Yo Lightworkers! You got next. How to BE the LIGHT

Lot’s o’ talk of light and beingness, but here again, I really sense this is yet another case of people using the same words and yet have different ideas of what those words mean, so… they’re really not communicating.  They think they’re talking the same thing, but maybe not so much.

So, I’ll bother to define things as we go here so we are actually communicating.

What is light?  Well, in one regard it’s photons.  One could also say everything is light, just different frequencies and densities.  But regardless of what that label could be applied to…

Light is information.

You came here to work the light, to be the light, to spread the light.  You are here to bring information… at every level… in all ways.  Not just any information though, but higher frequency information.

So, first… You.  It’s always you first.  What you have to offer the other is your consciousness.  You can only give as much as you’ve got there.  So follow Lao Tzu’s advice and if you want the world consciousness to rise, then raise yours.

What is consciousness?  Awareness.

The biggest part of your consciousness comes (or can) from the “unseen”, from your inner knowingness, from your Divine True Self.  Go read my “Divine Guidance…” post if you think the Divine doesn’t speak to you.

But information can come to us through outer means also.  Now with increased awareness comes increased discernment, which includes paying attention to what draws you, what doesn’t, what repulses you, etc.

Remember back in the days of… books, lol… you’d be asked to do a term paper on something and you’d go researching.  Ah, so many books, so little time.  So you learned how to research.  Skim the Table of Contents and Index, etc.  But now, with the World Wide Information-Overload, er, I mean Web, even bothering looking at today’s equivalent of Tables of Contents / Indices is often still too much waste of time and effort.  Now it’s even more important to actually use those intuition skills ya been honing.

If you are just not drawn there, then hey, don’t waste your time – be it a site, an article, whatever.  Careful on not throwing out babies with bathwater, but…

So, I’m not just talking about going to what you ARE drawn to, but also NOT going to what you’re not drawn to.  And if you do push past that no-draw and just insist on reading some garbage because it’s on the webpage on your screen, then check to see how much it repulses you.  Learn that the no-draw and repulsion are connected.  Next time, don’t go there.

This big group of lightworkers coming into more extensive service work, you have tapped into your creative powers more fully so careful what you focus on.  Energy flows where attention goes.  Think only of what you want and not of what you don’t want.

You’ll come across more of the useful stuff and less of the garbage when you actually DO less and BE more so you just flow along and can actually tap into Divine Guidance.

As they say, “Put it out there.”  Ask.  Who?  God, the universe, your soul, your higher self (those last 2 are different individuated entities there, did ya know?  See “The Higher Self” post), your own knowingness.  Then stay calm and let the answers come, let the direction come.  Less activity, more progress.

One time someone had asked me, “Do you think that things come in answer to our prayers or do you think we bother to make the prayer because we can sense this thing coming?”  My answer, “Both.”

Does the Divine, ya know, other parts of the Divine that are not just individuated us, do they assist us?  Oh sure, but it’s back to the raising consciousness / awareness thing.  Ya know God / Infinite Light / The Void / Infinite Possibility is hanging right there next to you.  Like that spider that came to sit with Miss Muffet.  But until your own awareness increases enough to even want to see it, it will just sit there, the Divine just a’ chomping at the bit, so eager to help ya out… once ya ask.

Asking the question in itself helps you see the answer.  It helps you be open and receptive to the answer that the Divine may have been working to get to you for a while.  “Oh, hello there little spider buddy.”

Of course after the guidance / direction then comes doing your part – God helps those who help themselves… and follow Divine guidance.

So… beingness.  Yes, BEing very often absolutely does include a lot less DOingness.  Ya know, that whole still and quiet thing.  Meditators and contemplators understand what that’s like.  Now it’s time to BE that always.  To be a MOVING meditation, not just when you sit in the corner and chant “om” (if you do that).

And it’s time to AVAIL yourself.  Let go of all of the 3D trivialities.  Slow down.  Enough already with the rushing around gig.  Be present… so that you can be a Spiritual Minuteman… responding in the moment… so that you can BE there for people NOW.  Yeah, that person there, that one standing right in front of you.  They could use your presence.

Lightworkers (LWs) really could stand to shut down the outer-activity, headless-chicken, endless distraction Warp Drive, fo’ sure.  But there is more to BEingness than just less doing.

When do you BE the light?  Always.  No matter who is watching.  No matter if no one is watching.  It’s about allowing that Inner You to be shown outwardly.  Always.  Would you say it to a fellow lightworker?  Then say it to your neighbor.  Would you do that in front of lightworkers?  Then do it in front of your neighbor.

If you cuss in front of your roommate, then why hold back on those expletives in front of lightworkers?  Yep,  we have higher frequency but we still just might cuss or drink or whatever upon occasion.  It’s not about being a prude or a goody two shoes.

I swear (every pun intended) I’ve cussed more during these intense, ascension-hell, energy-work years than the entirety of the rest of my life.  Saving the world through Harsh Language!  Ha.  Really not kidding since the forerunners’ energy fields, emotional included, were used to transmute energy.  Expressive, expletive, cuss-like-a-sailor harsh language OR game of nuclear bomb egg toss via WWIII?  Hmm.  Don’t need to stroke my non-existant long beard too long on that one.  Yeah, I think we made the right call there, don’t you?  Hey, in the moment, I may not have known just exactly WHAT I was transmuting, but I did know that I was absolutely going to feel it and intended to, didn’t fight it… and cussed the blue streak to go with… in order to transmute it.  I didn’t know the “what”, but I did get and do and be the “that”.

And that “in front of others” thing… after all, just think about it – ok, so you’re a lightworker (that don’t impress me much – any Shania Twain fans out there? lol), you’ve awakened to some things, and yet you’re still human and I don’t mean that in an “only human” / “I’m doomed to be a mess-up” / cop-out / disempowered sort of way, (who in the hell put that frickin’ “only” in front of human?) but you are demonstrating what humans can do and be, what is achievable BY HUMANS… while human, while still here.  Hu was a god.  Hu-man literally means God-man.  We are all gods / goddesses.  (Screw that “only” b.s.)

And yet we are also all totally nobodies (no bodies), no different than the next person.

And that next person… they. could. stand. to. see. that. in. you!  To see your True Self shining through, but without putting on aires.  Let them see the “just folks” part of you.  Be real.  Be real in a Heavenly way and also in an Earthly way.  No matter how ya slice you, you come up AUTHENTIC.

Another way that you are going to be bringing light to the world is in your upcoming “human antenna” energy work.  Light will literally come through your personal fields, affecting mind, body and emotions and you’re gonna let it.  Whatever can get through / past whatever blockages you still have will be delivered to the world… energetically.  And yep, energy is everything too, but I’m not talking about conversing with the neighbor here.  It’s more pure energy, that is unseen, unheard (well on the 5 senses level), but more than likely very much felt by you and that includes physically.  And I’m not talking about when you are with / interacting with people in any way, but also when you’re sitting on your butt at home.  No matter where you go, there your human antenna is.

And that light will continue to work on your blockages also.  And you’re gonna let that happen too.  No really, you will.

You didn’t just come here to get yourself ascended.  If that were the case, we forerunners would have been gone long ago.  For myself, probably about a decade ago.  We’ve gone through sheer hell keeping the world from destruction to buy you some time to get up to speed.

Now, it’s your turn.  You may not experience what we did and what we did is done, but it’s time for you to step up.  This started out being all about you and in maintenance mode, that will continue.  But it’s time for some REAL Energetic Service Work now.

But, just like with your mental-type awareness, you can also only pass on as much energetic, etheric-level light / information / consciousness / awareness as you yourself can muster.  Keep PROACTIVELY, in a committed, diligent, literally asking-for-it kinda way working on your own personal HEALING so that more of that light can get through you and to the world.  Be the clearest channel of energy you can possibly be.  That doesn’t happen if you fight or resist the healing process that you asked for.  Like the old line, “You knew the job was tough when you took it.”  Fighting it only creates unnecessary challenge.  It’s enough challenge without the resistance.

Do you see at all how very important your own healing is to others?!  And to knockout that healing as quickly as you can muster and that comes by just letting it happen, because it’s a process and takes some time, then those you influence, they’ll need some time too, so… tick, tick, tick.  That clock doesn’t matter on a multi-dimensional level, but it does for anyone still in 3D, so help them out by helping yourself out first.  As the flight attendant says, “Put on your own oxygen mask before helping others with theirs.”  But the 3D Earth Airplane has some holes in it so you can’t take your sweet time donning your own oxygen mask or those other folks who could use your help will have suffocated by then.  A little urgency here folks.  A little pep in your healing step there, eh.

I very strongly suspect that people can knock it out faster now than in the past but…  Yep, a whole lot of your old 3D life will be falling by the wayside so you can work on your top priority – your own healing.  You’re gonna let that happen too.

Folks, nothing, I mean NOTHING is going to help others more than you doing your own inner / healing work.  Nothing.  Are you literally holding back, scared to “leave others behind”?  You’re leaving yourself behind by doing that and really not doing one whole hell of a lot for anyone else.  Anyone who even dares to worry about such still has some inner work to do yet, because you still have not grasped this whole Unity thing – we are never not connected.

And you’ll do more to urge others along by getting out in front and setting the example than you’ll do by hanging back with them.  You didn’t come here to “fit in”.  You didn’t come here to be silent.  You didn’t come here to get caught up in the 3D program… and stay caught up.  Yep, had to be here, incarnate to do this and yep part of that was experiencing the caught up part, but then let it go already.  Keep asking for and finding ways to let go of more and more of the 3D paradigm… without losing your grounding.  You’re not only Walking Between the Worlds, you are connecting the worlds, connecting Heaven and Earth through you, in the world but not of it.  3D and Duality are not “bad” per se, but there has been a lot of disempowering programming and all the useless distractions that go with it… that could stand to be released.

And… don’t forget about those other humans still firmly in 3D.

I’ve done one-on-one healing work with folks in the past and when healing energy is introduced then people’s little “demons” lash out.  Many, many times in so many ways – not the least of which being these intense recent “ascension hell” years through energy work – I have gone to the depths of someone else’s hell with them, to offer them a hand, to help them find their way out, their way through.  I went unscathed, but for the need / want of a little energetic clearing.

Get yourself out of hell so you can go back in and guide others out.

You are to disconnect from 3D, not from 3D humans.  Capisce?

They are why you are here now.  I mean that in a general sense, as in that’s why you incarnated now when you did, but I also mean a much more immediate NOW, as in, that is the next stage for this ascension project – a big group of lightworkers who will very soon be taking  over light anchoring / holding duties from forerunners.

Yep, always you first, but…

Vow to complete and with your completion you will help others complete.

You got your oxygen mask on yet?  Others could use your help.

I’ll let Shania take it from here…

Ok, so you’re a lightworker, that don’t impress me much.

Healthy Selfishness

I love the term “self-centered” – Centered on Self.  Where else to be centered, but on self?  Should one be centered somewhere “over there”?  Unfortunately that’s exactly how it has been in this world and what a mess it has made.

Ayn Rand was someone who had promoted healthy selfishness.  Regardless of what your views of Ayn Rand might be, well, I couldn’t help but chuckle when I heard that someone had asked her once, “I know what you’re saying, but why do you choose to use the word ‘selfish’?”  Ayn responded, “For the same reason that it bothers you.”

Yep, time to release some disempowering programming concerning being Self-Centered and get your priorities straight.

The following quote was included in the book below.

You are the cup. It is your responsibility to fill up your own cup. You do not drink from someone else’s cup. You do not let others drink from your cup. You fill up your cup by giving time to yourself every day. You establish and maintain a healthy relationship with your Creator daily. Daily meditation and contemplation fill up your cup. Regular self-care. Eventually, after time, you are giving and receiving daily, the blessings of spiritual well being. “Your cup runneth over.” (and continues to do so, because you continue to give to your self.) Eventually, the constant continual inflow, creates OVERFLOW, causing your cup to ‘runneth over’. (You didn’t think it was real did you?) It is this overflow that you gift to the world at your choosing. This overflow is pure unconditional love in its highest vibration. The supply is endless. There are no strings attached to your giving. You have found your self and given generously. You love your self. YOU ARE THE CUP!

~ Joanie Vogel

You can’t pour from an empty cup.  You can only give as much as you’ve got.  Gotta get it yourself first… before you can give it to others.  Self-centered, self love, self respect, self nurturing, self healing.

For more on how to get your priorities straight in this healing and spiritual work ya all do, see the book “Awake & Aware – Top Priority: Self”
