10 thoughts on “Forerunners on 5D Gaia

    • I had this up before. So, just before I posted it again, I had noticed (read: was led to) that the meme picture from the old one was gone. It was from one of those meme-maker sites and my posting of it was always kinda funky (the title followed the pic instead of before it). So, it was time to repost it… with Divine approval. And very timely.

      God has been a bit more communicative than usual as of late, in part ‘cuz I could use it, but also ‘cuz things they are a’movin’… and about to explode.

      I’ve gotten lots o’ messages of Success, Victory, Change, Rebirth…

      I’ve also gotten a lot of info on what lies beyond “A-Day”. So, I guess we’re so almost right on top of it that we can talk about what’s beyond now… not that I haven’t literally (and sadly) had many years of heads up and “dress rehearsal”. *yawn*

      I got one Tarot message about “be patient and prepare for the new”. Geez, like I’ve not had plenty of time for that and after A-Day any pre-ascension “prep” will be yet another big *yawn* lol

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  1. https://gaiaportal.wordpress.com/2018/08/29/galactic-parentals-take-their-leave/


    Galactic Parentals take their leave.
    ETs who have been assisting this ascension project from above the veil (atv) now bow out.

    Gaia Higher Dimensionals take the lead.
    The soon-to-be freshly ascended 1st Wave humans take over above-the-veil assistance to this ascension project.

    Ascending Spirals are recognized and followed.
    Gaia and the 1st Wave left behind an energetic cookie crumb trail for others to find their own way to their own ascension.

    Marshalls complete their mission.
    The 2nd Wave of Lightworkers (LWs) now become highest ranking / most advanced LWs still on Earth. LWs, it’s now time to serve humanity!


  2. https://www.infowars.com/the-epic-unleashing-of-trumps-wrath-is-soon-to-be-seen-banned-videos/

    More segue from Alex.
    See the video in that link titled “Each Soul Is A Universe With Unlimited Potential”.

    A few comments:
    The entirety of all levels of Dimensional experience are Holographic in nature… and it’s OUR creation, our co-creation. I highly recommend Michael Talbot’s book “The Holographic Universe” to anyone and everyone.

    Alex still needs to learn that free will is not something to be clung to, it’s part of what has kept people in the dark. Free will goes hand-in-hand with a veiled consciousness state! We co-created that too, but then the cabal hijacked our Dualistic, veiled, free-will creation and with our unconscious help has created quite the mess. Time to get out of the mess. TIME TO STOP EXERCISING YOUR FREE WILL ALREADY FOLKS! As a fellow lightworker once said, “Free will sucks!”
    See the following post to understand:
    Free Will is Just a Veiled Consciousness State

    Folks, it’s high time for a shattering of your be-lie-f systems. Boys n’ girls, wouldn’t you rather get to the Truth than cling to be-lie-fs?! I knew ya would. 😉


Express your Self. Don't repress your Self.