Soul Experiences… for Dummies

What most people think of as “God” is the All That Is.  God is everything.

But another term for God, which is my favorite, because of its implications, is Prime Creator.

You and everyone else, including ETs, whoever, are all souls of God.  You come from God and are part of God.  You are a Powerful Creator in and of yourself, a god.  Why would you not be?  You are God having the experience of you through you.

The only “real” and True realm is “God’s realm” or the Divine Realm.

There are dimensions / densities (some call ’em “angelic realms” and perhaps other terms) that are essentially outside of the Divine Realm and hence they are not “real” per se.  They are an illusion.

You, as a soul, have had many ex-periences here and elsewhere, in human form or other physical and non-physical forms.

We, God and all of us souls, co-created the dimensions / densities in order to have ex-periences.  “Ex” means “from” or “outside”.  We are having ex-periences that are outside of who we truly are.  Yeah, we signed up for this craziness.  We come here BY CHOICE, at a soul level.

When we step into dimensional ex-perience, we don a “consciousness veil” and take on free will.  If we did not don the veil, there is no way we’d do things that are “outside of who we are”.  The veiled-consciousness state of free will is what allows us to do things that we’d never do if we knew / re-membered who we really are.

Whether you are the “murderer” or the “victim” or whatever else, you signed up for this and it’s just a game.  And just like when playing a video game, when your little game avatar dies, you don’t. You are a Soul having a human ex-perience.  It’s worth honoring your humanness when you are human, but it’s just an ex-perience, it’s not who you truly are.  Your body (physical form) can die, but you as a soul do not.  You are essentially eternal, or at least as much as you and God want you to be (I’ll let you take that up with God yourself).

If you donned a virtual reality headset, you’d be stepping into an illusion.  But the ex-periences you are having there are absolutely “real”, just having those ex-periences in an illusory realm.  That is exactly what is going on in the dimensional / density-level illusory realms.

We are having “real” ex-periences here, but we’re doing it in a self-made virtual reality, a video game, if you will.  (Read “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot)  Yes, it’s a “matrix”!  But it’s OUR / YOUR matrix.  We created this.

Yep, we’re THAT powerful, most especially when you have entire worlds (let alone entire dimensional realms) where all the people there are all on the same sheet of music.  On top of the Universal Laws of Physics and Metaphysics, we also collectively can and do create entire collective paradigms.

Individuals though can step out of the collective paradigm and have, down through history.  Recently MANY Earthlings are stepping out of the old paradigm that has been in place since the beginning of humans.

No matter what your state of consciousness you are ALWAYS creating.  There is never a time when you are not creating.  Whether you remember you are a Powerful Creator god or not, you are always creating.  You’re not waiting to become a god, you always are one.  The difference is you are either creating consciously or unconsciously.  Denying that you are a Powerful Creator doesn’t keep you from creating, it just makes your creations unconscious.  It also keeps you from taking RESPONSIBILITY for your creations.  How’s that worked out so far folks?

Unconscious creations are easily hijackable and, most especially here in the 3D Earthly realm, have been hijacked.

Higher-dimensional beings, who, yes, are also having a veiled-consciousness ex-perience, came to 3D Earth to supposedly mine for gold.  I won’t kid ya, I have no idea at this point in time and space, why higher-dimensional beings would need or desire 3D-level gold (perhaps for spaceships that could go through the wormhole that is the black hole that isn’t black at the center of the galaxy?), but… their own kind got tired of doing the mining and basically went on strike.  So, they needed someone else to do the mining.

Some of these beings were genetic engineers so they created the homo-sapien form from a local hominid and their own DNA.  They created humans to be a slave race.  They were hence here before humans and had their slave purpose for humans, so as soon as the human form’s feet hit the ground, the control agenda started.  This has then essentially been “forever” as far as the human form is concerned, it’s not anything new.

Today, there is a controlling cabal in this world who answer to these higher-dimensional beings, yep ETs.  And the global cabal think that those ETs left the cabal in charge here.  The cabal think they have “the right of kings” to rule over you.  The cabal think also they might get some favors from the ETs if they do their bidding.  Eh, they may be in for some surprises in that regard.  Nevertheless, their role has allowed every soul who incarnates into human form to have some very challenging ex-periences, which is why we created this realm and what we signed up for.

That control agenda, from the ETs and the cabal, has resulted in humans being dumbed down, which has resulted in being disconnected from your Divine Self and God.  And the control agenda has also resulted in having wounds, most especially which start when you’re a child.

And unfortunately, like it or lump it, the people who have actually played the biggest role in your be-lie-f-system programming have been the people who love you – your parents, teachers and preachers… because they too have been programmed.  Veiled consciousness ex-periences all around.  “Forgive them God, they know not what they do.”  But God knows that and doesn’t need to be asked to forgive anyone.  God was in on this co-creation.

So, yes, we did sign up for this unsanity, but all good things and thankfully “bad” things come to an end.  The times we are in are a time of Planetary and Collective Ascension.  This is your chance to (re)awaken to who you truly are (remove the consciousness veil), to heal and to return to your True Self (or at least a much truer version of yourself) and return to God.

I just found out there’s no such thing as the real world
Just a lie you’ve got to rise above.  ~ “No Such Thing” by John Mayer

No one can truly take authority over your life, but you sure can give it away.  Well, if you can give authority of your life away, you can also reclaim it.  Ready for that yet?

Gaia, the old soul essence of Earth (Gaia’s old body), asked to be ascended because Earth has an extinction-level event looming on the horizon.  The global cabal have hijacked humans’ creative powers and have used humanity to trash the environment and not in the cabal’s conventionally-told “climate change” sort of way, which they just use as an excuse to control and kill off humans, in a myriad of ways.  It goes far beyond such things as you motoring around in your century+ old internal-combustion-engine-powered vehicles.

Gaia did not care to have herself and all her lifeforms go through yet another extinction-level event.  So… many souls answered her call and came here to help Gaia and humanity achieve their ascension to the 5th Dimension (5D).  You can help to raise the human form to 5D by saving yourself.  Read this blog to understand how to heal (to make whole) and resolidify your Divine connection.

Alex Jones, just recently, said that the global cabal have put out messages that this realm is not “real”.  They’re not wrong!  He also said they, the cabal, were trying to “escape” this realm.  They are, that’s true also.  But, even though they know much about esoteric information – “eso” means “within / into / inward” – they keep trying to “escape” (see word origin, it’s literally “ex-cape”) this realm in exoteric ways (remember “ex” and “exo” means “outside”).  Idiots!  They’re using the “out there” to do what one can only do “in here”.

There’s a line directed at the world establishment, which, if I remember right, was attributed to “Jesus”, although may be much older than that, which I now paraphrase: “You have the knowledge, you won’t let anyone else have it and yet you yourselves don’t know what to do with it.”

The cabal (establishment) keep trying to do outwardly what can only be done inwardly.  They attempt to use “outer technology” to do what anyone and everyone can do with “Inner Technology.”  And that’s what this whole ascension thing is about – tapping into your Inner Technology to yes, graduate beyond this realm.  You don’t need “A.I”, as in “artificial intelligence”, you have A.I. as in ACTUAL Intelligence.  Divine Intelligence!

Read this blog for more.  I strongly suggest, especially if this whole ascension thing is new to you, that you start reading this blog from the first post and read it in order.  It’s not a big blog, like reading a small- to medium-sized book.

The Higher Self

Here I’ll document what I have become aware of concerning the Higher Self (HS).

Ok, first of all, initially, years ago, that term “higher self” did not sit well with me.  I thought that perhaps it was some New Agey term for God / the Divine used by people for whom religion had left a bad taste in their mouth… and some not-so-wonderful ideas about God in their minds.  I myself never had those hangups about God or that term for All That Is / Prime Creator.  I connected with God directly for years.

Just to give some chronological order to this… I have found out in more recent years, that I was done with my “general healing” (my term) in 2006 and if we were doing individual ascensions, I would have been able to move into my own intense ascension process then, but was held back from it for the planetary / collective effort, you know, what we all signed up for.  But I wanted to put in this data point as I was NOT working with my HS at that point.

(And let me say, to anyone who is still working on their healing and ascension, don’t become daunted by my tales of healing and ascension work that lasted for many years. Yours may not take that long.  It’s really very much up to you at this point.  I was a trailblazer.  You tell me, which is easier – cutting the trail or just walking it after it’s cut?  There’s so much light in this world now that wasn’t here then.  It IS a process though and does take time.  You can’t cram for this test.  Just keep putting one foot in front of the other.)

Sometime in 2008, I was guided to a diagram of the Crystal Palace Within which is the pituitary, pineal, thalamus and hypothalamus.  And in the diagram it showed the Big Dipper and Little Dipper / Ursa Major and Ursa Minor and the North Star / Polaris up above this human head and lines drawn to connect the Crystal Palace Within to the North Star / Polaris.  There were just a few words there, which I don’t remember now… and I had no urge to look into it any further at that point.

In early 2009, I was led to read a book that used the term “higher self” a lot and at one point defined it as “the part of God dedicated to you.”  THAT resonated.  Not long after that, God flat told me to now connect to my HS.  God would still be there for me, but I needed to solidify my connection to my HS.  By the end of 2009, I was “hearing” my HS as well as I had heard God over the years.

Now, just to show a bit of God’s funny bone here…

I’ll need to preface this story with… I had recent to that time heard a standup comedian say that his wife had asked him, “Are you having sex behind my back?”
To which he replied, “Who did you think it was?”

As I’ve said elsewhere, I had realized years ago that when connecting with different entities, I would tend to feel / sense them on or near a certain body part.  This isn’t all so important anymore for my connection, but I do find it still helps if it’s tough to “get ’em on the line”.

Where I felt God was… in the upper, back, left side of my brain extending up and back at an angle.  Well, when God told me I was to connect with my HS, I asked my HS something, don’t remember what, don’t remember the answer, but I do remember where I felt it and it was… in the upper, back, left side of my brain extending up and back at an angle.

I told God, “It feels like you.”
To which He replied, “Who did you think it was?”

I still laugh as I write this.

And solidifying that connection with my HS came just in time.  Early in 2010, I then moved into my intense ascension process.

Later in the year, I saw that Tom Kenyon’s Hathors had given a message titled Crystal Palace Within.  I perked up!  Ah, I recognize that.  It was put out early, but it is a meditation for pineal gland activation that was meant to be done on Halloween that year so I did so.  I am SO well grounded and normally don’t get really heady, dizzy, woozy as I hear some folks talk about in their healing / spiritual process, but after that activation I was actually woozy for a couple days.  It obviously took.

And this is what some would call “descension” or when the HS fully descends / connects into one’s human self.

Now, I want you to absorb what I’m really telling you here… because… this occurred AT THE VERY END OF MY HEALING AND ASCENSION PROCESS.  So, this is after many years of being Divinely Connected and Following Divine Guidance.  So, ya all might think you’ve had pineal gland activation, but no, not quite like this.

Then, in late summer of 2012, my friend and I had both gotten messages from our HS to the effect of “You don’t need me anymore.”  Excuse my abbreviated French, but I just have to say it – wtf?  Here we were obviously still “in the program” and still under the consciousness veil to some degree, certainly not feeling “fully conscious / all knowing” or the like… no nice new shiny crystalline bods… and our HSes are saying we don’t need them anymore.
*deer in the headlights look*

Well, I then reconnected to God more directly again and have since learned that, first and foremost, one’s “higher self”, well, really isn’t. lol  They are not “self” per se.  HSes are individuated entities unto themselves who work with us as our soul travels down through dimensions.  The HS stays in the Divine realms and serves as a tether for us, but once we (our soul, which is what travels through the dimensions) remake that Divine connection in full (Crystal Palace Within) and raise our frequency and consciousness enough, then the HS has served its purpose.

If one finds themselves still “doing time on planet earth…” (“… waiting for the return of the mother ship” as an ex of mine used to say when asked what they were doing) even after this Divine reconnection has occurred, well, too bad, so sad… (and God now jokes again, “Don’t forget the ‘your Dad’ part.”)  … your Dad.  lol  You now have Service Work to do.  This ascension thing is not just an individual effort but a collective effort.

But God is still here for us… even though our “Higher Selves” told us we no longer needed them.

But, ah yeah, it floored me to learn this little tidbit.

(May 2017, Note: I’ve seen that others who are completing recently are having this experience now, kinda getting the message from their HSes of “You’re on your own now.”)