there are ETs to worship. People seem to forget that all the Western religions are about “Abraham’s god“. Yep, little ‘g’ god because Yahweh was a frickin’ ET for goodness sakes. That’s who Jews, Christians and Muslims worship – an ET. *shaking head* You’ve all been sold a lie and worse yet, you bought it. Swallowed it hook, line and sinker. Nom, nom. Tasty lies, eh? Yes, JockDoubleday, I find it interesting that Greg Reese seems to have plenty of time and energy to research Islam, but doesn’t research his own religion. *shaking head* Wouldn’t want to get to the Truth now… when one’s be-lie-f system is hanging on for dear life. That pesky Truth just might shatter Greg’s be-lie-fs. Ooh scary boys ‘n girls. Info Warrior, my *ss. He can’t handle the Truth.
Now me to Greg Reese again:
Greg Reese, are you reading these comments? (meaning everyone’s comments there, they are all hating on each other now) You’ve managed to dump gasoline on the flame of Divide and Conquer. Wonderful! Are you proud of yourself? You are feeding the global cabal’s agenda. Don’t break your arm trying to pat yourself on the back there ignoramus. DO YOUR RESEARCH on all Western religion! You have much to learn and until you get to the Truth of things, your be-lie-fs / disempowering programs will continue to serve the cabal’s agenda. Useful Idiot you.

Some more silliness and ignorance out of so-called “Info Warriors”:

My response:
So, have Alex and all his “InfoWars” (not so much anymore, seemingly) employees suddenly took on the memory of a goldfish? Or too busy hating on Muslims to see straight maybe? Perhaps allowing FEAR to steer both their reason and their intuition? Mmm?
Do you remember this article?
“Daniel McAdams, Executive Director of the Ron Paul Institute, lashed out at Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for hiring NeverTrump “neocon war criminal” Elliott Abrams to oversee a US regime change operation in Venezuela after Trump had already rejected Abrams for the State Department in 2016.“You CANNOT make this up!!!” McAdams tweeted Friday. “ @SecPompeo has appointed as his point man on Venezuela the EXACT person most involved in the 2002 US coup in Venezuela! Elliott Abrams – a neocon war criminal!

InfoWars, is she, Ilhan Omar, speaking true about Elliott Abrams?  Someone from InfoWars had before pointed out a comment from someone about Elliott Abrams (above) and his role in Venezuela in 2002 and now they seem to have convenient amnesia or fear-induced amnesia (memory of a gold fish perhaps?)  Like a Muslim is not allowed to point out the same thing?  Just because they are a Muslim?
Seems to be “any way the wind blows” at this point with InfoWars.  Their fears are obviously surfacing BIG TIME… as they flap in the breeze.  And out comes all the warmonger programs.  Goodness sakes!

This congresswoman has her issues, yep, sure does, but when she is “speaking true”, ah, since when is THAT an issue?  Are you denying what she said about Elliott Abrams… in general?  Sounds like he played a MAJOR role in creating the mess that has been Venezuela for decades.

If Mother Teresa stood in front of me and uttered an untruth, I’d call her on the carpet over it.  If Adolf Hitler stood in front of me and told the truth, I’d acknowledge it was the truth.

Yep sometimes people are disinfo specialists with an agenda, but the Truth is still the Truth.  And some people are products of their own disempowering programming, passing on misinfo.  But hey, just develop some frickin’ discernment skills and you’ll know the truth from the untruths… even from the same person, even in the same frickin’ sentence.

What don’t these people understand about TRUTH?  The Truth is the Truth.  It doesn’t matter who is saying it or who isn’t.  Duh!

InfoWars, pull your heads out!  What a spectacle to see OUT OF ALL OF YOU!

“If you can’t kill the Pharaoh (tyrant) inside, believe me, you can’t kill the Pharaoh outside.”  ~  Seyed Mohammad Hosseini, leader of Iran’s RESTART movement

The “in here” / the Inner Causal Realms create the “out there” / the World of Outer Effects.  Learn about yourself and YOUR OWN be-lie-f system / programming and do YOUR inner work.  THAT is what you have anything resembling control over!  Get your priorities straight already.

Learn from the wisdom of children – “If you point a finger at me, you’ve got three more pointing back at you.”

See also:

Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of Western Religion

Who Was Yahweh?

(You might want to grab a cup of tea for this one.)

As one of my favorite researchers, Michael Tsarion likes to say, “You’ve been sold a lie and, worse yet, you bought it!”

Yep, the Truth just might shatter YOUR be-lie-f system.  Do you want the whole Truth or only that which doesn’t run headlong into YOUR beliefs / programs?

The global cabal is nothing new, not a couple centuries old, not something just since Albert Pike and the Robber Barons.  It’s older than humanity itself.

For those of you who know today’s current global cabal and have got their number, wrench your minds and hearts open BEYOND YOUR OWN PROGRAMMED BELIEF SYSTEM and you will then see that the cabal’s fingerprints are ALL OVER the entirety of the history of humans.  Period.

Yahweh, ya know, “God”, no it’s the “god” of the Old Testament, is the yahoo who is the beginning of the global cabal!  These are the entities that the global cabal answer to and work for.  These entities created humans to be a slave race and hence were here before humans.  

But folks, they only created your human form, but you are spirit having a human experience, you are a soul of God.  Time to remember who you truly are and take back your Divine Sovereignty and graduate beyond this 3D Earthly realm, to step out of the enslavement that the human form was created for and ascend that form to a higher dimension… literally.  There is really nothing “wrong” with your human form, nothing “wrong” with physical realms and ex-periences.  Yahweh’s ilk did make being human a bit of a challenge (that you as a soul signed up for when you came here) but all the pieces are there and yes, you can become Balanced, Whole and INtegrated, be your True Self as a soul and also still have your human form.  That’s quite achievable in 3D / 4D and you’ll need to do just that in order to ascend to 5D, but dwelling in 5D will mean a whole lot less “have to’s”.  

Read this blog to understand how you can help save the human form (and hence the human race) by saving yourself and ascending to the 5th Dimension / Density.  This is what these times are about and what the global cabal so desperately don’t want you to know about… but that’s the role they have played in this Grand Ex-periment. They’ve done much over time to put you to sleep.  Now they’re doing much to wake you up… as they expose themselves… by fighting tooth and nail to maintain their control over humanity.    

It’s time for a Planetary and Collective Human Ascension.  Graduation time.  

This is an excellent article called “Is Yahweh an Anunnaku?” and what this post of mine centers around:

There’s a further wealth of info there in the epilogue, appendix and other appends.  🙂  I strongly encourage you to go read that stuff after reading this post.

Some comments on the info in the epilogue of this article:

I see what is expressed as “angelic levels” to be what many of us call dimensions or densities.  So… we’re basically talking about higher dimensional ETs when we speak of “angels”.  Just having the designation of “angel” does not mean they are “good” (or “bad”, for that matter), just higher dimensional souls / beings, just like you, just having a different ex-perience.  

Many folks like to refer to the Anunnaki (whether they realize that’s who they are referring to or not) as “fallen angels”.  Anyone who comes here FROM HIGHER DIMENSIONS (that would be every soul here) could be considered a “fallen angel”.  Yeah, you!  

And being “angelic”does NOT mean Divine-level (“God’s realm”) beings.  Just souls in higher dimensions.

“Yaldabaoth hence puts a lid over us with this “tree”: everything above him is taboo, everything with and below him is allowed. That is his world without the true God, analogous to the Anunnaki turning away from the prime creator pair to establish their own fake world without them.

Is it this very insight, this knowledge, which will make us free?! That Jesus wanted to give us and for which he, therefore, had to die?”

I’ve said that if you consider the word “sin” to mean “ignorance”, you’ll have a better idea of what is meant.  I have spoken about… if there were a true “original sin” it would be the original ignorance of not knowing that you as a soul are a Divine and Powerful Creator God.  When you incarnate here, you forget who you are.  

“It will not be a coincidence that Yaldabaoth (Yahweh / Anu) came to be, but a preparation for the exodus of souls from God’s light world.”

From here:

In ancient Greek thought, sin was looked upon as, in essence, a failure on the part of a person to achieve his true self-expression and to preserve his due relation to the rest of the universe; it was attributed mainly to ignorance.

Yep, that’s what I intuit.  It’s about donning a consciousness veil and hence taking on free will.  

This has to do with us – and God ex-periencing through us – actually wanting to have these EX-periences.  Ex = outside, hence, living outside of our True Selves, to know not only Light but darkness, not only Truth but ignorance, not only Love but fear, not only Peace but chaos, not only Abundance but lack, not only Joy but misery, etc.  What is not truly us is an illusion.  But the EX-perience and the growth and learning that come from that illusion are very real.

As this epilogue states, there was some ignorance involved by “higher level gods” building up to humanity’s EX-periences, that ignorance of which would be necessary for anyone at any level in order to go along with this grand EX-periment.  It also takes ignorance to have free will, as you can read further about in my post Free Will is Just a Veiled Consciousness State .  If we were all aware of only Light, Love, etc. as we are in “God’s Realm”, if you will, then we’d never exercise our “free will” and hence would not have EX-periences, as we and God obviously desired, crazy as we all are.  Brave and frickin’ crazy.

“Also the archons have their Epinoias, but its light is deeply hidden in them. At the end they shall also find there (sic) way out of the darkness, even Yaldabaoth (a power, who according to Goethe “…always wants the evil, but as an(d – sic) end result yet creates the good”, that is: the souls that become free when their light-Epinoia is sufficiently awaken – illumination).”

Epinoia = Intuitive perception, divine revelation.

Archons – think the global cabal and the ETs they answer to.  Yep, they serve the darkness  which ultimately serves the light and helps to reawaken souls to who they really are.

And also see the Conclusion to the article… essentially, what’s ultimately called for is forgiveness.  Yep, even of the global cabal and their ET masters.  “Forgive them God, they know not what they do.”  For you see, they too are veiled.  And darkness is an illusion.  All a Grand Ex-periment, that yep YOU SIGNED UP FOR!  And re-member… forgiveness is for the forgivER, not the forgivEN.  You release and free YOURSELF by forgiving.  See more on that in Useful Healthful Tips .

Keep in mind throughout – No one can truly take authority over your life, but you sure can give it away.   Humanity, in their veiled-consciousness state, gave authority of their lives away.  Time to reclaim your Power folks.  Re-member, Power and Responsibility go hand in hand.  If you want your Power, you’re going to have to take Responsibility (the ability to respond) for your own creations.  You have to OWN your own creations.  That means your life and reality, both individually / personally and also your role in the collective reality.  Yep, humanity, it’s time to grow up and be big boys ‘n girls.

I’ve known this sort of information for many years.

I have cut ‘n pasted the main body of this article below so that I could insert my own comments, seen in red.  

I bold AND italicize the portions from the article to which I am referring.  If it’s only in bold, that is the article’s author’s highlighting.

I wrote my bits as I was reading the article and you’ll see that I sometimes say something that the author later said, so please excuse me for repeating what they said… before they said it.


Again, the title and link for the article that my post here is based on with the pasted text of the article itself immediately following:

Is Yahweh an Anunnaku?” by Jan Erik Sigdell


Who is Yahweh?

His name is actually written with only the consonants YHWH. In the Hebrew writing the vowels are, if at all written, marked with diacritics (additional signs), which is never or only rarely done with YHWH. The reason may be that according to old tradition his name should not be pronounced. One therefore talks about him in indirect ways, such as Adonay = “the Lord”. For this reason the vowel signs for ADNY are used also for YHWH. This would actually lead to Yahowah, but it became Yehowah. Why is that? One reason for the “e” could be that Yehu is an alternative name for him (and apparently one that may be pronounced). The more proper pronunciation will, however, be Yahweh.

Yehu, meaning “Yahu is He”.  Ha!  I always call idiotic and unruly ETs “yahoos”.  Uh huh.  There’s the Divine giving Mini Me a clue, ‘cuz that’s how these things work.  I had a hunch that yahoo and Yahweh were related.  Yep.

Recent discoveries of ancient texts and inscriptions [2] show that the archaic Hebrew religion knew a highest god ’El ‘Elyon (the sign ’ is in transliterations used for the Hebrew letter ’aleph and ‘ for the letter ‘ayin), who had 70 sons. One of his sons was Yahweh, who had a consort ’Asherah, i.e., a goddess. Her name is mentioned some 40 times in the Old Testament but it is almost always translated as “grove” or “tree”. This is because her symbol is a tree or and upright wooden pole. So when the Old Testament states that it is forbidden to plant a tree at the altar of Yahweh it really means that it is forbidden to place a symbol of ’Asherah there (Deut 16:21 – and what sense would it otherwise have to forbid planting a tree there?). Has Yahweh even rejected her?  

Only 70 sons?  I’d say then that the archaic Hebrews’ “highest god” ’El ‘Elyon is STILL NOT God / the All That Is / Prime Creator, but just some higher level little “g” god and that is how  this article shows it also – little “g”.  

Tree symbol.  Have you noticed how every time there is some mass killing and you have reason to think that the global cabal are behind it, they always want to make a memorial and one of the things at the memorial is often a tree?  Hiding the Feminine in plain view.  They get to use the power of the Divine Feminine, but YOU don’t!  

Has Yahweh rejected his consort ‘Asherah?  Is this about hiding the Divine Feminine… in order to create an imbalanced – and easily controllable – patriarchy?!

The true creator god, the prime creator, was therefore not Yahweh, but ’El ‘Elyon. He has obviously created a number of secondary gods as his “sons” – better: deities – of which Yahweh is one (and, of course, also the “daughter” ’Asherah). Hence, Yahweh is not the prime creator he wants us to believe that he would be, even though he has also produced certain creations. We recognize a noticeable parallel to the Babylonian creation story Enûma Elish. This tells us about a prime creator pair Apsû and Ti’âmat (who we, in a way, could also regard as the male and female side of the prime creator, resp.), who created a number of deities, from which further deity races arose. One such deity race is the one of the Anunnaki (so called because their ruler and leader is named Anu). They separated themselves off from the prime creators and wanted to live and act without them. Enûma Elish tells about a murder of the highest gods. The Anunnaki are told to have killed first Apsû and then Ti’âmat! Is it possible to kill the prime creators? Of course not! This merely symbolizes that they turned away from them and didn’t want to have anything to do with them, as if they were dead – that was the fall, the plunge out of the divine light into a relative darkness. Therefore, the Anunnaki are fallen deities. The one who is said to have murdered Ti’âmat is Marduk who also became the lord of the Earth. The Anunnaki have under his rule created new human beings on our Earth by means of genetic manipulation, and from them to-day’s humanity arose. The first attempts for this were not very successful, but then they had the new race they wanted to produce.

The “sons” and “daughters” of El ‘Elyon, including all of you and me, absolutely ARE gods / creators, but we’re NOT Prime Creator (and obviously neither are any of these little “g” gods being spoken of – not Yahweh and his ilk and not El ‘Elyon, with only 70 sons).  

We are though PART of Prime Creator.  I have always LOVED the term Prime Creator for the All That Is because of its implications – we are ALL gods / creators.  Creatures and Creators all in one.  

A fellow lightworker had said that it’s not arrogant to think you’re part of God, it’s arrogant to think you could ever be separated from God.  And THAT is just exactly where Yahweh was coming from, he shunned God and then claimed to be God.  

It’s asinine for someone to worship a past Christ because that is one soul worshiping another soul – the right hand bows to the left hand sorta thing.  It’s actually almost as silly to worship Prime Creator because we are part of Prime Creator – the hand bows to the head or heart sorta thing.  But since EVERYTHING is, ya know, part of the All That Is (duh), then it serves to HONOR AND RESPECT All That Is, everything, everyone.  Best to start with oneself and expand out from there.  “If ya can’t love yourself, how the hell ya gonna love somebody else?”

God / All That Is / Prime Creator though is the perspective of all perspectives, literally.  So, yeah, the wise person bothers to utilize their DIRECT Divine Connection and go straight to God and draw on that higher perspective.

See my later comments on the Anunnaki’s genetic engineering.  

Correspondences with the Bible
The first sentence in the Bible reads, in the common translation: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth” (Gen 1:1). The Hebrew word that is here translated as God is ’Elohim. It is a linguistic fact that cannot be denied that this word is a plural and hence means “gods”. It has been tried to explain this away through declaring it as pluralis majestatis, which actually doesn’t seem to be common in Hebrew. It rather looks as if one is trying to sweep an embarrassing question under the carpet.

In Hebrew, the sentence is: Bere’shit bara’ ’Elohim ’et ha shamayim ve-’et ha ’aretz. Therefore, some want to translate it as: “In the beginning the gods created the heaven and the earth”, but this doesn’t fit, since the word bara’ = “create” is in singular. Furthermore, the word for “heaven”, shamay, is also in plural: shamayim. However, the problem has a solution.

According to cabbalistic sources, the word bere’shit means not only “beginning”, but also “the first one”, the “original one”, the first entity that was, the highest God. The little word ’et could be seen as an accusative particle but can also be translated as “with” (in ve-‘et the word ve means “and”, hence: “and with”). We now arrive at the following translation, which fits grammatically: “The first one created the gods [together] with the heavens [cosmic worlds] and with the Earth”. This translation, therefore, refers to a prime creator, who first created “gods” and cosmic worlds, of which one is the Earth. According to Gen 2, Yahweh is one of these gods, one of the ’Elohim (since the Bible here calls him “Yahweh ’Elohim” in the Hebrew text, and not simply “Yahweh”). Some regard the ’Elohim as creator gods, who (themselves created) in their turn created other entities – human beings, animals and plants, like Yahweh did.

How I’ve heard this story is thus:  Anu (Yahweh) was the leader of the Anunnaki.  They came to Earth to mine for gold.  Anu left his two sons, Enlil and Enki, here in charge.  Enki was a genetics engineer.  

Yep, Enki created what we have come to know as homo sapiens.  He used a local hominid’s DNA (like homo erectus or cro-magnon… or whatever was around then) and also their own Anunnaki / Reptilian DNA.  

His genetic engineering explains what some call “the missing link”, which means the archeologists see some kind of hominid (perhaps more than one) living here on Earth and then suddenly out of seemingly no where there is evidence of a new hominid (homo sapiens).  Yep, their / our human form was not a product of a slow evolutionary process but a product of genetic engineering.  

The conventional and “dogmatically approved” translation of bere’shit is based on be = “in, at” and re’shit = “beginning”. However dictionaries (such as [3]) state that re’shit can also mean “the first (of its kind)” and be can be a reference to the “origin”. Therefore, the word bere’shit can also be understood as a somewhat tautological expression for “the original first”, “the very first” or “the first of all”. A cabbalistic interpretation is that the word is a combination of beyt = “house, residence” and re’sh = “the supreme, the lord” placed inside beyt (between be and yt). This is then interpreted as “the lord in his residence”.

In a more exact transliteration is bere’shiyt and re’shiyt, resp., and thus one can say “between be and yt”. In -iyt, however, the letter y (actually being a consonant) phonetically marks the prolongation of i and therefore the more common (but less exact) transliteration is bere’shit. More exactly then with a stroke over the i that marks the length: ī.

There are some more peculiarities in the sentence. If one still wants to translate as “in … beginning”, it should more literally be “in a beginning” rather than “in the beginning” (because the latter would be bare’shiyt – a contraction of be-ha-re’shiyt – and not bere’shiyt). This seems to make little difference, but the word is actually written in an undetermined form as if there could have been more than one beginning (like “in one of the beginnings”). Or it could be a genitive, like “beginning’s” or “of the beginning”. This again makes little difference, but in this case, the word “create” would have another grammatical form [4]. Such little peculiarities also disappear if we accept the cabbalistic explanation that bere’shiyt actually can be understood as “the first one”.

Plurals in the Bible
First, we note that the Bible has two stories of creations of human beings. In Gen 1 it is stated that the gods – the ’Elohim – created humans in their image. Here the plural is obvious: “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness … So the gods [properly translated] created man in their own image … male and female they created them” (Gen 1:26-27). This, furthermore, means that the woman was created equivalent to man. They should reproduce diligently.

In Gen 2, we come to the second creation of humans. Here we meet Yahweh ’Elohim – hence one of the gods named Yahweh – who first created Adam and then Eve. He obviously makes his own creation and he forbids Adam to eat from the “tree of knowledge”. The two must later leave Eden and Yahweh ’Elohim said: “Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil” (Gen 3:22).

Second creation of humans?  There is more to this than just creating a man and a woman. 

Hopefully my memory will serve me here, but you can do your own research anyway…. Michael Tsarion tells that Enki actually created not one but two Adamic races.  

Enlil had wanted Enki to create a slave race since those from their own ranks (other Anunnaki) went on strike and didn’t want to mine for gold anymore.  Enki’s first creation was highly intelligent and didn’t go for that slave crap.  There’s reason to believe that this first race was androgynous or hermaphroditic.  And the “in our image, after our likeness” thing may indicate that the first Adamic race may have looked VERY reptilian… like their creators… keep reading.  But as this author also shows, the split gender thing for the second adamic race, homo sapiens, may be how we “resembled” the Anunnaki.  

As you will read about in this article also, but the author may have a slightly different take from what I’m saying here, but it’s all interconnected… there is reason to think that the Anunnaki (or some entities who were fed up with them) may have destroyed the planet Tiamat, the remnants of which are the asteroid belt.  Some think Tiamat was a very watery planet and has been referred to as “the life giver”, so there is reason to think that there was life there, including higher level life forms.  Some think Mars used to be the / a moon of Tiamat.  In that calamity many souls were released in a very traumatic way.  Some think that Enki actually wanted to create a race for those “lost” (trapped in this solar system) souls to incarnate into.  Some think it was out of compassion, but it may just be that Enki was aware that there were trapped souls around and knew they would then inhabit his new creatures… which sounds like may not have pleased his father Anu and his brother Enlil.  

But, yeah, the first Adamic race didn’t go for the slave bit, so, Enki was back to the drawing board and his second Adamic race, homo sapiens, had the genders split and also the brain now had two hemispheres instead of being contiguous.  The split into two brain hemispheres, amongst other things, essentially “dumbed down” the new race.  

And… “They should reproduce diligently.”  Go forth and multiply.  Yep, get t’ busy making us more slaves, thank you very much.

“In our image.”  And yet there shall be no “graven images” of “God”.  Graven means engraved.  The ETs didn’t want future generations of humans to know what they looked like.  Humans / homo sapiens DO NOT LOOK LIKE the ETs who created them. These humans / homo sapiens obviously more closely resembled their local hominid genetic component than their Reptilian genetic component.  So to interpret “in our image” in that way (that humans LOOK LIKE their creators) is not accurate, but consider that “image” is the root word of “imagine / imagination”.  They made humans from their imagination.  Indeed.  Enki was a genetics engineer.  

Also, as this author points out, Yahweh and company played down and hid the Divine Feminine, which IS one’s connection to God.  So… graven images, whether pictures or sculptures are a right-brain / intuitive / Divine Feminine thing so in Yahweh’s warped world, that was not to be.  On the other hand, as Leonard Schlain spoke of in his book “The Alphabet Vs. the Goddess“, alphabetic languages are left-brain, linear-sequential and help to reinforce the patriarchy.  Leonard Schlain had done much historical research and realized that many cultures down through time went from having goddesses or both gods & goddesses to tearing down goddess statues.  He realized it happened after the culture took on an alphabetic language.  

Now, at a SOUL level, we are absolutely in God’s / The All That Is’ / Prime Creator’s image, in this case both in God’s imagination and also we resemble God – we are Powerful Creators, just like God.  We’re part of God.  Why would we not be Powerful Creators?!

If we assume two creations of humans (which the conventional theology apparently doesn’t want to do), this also explains something in Gen 4 that would otherwise be a riddle. There obviously already were people of the first creation outside of Eden, to where Adam and Eve had to go. Cain killed Abel and Yahweh said: “…whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold” (Gen 4:15). Who would else be there to possibly kill him? Then Cain took a wife and had a son with her, etc. From where did otherwise these women come?

There were two Adamic races!  

The first race, or at least someone from the first race went to “Eden” to tell the second Adamic race, the Adams and the Eves (there were more than just one of each) that Enki had created themselves (the first race) as a slave race and that was the Anunnaki’s intentions for the Adams and the Eves also, that they were Enki’s next try at creating a slave race.  

The first Adamic race was literally the “serpent in the garden” and since then serpents and snakes have been given a bad rap.  That first Adamic race, who were just attempting to warn the Adams and the Eves of their fate, were villified… by “Yahweh” / Anu.

The Serpent was not there to mislead the Adams and Eves but to WARN them of who WAS misleading them.  The Eves were more naturally intuitive (right brained) than the Adams (left brained) so the Eves knew that the Serpent spoke the truth and they had to work on getting that through the Adams’ thick skulls.  The Eves caught a clue.  The Adams may not have even been quick enough to catch a cold, beasts that they were.  😉   To this day, the Bible thumpers who are STILL duped by Yahweh have the audacity to say that it was “Eve” who was misled.  *shaking head*  As I’ve said, ignorance and arrogance often go together.  

And… down through history, the men have thought that THEY are best suited to be spiritual leaders while, yep, they can’t catch a clue and dis their very connection to God / their intuition and dis the women who could teach them about it.  *shaking head*  An old friend of mine used to say that women are the conscious Unconscious, while men are the unconscious Conscious.  Uh huh.  

In Gen 18:1-5 Abraham is visited by three men – Yahweh together with two others. In Gen 19 Lot asks Adam about the three, who later destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. They will all three have been ’Elohim.

In many Bible passages, gods are mentioned in a context which gives us the following impression: there are other gods but you should stick to only one of them. The well-known command in Ex 20:3 (below) could be understood as a “non-competition clause”. There are in Exodus more relevant passages, such as:

“Who is like unto thee, O LORD, among the gods?”                                                                    (15:11)

“Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods…”                                                              (18:11)

“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”                                                                                  (20:3)

“Thou shalt not revile the gods…”                                                                                                 (22:28)

“…make no mention of the name of other gods, neither let it be heard out of thy mouth.”          (23:13)

There is a large number of other examples in Ex 12:12; 20:5; 22:20; 22:28; 23.24; 23:32-33 and 34:14-16, in Num 25:2 and 33:4, in Deut 4:28; 5:7; 6:14; 7:4; 7:16; 7.25; 8:19; 10:17; 11:16; 11:28; 12:2-3; 12:30-31; 13:2; 13:6-7; 13:13; 17:3; 18:20; 20:18; 20:26; 28:24; 28:64; 29:18; 29:26; 30:17; 31:16; 31:18; 31:20; 32:16-17 and 32:37 as well as in many more passages in Joshua, Judges, 1Samuel, 2Samuel, 1Kings, 2Kings, 1Chronik, 2Chronik, Ezra, Psalms, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Hosea, Nahum und Zephaniah.

Another remarkable part in the Bible is the mentioning of the “sons of God” in Gen 6:2 and 6:4: “That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose … There were giants (tyrants) in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Here again the Hebrew text has ’Elohim and “the sons of God” are, correctly translated, “the sons of the gods”. The text makes a difference between them and the humans. Hence, they were not humans. Were they half-gods? And the “giants” who were born from them, where they maybe quarter-gods?

This last paragraph I interpret as… the Anunnaki bred with their human creations (the Eves).  

The Gnostic Christian view of Yahweh
In the early Christianity there were two mainstreams: the Paulinian and the Gnostic Christians. Saul had pursued Christians until he converted and became Paul. The year of his conversion is estimated to be between 33 and 35. The Paulinian Christianity began to develop only after that. Who were the Christians that Paul pursued? They will especially have been the so-called Christian Jews. This concept refers to groups among the earliest Christianity, to which belonged Jews who still adhered to Jewish customs – like Jesus and his disciples themselves. Out of these Christian Jews arose the movement of the Gnostic Christians. Because of his views, Paul cam into a conflict with this original Christianity [5]. Hence, the Paulinian Christianity didn’t arise out of the original Christianity, and with Paul, who hadn’t known Jesus himself, an obviously modified Christianity began, that distanced itself from the Christianity close to Jesus that was in the beginning.

Saul became Paul.

Ah yes, the cabal directive, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” – infiltrate and corrupt!  Saul / Paul did NOT convert.  He was the beginning of the TRUE original Gnostic Christianity being hijacked!  

My insert here – read at this link: “Jesus” is also not a real person, but a composite character.  And this link.

One author of an article about this said, “The Jews kept waiting for a messiah so the Gnostics gave them one.”  

A composite character based on what / who?  First, based on many Pagan archetypes and allegories from many cultures throughout history, but also on the wisdom of the original Christians, the true Christians, the Gnostic Christians, the “New Agers” of their day, here to usher in the Age of Pisces, which is why “Jesus” is associated with the symbol of the fish – Pisces.  

“Jesus” is not a real person, but an allegorical character.  Doesn’t mean the story is a throwaway.  The character of “Jesus” told allegories / parables himself.  Did you think the characters in his stories were real?  Does it really matter?  Do you think the stories are worthless because the characters in them aren’t real people?  Allegories are meant to teach you something.  They stimulate the use of right brain / Intuition / Divine Connection.  It’s the same reason why the Pagans and Occultists have archetypal “dieties” that are NOT ENTITIES, they are ENERGIES, which have been personified to appeal to your right brain / Intuition / Divine Feminine / Divine Connection to interpret them, not your “pea brain” / left brain / logic / reason /  intellect but INTELLIGENCE, DIVINE INTELLIGENCE!  

The original Gnostic Jesus Story most assuredly has its merits and I strongly suggest that if you really want to know / gnow (gnosis) the Jesus Story that you go to the original Gnostic gospels, NOT the edited version(s) that Constantine the Great and the Council of Nicaea put in the New Testament.  They had a control agenda.  Conversely, the Gnostics wanted you to reawaken to who you really are.  They want you to know your own Christ Consciousness, achieve your own Christhood.  That’s the last thing that cabal people like Constantine and the Council of Nicaea want you to know.  

Yep, Jesus is just a character in an allegorical story, so it’s certainly NOT a story about Jesus.  So, who is this story about then?  It’s about YOUR potential.  “Have I not said ye are gods?  You too shall do these and greater things.”  I hope to God you DO learn a little something from it.  Find the Christ within!  

For the Gnostics, the creator of this world wasn’t the true prime creator, but a demiurge, a “craftsman”, a fallen angel, who also has an evil side. While the real God, the true prime creator (who Jesus calls “father”) is unrestrictedly good, an imperfect demiurge created an imperfect world. It has been shown that the Gnostics identified this imperfect demiurge-“god” with the god of the Old Testament, who they also called Yaldabaoth, who wants to keep humans in a state of ignorance in a material world and who punishes their attempts to achieve knowledge and insight (to “eat from the tree of knowledge”). The demiurge is a lesser god who wants to be the only one [6]. The text The Apokryphon of John (or The Secret Book of John) states: “He is impious in his madness that dwells in him. For he said, ‘I am God and no other god exists except me’, since he is ignorant of the place from which his strength had come” [7]. (Cf. Ex 20:23 and Deut 5:7). Could this be the explanation of all the abominable cruelties, which after all are literally described in the Old Testament (see below)?

“creator of this world”  Eh, this is a bit of a blending of things.  There are many creators that create at many levels.  I’d have to say – define “world”.  If the planet is what is being talked about, well, that would be a higher-level creator god who makes planets, solar systems, galaxies, universes… perhaps.  

Then as far as life in general on this planet goes, there were many ETs involved over much time at seeding and gardening the life on this planet.  Then there were the Anunnaki who created homo sapiens through genetic engineering.  

If “world” is not about the planet but is more defined like this: “all of the people, societies, and institutions on the earth”, then yeah, Yahweh had a lot to do with how things have gone here… since the creation and enslavement of homo sapiens.  

“He is impious… ”  This to me is what the word “hubris” is about.  Some like to define “hubris” as someone who thinks they are a god… and that is “bad” in some way.  Well, we ALL are gods.  What’s wrong with a god thinking they are a god?  Nothing!  But when they don’t acknowledge that everyone else is also a god and there is a Prime Creator, yep, THAT would be “hubris.”  

From Merriam-Webster – “English picked up both the concept of hubris and the term for that particular brand of cockiness from the ancient Greeks, who considered hubris a dangerous character flaw capable of provoking the wrath of the gods.”

Accurate.  Other gods.  I’d heard it said that “hubris” came from Greek theater and that hubris (as defined above) leads to nemesis – yes, the wrath of the gods.  It ticks off the “other  gods”.  That would include humans also.  Yep, Yahweh was a jealous god and was ticked that humans ended up with souls.  Whah.  

A similar view was expressed by Marcion (approx. 85-160) [8], the first theologian who made a difference between the God of Love in the New Testament and an evil god of the Old Testament.

The abominable cruelties of Yahweh
Who reads the Bible in an objective and unprejudiced way without blinders that fade out certain passages, will (or should…) become deeply indignant about the abominable cruelties [9] described therein.

The “lord” guides his people to the “promised land”, but that land isn’t free. People already live there in various towns. Therefore, the “lord” commands his people to mercilessly slaughter all of them. In nearly all cases not even a child, a woman or an old man is spared, but they should completely all be killed, so that his people can live in: “great and goodly cities, which thou buildedst not, and houses full of all good things, which thou filledst not, and wells digged, which thou diggedst not, vineyards and olive trees, which thou plantedst not; when thou shalt have eaten and be full” (Deut 6:10-11). With this, a veritable holocaust begins!

Gee, does any of this sound all too familiar – invaders from foreign lands urged to take over a “promised land” that they buildedst not?!!!  

So the deceivers, Yahweh’s ilk, used the Hebrews to do this in history.  Today, Yahweh’s ilk uses the radicalized Islamicists to do the same… amongst other migrants who are brainwashed and promised the world if they will just do Yahweh’s bidding, like oh, idk, voting Democrat perhaps?  Don’t think that I am demonizing Democrats (the left) here.  If you’ve been paying attention, I’ve been exposing the western religions (the right) for their control agenda throughout and now, in today’s world they are using mostly (but not entirely) the left to do so.  The global cabal who ultimately answer to Yahweh and his people play both sides of politics, but lately the Democrats are being used more intensely and radicalizing and brainwashing migrants to invade the U.S. and Europe, to “take what thou buildedst not” and yet to hate and tear down the very things and concepts they are taking. 

Are you starting to understand how Yahweh’s ilk and their “right of kings” mundane-level counterparts (the global cabal) have and continue to use the western religions for divide and conquer?!  It’s just “the left” doing it this time whereas it used to be “the right”.  Is any of this getting through to you?!  They really haven’t changed their bag of tricks, just put a new mask on it and duped another part of society.  Hell, why even consider changing the tricks when they keep working?!  

And so history continues to repeat itself as humanity refuses to realize this is just a broken record.  “Oh, it’s ok if it’s ‘my people’ who are taking what we buildedst not… right?  ‘Cuz, ya know, we’re God’s ‘chosen people’… right?”  

What part of “ALL THAT IS” don’t you understand?!  ALL is of God.  What made you “special” in comparison to others and allows “your people” to get away with murder, rape, looting and pillage? Was it just the part that you’ve been duped by a “devil” like Yahweh who sold himself as God / All That Is?  … but boy oh boy when that holier than thou crap is aimed at you and it’s YOUR stuff that YOU built and it’s taken from you, then you scream foul.  WTF humanity?!  

There’s not two cents difference between what Yahweh’s “chosen people” did and what the radical Islamicists are doing now.  And yet there are Judeo-Christian types who have the audacity to point their finger at Islam… without researching the history of THEIR OWN religion.  

Gee, maybe if everyone would bother to research THEIR OWN belief system and CLEAN OUT THEIR OWN BRAINWASHED PSYCHES, they would have gotten a much earlier heads up about this VERY SAME TACTIC being used yet again!  

Furthermore, the “in here” / the Inner Causal Realms create the “out there” / the World of Outer Effects.  You change “out there” by working on YOU!  

When will you ALL catch on?!

More recently, now the cabal use atheist communist China to take what they buildedst not in the form of proprietary technology.  

Same old tricks, just using different ways to go about it… again and again and again.  Here are some key control elements and what these terms mean:

 Religion (regulate – as in, your Divine Connection is being regulated),

Government (control-mind), 

Education (training – like with a pet, aka domestication),

Media (medium between / go between),

Entertainment (maintain in a certain condition),

Technology (systematic treatment).

They use anything and everything to control Earthlings.  

In one city after the other, they murder and slaughter until no one is left. The only exception is in a few cases that they kidnap virgins. For what? It would certainly be naïve to claim that it would not be for sexual “services”.

When Moses by order of Yahweh could say as follows, he strongly disqualifies himself and his commissioner: “And Moses was wroth with the officers of the host… which came from the battle. And Moses said unto them, ‘Have ye saved all the women alive? … Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves’” (Num 31:14-18).

This rather looks like a mass human sacrifice for the “lord”…

For those who understand German I may suggest to read what the learned Karlheinz Deschner writes about this extremely blood-curdling common history of two world religions [10].

Obviously not just 2 but 3 world religions.  ALL of which have had their egos boosted, being told THEY are “God’s chosen people” in some way or another… so go out and kill all the others.  *yawn*  

Persons who regard themselves as Christians like to suggest that the victims would be “evil” people who lived in “sin”, and don’t want to understand how they this way betray Jesus’ teachings. There can be no worse sin than to kill in the name of God (or of his messenger Christ)! And if one kills in the name of Yahweh, or by his order, this shows clearly enough that he cannot be the true god. Jesus taught us that who takes to the sword will be undone by the sword, and even to love our enemies.

When Yahweh rages as follows, he demonstrates his fake divinity: “And if ye walk contrary unto me, and will not hearken unto me; I will bring seven times more plagues upon you according to your sins. I will also send wild beasts among you, which shall rob you of your children, and destroy your cattle, and make you few in number; and your highways shall be desolate. …And when I have broken the staff of your bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and they shall deliver you your bread again by weight: and ye shall eat, and not be satisfied. And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me; Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.” (Lev 26:21-29)

In today’s world, the cabal are now conditioning folks to be open to cannibalism.  

The macho behavior began already before the exodus from Egypt. Yahweh sent Moses several times to the Pharaoh to request letting the Hebrews free. The Pharaoh repeatedly declared that he would do that, but Yahweh the each time hardened his heart so that he, after all, refused: “…for I have hardened his heart, and the heart of his servants, that I might shew these my signs before him” (Ex 10:1). Yahweh insisted in showing his muscles and have all the ten plagues come over Egypt before he would let the Pharaoh allow the Hebrews to go. At last, he went through Egypt and killed all innocent first-born! (Ex 11:5, 12:12, 12:29, 13:15) For what did he want to demonstrate all this cruelty? In a similar way he hardened the hearts of the Hivites (living in the “promised Land”) so that they should not try to make piece (sic – peace?) with the Hebrews but meet them in battle so that they would be mercilessly destroyed (Josh 11:19.20). Everyone should die!

We might estimate that on the average a woman (married or not – even some unmarried had children) had five children in those days. The guess may be reasonable. Of the five only one, of course, was first-born. This would mean that he killed something like 20 % of the population!!!

Another of the many cruel incidents is where Yahweh requests that Abraham kill his own son as a sacrifice for him. When Abraham is prepared to do it, Yahweh stops him and makes it look like a test of Abraham’s slavish obedience. And that is, of course, a test that displays Yahweh’s cruelty. If he had tested Abraham’s love, he would have to declare him as failed … because then Abraham should have strictly refused to do such a thing!

So who, then, are these Anunnaki?
The Sumerian texts tell about a planet Nîbiru that like a comet moves in a long-stretched elliptic orbit with a revolution period of 3600 years, and that that planet is the home of the Anunnaki. Hence, the planet during more than 3000 years is so far away from the sun that everything must be frozen there. How can they live in such a world?

The answer will be that they are multidimensional beings, maybe 5-dimensional. They are said to be of a reptilian nature. We are only three-dimensional, i.e., we can only perceive three space dimensions and think only three-dimensionally. It seems that the Anunnaki have made us this way so that we should not perceive them, unless they appear in there three-dimensional form. This form (their three-dimensional body) is in the long period when the planet is far from the sun – apparently during more than 3000 years – in some state of hibernation, and then they act in other dimensions, invisible to us. In times when it is closer to the sun, they have visited us in their three-dimensional shape and that is told about in the Sumerian and related clay-plate texts. During other times they, however, influence us invisibly from the other dimensions and want to control how things are going on our planet and manipulate us their way, in politics, in a controlled science (leaving out things they don’t want us to know) and in business.

They, of course, need life energy. They could have had it from still higher dimensions, but they instead take it from us and want to keep us as a kind “milking cattle” for such energies, but without us being conscious of it. We shouldn’t know what is going on. Why do they do it that way? The answer will be that they separated themselves off from their divine origin – they “killed” the prime creators. Hence, they cannot expect to get energy from there. They love brutality – fight, war, violence, bloodshed and violent death. Why that? When a human being dies violently, his body is normally still full of life energy (his “batteries are charged”). This energy is released at the time of death and the Anunnaki can gather it. But when someone dies wasting away or in old-age weakness, there is hardly any energy left to “harvest” (his “batteries are empty”). It furthermore seems that they enjoy animating us to violence and war, like when a child plays war games with a computer. They have for this reason put aggressiveness in our genes, but also character traits like obedience to superiors and easily feeling fear. To have fear, especially fear of death, is an effective means for manipulation. When we feel rage and hatred in aggressions, we unconsciously also set life energies free, and we do the same when we have a strong fear. Obedience makes us more easily manipulated to do things we really don’t want to do.

In my Power of Words… post I talk about how humans are encouraged to be “humble” or exhibit “humility”, both of which literally mean “lowly”.  That’s how the Anunnaki view humanity.  Is that how you view yourself?  High time to quit “playing small”.  See post: The meek shall inherit the Earth

It should also be mentioned that they (being multidimensional beings) will know quite well what too few of us want to know: that there actually is no death. Only the body dies, but the soul is immortal. This doesn’t make things they do less cruel … but rather becomes a bad excuse. I wonder if it might not be the karma for many of them to become real “milk and slaughter cattle” after the end of their long lives …

We, however, get our life energy from above, through the light of the sun, since we have not intentionally and consciously cut off ourselves from that energy flow (yet we are not conscious of what is going on). The light energy is absorbed by plants that we eat, and we also eat animals (unless we are vegetarians) who have eaten plants and absorbed energy from them. So we indirectly do feed on energy from above.

Much of the archetypal information in the Bible has to do with satisfying Pagan religions to convert their followers.  Paganism, to me, has to do with what I like to call “Being Earthlings… for Dummies.”  Paganism acknowledges the sun and the planet and its seasons, etc., essentially the environment we live in on Earth, and astrology informs us of the energies we, as Earthlings, are influenced by.  As I’ve said elsewhere, the word origin of pagan has to do with “villagers / country folk”, ya know, those who live on and work closely with the land and have to give a sh*t about the seasons for farming, hunting, and gathering purposes, etc.  They are “in tune” with the planet they live on.  These days the cabal still have the dumbed-down urban-dwelling “libtards” dissing the country / small town folk, making it sound like the rural folks are the idiots, when it is the urban dwellers who are completely out of touch with their planet, etc. and tend to have an SSDD (same sh*t different day) sort of existence – regardless of season or amount of daylight, etc., they do the 8 to 5, day in and day out.  *yawn* 

For more on what the present-day cabal have planned to literally block sunlight from the world see this video:

Mike Adams – Bombshell! Documents Show Global Engineering (terraforming!) Linked To Eugenics And Depopulation

Also read my post The Speed of Light = The Speed of Thought for more understanding of how Higher Light gets to us through the Sun and the Hidden Sun.  This “blocking of the sun” thing is about more than just cutting off food supplies, it’s about literally cutting YOU off from God!

This explains why the Anunnaki allegedly have very long life spans, of the order of thousands and even tens of thousands of years. In the state of hibernation, their three-dimensional bodies don’t age.

I would venture to say that the Anunnaki don’t really have 3D bodies.  They have higher-dimensional crystalline bodies, implying they have ascended at some point… then got “full of themselves” in all the wrong ways and love to lord that over 3D beings.  I sense that they can slow down the frequency of their 5D crystalline bodies to be “in the physical” here when they choose to be.  

Ok… let’s expand on this a bit.  I care about word origin.  Everything, words included, have a frequency of vibration.  The true, original vibration of a word matters.  

So… Nibiru literally means “crossing” or “point of transition”.  Are we sure that we are talking about a planet with an elongated orbit… or something completely different?

Hang in here with me while I tell you a story.  I’d read a channeled message years ago that said that a Pleiadian planet of people, had to go through a Planetary and Collective Ascension.  They started out as 3D-level beings, but they were also both technologically and spiritually advanced.  They had spaceships and also had technology to create wormholes that they could travel through.  One time, upon returning to their planet, their wormhole came out a bit too close to their planet and hosed things up a bit.  Life on their planet was literally threatened.  They decided to ascend.  You can bet, due to their higher spiritual advancement compared to Earth humans, their planetary and collective ascension went much smoother than Gaia’s and her lifeforms’ that is currently underway now.  

But, what I’m getting at here is… couldn’t you consider a wormhole (or an ascension portal for that matter – or descension portal) to be a (Nibiru) “crossing” or “point of transition”?  Mmm?  Someplace, that with the right technology (inwardly or outwardly), could allow you to leap, not just across space, but, perhaps also between dimensions.

Could that also be a possibility for what happened to the planet Tiamat that was destroyed?  What if a technologically advanced race of people “popped out” of their wormhole a little too close to Tiamat?  Not saying that’s what went down, but… all about how you interpret “Nibiru”.  I want you thinking outside the box, whether my own personal perspective is right on or not.  

This interpretation of the Sumerian and related clay-plate texts is, of course, another one than that of official science. Who, however, studies the original texts (of which translations are found in University libraries) will find that there are no real contradictions to such an interpretation. It is really possible, but official science denies it. Only few have dealt with the subject from this aspect, the best known being Zecharia Sitchin [11]. My book Es begann in Babylon (“It began in Babylonia”) [1] also does so, but describes several things differently than Sitchin does – which means that I don’t agree to everything he writes, especially not the remarkable embellishment of the Anunnaki (a.o., Sitchin doesn’t discuss the “primary murder” of the creator gods Anû und Ti’âmat).

In this case, (God informs me) THIS Anû is referring to the Divine Masculine (as opposed to the biological father of Enlil and Enki) and Ti’âmat here represents the Divine Feminine.  

And, astrologically, the planet Tiamat had Feminine energy and was destroyed, so that REALLY was a blow to Feminine energy, astrologically, in the Sol-ar system.  

In the fall of 2007, a rumor was around that Sitchin would have been arrested. This later turned out to have (highly probably) been a hoax (or maybe an intent was cancelled and later denied). No one should be astonished that some by all means strive to refute him as a crank or a liar. As an example, there is a website that claims that the words “Anunnaki” and “Nîbiru” would be found nowhere in the clay-plate texts. But I have an academic treatise by an ethnological scientist in which these words are certainly found in the translations [12].

As concerns channeling, I am very skeptical, since it is hard to separate the chaff from the wheat, and there obviously is much more chaff than wheat. There is, however, a book that deals with these things of which I (rather exceptionally) have a good feeling: Bringers of the Dawn by Barbara Marciniak [13]. The Anunnaki are there called “lizzies” (as diminutive of “lizards”), since they are reptilian.

I’m with this person – most channeled info is total garbage.  Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadian channelings are an exception.  The “Ps” as Barbara calls them, very much resonate with me and they, through Barbara, have been awakening humanity to the Anunnaki and the global cabal for decades.  

Separating the wheat from the chaff in the channeling realm obviously takes more discernment skills than most “lightworkers” / Dark Clingers can muster as they consume one channeled message after another like eating M & Ms out of a bag.  Nom, nom.  And even if they come across very good, useful, practical, true info they still don’t do anything with it, don’t live it, don’t be it… just on to the next channeled massage. I saw someone had likened this to “spiritual masturbation”.  Indeed.  Goodness sakes.  Channeling porn.  Addiction issues anyone?

There is much information that indicates that the Anunnaki still to day have a secret influence, especially through secret societies like Zionism and related associations, like the Illuminati and certain Masonic orders. In them, only very few chosen ones at the very top of the pyramid know about the Anunnaki connection, but the mass of people – also of members – is kept in ignorance. (I suspect that something similar since almost 2000 years holds for the Church.)

Freemasonry was what the Knights Templar morphed into after that fateful Friday the 13th when the cabal monarchies and the pope came after them.  Knights Templar / freemasons were both leftovers from the original Gnostic Christianity.  But in typical cabal fashion, the cabal “joined what they couldn’t beat” and infiltrated and corrupted the Masons.  This started in earnest in the 1700s, one example being the Royal Society of Freemasons. 

The “harvest” of life energies from humans and animals gives a sense to the cruel practice of sacrifice. Of course, the meat is of no use to the “gods”, but the for us invisible life energies are. This underlines the remark above that all the murdering in the Old Testament may be seen as a mass human sacrifice for the “lord”. Since this life energy is especially contained in the blood, this also explains the command for the cruel practice of letting an animal bleed to death that is maintained in certain cultures. The blood – rather: the life energy in it – is for the “gods”, only the meat is for humans.

There’s something to these stories of “vampires” down through history, albeit metaphorical.  Doesn’t matter if there is something “special” to blood or not, these sick freaks THINK there is so their horrors go on.  Just the torturous death of slowly bleeding to death releases energies that the “vampires” / Anunnaki and their global cabal counterparts can absorb and get off on.  They do though also “get off on / get high on” the blood of tortured people and animals whose blood is then full of adrenaline.  See this report for starters:

And who, then, is Yahweh?
Sitchin in one of his books [14] takes the question up, who Yahweh may be. Is he also an Anunnaku? He is visibly trying hard to show that Yahweh isn’t an Anunnaku, but the god of the Anunnaki. His argumentation is, however, not very convincing. In my book [1] I demonstrate that his reasoning can also be seen to demonstrate that Yahweh is Marduk, and that is something he certainly wants to deny. It is a question of the point of view. Thus, one can actually set up the hypothesis that Yahweh is an Anunnaku! And that he during their physical absence from the Earth is a kind of “governor” of the Anunnaki. This fits to what is stated above about his abominable cruelty, on one side, and on the other side the violent nutrition of the Anunnaki with our life energies. Does he supply the Anunnaki with such energies from the Earth during their hibernation?

Yahweh, then (together with two other, see above) had Sodom and Gomorrah (more correctly ‘Amorah) destroyed. There are indications that this could have been done by means of a nuclear explosions. Certain geological peculiarities in the area may be such an indication. This allegedly was done because the inhabitants of the cities were prone to sin. However, Sitchins understanding of the clay-plate texts claims that the Anunnaki in the area were operating a basis for space traffic with Nîbiru. One gets the impression that they wanted to destroy this and eliminate all traces before they at that time gave up their three-dimensional physical presence on Earth. Sinai would at the time have been a forbidden area for humans. And that is from where Yahweh came – he is in the history of religions described to be a war-god from Sinai [2]! The thing about “sin” may then rather have been an excuse … or the “sin” was being in, or too close to, the forbidden area (so that they knew about it, which others should not).

Or… was “sin” a shortened version of “Sinai” and twist and turn and mix it about and here we are today.  See my points about the demonization of “demon” in Power of Words…to see one small example of how language got corrupted over time… and continues to be corrupted.  

It is written in the Bible that the lord let “brimstone” and fire fall on the two towns. The Hebrew word that is here translated as “brimstone” is gaphrit, which rather means “pitch” (bitumen or tar) and generally refers to “inflammable material” [3], which may well be connected with explosions. Lot’s wife became a “pillar of salt” when this occurred (Gen 19:26). She had hesitated, stopped and looked back, and thus probably was too late to find protection and security, so that her body instantly died and became white from the radiation. As concerns “sin”, rabbinic sources like Talmud and Tanach but also gospels mention hostility towards strangers and denying hospitality [15], but later interpretations want to see voluptuousness and especially homosexuality here. If the latter would be true: why should so many heterosexuals and even children be punished along with the others? Actually: whatever the “sin” may have been: why punish also all the innocent? Here we again come to the unjust cruelty …

Would this be akin to Americans and Europeans not wanting rabid, radicalized Islamacist animals allowed into their country… and the lefty / “liberal” (not hardly) mainstream media (msm) spin it as being hostile and denying hospitality?  Perspective means a lot when looking at these old texts.  

And who is Jesus’ God?
In the New Testament Jesus presents a divine father to us, who much more corresponds to our expectations of universal love and universal good. He also talks about the Holy Spirit, who by many original Christians and by the Gnostics was understood to be a female manifestation of God. God as the prime creator thus appears as male and female at the same time. The prime creators Apsû und Ti’âmat were described as a pair – prime God and prime Goddess. Could there be a connection between the Holy Spirit and Ti’âmat?

See my discussion of the Holy Trinity in Interpretation … of Stairway to Heaven where I talk of the “Holy Spirit / Holy Ghost” is really the Divine Feminine.  But gosh, we can’t actually acknowledge the Divine Feminine if we’re trying to maintain the imbalance, the highly controllable and dumbed-down-edness of a patriarchy. 

Ti âmat and Holy Spirit – as I’d already said, both represent the Divine Feminine, which is our connection to Prime Creator / All That Is through our Intuition.  

As far as interpreting Tiamat as a planet that was once in our solar system and was destroyed… Astrologically, in this Dualistic universal realm, planets are either Masculine or Feminine energy and I certainly have every reason to think that Tiamat was Feminine energy and her destruction would have definitely messed with the (astrological) Feminine energy in this Solar system.  Tiamat was known as the “life giver” since it was a water world and water is necessary for life.  

It isn’t easy to reduce the God, about whom Jesus spoke and Yahweh to a common denominator. The following quotation from the Gospel of John may be mentioned hereto:

“Then said Jesus to those Jews …”                                                                                           (8:31)

“’…If God were your Father, ye would love me:
for I proceeded forth and came from God…”                                                                            (8:42)

Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.
He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth,
because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own:
for he is a liar, and the father of it.’”                                                                                          (8:44)

“Jesus” here, in saying “your father” is speaking of the “god” of the Old Testament, Yahweh.  “Jesus” spoke of his own father vs. the “father of the Jews”.  Two different “entities” here.  

Question to Alex Jones – is it really all about semantics if the names and titles are pointing to TWO DIFFERENT ENTITIES?  Hello McFly!  “Jesus”, who you think is real (nope a character in a VERY IMPORTANT ALLEGORY written by the Gnostics) SPOKE OF TWO DIFFERENT “GODS”.  “Jesus” delineated the difference between the “god (father) of the Jews” and his own God.  Catch a frickin’ clue already!

The icon of the “devil” – big, red, horned, hoofed, etc. – is not an actual entity, but was created by the Vatican / Catholic Church to fear-monger.  In many ways it disses Feminine energy, sex, Divine Connection.  Devil spelled backwards is “lived”.  Live spelled backwards is evil.  

The WORD ORIGIN of “devil” goes back to “accuser” (also “slanderer”), just like the WORD ORIGIN of “satan”.  

But if that (now societal meme) “devil” archetype could actually be applied to anyone, it would be Yahweh who was an ET who dared to portray himself as God / Prime Creator / All That Is… and yet Yahweh is who Jews, Christians and Muslims think is God.  You’ve all been duped BIG TIME! … and it happened long ago… and your loved ones – parents, teachers and preachers – have passed on the disempowering, enslaving programs down through the generations to you.  

You describe “the devil” in a certain way, but who did / does what you say “the devil” does is actually the god of the Old Testament… who you worship as God.  *shaking head*  Learn more about “the devil” / “Satan” / Lucifer here:  Lucifer 

The global cabal answer to and were trained by Yahweh and his ilk – they project their crap onto others.  The cabal institution of the Vatican / the church created the icon of the devil to put their crap onto it.  To make you miss the fact that the descriptors used for the devil describe the god of the Old Testament called Yahweh.  

About whom did Jesus speak here? It can hardly have been Abraham, to which those he spoke to refer (8:39). The story of Abraham in the Old Testament gives no reason for that. It has been suggested that Jesus here spoke about Yahweh. One might object that the persons he spoke to probably were devoted to worldly things, materialists and in their true attitude servants of Mamon (the lord of richness). In that case, they were rather paying lip service in their belief. Is it imaginable that Jesus would speak about Yahweh as “the devil” or even “Satan”? The Greek text here has diabolos, which actually means “calumniator” or “defamer” and that would probably be a more suitable translation. That Yahweh isn’t the prime creator, but an anunnakian tribal god among others may in view of his undeniable cruelty even appear probable… Looked at it that way, the translation “calumniator” would fit.

Indeed.  Calumniator = making false statements.  That’s Yahweh, the yahoo, all over.  

But quite generally: Did Jesus want to teach original truths and was he for this reason killed by means of anunnakian influence? Did one want to prevent an attempt to give truth back to people? Has one for this purpose infiltrated the Church when it became clear that the new teachings could not be abolished [16]? People expected a Messiah, who would liberate them from Roman rule – but maybe someone came, who would show us the way to liberation from the Anunnaki, and no one really understood him…

The cabal love the archetype of Prometheus and his torture / punishment… for what?  For giving the Truth to humanity.  Geez, can’t have that!  

Rockefeller center details. New York City 2005

A hypothesis about Jesus’ mission and the Christianity
Against the background of these considerations I have come to the following hypothesis.

Jesus came from above, sent with a revolutionary message to humanity and born in the very area, where the Anunnaki had had their center. These still had an invisible influence over humanity from “behind the veil”. Jesus gradually brought people a truth, which these invisible rulers didn’t want them to know. His teachings about love, peace and spiritual as well as human independence were seen as a threat. Then he also in a cautious way taught that his “Father” isn’t the god they believed in. As it came that far, he had to die for it. The invisible ruler hoped that, with his death, his teachings would with time become forgotten. But it came to be differently.

As I’d said earlier there was no “Jesus” but this author seems to lean in the direction that there was.  Nevertheless, what is being pointed to with the archetypal character of Jesus does indeed bring an empowering message that the cabal did not want out.  What’s really being pointed to is an allegory of “Jesus” that the original Gnostic Christians put out, the Gnostics obviously being in touch with their own “Christ within”.  As I said earlier, Saul / Paul (and other global cabal entities) pursued and killed Gnostic Christians, which there were many of and the Gnostic Christian message / movement kept growing.  

But if the global cabal could wrap that all up in one character and then have that character crucified, they were “killing” the allegorical “Jesus” figuratively, metaphorically, symbolically, in the same way that they “killed” the creator gods Anû and Ti’âmat and tortured Prometheus from Greek mythology.  It wasn’t a literal “killing” but a metaphoric one, yes, in hopes that the True Christian teachings that came from the Gnostics would fall by the roadside.  

The “killing” both literal and figurative just never stopped with Yahweh and the followers of Yahweh in the form of “the Church”.  

Check out the pretty much wiping out of the Cathars in the 13th thru 15th Centuries for daring to say that the Old Testament “God” was not the real God / All That Is / Prime Creator.

From here:

Catharism (/ˈkæθərɪzəm/; from the Greek: καθαροί, katharoi, “the pure [ones]”) was a Christian dualist or Gnostic revival movement that thrived in some areas of Southern Europe, particularly what is now northern Italy and southern France, between the 12th and 14th centuries. “

“The idea of two gods or principles, one good and the other evil, was central to Cathar beliefs. This was antithetical to the monotheistic Catholic Church, whose fundamental principle was that there was only one God, who created all things visible and invisible. Cathars believed that the good God was the God of the New Testament and the creator of the spiritual realm. They believed the evil God was the God of the Old Testament, creator of the physical world whom many Cathars, and particularly their persecutors, identified as Satan.[11] Cathars thought human spirits were the genderless spirits of angels trapped in the material realm of the evil god, destined to be reincarnated until they achieved salvation through the consolamentum, when they could return to the benign God.

From the beginning of his reign, Pope Innocent III attempted to end Catharism by sending missionaries and by persuading the local authorities to act against them. In 1208, Innocent’s papal legate Pierre de Castelnau was murdered while returning to Rome after excommunicating Count Raymond VI of Toulouse, who, in his view, was too lenient with the Cathars. Pope Innocent III then abandoned the option of sending Catholic missionaries and jurists, declared Pierre de Castelnau a martyr and launched the Albigensian Crusade which all but ended Catharism.”

The part about that I bolded – When the Catholic Church talks about being monotheistic, they are doing so in an effort to hide the Truth.  What has been sold as “God” in the Old Testament was Yahweh, the ET.  They are attempting to hide the fact that Yahweh is NOT God / All That Is / Prime Creator.  The Cathars on the other hand are attempting to point this out.  Yahweh was a “god”, little “g”, as surely as we all are, but he shunned the All That Is and portrayed himself as that.  

Very interesting that the Cathars would be considered “dualistic” for merely pointing out that the so-called “God” of the Old Testament was NOT the All That Is / Prime Creator and hence not the God of the New Testament that the Gnostics originally spoke of through the allegorical character of Jesus.  I see this as more the Vatican twisting of Truth.  It was the Vatican that created the icon of “the devil”.  Also Zoroastrianism may have influenced other religions, where Duality of “good” and “evil” and also the concept that God / All That Is / Prime Creator had some “evil” counterpart.  Nope, no evil “counterpart” to God, just a little “g” god, psycho ET called Yahweh.  

Concerning the Cathars referring to Yahweh / God of the Old Testament as “Satan”.  I’d love to know if the Cathars themselves actually capitalized that.  No such name.  But the word “satan” means “adversary, accuser, opponent.”  Yep, Yahweh and the global cabal who answer to him go out of their way to be that satanic energy to Truth, Feminine Energy, humanity in general.  No doubt.  And many Jews, Christians and perhaps Muslims also still think that Yahweh, the “satan” that he is, is God.  Wakey, wakey time!

Pope Innocent III is known for saying, “Kill them all, let God sort ’em out.”  This was in reference to the crusades against the True Gnostic Christian holdouts called the Cathars.  The bulk of them lived amongst many Catholics who essentially said, “You’re not taking our Cathars!” who their Catholic neighbors knew were good people.  Pope Innocent III essentially ordered the killing of Catholics just to wipe out the Cathars… just as the author of this article I’ve linked to, and cut ‘n pasted here, says happened in Sodom and Gomorrah… as history kept repeating itself because humans don’t wake up to the control agenda.  Many “innocent” people – at least as far as the reason given for killing them – are killed in order for the cabal to kill off their enemies, which was anyone who dared speak the truth or may have known the truth.  Pope Innocent III doesn’t sound so innocent. 

I don’t agree with all Cathar beliefs but some of those beliefs obviously presented enough threat to “the Church’s” existence that the pope wanted the Cathars all dead.  Nevermind that the “Catholics” essentially stole the Cathars’ name.  Cathars mean “the Pure Ones”.  “The church” is anything but pure.  Pure evil perhaps is all they are pure in.  

Many today are starting to understand the corruption in the Vatican / the church but they act like that’s something new.  They blame it on the leftist-placed Pope Francis as if he’s to blame for millennia’s worth of corruption.  

Just one example – do you really think the rampant pedophilia within the Catholic Church is just since this new pope has been in?  Really?  There’s a lot of elderly folk around who would tell you different, who were subjected to it when they were children.  

Francis wasn’t around when Cathars and Catholics alike were being slaughtered to kill the True Gnostic Christian message of Empowerment.  He also wasn’t around when the Catholic Church / pope and the monarchies went after the Knights Templar on October, Friday the 13th, of 1307, who were also True Gnostic Christian holdouts.  

Many also like to blame the Jesuit part of “the Church” / Vatican for Vatican corruption, but the Jesuits were not formed until 1534.  By then “the Church” formed by Saul / Paul had done much damage.  

Alex Jones, as knowledgeable as he is about the present-day global cabal, says that recently “the anti-Christ has captured the Catholic Church.”  Yo Alex, the anti-Christ-Consciousness cabal STARTED the Catholic Church!  The cabal and their institution of “the Church” do NOT want anyone realizing the Christ Within… which, the True Gnostic Christians wanted everyone to realize.  

WHAT PART OF “THE Church / the VATICAN HAS ALWAYS BEEN DIRTY” DON’T YOU UNDERSTAND?!!!  Right from its inception!  They may have since layered on even more layers of dirt, but dirt is nothing new for “the Church”.  Wake up humanity!  Being half-awake is NOT awake.  Helping others clean out their psyche about the present-day cabal while you maintain the cabal’s historic disempowering programs in YOUR psyche is NOT getting the job done.  

Have you heard bad things – or perhaps nothing at all – about Pagans, Occultists, the Gnostics, the Cathars, the Knights Templars, the Freemasons?  Who did you hear it from?  Was it a cabal controlled source?  Did they say these groups were… what?… evil or anti-Christ? 

If there was / is any corruption in Pagan, Occult, Christian, Mason practices, it came AFTER the global cabal either infiltrated it or flat out hijacked it.  Like their directive – If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.  Not to say that all these groups got everything right, but they were doing their best.  They were not out and out deceptive like the cabal.  

Those of you who know the present-day cabal, you’ve got their number.  YOU KNOW that they take the nasty things they do and project them onto their “enemies”, ya know, the people who speak the truth.  They’ve ALWAYS been doing that.  

If some “main-stream” source, albeit even historical ones – ya know, like the 3 western religions!!! – say bads things about people, you might want to actually look into those people.  Chances are, they speak truths that the cabal don’t want you to know.  

Does this confuse you that I would say to learn what Pagans and Occultists have to say?  Is it because you have come to learn that the global cabal use Pagan and Occult knowledge?  Let me guess, you’re in one of the 3 western religions… and you drank their kool aid.  The cabal have used your religions to dis Pagan and Occult Wisdom because they know knowledge is power and they want to keep this info and its power to themselves.  They sure as hell don’t want you using it for good.  So they’ve made you think it’s evil.  It’s only “evil” with their warped intentions behind it.  

There is nothing inherently good or evil in the world.  It all depends on the intent behind it.  

I like to call Pagan and Occult Wisdom “Being Earthlings… for Dummies”.  The cabal, through the 3 western religions have dumbed you down, kept you in the dark, and oppressed you through your ignorance.  

On a more recent example of how the cabal operate…. Since I can’t remember when, I’ve heard about those “crazy Scientologists” who won’t allow themselves and their children to be treated with modern medical treatments.  Well, the world is finally waking up to the horrors of the “medical industrial complex” in a bigger way recently.  See my post Useful Healthful Tips about just even vaccines and that’s just one thing.  

A little over a decade ago, I couldn’t help but notice that in a big, yes, “main-stream” way the Scientology people were being dissed and smeared left and right.  Young people were getting all fired up about this and acting like ANTIFA does today, donning masks and getting out in the street to harass Scientologists.  I had a friend whose partner’s son was all fired up about this.  They asked the young man if he had even read Hubbard’s book.  Nope, “not reading that crap” or something similar is what he said.  My friend asked how they could hate what Hubbard and Scientology were about if they hadn’t even read his book.  

I wondered what the cabal had a problem with Scientology over.  

Yep, I’ve got the cabal’s number too, perhaps even better than many of you.  I see their various propaganda campaigns spring up and getting people to hate on others about various stuff or whatever their propaganda push is about and I know there’s something up… yet again.  

I looked up Scientology and found out that Hubbard had been in the military and found out the cabal wanted to eventually get everyone on pharmaceuticals to control them.  He refused to go along with it and Scientology has been anti-drug / pharma.  There was my answer.  I don’t care what else Scientology has got going on, good, bad or indifferent – I got my answer.  The cabal just couldn’t have someone exposing their plans to get everyone on drugs.  

The Divine made SURE I got the message.  

I spent a couple months at the Center for Spiritual Living.  I was looking for peers, but didn’t really find any.  Their head reverend came closer than anyone else there, but, eh, nope, no reason to stay, but was happy to see that folks who maybe still aren’t so “self propelled” in their learning, growing and research and still want to do the church thing could at least hear empowering messages there.  While I was there I met a few folks.  One was a fellow who used to be in Scientology… until… he found out that all the founders of Scientology had been kicked out of Scientology.  Well!  If that doesn’t indicate infiltration and corruption (ya know, the cabal’s directive known as “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em”), I don’t know what would.  

Then, around the same time, I worked a temporary job at a small business.  The owner did not live locally but came to visit while I worked there.  This whole Big Pharma drug push was not something new to me, but God had a point to hammer home to me.  I got to talking to this owner about looking up Scientology and why there was such a big mainstream propaganda push against them.  He told me he was in Scientology and told me to wait while he went to his car to retrieve a copy of the video that Scientology put out called “Making a Killing”.  Great play on words there.  Yep, “they” (the cabal) are getting rich using pharmaceuticals to kill people or ruin their health.  It’s an older video now, but I’m sure it would be enlightening for many still today.  

Christianity spread, and through the murder of Jesus it was rather reinforced than weakened. Seeing this, the invisible rulers conceived a new strategy. They intended to infiltrate this Christianity and modify it in there own sense, so that it would no more be a threat to them but serve their purposes. This was done and led to the formation of a Church, while the original Gnostic Christianity was lost. Jesus’ teachings became twisted and falsified. In their place came the dogma of the Church and the real Christ was replaced by a fake “Christ”.

Again, the cabal directive, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” – infiltrate and corrupt!  “The Church” then hijacked the Gnostics’ True Christianity.  

The absolute worst way that more-modern “Christianity” has twisted the Jesus story is in getting people to worship him and be-lie-ve in him and thinking that’s all that’s required for “getting to the Kingdom of Heaven”.  If only.  You silly “Christians” (nope, not hardly) have much work to do in the way of Self Mastery (Christ-I-Am) in order to free yourself from this very corrupted mundane realm and “get to Heaven”.  

In every Church, the dead Jesus hangs on a cross with nails in hands and feet, with thorns in his head and with a wound in his side. This is a real voodoo-technique for blocking his power. The subconscious message to us is: “Jesus is dead! Now we are in power!” Then the triumph over his death was symbolized with the torture and murder tool he was killed with: the cross … If they had hanged him, I suppose the symbol of the Dogma would have been a rope with a slipknot…

Just like Prometheus… how dare “Jesus” (the gnostics, the True, original Christians) give humanity the Truth.  Jesus on a crucifix is just another statue of Prometheus, demonstrating what happens to those who give the Truth to humanity.  

If I remember right, Hiram Abif, who has significance to the Freemasons (I’ll leave that to you to research) was hanged and in mason initiations they put a noose around the initiate’s neck.  Now all the men in “business / busyness” suits wear a tie around their necks.  Things that make ya go “hmmm?”  I’m sure if the cabal could literally get away with strapping a cross to everyone’s back in some symbolic gesture, they’d do that too.  Shh.  I guess I shouldn’t give ’em any ideas.  

Paul played an important role, maybe as an unconscious agent for the invisible rulers. He “converted” from being Saul, an enemy of Christians, to become the “apostle” Paul, who in a clever and sneaky way modified the teachings. That is how the alienation began, which later Constantine and others continued. They thereby also strove for a return to earlier patriarchal conditions, away from positive attitude to women that Jesus had. A new misogyny came into Christianity through the back door, the way the invisible patriarchal rulers wanted to have it. The possibility for a return of the Goddess could not be allowed. The female quality of the Holy Spirit should again be forgotten, and all tendencies for devotion to a divine femininity were tactically diverted to Mary.  She is, of course, revered in her own right, but this reverence at the same time serves a secret deviation from the Goddess, who anew became forgotten.

Again… infiltrate and corrupt.  

And who was Constantine?  Constantine the Great, a roman emperor, who, along with the Council of Nicaea, a bunch of Catholic bishops, put the Bible together in the 4th Century.  

And who, then, is Allah?
Islam arose around 600 years after Christianity and reveres Allah as the one and only god. The word actually means “The God” and thus isn’t really a name but a designation (like “Yahweh” isn’t really a name either, but also a designation that means “he is”). One of the central basic principles of Islamic confession is: “There is no god except ‘The God’” (La ilaha illa Allah). This reminds strongly of Yahweh’s “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Under the hypothesis that Yahweh saw himself threatened by Christianity and, therefore, infiltrated it, one can envision that the same Yahweh wanted to create an analogous religion under a new denomination in a related people. On one side in order to have a have a “second track” for his influence and on the other side in order to be able to play the two off against each other in a Machiavellian sense of “divide and rule”.

No god except “The God”.  Again, some of the most damaging part about this is that we are ALL gods.  We are always creating, we are never not creating.  But if you do not acknowledge this, then you are creating unconsciously and haphazardly and look what a fine mess that has made in this world, eh?!  This is why my favorite term for God is Prime Creator because of the implications that we are ALL Powerful Creators.  Find out how YOU create here: How to Create

It’s my understanding that the religion of Islam was yet another Catholic Church creation.  Notice the common denominator.  

Years ago, I had a rather large list of email addresses of lightworkers with whom I would share info.  That sharing went both directions.  We were enlightening each other to details about this worldly situation.  I sent out something about the Freemasons being corrupt.  A friend wrote back, “I know many masons and they’re all good people.  If you want to know about corruption, check out the Vatican.”  I wrote back, “I know full well about the corruption of the Vatican, but I was raised Catholic and I have to tell you that most Catholics are good folks, just like you know masons to be.  But Joe Average Catholic and Mason don’t know what is going on in the upper ranks of their organizations.”  My friend wrote back, “You’re absolutely right.”  

Also other extraterrestrial visits?
It is highly probable that humans of this Earth have had contacts with extraterrestrials already before.
It seems quite possible that the Egyptians, Incas, Mayas and Aztecs had such contacts and that these extraterrestrials will not always have been Anunnaki. Regressions with persons, who once lived in Atlantis, indicate that the culture there had contacts with extraterrestrials, who gave them higher knowledge as a kind of development aid. They withdrew disappointedly when they saw that the knowledge was abused. One client experienced himself as a hybrid between extraterrestrials and humans, and suffered from being discriminated by both sides, since he didn’t really look like an Earth human, but also not like an extraterrestrial.

ETs have been here all along.  This planet was seeded and gardened and tended to.  Everything on this planet comes from ET DNA, ourselves included.  Not all were malevolent like the Anunnaki.  And not all Reptilians are bad either.  Those that came here were kinda outcasts of their own race.  Their Reptilian cousins are not thrilled with them either.  

Also, some benevolent ETs “made mistakes” by showing themselves to humans, hoping to awaken and guide humanity, but alas, the dumbed-down humans then wanted to worship these ETs.  Oops.  That kinda was counterproductive to these benevolent ETs’ intentions.  

Very evil chapters of human history on our planet are the cruel conquests and destructions of above all the Latin-American cultures through European Yahwistic cultures. Why did the latter want that? A logical answer will be that Yahweh manipulated humans to that end, since he didn’t want competition in his influence on humankind. Thus, this will concern influence of other extraterrestrials than the Anunnaki or, maybe, rivaling Anunnaki groups.

It may be assumed that there were also other cultures on Earth before the anunnakian manipulation of human life here, and that they may in many cases have had benevolent contacts with other extraterrestrials.

In India, an ancient knowledge has to a large extent survived that probably also has to do with very early extraterrestrial contacts. The yahwistic attempts to eradicate this by means of the British rule (and earlier through the Muslim Moguls) luckily didn’t really work. Instead, the knowledge became accessible to the entire world, since ancient Sanskrit texts were translated to English! As if the plan backfired… (but to day business globalization is, instead, doing much damage to the Indian culture).

Are then all “Gods” only extraterrestrials?
There are authors who seem to claim that. But the true creator God certainly isn’t in that sense an extraterrestrial, since he – beyond that concept – is everywhere. That then some of his creations were regarded as “gods”, when they came from somewhere else to visit the Earth, is quite another matter.

The Anunnaki want to claim that they are our creators!
The Anunnaki are not our creators! They have by means of genetic manipulation in very ancient times only created the bodies of our prime ancestors but not created them out of pure energy, as the prime creator did when he created our souls. They are in no way our creators!

For clarity, the Anunnaki, yes, created our bodies, by combining the DNA from a local hominid with their own DNA.  Our SOULS are God’s / Prime Creator’s / All That Is’ creation.

Our bodies are not really “us”, they are “on loan to us from the planet” when we incarnate here.  It will be the same on 5D Gaia.  She and we will have crystalline bodies.  But yeah, it could be said that even though we create our 5D crystalline bodies as part of our personal ascension process, those bodies will be on loan from Gaia.  Our bodies are very much a part of the planet we live on and WE as souls are very much a part of the planet while we are incarnate there.  Our energies absolutely affect our planet.  

Are the Anunnaki mentioned in the Bible?
The Bible mentions a tall people called Anakim, the sons of Anak. They have to do with the Nephilim, who are the above-mentioned “sons of the gods” who came down to Earth to have children with the “daughters of man”. The following Bible passages mention “Anakim” and “Anak”: Num 13:22; 13:28; 13:33, Deut 1:28; 2:10-11; 2:21, 9:2, Josh 11:21-22; 14:12; 14:15; 15:13-14; 21:11, Judg 1:20.

The conclusion near at hand would be that these are Anunnaki (in their three-dimensional appearance) or probably rather there off-spring resulting from their sexual involvement with humans of the Earth.

Perhaps both.  

There is reason to think that some Reptilians can shape-shift – being higher dimensional beings – into human form.  Some say that is one reason that they want a blood sacrifice and literally drink human blood… enabling them to take on human form.  *shrug*

Also the old “right of kings” thing plays into all this.  The shapeshifting may though then be due to them being a mix of homo sapiens (which is already part Reptilian) and then being bred with Reptilians.  

The western (European) monarchies were / are more Reptilian than most of us and they do their best to keep it that way, which is why they marry their cousins, to “keep their bloodline pure”.  So, they think this gives them the right to rule over humanity.  

Barbara Marciniak’s Pleiadian contacts (the “Ps”) like to talk about how the “kings” (political rulers who are sellouts to the Anunnaki / Reptilians) think that if they control and kill off humanity by destroying / terraforming the surface of the planet, that they can hide away underground until they can resurface and rule the world without most of humanity.  These “kings” like to think the Anunnaki / Reptilians will reward them, but no, the Ps say these “kings” will be the Anunnaki’s dinner.  


See also:

Reader’s Digest Condensed Version of Western Religion

Ascension Update… the Third

God was in the mood for cards again.  So, Tarot reading:

  • Rebirth / transformation
  • Beware of burning bridges
  • Time to get on or strengthen your spiritual path

I’m told this is about the most sleepy folks.  These would be the folks who are really duped by the cabal and their msm stooges.

As I was going through this reading, “libtard” kept coming up in my head.  lol  I always say the “lib” part of that is not the issue, it’s the “tard” part.  Being “liberal”, well, what most folks would consider true liberalism, is not an issue, but many on the left are retarded in their knowledge of the reality of this world situation.  Many liberals have gotten duped into actually pushing “progressivism”, not knowing what “progressive” is really implying.  And frankly what do the”Democrats”, have to do with true liberalism, especially these days?!  They epitomize hypocrisy.  They are illiberal / anti-liberal.  Communist, socialist, authoritarian, totalitarian are better descriptions of the high-ranking Democrats and also their fellow cabal-stooge counterparts on the right.

And… it’s probably long overdue that we start to call that spade a spade.  I often caution folks to not just assume that people are talking about the same thing just because they are using the same words.  Liberals seem to think that “progressive” means “progressive liberalism”.  I frankly can’t remember the last time that anyone in the higher ranks of the Democratic party have actually used the word “liberal”, they always say “progressive.”  So, how’s about we all start calling it what it really is and including the word “communist” somewhere around that word “progressive” – “progressive communism” or “communist progressivism” or just flat progressivism / communism.  Maybe that will help the liberals wake up to the fact that “progressive” is not about “liberal”.  Capisce?!

There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote. It is merely the difference between murder and suicide.  ~ Ayn Rand

… which is why…

America was not founded to be a democracy.  We were founded as a republic to protect Americans from the tyranny of a democracy.  Because a democracy, like socialism, has failed every time it’s been tried, because the people vote in socialism.  ~ Peter Schiff  (added Feb. 14, 2019)

In general, the Joe Average folks right of center are more awake to the present-day global cabal and their players and tactics.  When the folks left of center wake up to it, they may or may not abandon some of their liberal ideals.  This isn’t about left or right.  That used-to-be libtard is not necessarily going to suddenly become a conservative.  This is about who is awake and to what.  When Joe Average “libtard” truly wakes up to what “progressivism” really is, they’ll realize that it in no way aligns with their own perspective on things, quite the opposite.  Liberals, go look up the #walkaway movement to know why your fellow liberal is walking away from the Democrats.  You’ll find an ocean of testimonies from your fellow liberals who have awakened to the fact that the “progressive” Democrats do NOT represent them.

The unawakened on the left think what is going on right now is about left / right and that it’s just a difference of opinion.  But in that is the assumption that the sleepy left and the awakened right are looking at the same body of knowledge when they are not.  Those unawakened on the left, when they do awaken to the global cabal, they may surprise themselves at how much they then agree with those who are awakened on the right… because now… they are indeed finally looking at some of the same body of knowledge that the right have been looking at.

And those on the right seem to know quite a bit about the present-day version of the global cabal, but they still have apparent programming / brainwashing that was laid into the human psyche centuries and millennia ago, mostly by organized religion, especially Western religion.  They still have some things to learn.

You can bet the cabal used religion early and often to dumb people down because humanity’s innate sense of “otherworldliness”, that beyond this Earthly realm, is real insistent.  Instead of religion helping you to spirit / the Divine, it has been used to keep you from it, to drive a wedge between human-level you and God & your own Divine self, to “head you off at the pass”, if you will.  

Fear has also been used by religion to manipulate people away from important sources of information.  Goodness sakes, but isn’t the Vatican-created icon of “the Devil” one of the biggest clues about that?!  Another use of fear by religion to steer humans is the demonization of the Occult – which literally means the “culture of light”, eee gad, not that!, which I like to call “Being Earthlings… for Dummies” – and Paganism – which, when it comes right down to it, is acknowledgement, honoring and celebration of THE PLANET YOU LIVE ON, again, eee gad, not that!  How dare you actually be a good steward to the planet you live on.  Here is the word origin of pagan for some clue:

late Middle English: from Latin paganus ‘villager, rustic’, from pagus ‘country district’. Latin paganus also meant ‘civilian’, becoming, in Christian Latin, ‘heathen’ (i.e. one not enrolled in the army of Christ). 

Those damn small-town and country folks, ya know, who live near / in nature and have to actually work with it!  (I said sarcastically.)  Sorry, but that sounds all too familiar in this day and age – danged rural people in “flyover country” anyway!  Another eee gad!

So… many right of center have been hamstrung by religion, getting next to nothing out of it, including not getting any worthwhile DIRECT Divine connection and hence no personal Divine guidance.

Then there are many down through history for whom religion just didn’t resonate and was a downright turn off.  Unfortunately for many like that, they closely associate religion with God, so when they toss out religion, they unfortunately toss out God and all else Divine, including acknowledging their own Divine Self.

And just in the last 2 examples I just gave, yep, the cabal used religion to drive a wedge between you and the Divine.  They won.  You lost.  Time to reverse such.

You don’t need a preacher man, the “good book” or any other go-between / middleman (unless of course you are actually guided there), you have a DIRECT Divine Connection.  High time to use it already!

Ya know the old line, “If ya can’t beat ’em join ’em.”  Well, I think most folks interpret that to mean that you just cave in to the other side and do as they are doing.  Years ago I had a revelation about that line, that it’s really a cabal directive.  It means if they can’t out and out destroy their “enemies” (pretty much humanity) in some way, silence them or even kill them off, then join them / infiltrate them and corrupt them from within.  

They most assuredly have done that with religion over time and also with such things as the Freemasons, who at one time were helping to keep Truth in the world.  Down through history, both those who have wanted you to know the Truth and those who don’t have displayed the Truth in symbology.  Those who DON’T want you to know it can hide it in plain sight, while those who DO want you to know it would have been killed off if they just spoke the Truth openly.

Many know that many of the founding fathers of the United States were Freemasons and they also know that the Masons are now rather corrupt, especially in the upper ranks.  So they think they are putting 2 and 2 together to say that the founding fathers were corrupt.  No, the Masons were not always corrupt.  The infiltration and corruption started about the same time the U.S. started… and George Washington knew this and gave his fellow Masons a heads up about it.  The Royal Society of Freemasons were an early part of the cabal monarchies infiltrating and corrupting the Masons.

And dear lightworkers, as I’ve said elsewhere, the New Age Movement is absolutely at the forefront of this Ascension Project, but you can bet that the New Age realm is just as corruptible as anything and everything else… and has been.  Your discernment is absolutely required for you to get to the Truth and that would include Energy Discernment ‘cuz some folks who put out both disinformation (they know it’s a lie) and those who put out misinformation (they don’t realize it’s a lie) can and do use all the same words, terms, phrases that the rest of us do… to lead you astray.

Furthermore, the Truth is for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  It’s up to YOU to get to the Truth.  It’s up to YOU to sleuth through the symbology, the archetypal information, the subtle Divine guidance, to come to know the Truth in a very personal way.  And those who don’t have the urge, the drive to do so, just won’t get there, even if and when the Truth is handed to them on a silver platter.

Science has also been used to keep people from knowing about other dimensions.  This is why they can’t come up with some Unified Field mathematical equation that works in all cases, there are always exceptions BECAUSE THEY DO NOT INCLUDE OTHER DIMENSIONS and the influence of those dimensions on 3D.

Both religion and science have been used to keep you from knowing the Powerful Divine Creators who you really are and you can bet the cabal’s main objective is to keep you from spirit and yes, keep you from knowing about the ascension and how to ascend.


But, this reading – for the most part – has to do with those who have yet to or are just waking up to the present-day global cabal.

And that first card is the biggy.  What would spur a rebirth / transformation in the most sleepy of the sleepy?  Perhaps a MOATB – Mother of All Truth Bombs!  Here it comes…


See Current Events… for Dummies for more on the global cabal.